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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Heh, no you don't. Jenn's trying to play nice, but eventually she'll remember the events of a few minutes previously where she managed to make Mina cry without actually trying. Or worse yet "fuck her, I'm telling the director next time I have a few seconds alone". (Yea, okay, that second one is reserved for Mina actually trying to rape Jenn.)
Well, actually I was more curious about Jenn's reaction (as posted, "grab her poking finger"), and Mina's reaction to that. Can't justify Melissa not getting involved much beyond then. For that matter, I'm not really confident that Melissa not getting involved yet is itself reasonable... it's not like either of them is whispering.
If it makes you happier, in a simulation of a "What-if Mina and Luna met", Mina ended up a bloody pulp on the floor crying >.>, after being brutally beaten by our resident psycho for refusing to go away...
What if rehab Luna met Mina?
From the partial simulation that was done before we grew bored and went off to game?

Far less drastic, although varying depending on whether Luna got to know Mina before she found out she was a futa, or if the first thing she found out was that Mina was a futa...
Awww, poor Mina... she just wants to get everyone to laugh with her... :eek:

*mutters something inane about annoying Clownish disadvantage*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I did a bit of thinking regarding my character. It's pretty obvious to everyone that Iris is boring. She really lacks personality and just traits that make her interesting. She's sort of the typical quiet and caring person, the one who really isn't all that memorable. Unlike Luna and Selena and some other characters she's just dull as dish water. Nothing special and unique, hell her stats are even boring. They are so basic and well rounded that it leaves Iris with no real great weakness or strength.

I really just don't like Iris all that much any more, she's boring. I don't like the idea of killing her off and playing with a new character, such as Casey. She's important and her dying would result in Luna doing something that would more then likely result in her death, Jesse and Emily to get depressed, possibly David getting a bit upset, and maybe a few other characters getting sad, like River and Lin, maybe Jenn.

In short Iris dying would have a lot of negitive effect of certain people, hell the director might even frown at it. With one of her most loyal and hard working servants dead and all, lol.

I need something to happen to Iris, something that would change her personality and make her more interesting. I've though about her becoming a futa and succumbs. Both of those happening could work. I'm open to Iris becoming a futa but not so sure on the succumbs idea, mainly because the director and everyone else would view her as a full blooded monster and try to kill her on sight.


I need Iris to become interesting. Any idea's?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, for one, it's more of... no offense to you, but it's more of a lack of "realistic emotion" behind the character. One of the first steps to creating an "interesting" character, is to have her seem believable, and her actions logical for a real person to take rather than have them be like that of say... a RPG gamer.

For example, from a gamer's perspective, knowing that Joseph would be an useful asset to the inn, we decided to secure him at almost all costs. However realistically, if someone was being THAT uncooperative, acting like such an asshole, etc, I highly doubt anyone would have tried dragging him along, if they didn't just outright try to beat him to the ground for being such a jerk.

Not to criticize your or anything, but I've noticed that you tend to lean towards what would benefit the players more than what is logical. It's fine to have your characters do the former, but it's also better to have it make sense given a character's personality, thought processes, etc so as to make it logically sound and seeming less out of place.

Just some advice...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Iris getting futa'd would add interesting internal conflict, as she'd suddenly have the urge to feed on her sister and her friends, and the fact that she drains essence would make her try to starve herself since feeding on people goes against her kindly nature. But I'm not sure if that would make her significantly different to play most of the time.
The idea of her getting turned into a succubus I don't know about, since we don't really know much of anything about them yet besides that they manipulate emotions.
One possibility might be her getting captured and converted by the goddess, turning her into something kind of like Aya. Not sure how that might play out though.
Though, except for the futa one, I don't see Luna allowing Iris to live after getting turned for any of these.
One more is just using shock; get her captured and raped for a while, or have something bad happen to someone she cares about (Luna attempting suicide might do the trick,) and use that to induce a personality shift.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Tass is right about the conversion to the goddess's side /becoming a succubus... >_>

Luna probably would gun down Iris if those two happened...albeit, crying silent tears in her heart for having to kill a person she cared about with her own hands once again once they stepped on the path of no return. Even the second Luna wouldn't be exempt to killing Iris in the event of those two... although she'd probably be crying in actuality as she pulled the trigger for "repeating tragedy"... and probably go into a breakdown that results in her getting killed from a suicide run on the Goddess *cough*.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ill admit that in the beginning I wanted a character that would always try to do what is best for the inn, a character that was mainly helpful to everyone and never caused any problems. I regret that decision because in the long run it's boring.

On another note.

I don't want Iris to switch to the evil side, seriously, fuck that. I guess her becoming a succumbs just can't happen mainly because if she does I guess she just instantly becomes evil. I wish she could become one whilst remaining good and control of herself, sadly I guess that isn't possible.

How would Luna react to Iris becoming a Futa? At first she would remain the same, in a state of shock, but the same. More then likely she would keep her member a secrete and silently pull Luna away to tell her about it. She would more then likely go about it like this.

" Luna... Remember those minions of the goddess? Those white haired woman who tried to rape us? Tell me sister... If I was turned into one of those... Would you still love me..?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Eh, I don't see any problems. Then again, I'm a futa, so it's hard to gauge.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ill admit that in the beginning I wanted a character that would always try to do what is best for the inn, a character that was mainly helpful to everyone and never caused any problems. I regret that decision because in the long run it's boring.

On another note.

I don't want Iris to switch to the evil side, seriously, fuck that. I guess her becoming a succumbs just can't happen mainly because if she does I guess she just instantly becomes evil. I wish she could become one whilst remaining good and control of herself, sadly I guess that isn't possible.

