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RPG Active RPG Maker [ahriman] 異界探偵ミソギ (RJ326461)

Not really that Bad for me since I got my Waifu Moe-sama from Day 1!
But honestly, game is indeed boring, the stories and plots are kinda fun though.
I honestly cried from some scenes lol. It is rather embarrassing but most of them are because of the Lost Belts and Punching Solomon in the face (or that's at least how the story line said so.

Game is more like a Waifu/Husbando collector. like all Gacha Games!
god for you, I droped the story when I saw the female Drake lol
Tried again when Agartha.... and I lost all my interest in main story, at least event's storys are... fun? (Loved the Stheno's mini novel)
but again
I hated almost all the content of the game, in fact, the "gacha" was the least bothered me when things like the story, gameplay (wich is fun because I use to play kancolle, and find FailGO even worse lol) and osts are so bad, at least for me Dx
god for you, I droped the story when I saw the female Drake lol
Tried again when Agartha.... and I lost all my interest in main story, at least event's storys are... fun? (Loved the Stheno's mini novel)
but again
I hated almost all the content of the game, in fact, the "gacha" was the least bothered me when things like the story, gameplay (wich is fun because I use to play kancolle, and find FailGO even worse lol) and osts are so bad, at least for me Dx

I get you, team cost was really bad at the start, specially for me since I barely played games with similar gameplay, (Kancolle and other Waifu collector games just didn't clicked), usually was a problem too, needed to find some help online for most of the hard stuff until I realized a good friend support with Herc is all you'd ever need. Though now he's mostly "outdated", as a support at the least, so probably would hard to find a friend with one as support.

Yeah, probably got me going is getting Moe-sama day one, was actually surprised she was a female when she shed those armors off lol (Fate/Apoc wasn't out yet then). She was a cutie <3
I mean main story is good, the genderbender is weird at first, but I honestly got me interested in learning about historical figures and what they are or should be like. History was my most unliked subject tbh because it just seemed boring and pointless. I mean I know I should honor those who did good for our country but I don't really see a "practical use" of those knowledge in my daily life, unless I get transported in the past or something lel. (Now that I think about it, genres with travelling back in time might have been a good thing for those like me who saw history the same).

Anyways, we're kinda going off-topic in this thread xD
Game is more like a Waifu/Husbando collector
it used to be a porn game....
but the FGO community malds real hard if you mention that. because they know now that in an alternate world, they could also bang their waifus
I was letting it slide because it was just banter at first. Get back on topic now.
There was a Ci-En post with another playable link

No clue what content is in it. Played around, didn't find anything. It was a few warps and a few map screens.
There was a Ci-En post with another playable link

No clue what content is in it. Played around, didn't find anything. It was a few warps and a few map screens.

That's the one I already posted ~3 days ago (you might've missed it amongst all the FGO stuff). It's just a link to the old demo that we've known about for a long time now. The "new content" is just the standing CG shown in that post.
Oh look, new post on Ci-en:

Update is postponed. Again. They said they were adding the second party member to the goblin map over seven months ago, and it still hasn't happened. I mean, we know who the developer is, but sheesh. At least we've gotten some images along the way, right?
To be fair, if this game is gonna have the same stage-by-stage variety of character images as Asagi had, I will not mind the wait.
I've played other long haul similar RPGs and it gets boring quick when each character only has around 5 CGs.
This game is still being updated I think? Like google translate still refers to link to the Demo as the 2020 version, but I don't remember the Goblin Forest being part of the original demo, though maybe my memory is hazy. Each post has the same link to the same html game demo (all posts since the last update posted here)

If I'm mistaken and that was in the demo from 2020, then at least here's some pictures of what the author is allegedly working on.
It is still being updated. But it seems to be a case where they'd rather let the old demo speak for itself, then update the demo every time and ruin the game as peoples expectations grow insanely.
holy shit, you guys seeing the shit show that is their ci-en? .
The three most recent posts seem to be apologizing and pushing back the update due to bugs. I didn't bother reading beyond those three. Never a good look. We'll see if things improve or spiral into oblivion I suppose.
Sadly this man has done one masterpiece, dare say by mistake, and has been riding the wave since then.
Sadly this man has done one masterpiece, dare say by mistake, and has been riding the wave since then.
considering how bad the last release was, he truly has been coasting it easily

but also, new demo is out
Sadly this man has done one masterpiece, dare say by mistake, and has been riding the wave since then.

