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Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Lets see, a recap of events…

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void…. God said, Let there be light!


And then Burrito made DULMF, and it was good. It began with a time of relative peace in the forum’s history, before an unknown and unexpectedly large group of addbots found their way to the third forum. These are the major plot points in the story so far:

The forum defends from and defeats a large group of attacking addbots.

The forum attacks a small addbot outpost and completely destroys it.

The forum finds a ‘hive’ from which addbots are coming. They infiltrate and destroy that as well, picking up some prisoners on the way (Pale, Shrike, Grave). Bartnum is lost somewhere along the way. It is revealed that the Wraith (Stargate Atlantis) are creating the addbots and want to take over the planet.

The forum picks up the presence of another hive, this one airborne.
They unfortunately attract its attention; it destroys a large amount of the forum. Siphon tries to convince Burrito to let him kamikaze it with the forum’s only nuke, but Burrito doesn’t let him. Instead, Siphon brings the Daedallus in to fight the hive. Combined firepower eventually brings it down.

People start to worry about ToonPimp’s forum, there was some stuff about them having possibly declared war, I can’t quite remember the specifics, but the players are sent to check on TP’s forum. Lurker is lost around this point.

The TP forum is demolished, every TP member seems to be dead, some seem to be fed on by Wraith. The party is ambushed, Siphon is captured by a Wraith Dart’s capture beam thingy (hopefully you’ve seen Atlantis so I won’t have to explain).
(For clarity, because I don’t believe I explain it anywhere else, a ‘Dart’ is a Wraith fighter-craft.)

The group is attacked by a Thembrihkal, a huge tentacle monster combined with Wraith DNA, addbot metal-skin, and probably some other tough stuff. They beat the monster, though their chopper is destroyed and the pilot is killed (but Copper turns him into a vampire, so that doesn’t really stop him). The pilot is called John Sheppard (another Stargate Atlantis reference), and becomes a moderately important character.

Shrike finds a plane/spaceship thing used by one of her (now dead) friends, Tsuki gets it working. The party sees a Hive crash into the mountains nearby, and goes to investigate.

They find a friendly Wraith who tells them that there’s a rebelling Wraith faction, and that they freed Siphon… but because they killed a Wraith that was feeding off of him at the time, he got pumped with some nasty chemicals that modified his body and he went berserk. The party enters the hive to extract him.

They find him, but he’s too unstable and Pale turns him to stone. Shrike and the wraith (who has been named Sparky) believe that they will be able to put his mind back together if they can get out.

Burrito splits off from the main group and goes looking for the core of the hive; he has a chemical that should destroy the ship if it’s administered properly.
The party encounters leech-men (a Resident Evil reference, I believe), one of whom rapes and impregnates Tsuki. To stop the spawn from eating her from the inside, the party get some cure from a storeroom.

My Lurkers are added. It’s advised that anyone from the forum reads the history given in my character’s backstory, but for a non-forum character that’s less important – I intend to explain a lot of it in game. (Yes, I give this importance. I never said I wasn’t biased…)

Burrito encounters one party of Lurkers as they battle the Wraith in the halls. He saves them without knowing who they are but quickly realises. They request his protection. For a long time they fail to realise a radio-blocking unit is active, so there’s no communication between Burrito and the main party.

A second group of Lurkers is killed by leech-men, and a third finds themselves fleeing from a large group of Thembrihkal. All groups of Lurkers seem to have TP form members with them. Each Lurker is in some kind of power-armour suit, designed to look like some kind of demonic reptile. (Pictures are included in the posts that first show the Lurkers, but can also be found from my ‘Random’ picture collection.)

The remaining enemy Wraith on board feel overwhelmed; they set the ship to self-destruct. Sparky, the friendly wraith, realises that the ship is on a large magma chamber, (or some such, can’t remember the specifics,) and destroying the hive here could very well destroy the world. He decides to try and fly the ship away, while the main party makes for a dart bay so they can escape in the darts. The Lurkers make for a different extraction point. Burrito and the Lurkers with him realise they’ve left the radio jammers on, Burrito gives a quick and rather unhelpful message to the main party before deciding to go with the Lurkers.

The main party escapes, the remaining Lurkers meet up at the extraction point and also escape, Sparky flies the hive away and them escapes as well. The hive explodes, Pale is effectively MIA. Burrito is MIA also, having been taken prisoner by the Lurkers (although no one from the forum knows that, they only know that he isn’t there and was supposed to be escaping with some unknown group). Sparky’s dart is shot down by an enemy dart while protecting the players, but Tsuki takes him out of the cockpit in a transport beam before the Dart crashes.

The main party makes it home, and awaits orders.

Note that some of the things that happened in a short space of time may be in the wrong order – for instance, Shrike finds her plane/spaceship before the first Thembrihkal attacks the party, and even before Siphon gets kidnapped – but in those cases the sequence should make no difference.

