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The Dividing Line - Research Dept.

Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven cuts in now. "Your saying that there are files for research materials that were never reported in to the rest of the directorate?"

His eyes widen and he softly adds, "Nadia, see if there is anything regarding Ashotur or the like in that, I have a very bad feeling they were hiding things for not so good reasons."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I'll run a search, just a moment... Well fuck me sore. Ahem, sorry. Hey guys, you'll never guess what they developed here." She doesn't give them a chance to answer. "Fucking NOVA, that's what."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"WHAT?" Draven does not seem pleased by this announcement. "So then the files on it are still here as well as..."

He composes himself and adds, "and there is nothing with regards to an Ashotur being here on the station?"

He clenches his misty fists tightly and his eyes seem to bulge out some. "I think that someone has some explaining to do. The very fast kind."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Shit...That was here? Bloody hell...Almost makes me afraid to ask about our other find." Viper's last comment appears to be about Zachery Roland. "I'm thinking that the General may need to have a say in whether or not that patch I just made is permanent."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Yeah, that very same NOVA that blew the Ashotur home system and several others to smithereens. It's all in here - a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo that I don't understand, but the outline is clear. No wonder they were trying to keep this stuff a secret. As for Zachery..." A few quick taps can be heard over the connection. "Well, ain't that peachy. Several hits for Zachery under advanced robotics. Huh." A moment of silence follows that exclamation. "That would explain why he showed no defrosting symptoms. He's not human. Zachery is an android, the scientist's most advanced project."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven stops cold in his tracks, and for a moment a low hissing sound can be heard. It might take a moment for even him to realize it was coming from him.

"Is there anything regarding the other stasis pods, on who or WHAT might be in them?"

A shake of his head and he says, "Do you want me to head up there and try looking over some of the information there? Maybe I can make more sense of the technical stuff and shed some more light on things, though I have to wonder now... Nadia, is there anything in there with regards to my own species by chance? If there is...."

Umbral would notice the cloud over Draven's features, and it was pretty evident if there was, someone might just end up through a wall.
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"The hell?" Viper exclaims. "What would require robotics that advanced?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Well, it seems they worked on adaptive armor for elite troops. But there were complications with organic users... maybe the same reason Sanya nodded off after her session with the Bionic Interface. So they had to construct something so advanced that it's almost human. The remnants of the organic subjects, a Human and a Garik, are in the other two tubes. Their brains have been fried.
And no, Draven, nothing about the Ingrali. It seems your enigma remained untouched."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

At her mention of Sanya and the other tubes occupants having their brains fried, Draven completely dropped the topic of his own race and mystery. "Er, wait. If the other two tubes have occupants who were fried from trying to use the bionic interface, then can we expect the same thing to slowly happen to Sanya? Or would it require multiple uses? I wonder though how much that android knows then."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"No no. The BI is child's play in comparison to that armor. Don't worry."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I wonder...Is there anything about a ship for Zachery?" Viper pauses, then adds. "Actually...If it's classified, which it probably is, I likely have no business knowing."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Nadia's response is brief. "Fuck classification. If there's something going on that could seriously damage anybody you oughtta know."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven shakes his head, also relieved by Nadia's words. "I'd wager he doesn't just yet. Chances are whoever left him here and created him was planning to come back for him eventually and never got to it. The question now is, why didn't they ever come back? What stopped them?"

He pauses. "Of course now this brings up another thought. Does he have anything he has been pre-programmed to do? I don't think we're going to know until he does something. Might I recommend we keep a close eye on him for now?"

It would be of note that despite what he is, Draven still referred to the android as "he" and not "it."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Fair enough, I guess. And I did kind of already see the results of that project. Okay. Do the files on Zachery mention anything about a ship for him? If not, then we may need to come up with something. If we do have to come up with something on our own...Thall may get his chance he was wanting." Viper pauses, then adds. "One thing I just remembered. There was an additional set of indicators on the cyrotube that Zachery was in. It looked like a custom diagnostics screen. Everything read 100%. Didn't think anything of it at first."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"I don't know why they stopped. Maybe things were too costly and the whole project got canned. No clue what the numbers do, gonna have to dig into that later. And.. no. There are several ship concepts in here, but nothing seems to have been custom fitted for Zachery."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"This is just my opinion, but I'm thinking that the next thing to do would be to sit Zachery down once the medic's through with him, and see what he knows. The rest of the plan can form from there, I guess."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Well, I'm about to get that chance. He just showed up in Command. Nadia out."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

Draven looks to Umbral and shakes his head. "So now what do we do?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

After removing his helmet, Umbral shrugs. "Find quarters, I guess."
Re: The Dividing Line - Experimentation

"Right. I think I'm going to swing past Med Bay and check on how Sanya's progress is doing before that. Yell if you need me."