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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

>_> I need to crash to sleep, Janna, I know that the timeskip's coming up -- either I guess we can fade to black, or if RJ doesn't close the topic, we can keep playing after he moves it to the same folder that all of the other 'yesterday's threads' go to?

Sorry to bail, but morning don't wait!
Sleep is important. I'll see you in the morning and figure out what to do from there. Thanks!!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, I can see where this is going.

If they go down there before the day ends, there'll be one big blob of slimegirl in the middle of the room, doing nothing. It forms a head while our girls stare at it, and then when they do nothing, it sinks back into the blob. Nothing further happens.

If they go down there after the day ends, the blob will form itself into a clone or two of Azure and hold out a hand. Events proceed approximately on the same lines as in here, depending on player reactions.

Why, you ask? Azure already fed it "today", and it wasn't interested in more when Azure gave it a nudge. Really - she began the day by playing with the slimegirl, and then went on the hunting mission with Lin and River. Morning for the former, afternoon for the latter, now it's late evening.

Give it another day beyond that and I'm sure it'll be annoyed enough to jump on people as soon as it sees them, but for now it ain't starving.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How long has it been sense Azure fed it?
I'm sure enough imaginary hours have passed.
Let just assume enough had.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You completely forgot the fact that it fed off Azure once and after a few hours it was hungry again.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

DeMatt nearly had it, it won't attack when it's not hungry, but it is quite a glutton, so it won't mind feeding a little more than it needs to.

Which explains why it fed off of Azure again.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How long has it been sense Azure fed it?
I'm sure enough imaginary hours have passed.
Let just assume enough had.
Possible... but it has definitely been less than 24. So it's up to RJ as to how hungry it is.

You completely forgot the fact that it fed off Azure once and after a few hours it was hungry again.
...Actually, no it didn't. The first incident was between Azure, Kali, and a large conglomerate of slimes - so any individual slime wouldn't have gotten as full a meal. The second incident, the slimegirl didn't feed - in fact she supported Azure through the birth of the doggy. The third incident was down in the basement, and Azure got the slimegirl to feed off her.

So if they go down there NOW, the slimegirl(s) won't be starving. They might be inviting, or they might still be resting, but I'm sure they won't be starving.

The timeline thus far has been surprisingly short. Counting everybody's introductory scenarios as Day 0, it's now the tail-end of Day 2 - hitting the supply bunker was Day 1, and blasting the breeding den was Day 2.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm reading the posts over again and the slime girl had sex with Azure after she was in stage 3 of pregnancy. I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that stage 3 only takes a few hours to develop at most. Emily and Iris have been gone a lot of the time and it has probably almost been 24 hours.

Either way RJ answered us with his almighty wisdom.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

When I read that post RJ I spilled really cold water on my crotch.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw... Now I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight because I feel bad... :(

I'm sorry, forgive me?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It wasn't your fault it was just a funny thing I decided to randomly post to get my post count up because obviously post count matters.

(( Can't speak forum noob for more then five seconds till my head asplodes ))
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

my chars sure get ignored often.
Lin's in the inn with no one to talk to.
Rin WAS at the shop but... I dunno what happened I guess.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Both characters haven't done much for me to respond to.

As far as I can see, Lin is drinking and Rin is held within the fabric of time and space with Terry.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ hates you zero. That is the only explanation

*Hands Zero a gun*

You know what to do.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I love everyone equally.

Satan: "Even me? :3"

RJ: "No."

Satan: ":'("
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meredith pulled up a chair and sat next to Jesse. As soon as she took a seat, Jesse wrapped her arm around Meredith's shoulders.

Saaaaaay... would having sex with the shopkeeper unlock some items? Cuz that just might be easier than a mission :p