Also, the placeholder post from ages ago has been updated, it can be found on this page, (that might not work depending on your settings, for clarity it's just a link to page ten of the hive thread) but I need to know a few things. Firstly, it’s been edited and edited over a long period of time, and it’s been so long I’m not even sure it’s coherent anymore, so if someone could confirm their understanding or not-understanding, that would help.
Second, The Black Raven (or should I say, Le Corbeau Noir) speaks entirely in bold – I would have done , but the forum doesn’t seem to have them (at least not in my weak attempt at finding it anyway). Besides, I think bold fits his voice better than small-caps would.
Third, there is a video I made of The Black Raven (all artistry and voice work and that is mine, completely mine, I swear… *has fingers crossed behind back*).
It can be downloaded here (36~mb):

Or watched on Youtube here (if I got this right…):
This way you should get a better impression of his unconventional weapon than still frames can show, and you also get to hear what the voice is supposed to be like (to early-ly cut off those of you who would read the description and imagine him with one of those cheap, ‘echo/reverberation/distortion’ type demonic voices).
Fourthly, I have The Black Raven saying his catchphrase in French, but the words I’ve got written down aren’t the words he’s actually saying – I don’t know the language, so I’ve had to use a English to French translation of the caption given in the video. If anybody here knows French and can thusly understand the actual words being used by The Black Raven, can you tell me, so I can edit it? (The line in question shouldn’t be too hard to find, since he uses it twice in the video. “Fear the fire of darkness. Fear your worst nightmare. Tremble before the might of The Black Raven!”)
Five, he should actually be The Black Crow, as the French word for Raven is also the word for Crow, and he’s based around a spell called “As the Crow Flies”. But the video had him as The Black Raven, and so The Black Raven he shall be.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Wow, a lot has happened. Hmmm, I think I may have to modify my character to fit in a bit better and seeing as the board is mentioned as a planet I may alter his bio so that the first board (world) was destroyed by him.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Ah, now here's where things get difficult. The opening post of the RP suggested that the internet was 'the universe', the forum was a city - or a nation with only one city - and the country/continent was V-bulletin (although this was never mentioned again, and probably has been retconned, since TP's forum is on the other side of the mountains next to ULMF... despite not using the same board software). We were never actually given a simile for a planet - so far, a planet is just... a planet. Besides which, my characters' backstories had the first forum being taken out very quickly, and nearly all at once. If you destroyed the first forum, you'll need to have used some advanced mass-destruction-device (I had imagined it as a mini black-hole-bomb, myself, or maybe a slow FLEIA).

EDIT: Also, the post is up, and I'm going to bed.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I think Oni's got a right to call destruction on a forum, whether he realized it when he was doing his character history or not. *chuckles*


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

And wow, I think it's safe to say that Woolsey's a dead man. Tsuki just needs to say the word *laughs* I'll hold him down, Grave can beat him up, and if there's enough left, Copper gets dinner...


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Hmm... Grave may be good with swords, but he really likes projecting claws as well - sort of primitive transformation, he casts a projection that covers his arms - and when he does that, things get splattered across the walls.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Shrike... spectacular.

I believe I should note that Woolsey's not very overt in his accusations, and will usually agree with any logical answers given to him. He won't be too bad to Tsuki - he will mention it, but won't push it when he sees that it might break her mind. (BTW he's Richard Woolsey from Atlantis, if it wasn't already obvious. also doing this very quickly am leaving now


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

That I gathered, but then, I'm a fan. And that's probably a good thing, because I do think we've already stated that there are members here that would break more than his mind if that were the case...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I like stargate, but its one ofthose things I haven't had the time to keep up on. When you said that he makes accusations, but backs down from them fairly easily, and that he's a coward when it comes to pain, that just popped into my head, pretty much as is. I kinda procrastinated and typed it up in a flurry, when I should have been updating my own game. *snickers*


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Sometimes that's when the best stuff comes out, though. Nice work.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)




Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

So. Many. Words. My brain hurts looking at all of this!!!


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I think Oni's got a right to call destruction on a forum, whether he realized it when he was doing his character history or not. *chuckles*
haha, this made me laugh. In a depressed way. But yeah, I assumed it was another planet because it sounded like ULMF was being described as a planet, and though you do have it in your character bio I do think I should really be able to call upon it. Given obvious reasons.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Sorry about that, Oni. Revel in the infamy of it all, I guess.

And I think poor Woolsey's suffered enough. Nice job, team *grins*
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I feel sorry for Woolsey if Siphon or Sparky finds out what he said to Tsuki. There won't even be a body left lol.

I am back yes, and as for Sparky, I'm thinking more he'll vanish as well since I have plans for him to fairly well take out a large force of wraith and himself in the process at some point, and as for Siphon we could set it so that both missions are occuring at the same time that will be no problem since I intend to write most everything about that mission out in length before posting.

As for John, I may have him go with the rest of the group since he is effectively one of them now. As for if he'll remain in one piece.... that I have not decided yet.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

Just remember that it's a little harder to break John into little pieces now and you'll be fine.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)


I have to say that Woolsey is a dead man. Just my opinion. Also, lol @ John.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

The first one that finds out what he accused Tsuki of, naturally. I'd bet on Shrike, just because she can catch the thought out of Tsuki's head, but she makes a point to never wander into people's heads uninvited, or at least without knocking, so it's really anybody's game :)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Defend ULMF! (Sign-up and OOC)

I'm telling you, we can all share. Just leave me enough to make soup, a'ite? *laughs* And personally, I think Tsuki handled herself very well and I don't think Mr. Woolsey would dare make accusations like that again, especially not after you destroyed his desk and Tsuki nearly destroyed his face.