But what made "The Moral Sword Of Asagi" stand out that much compared to his other creations, and why can't he do the same thing again ?
But what made "The Moral Sword Of Asagi" stand out that much compared to his other creations, and why can't he do the same thing again ?

"The Moral Sword Of Asagi" was more or less feature-complete and could be played as an RPG from start to finish. All his other projects afterward were feature incomplete and heavily bug-infested
to such a degree that Ahriman himself could barely fix it after several weeks or months. His abysmal spaghetti code practices also didn't help with fixing his codebase after release.
But what made "The Moral Sword Of Asagi" stand out that much compared to his other creations, and why can't he do the same thing again ?
a complete game at launch with a heavy focus on {at the time, very niche genre} bondage and combat sex/bondage making it game where the fun wasnt just the gallery but the gameplay itself.
compared to it, the game he made after that was such a short game, that when people called him out for it, he promised he would finish it and he never did but still sells it as a full product. fucked up part is that it is an actual scam of a game since the demo for that game has the "full paid version" and the demo he was working on. if you dont believe me, just download said demo.
of the two game after that, the first one was so short and easy, with only one playable character that it just felt like a demo too. not to mention his choice of hiring a new artist would come to bit hime in the ass in the sequel though that was least of his worries.
for the sequel, hooo boy. where do i start. here are the short pointers.
1. broken launch. the game was broken at launch. like you cant start the game kind of broken.
2. radio silence. his circle went so much of a radio silence that people complained to dlsite who then tried to reach the circle and when they couldnt, they (dlsite, not the dev) had to refund and take down the game. all this time, the dev was know to be using twitter since he was liking art on it.
3. 1 month later patch. they managed to patch the spagetti code that was the game a month or so later and turned out the game was as mediocre as the last one with (compred to the previous game's) worse art. what is even fucked is that the best art in my opinion this circle ever had was in the demo for the game AFTER the moral sword game.

the current game has worse art than the above mentioned game as it still looks like closer to a 'rough sketch' at places than a finished product and THE WORST gameplay mechanic since it makes no sense as the game is near impossible to lose. how bad? i played to new demo and had to cheat my 'c-star' to eternal 0 and my damage to 1 to actually stop 1 shotting the enemies. hell, compared to how many "posts" they put up in the ci-en page, the number of events in game i saw was very small as most was 'unimplemented'. the nutjob of a dev seems to want to add gatch into the fucking game as well. a gatch and a single player game, might i remind you is as sensable as mtx in a single player game.
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"Worst" part is, the guy really knows how to make good cutscenes in the engine. Lots of stuff happening, good movements and such. If only he could work with someone who's good at the programming part of the games while he handles the CS and could put more focus into the art.

At this point, Moral Sword Asagi really seems like a flash in a pan. All the more annoying when after Asagi, he released 3-4 cutscene-shorts on his site that looked interesting. And it also seemed like he would be working with a different artist at one point (big+small oni/demons).
But what made "The Moral Sword Of Asagi" stand out that much compared to his other creations, and why can't he do the same thing again ?

He probably doesn't actually know what he did right with Asagi.
Even many times now, people have asked him for his engine modifications to make derivatives, and those games also fail to quite capture how good Asagi was, even despite its low quality art.
Ahriman's followup games (as well as the clone games) tend to lack:
  • Multiple protagonists
    • Several women being able to be grabbed at once
    • An actual chance to fight back but still lose a party member and still win, making it feel natural
      • Games like Aoi with a solo femc always became a curbstomp, or you had to choose to lose
    • Each girl had unique bondage types
  • Interactive environments
    • Barrels could be smashed to make new paths
    • Ropes could be picked up and used as equipable items
      • This lead to strategy against certain enemies, like female ninjas
    • Extra little bits like cleaning up wine or toggling vibrators
    • Various levels of undress, and the only way to fix them is to make the party member partake in the softcore sex industry
  • Semi-voiced characters
    • Women yelping when they get harrassed
    • Each grabbed woman spending your entire turn moaning as they get pounded
    • No need for full-voicing, just the combat lines
Ahriman's games at least have that last point, but many clones do not, and I feel it's a major part that's missing. So many of the clones or similar games (Deathblight RPG, Damsel Quest 3, Jumble Jokers, Quarta, etc.) lack it and just sound empty. Even just some unique moans for each woman would go a long way.

The new game overall is the most-similar he's made to Asagi, but it still feels hollow. The environment can't really be interacted with, equips aren't really a thing, and I don't think I've ever had a time where I lost a girl without trying to lose one. The game feels more like clicking through a gallery than playing a dungeoneering game.