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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River settled down some, noting Cal's change of mood.

"Hey, cheer up. It can't be that bad, can it?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caliber taps the arm rests of his chair with his fingers.

"She's sayin' a lot of fucked up shit's been happenin'," he gestured with his hand, "Not in those words, but you get the idea," he shook his head, letting out a sigh, "Somethin's really botherin' her, and she ain't sayin' what..." he trailed off, seeming deep in thought.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River let's out a sigh, patting the big man on the shoulder.

"You're really worried about her, aren't you? Do you want me to go talk to her?" She asks kindly.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Cal reaches his hand up to scratch his ear.

"Uh... I don't think..." he began to try to say something, but found difficulty saying it, "Uh, Riv, if ya are gonna talk to her... I just gotta let ya know ahead of time... She's probably gonna flirt with ya..." he shifted his eyes to look at her, "Y'know, cuz... I think she likes women."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just laughed, giving Cal another pat on the shoulder as she stood up and heads towards Jesse's shop.

"I wouldn't worry too much, the look she gave me the last time I was in there pretty much wipes that possibility right off the board. I don't even know if she wants to talk to me, but I need to get some shopping done anyways, so we'll see."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(And this is the beginning of a series of posts detailing why Luna will be out of action for a while...)

Luna, having slipped away from Emily after her sister had left, found herself in an empty hallway, the pain almost unbearable at this point. Slumping herself against a door, the girl finally allowed herself to obtain rest of some sorts, although it appeared that rest alone would no longer suffice. Nevertheless, she attempted to do whatever she could to heal without involving others, resting the best she could with constant pain in her chest and a single eye closed. This was not to be however, as another person "dropped in" on her within a quarter of a hour, forcing her to put on another show of bravado as she opened her other eye.


"...Child of Revenge...Has thou come to kill me?..."

Across from her stood the petite form of Fleur Loir...the one whom she had robbed of everything.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just laughed, giving Cal another pat on the shoulder as she stood up and heads towards Jesse's shop.

"I wouldn't worry too much, the look she gave me the last time I was in there pretty much wipes that possibility right off the board. I don't even know if she wants to talk to me, but I need to get some shopping done anyways, so we'll see."

Cal shrugged,

"She was probably just in a bad mood, but I'm sure she'd enjoy the company," he told River, then gestured with his head as she left, "See ya, Riv," he said, staying in the chair, relaxing for a bit.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(And this is the beginning of a series of posts detailing why Luna will be out of action for a while...)

Luna, having slipped away from Emily after her sister had left, found herself in an empty hallway, the pain almost unbearable at this point. Slumping herself against a door, the girl finally allowed herself to obtain rest of some sorts, although it appeared that rest alone would no longer suffice. Nevertheless, she attempted to do whatever she could to heal without involving others, resting the best she could with constant pain in her chest and a single eye closed. This was not to be however, as another person "dropped in" on her within a quarter of a hour, forcing her to put on another show of bravado as she opened her other eye.


"...Child of Revenge...Has thou come to kill me?..."

Across from her stood the petite form of Fleur Loir...the one whom she had robbed of everything.

The blond girl stood there wordless, her eyes downcast and her fists clenched as Luna continued to talk.


"Do you not hate me?... Then kill me, unless thou still lacks the conviction to die. If that be the case...get thee thither from my sight."

As expected, Luna's tongue remained sharp, regardless of the state of her body. There was no fear in her voice whatsoever, merely a resignation to die at best. A resignation that angered the girl before her and caused her to stomp towards her in rage. Lifted up into the air by her collar, Luna merely stared at the small girl in the same cold manner she had done before, even when the blond girl had drawn back her arm with the intention of delivering a lethal blow. There was good reason that Luna was one of the only people capable of making others snap at a 90% success rate after all.


"Why?...Why do you throw away your life so easily like this?... You who have much more than what I have... you who still has family that cares for you... people who worry and pity you...yet...you..."

Tears of rage and frustration had formed in blond girl's blue eyes, as she attempted to find the words to convey all the pent up emotions from the time she was in Jesse's room, to say aloud all the things she had wanted to say at that time.


"I hate you! The fact that you haunt me each waking second of the day, the fact that you killed my parents, I hate everything about you! If only you would disappear...if only you never existed then-"

It was only when something out of place caught her attention that she stopped, her eyes opening wide in shock as she saw it. Blood was trickling from the corner of Luna's mouth, which had forced itself into a disturbing smile of sorts.


"Then rejoice... for the object of thy anger will grant thee thy wish..."

Smiling even as she was dropped by the girl holding her, the red-eyed girl did not stop "tormenting" the one who sought revenge after her. Despite her breathing becoming more labored with each passing second, and her eyes growing heavy.


Is this not what you wanted child?... To see the murderer of your parents completely at your mercy as a result of your own power?...The wound thou has granted me is fulfilling thy desires as we speak."

These words struck Fleur as she realized her earlier rage had caused Luna more harm than she thought, causing her to make an attempt to deny both her responsibility and her statements.


"No...you're wrong... I..."

But alas, the red-eyed "demon" would give her no peace as it continued, words piercing at the very soul of the petite girl.


"Is there...no greater joy...then watching... the object of thy hate...suffer and writhe?...Like so?..."

More words that struck at the core of Fleur's very being... ones that caused her to desperately search for a way out of the path she was being forced upon.



It was then, that for the first time, Luna called Fleur by name, as if to deliver a final message to her.


"Know this... Fleur...Only those...who are ready to...be killed... should ever... kill...lest...the pangs of guilt...tear at them...forever... Now rejoice...for if all goes well...you would have had the privilege...of knowing... that...the Last Siesta...of the Bloody Moon...died at your hands..."