How would Luna react to Iris becoming a Futa? At first she would remain the same, in a state of shock, but the same. More then likely she would keep her member a secrete and silently pull Luna away to tell her about it. She would more then likely go about it like this.

" Luna... Remember those minions of the goddess? Those white haired woman who tried to rape us? Tell me sister... If I was turned into one of those... Would you still love me..?

Succubus isn't necessarily evil, just that they're pretty much people who succumbed to sexual desires willingly...and really not trustworthy. Also, which Luna's reaction are you looking for? Transformed? Pre-transformed?

Current Luna: "..."

Followed by a:

"Tell me who did this to you sister..."

In short, Luna would go on a killing spree of all futas she could get her hands on if she couldn't find a specific one. That includes the ones at the prison btw...

As for transformed Luna...Similar reaction, in that she'd be angry at what happened to Iris, however she probably wouldn't go on a pointless rampage... Unless she did find the ones directly responsible for it. Then be prepared for a "backlash reversion" in which her "slaughter happy" side comes out.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm going to contact Raptor about Iris becoming a succumbs and get the solid facts and ect.

I guess if I decide to have Iris become a futa then it should be after her and Jesse transform Luna, if they can manage to. Maybe Iris doesn't even have to be raped, maybe something a bit less horrible can happen. Like she could meet someone at the prison or Mina or some other person and somehow end up having sex with them willingly, during intercourse giving one of them a blow job. If that did happen then uh... Well I guess Iris could change a bit. Eh.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Becoming a futa/succubus isn't necessary for a character change you know... other less drastic events could cause change in Iris, from simple things like conversations, to heavy things like having a loved one die... Anything can be used for character development really. Hell, my original design for Luna was a mindless psycho killer that would random join missions, kill monsters, perhaps kill her own teammates if they went against her policy, then attempt suicide if raped. Barely close to anything she is now/will become... following many "natural" developments from just playing the character's personality, refining it, etc.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol I saw that mistake you had to edit.

Anyways. I guess Ill just let her flesh out. I'm still going to ask Raptor about the succumbs thing though, that could be very interesting.

One thing that will drastically change Iris that might happen is Luna's death. If Luna does die Iris could become really depressed and might try killing herself. Some other things might also happen.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well you can't just change someone physically and hope that their personality changes.
For one, what kinda of personality do you want to change?
you want to make her more positive? Aggressive? Colder? More distant? or more selfish? We really can't help you if you don't give us the general direction you want to go. Cause interesting could come in many ways.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think it's interesting and that type of personality is necessary for conflict or at least some type of comparison. I would assume most girls are "using" the inn and it's resources to stay alive, so a girl who'd actually about the inn's survival and trying to help out is semi-rare.

For instance: the difference between a girl who is out for what she believes is good and best for herself as opposed to the whole of the in. When Iris and Emily had to help bomb that place full of comatose women. It was almost necessary and picture perfect how emily went against the actions of it, and although Iris regretted it, she almost immediately went with Shiva, saying that blowing up the place was priority, sad though it may be.

It's good to have those characters, else it's kinda just The director and whoever happens to agree with her at the time vs the world.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The biggest disadvantage, asides from the appearance, to being a succubi, is the dangerously high lecherous habits they come with. Whoever is a succubus will want to have sex often, there's no, "Well, she can hold it in," unlike the futa's. It's not that succubi can't hold it in, it's just that they don't want to hold in their sexual desires.

While they can pretend to have other desires in an attempt to reach that goal, they both need, and want sex. No if's, and's, or but's about it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The biggest disadvantage, asides from the appearance, to being a succubi, is the dangerously high lecherous habits they come with. Whoever is a succubus will want to have sex often, there's no, "Well, she can hold it in," unlike the futa's. It's not that succubi can't hold it in, it's just that they don't want to hold in their sexual desires.

While they can pretend to have other desires in an attempt to reach that goal, they both need, and want sex. No if's, and's, or but's about it.

You mean like Selena? :confused:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright BG, I'm sorry, but I've twitched every time I've read your recent posts. Its 'SuccuBUS', not 'SuccuMBS', please, they're two different words, and the meanings are different enough to give me a headache when they're switched around. Not trying to be mean or anything, just pointing it out in the hope that its just an error you haven't caught yet.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You mean like Selena? :confused:
... Probably more so. Selena, after all, takes care of Kitty after she's done screwing her unconscious. I suspect a succubus would not be interested in that.
River shakes her head, sounding deathly serious. "It's true, you might hurt their feelings a little, but it needs to be done. If we are going to fix all this, we need everybody, everybody helping out the best they can. And the longer it takes, the less chance we have of succeeding. The sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner we can ignore the petty differences like yours, Regina's, and whoever else's 'problem' and start making sure we have a way to end this." She says evenly, looking Emilia right in the eyes.
Riv-ER... ever think that maybe Emilia, by painting and just generally being polite and diplomatic, might be a symbol of what the prison futas are working towards? A reminder that yes, they can be and are civilized, not ruled by their lusts? And that's why the prison futas and prison women all insist on doing everything else for her?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh I know that, but River hasn't clued in yet ;)

She's an action oriented person, and the only artsy-type thing she does (singing) is something she does when she's alone, the only person that's heard her is Cal, because she left the headset on. She's also procrastinating a bit, because she's on a two-day vacation from getting things done herself XD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I should find a reason to have Iris go to the prison. She has some personal problems with futas, mainly because one almost raped her and Luna, so to make peace with their kind would be great character development.