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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Just as a note, you DO realize DEFCON 5 is peacetime readiness, right? DEFCON 1 is the complete war effort.

Okay. Forget I said DEFCON 5. I meant DEFCON 1. Anyhow, here's the sheet:

Weapons: (What kinda weapons are you going to use? Anything goes, essentially)
Activity: (Tell me how active you are going to be. If you can post everyday, then put that down. If you can only post a few times a week, then that's alright)
Character Description: (This is the one thing I actually want in as much detail as possible. We all want to know what your character looks like. I couldn't care less what game or show your race is from. This means if you want to be a twelve-foot tall robot, I don't care. Maximum height, however, is limited to 15 feet. We don't want any G-modders, now, do we?)
Special ability: ((This is kind of a weird, awesome, epic ability you can use if you run out of ammo or if he situation looks hopelerss. Or just to show off. I will be limiting the amount that this is used, so don't expect to use it all the time. This is the one time I encourage your ability to be way overpowered))

There we go. One character sheet, ready. Lemme just get everything ready

EDIT: And no, don't waste your time PM'ing me your characters. Just post them all right here
EDIT 2: Added the Special Ability, courtesy of Siphon reminding me
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Weapons: Viral Needle Launcher laced with a special hacking virus that forces massive system failures in most known bots. Also carries an M249 loaded with viral laced rounds.

Activity: Should be every day, with the occasional break if RL issues decide to become a bitch.

Description: Siphon is humanoid in appearance, but he is not human. Truth be told, he has no idea what he is, only that he is stronger. more durable and slightly quicker than any human he has ever met. He is a gigantic sci-fi fan, though he can't explain why he is drawn to it, only that he has an insatiable appetite for anything related to the subject, and an undying loyalty to protecting others from the ad-bots.

Siphon is also capable of feeding off of electrical energy to sustain himself, as well as regenerate. He can feed off either true electricity, or the power cores of adbots or cyborgs. He has shocked some people on occasion by sticking his fingers into electrical outlets, absorbing the energy there while others stare on in disbelief.

Special Ability: Using the power granted to him by the internet and sci-fi, Siphon can summon a massive orbital bombardment of his enemy via a hail of viral bullets rained down from a ship known only as, "The Daedalus." There are two other weapon settings to this, one involves some kind of blue beam, the other some kind of yellow device that is highly explosive. To date, he's only ever been seen using the bullets three times.

((May add more back ground and stuff later, wanted to get this up and reserve my spot before it got to be too late. Kind of doing this on the fly with less than two hours sleep so.... Also I recall you mentioning something about a special ability, one we discussed. This was the one we discussed I believe, just lmk again Burrito.))
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Updating now. Thanks for reminding me, Siphon

EDIT: Updated
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Weapons: Claws, Ground Spines, Summoned RP Characters
Activity: Very
Character Description: Pretty much my avatar- a Zerg Lurker.
Special ability: RTS Rush!- What happens when you combine a force of Zerglings, a few Necron Destroyers, and a Infernal? Dead Adbots, that's what! This ability summons several RTS units to the field, usualy random units that the player chooses via a dice, however, 10 Zerglings also come no matter the rest. These creatures will then attack the adbot hordes.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

k, my turn

Weapons: Viral Blade: A katana infused with a viral 'code', so to speak, that causes a system shut-down on any bot it manages to touch.
Viral Shotgun: A South African NS2000 shotgun, modified to fire special viral shotgun slugs which have the same effect on Adbots as his Viral blade, except it's a friggin shotgun
SHOOP Lazor: Burrito has a special cannon stored in his throat. By crouching and straightening his spine, he can fire the cannon, unleashing a large blue lazor, but it can only be fired once an hour.
Activity: Every day except Friday and Saturday, and Holidays.
Character Description: Burrito, being the Cyborg he is, stands roughly seven feet tall, has a tall head of blond hair, wears armor identical to Marcus Fenix, has a vertical scar forcing his left eye closed, and wears a pair of orange goggle when in combat. His Viral Blade is sheathed on his back most of the time, on the right side of his armor, curving to his right, and his armor has a special magnetic strip to the left of it to hold his shotgun in place when not in use. The long blue strip is clearly visible.
Special Ability: Fart of DOOM!: Burrito, being a Cyborg, can store certain viruses in his body, to be used later. This allows him to unleash a massive, loud, smelly fart which can deactivate any bot withing half a mile. It will probably cause any organic beings to vomit from the sheer stench as well
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Allrighty, lets get going here.

