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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Alright, I found a few items of interest over her on the wizard. There's a scroll of fireball in here, Granth says, holding up a tube, Got a wand of magic missile with almost two dozen charges, and then we have the items for everyone's favorite magic identification game. The robe seems that it might be magical, and she had this cold iron dagger as well. Not sure if it's magical, but it'll probably sell well either way. Granth says as he comes over and places the items on the pile, having to take the dagger and wand out of his pocket since he only hand enough hands to carry the robe and scroll case.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi looks down when Malacet says she's sensitive about her looks, "Sorry about staring, never seen anyone who looked like that before. Except for Drow." As he says the last part he spits in the dirt with disdain.

A few seconds later he looks up at Bolm, "Sorry if I hurt you, but I wasn't really in control of myself at that point. Hopefully I can make it up to you somehow."

"Well I'm much better after that bit o' healing, so I agree let's take a look around and see what else we can find." He says heading off towards the wagons in the trees.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well, let's have our favorite hellborn wench see if the wizard's stuff is magical or not!" Tod laughs.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet just turns to face him, the glare obvious even though her face is hidden once more. After a long moment, she turns away with an audible sigh and faces the pile of assorted items, chanting quietly.

((Detect Magic, much as Ryu deserves otherwise ;) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Enchanting cold iron is expensive.)

Unsurprisingly, the wizards robe gives off a faint magic aura, and the cold iron dagger does not. You guess that the robe gives magical armor to the wearer, as none of the offensive magics used against the wizard seemed to be lessened by it.

Bolm replies; "Bah, don't you fret over it."

As Holi approaches the wagons, Aramil comes up and stops him, and points to a patch of ground he was about to step on, and then to a nearby rope hanging from a tree. He sweeps aside the ground cover carefully, revealing a loop of rope. It's a trap. Rather than try to disarm it, he slashes the rope on the tree with his short sword, and the branch it's tied to springs up a good 15 feet.
He then moves forward three paces, and uncovers a 20 foot deep, 4 foot wide pit in the ground immediately after it; "It seems they were thorough."
No more traps present themselves, and after pulling aside the tarp covering the first wagon, you find it to be full of half rotten beef, barrels of what is probably cheep ale, and baskets full of bread so salted it burns Aramils mouth as he tries some of it. Three more wagons can be seen hidden in the brush, so they move on to those.

1d20+1 = 6+1 = 7 vs DC15 = failure
1d20+11 = 8+11 = 19 vs DC15 = success
1d20+1 = 17+1 = 18 vs DC25 = failure
1d20+11 = 7+11 = 18 vs DC20 = failure

In the second wagon, they find it filled with books, parchment, and a box the you open to be full of candles. They do find a bullseye lantern and two bottles of oil, along with a pack full of trail rations. In addition, Aramil pills a board out of the floor, revealing a small box containing some small gems and a gold ring, all probably worth a good amount of gold together. Further searching reveals nothing, so they move on.
(200 gp per person, two bottles of lantern oil and a bullseye lantern, 2 days worth of trail rations for all.)

1d20+1 = 1+1 = automatic failure
1d20+11 = 20+11 = automatic success
1d20+1 = 19+1 = 20 vs DC20 = success
1d20+11 = 2+11 = 13 vs DC25 = failure
1d20+1 = 4+1 = 5 vs DC25 = failure

In the third wagon, before Holi even gets to it, Aramil reaches under the back axel and pulls out a false floor, and a tied leather sack tumbles out. Pulling it open reveals silver and gold coins, Aramil guessing that this is the bandits pay for robbing the caravan. Searching the wagon itself, the main cargo is farming and hunting equipment, including arrows, bolts, trap parts, spades, a few axes and scythes, other working tools, not much of interest until Holi finds a pair of kama hidden behind the rack, one blade giving him a mild shock upon contact, and the other being very cold to the touch. After looking around it for a bit, they find nothing of interest, so they move on to the final wagon.
(500 sp and 500 gp each. Two apparently enchanted kama.)

1d20+1 = 8+1 = 9 vs DC15 = failure
1d20+11 = 8 +11 = 19 vs DC15 = success
1d20+1 = 14+1 = 15 vs DC20 = failure
1d20+11 = 5+11 = 16 vs DC20 = failure

The fourth wagon is full of boxes containing leather and clothing, there are a few harnesses, and Aramil finds a set of well made studded leather armor under one of the empty crates. further searching revelas nothing more of interest.
(Masterwork studded leather armor, and a lot of clothing if Malacet wants to put on a few more layers to better hide her nature.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod chants and waves over the robe, wanting to see exactly what it did, then turns to Carella. "Want me to identify those kama for you...?"

(Cast identify on robe)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(What did you expect for magic resistant metal)

"I still feel like I owe you, I attack you then you heal me. just doesn't seem quite fair." He says to Bolm.

"Aye, thanks for stopping me before I stepped in that. Though I must say it looked kind of fun." Holi says to Aramil.

After the search he fills his pack with more supplies and puts his money away while he waits for everyone else to finish up. After putting his stuff away he moves up the road a little to keep watch.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As suspected, the robe allows gives a bit of added armor.
+1 AC
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella shrugs as she looks at the kamas, "Go... ahead if you wish..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod nods and takes the kamas in his hands, casting on them the same magic he had on the robe.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The kama prove surprisingly powerful, given that they were found on a wagon carrying farm implements.

Kama 1: +2 to attack and damage rolls, extra 1d6 electricity damage, keen.
Kama 2: +2 to attack and damage rolls, extra 1d6 cold damage, keen.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Double post, but just want to get the ball rolling again here.)

Total loot is the two kama, the masterwork studded leather armor, the lamp oil and bullseye lantern, the gold (see gold thread for total), and all the previously unclaimed items from the dead bandits, which includes the +1 robe, the ring of resist fire, the cold iron dagger, the scroll of fireball, and the wand of magic missiles.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I could use the dagger." Malacet speaks up, walking over to the pile and holding it up. "Does anybody else want it?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

I'm not one for hand to hand, so I'm fine with you taking it. Granth replies, while looking over the other items and seeing nothing he is interested in.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Hefts the kamas and looks at them carefully, then puts them on her robes, "Let's... get going."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I'd like the ring if you guys don't mind." Tod pipes up as he gets back to work on his acid vial.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Nothing really interests me so what ever you guy's want is fine with me," Holi says as he keeps watch.

(You just want the cold iron dagger so we can't use it against you, admit it Shrike)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil walks up bordley as the rest of the group deals with the loot; "Whenever you're ready to get going."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella nods as she puts the Kamas away on her persons and takes out her kit again, starting to brew her acid bottle again, "I wonder... if there actually is an inn... ahead."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Trex replies; "The bandit leader said something about someone named Gersalt setting up an inn along the road recently, and that he had hired them to protect the road. Perhaps he just didn't know he was hiring, but we should be on our guard anyway."
Aramil walks over to the tied, unconscious bandits; "What do we do with these two?"