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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella follows the group as she looks at the amulet, "I wonder... how this works..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi follows right behind Aramil while continuing in to look around. His grip on his axe tightens as he reaches the bottom behind Aramil.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil stands and draws his swords; "Holi and I should lead, we can fight best in the cramped dark. Follow behind us a short distance, we'll check for traps and try to locate the enemy."
With that, he begins toward the column in the center of the room.

(Loli DF: The description of what the amulet does was given, and since its sentient it'll tell you how it works if you put it on.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Aye I'll be right behind ya there Aramil," Holi says in a whisper keeping as he keeps pace with Aramil.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil turns right as he gets near the large stone column, Holi right behind, going around the edge and moves out of the light. He holds his fist up to stop just and takes a step back, then carefully moves around a spot on the floor near the column; "Trap." is all he whispers, and carefully marks the area in the dirt with his short sword. On the other side of the column is a doorway with no door which leads into another room, with the floor becoming wood again midway through. Off on the other side Holi and Aramil can barely see another trap door on the floor.

The rest of the group cautiously follows and waits near the door as Holi and Aramil enter the room. The room, like the one before it, is empty of anything obviously hostile. The trap door has a bar over that can be easily removed, and no obvious locks.

(Sorry about that Ryu. You've got a +1 Bastard Sword, a +1 shortsword, and a ring of protection +3.)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Hmm, I guess we go down that trapdoor there then." Holi says moving forward to examine it cautiously.

(search it for traps, and if none found open it.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The door shows nothing even remotely trap-like, and after pulling the bar off of it Holi has no trouble in opening it. More stairs leading down, and this time a loud moaning and scrambling erupts from below, starting a chorus of similar sounds as whatever was held down there begins rushing toward the opened door. The rest of the group arrives in the room, hearing the moaning, Trex says; "Sounds like ghouls. Father Bolm, you know how to deal with them." And as he says this, a decrepit partially rotting hand appears at the edge of Bolms light, rushing up the stairs.

Order is: Aramil, Bolm, Trex, Holi, Samurai, Ghouls, Carella, Granth, Tod, Malacet.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi sets himself as he hears the creatures, "Come on ya beasties."

(Ready for the first ghoul to approach me and attack when he does.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Well, time to try new ideas for spells. Granth says before muttering a few words and shooting a small ball of crafted mana from his finger sending it down towards the bottom of the staircase where it should hopefully explode in a mass of electricity.

(Fireball dealing electricity damage)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella plays around with the amulet, still having apparently not heard the ghouls, she shrugs and puts it on as she sees the ghoul approaching, "Oh... joy..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Seeing the ghoul, Tod hastily puts the ring they just found on, if only to borrow it until they fairly decided who it would go to. Then he points his finger at the ghoul, muttering, shooting a jet of purple energy at it.

(Cast Ray of enfeeblement at the visible ghoul)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet started a spell, summoning a glowing ball of energy but waiting to send it until she has a clear shot.

((Brimstone blast, if the ghoul is still standing and not in melee when her turn rolls around.))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil stays atop the stairs, preparing to meet the undead as they rush up the stairs.

1d20+3 = 19+3 = 22
2d6+10+3 = 1+1+10+3 = 15

Bolm raises his holy symbol against the lone ghoul rushing up the stairs, and as it gets within a yard of him it just crumples to the ground, the presence of the holy symbol destroying the undead creature.

Trex, Holi, and the Samurai prepare to meet the undead, as the entire group can now hear them approaching. They can also hear chanting beneath the howling of the ghouls, probably someone casting a spell.

A swarm of ghouls come rushing up the steps, too many to count, but it could be as many as three dozen cramming themselves toward the stairs.

1d20+11 = 10+11 = 21 vs DC22 = failure
1d20+11 = 19+11 = 30 vs DC16 = success

As Carella puts the amulet around her neck, the whispering she had heard from it earlier becomes a voice in her head. She finds herself paralyzed as the amulet attempts to take control of her. She fights it off, for the moment. "Surrender, give in......"

1d20+2 = 19+2 = 21 vs DC16 = success
7d6 = 24/2 = 12 damage

Granth throws a lightning ball down into the tunnel, the ghouls charging up the stairs running out of the way of the ball, but not getting far enough away to avoid the entire blast.

1d20+7 = 19+7 = 26 vs DC12 = hit.
1d6+3 = 2+3 = 5 Strength damage.

Tod fires a ray down the stairs, hitting one of the ghouls and draining its strength.

1d20+8 = 4+8 = 12 vs DC12 = hit.
(Not rolling for damage since all of them now have 1 hp.)

Malacet throws her energy blast at a ghoul, immolating the foul undead creature.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Muttering a silent curse at her inability to injure more than one creature at a time, Malacet conjures into being another orb of burning energy with a few words and gestures, sending it after another of the creatures.

((Brimstone blast yet again, any of them that aren't in melee when her turn rolls around.))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella stands there, struggling with the amulet, "Don't you dare... try to control me...!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Is that the best ye have beasties," Holi shouts as he continues to wait for any ghouls to approach him.

(Ready vs. approach and attack)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Feast on this. Granth mutters before unleashing a cluster of magical missiles to smash into separate ghouls
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod takes out his crossbow, ready to shoot at the first ghoul to poke through the darkness.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Why would you put on a sentient necromantic artifact?)

1d20+15+1-2 = 20+15+1-2 = automatic hit.
1d20+15+2-2 = 19+15+2-2 = 34 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+11+2 = 12+11+2 = 25 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+14+2 = 18+14+2 = 34 vs DC14 = hit.
Cleave: 1d20+14+2 = 8+14+2 = 24 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+13 = 19+13 = 32 vs DC14 = hit.
Cleave: 1d20+13 = 7+13 = 20 vs DC14 = hit.
1d20+14+4 = 20+14+4 = automatic hit.
Cleave: 1d20+14+4 = 12+14+4 = 30 vs DC14 = hit.

1d20+2 = 3+2 = 5 vs DC18 = miss.
1d20+2 = 7+2 = 9 vs DC26 = miss.
1d20+2 = 13+2 = 15 vs DC22 = miss.
1d20+2 = 8+2 = 10 vs DC28 = miss.

1d20+11 = 7+11 = 18 vs DC22 = failure
1d20+11 = 17+11 = 28 vs DC17 = success

Automatically hit.

1d20+8 = 12+8 = 20 vs DC14 = hit.

1d20+8 = 16+8 = 24 vs DC12 = hit.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(I attack the gazebo, I mean no wrong game)

Holi continues to slash at any ghouls still coming out from below, "Boy, there sure are a bunch of em down there."