Name: Copper Payne

Weapons: A variety of knives and daggers, both for throwing and for hand-held combat, and if push comes to shove, fangs and claws.

Activity: Should feasibly be on every day, baring net meltdown.

Character Description: Copper's a vampire. Given that there is no "day" or "night" on the net, she can safely keep her own schedule without having to worry about that whole "sun" thing. She's not very old for one, either, but she's seen quite a lot in her day and has picked up a lot of tricks thanks to friends and enemies alike. Even before she was turned, she was handy with her knives. Now, coupled with her reflexes, not to mention necessity, she's learned where to throw one to short out a bot or, if she's in close quarters with one, where to cut, rend, and twist to make the thing fall into a pile of worthless junk. Secondary skills of hers include regeneration, minor shapeshifting (wolf, crow, smoke), heightened resistance to damage, the ability to sprout claws, her fangs, and a little trick that allows her to manipulate flesh like modeling clay.

Standing 5'6", she's rather toned, though it's hard to see beneath jeans and the bulk of the leather jacket she always wears. Her hair is straight and brown, except for three blue streaks that run down the left side of her head. When she's not wearing her sunglasses, her eyes are brown, unless she's frenzied. Then they glow red. The t-shirts she wears under her jacket vary, but they most always have some sort of smartassed saying on them. When she's bored, she plays with her knives or smokes. It's almost impossible, too, to find all of her knives unless she wants you to. As they say, for every one they find, there should be two they don't.

Special ability: Caine's Rage - Calling upon the blood of the oldest of the old, Copper enters a state of frenzy fueled by the Ancient blood. Though essentially in a berserker state, her healing, strength, speed, and resilience increase phenominally, enabling her to rip, snort, and tear through anything stupid enough to get in her way, with bare hands, no less. It gets even messier if the claws come out.
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Name: Bartnum, Lord of Flamewars

Weapons: A Kusarigama and a number of Kamas. Twin Katana, a War Hammer, a large nail gun and a SPAS 12.

Activity: Just about every day, with occasional exceptions.

Appearence: Based on , with changes. Firstly, the armour is red, not gold. Secondly, he doesn't have the sword and halberds. Instead, he has the weapons detailed above.

Special Ability: Pyrokinesis. Likes to set his weapons on fire and incinerate the surrounding area.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Name: Zero, CodeZero
Weapons: Everything(He has some kinda storage area in his coat)
Looks like: A guy with black hair, with brown coat, wears jeans. Brown eyes btw. 5 '9, asian!.
Special: Flexible and quick reactions.
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

K. We have enough people, time to begin the onslaught. I hereby declare this most awesome of RP's.............OPEN!

EDIT: And, for future reference, you HAVE to use your Forum Username
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Speaking of Characters becoming Avatars, I attempted Bartnum as a Gaia Avi.


Albeit minus most of his weapons.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lol. Nice. Back to the RP!
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Is it too late to sign up? If not....

Weapons: Anything and everything and things you havent thought of yet, like the fuck gun, shoot someone and they are fucked, figure that one out.
Activity: Late night watch
Looks like: Neo but travel-worn(with a leather coat and such, fight club style) and better
Special: You dont wanna know, its worse than guro and the adbots wont like it
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to deny you. That's a little too much Godmodding in your character, plus you jumped the gun. First lesson: wait til your character is approved. Second lesson: Try to be creative. Not to be an ass, but, you seem new to RP's. Sorry, but I can't approve you.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

It's okay. I just said you need to refine the character. Take a few days to work on it, and I might let you in if it has enough effort in it. Do your best
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Weapons: Programs! Just load up various programs that can help fight. Energy cannons, a beam sword, whatever (within reason of course. Tell me if something is OP and I'll change what she loads up.)!

Activity: Depends on the day? Usually at least once a day.

Character Description:

Special: Mass edit- By hacking into the bots, she can re-write the programming of them. Essentially, she can delete all the programming of the bots, or even rewrite and make the bots fight each other. Unfortunately, this takes up a lot of processing power and will leave Tsuki vulnerable for quite some time.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Still just waiting for a good time to intro.... I suppose as soon as you guys/girls get out of the dark dark tunnel, I'll just have my charrie light-board (light cycle... except board like.... *is referencing pick*) in.
Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Tsuki you mind if I 'help' you join in the fight?