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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Err... I have to get off for a bit.
Its important.
Ill be right back...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well he has to deal with me for one. Second he's a GM in this huge confusing game, and if we don't pm him he has to go back through threads and read them.

Yeah things arn't easy on old Raptor.
I wonder when he is getting online.
I wonder this because I bet I could get a few hours of sleep before he gets online.
Ya know, I'm going to go and sleep for about two or three hours.
Right now I'm struggleing to stay awake, that going away party took alot out of me.
At one point I had to dive into a fucking pool on a rescue mission because my cousins dumbass son decided to go for a swim.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah things arn't easy on old Raptor.
I wonder when he is getting online.
I wonder this because I bet I could get a few hours of sleep before he gets online.
Ya know, I'm going to go and sleep for about two or three hours.
Right now I'm struggleing to stay awake, that going away party took alot out of me.
At one point I had to dive into a fucking pool on a rescue mission because my cousins dumbass son decided to go for a swim.

His hours changed. Last night he got on at like 12 my time... its 9 here <.<
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Dayum, that's some odd hours! o_O' What kinda schedule is that boy keepin'?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Is it sad that as soon as I see RJ in the 'who's online' section I get excited that he might drop a post before I crash for bed? XD I need to stop lurking here during the day with this new time-shift.

(Or else only do character interactions and doom my character to eternally wimpy stats! :p)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Goodnight Wallpaper! If it's any consolation, you're really great at character interaction. :D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

G'aww, thanks, Janna. (I kept worrying that I was being too rambly, given that most of the other players are much more informal about how they're writing!)

We'll have to do another scene sometime, pronish or not.

Ooh, I wonder if we managed to gain any random XP out of that encounter, like the random training that's done without actual hunting? Social skills at the very least? XD 'Contact' in our perks section?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm leaving tomorrow on Saturday I wont be back till Monday. The hotel we stay in has internet access and we have a laptop but I'll probably post way slower if you start that mission RJ.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Just don't go staying at no Apple Inn, in real life. :p Or at the very least, beware the basement!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You know what... now that I think about it <.< I think that the hotel doesn't have internet access. I can not remember -_-. Oh well it's been two years since I've been there it could have changed if it didn't.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

My eyes... burn.... going to sleep

<.< I'll try to post from the hotel if I don't tomorrow then just assume I'm off that mission heh.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Did anything happen to my chars while I was gone?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

high five! Now you just have to be able to get on at a time that RJ is and you're set! :D