Unable to do anything but watch as the brown haired girl shut her eyes and fell to the ground in a lifeless slump, the blue-eyed girl sunk to her knees, the magnitude of what she had done hitting her.


"No...please no... this...isn't....what I wanted...not this...

((On that note, Luna is more screwing with Fleur's mind than anything. The wound she received from Fleur was more of a "catalyst" of sorts, for all the accumulated injuries and strain on her body to manifest itself. Knowing this however, our vigilante here decided to use this opportunity to give Fleur a message, which basically is that she has killed only because she was "ready to die" (metaphorically used, this refer to accepting the consequences). Seeing as Fleur attempted to kill her but reacted with such an extreme amount of fear when she herself was about to die, Luna is basically telling her that: "Killing isn't for her", using herself as the scapegoat to teach Fleur such. Anyway, third post incoming.))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(This is so cheesy, I don't even know how to describe it...)

I...I...I...killed Luna...

Almost as if in disbelief at what just happened, Fleur remained there on her knees, staring at Luna's unmoving body, trying to convince herself otherwise of reality.


"You're...just joking right?...There's no way you would die so simply...right?..."

No response.


"Please...please tell me you're just pretending...please..."

No response.

Shaking with fear, Fleur crawled over to the body, shaking it slightly.


" Please open your eyes... get up...it's not funny anymore...

Once again, no response. Tears began to fill in her eyes as she realized there was no denying what she had done, that she had killed Luna.


"No....no....I didn't want this to happen... I wanted revenge... but not this... not something...so horrible..."

In the past, she imagined that her revenge would be a joyful thing, a feeling of accomplishment as she avenged everyone that had been killed. But there was no sense of accomplishment in this revenge, there wasn't even a feeling of bittersweet satisfaction. All the "child" could feel from this was outright horror.


"You...knew this would happen...didn't you Luna?... You knew...you knew from the start..."

Breaking down, and allowing her tears to flow freely, Fleur fell against Luna's body, weeping bitterly.


"You're...not fair...I wanted to make you pay...but I never wanted you...you...to die! Not before my eyes...not while saying such things...and suffering like that...in front of me... you're not fair... you're not fair!"

And she continued to cry like such for a prolonged period of time, lamenting on what had happened and that she had killed a person. There was no turning back now, she was a murderer just as Luna had been...


That is, if Luna had actually died on the spot. As Fleur laid there atop Luna, a particular sound rekindled hope in the small girl. The beating of a heart. Although much slower than it should be, it proved that while Luna may be at the risk of passing over to the other side, she had not yet crossed to the next world.



Breathing of sigh of relief as she wiped away any remaining tears, the girl sat there for a while, unsure whether to be overjoyed, or furious that her adversary was still alive, if barely. As she regained her wits however, she quickly realized that what had happened earlier would most likely become reality should she continue to dawdle. But as for what to do...she was at a loss. Unlike some others, she was not an expert in medicine, nor did she know the people in the inn well enough to ask them for help. In fact, the only people she had talked to in the inn asides from Luna was Jesse...who she wanted to avoid at ths point, in possible... and...Iris.
Dawning on her that Luna's own sister was probably the best bet at this point, Fleur panickedly got to her feet, intent on running through the hotel to find the girl who was most likely the last ray of hope at the rate things were going.

(Last part of this post was semi-rushed, as I'll need to sleep in half a hour or so.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After the looting run Emily was still thinking of Iris and how she had felt so attracted to her. She was going to ask her something but she ran off to Jesse's shop before she got the chance. She just shrugged and went to her room thinking that Iris would probably look there when she was done with Jesse. Even though she still felt horny she just controlled herself for now. She wanted to save it for Iris if she decided to say yes to her question.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Running to the lobby in search of Iris, Fleur looked around to find the person in question exiting the shop area, apparently depressed. Had the small girl not been in a state of panic, she might have waited for a more appropriate time to deliver such grim news. But as she was not in a clear state of mind, she dashed over to Iris and stopped in front of her abruptly, her breathing ragged as she attempted to speak.


"Luna...fifth floor...collapsed..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris had ended up running to the fifth floor to find the body of her sister. Iris almost had a heart attack seeing her sister in the state she was in. Iris had ended up taking the girl to their bedroom and placing her on the bed. The entire time Iris felt that pain inside her, the one she got when Jesse rejected her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Too tired to write anymore... For storyline purposes, Luna is out cold until I come back, Fleur is intently watching over her...yeah)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As River walks out into the lobby with Caliber, he stop for a moment, and looks at River.

"Riv..." he begins slowly, "What do you think we're gonna do after all this? We can't go back to our normal lives..." he trails off, seeming bothered by that fact.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Josie left Lin to watch over the two girls, and went at a jog, back to the Inn, and within a period of about 15 minutes, she reached the front of Apple Inn...
(I was very tempted to just leave this post as "LOL OMG HELP US@")

Josie reached the inn, shouting before she got inside, all the way to the lobby.


"Please... anyone.... everyone... We need help. We're right outside the inn and we can't go any further. Help, anyone, there's 2 girls unconscious and we've gotta get them moving!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

A tall, pale woman comes running down the stairs. She stops just short of barreling into Josie, nearly knocking her over with a rush of wind. The marble's long hair bounces forth at the short stop, covering her ruby eyes for an instant before they resume fixating on Josie.

"Ready when you are," she sates, a small smile on her lips. Her eyes betray a glint of delight as she stares into Josie's.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

A blond haired guard who was just lazing around quickly got up from the couch, and rushed over to Josie, "Lead the way," she told her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Jo was surprised to see a young girl fly down the stairs, very over-excited, seemingly by the opportunity to help. The smile and happiness kind of creeped her out, expecting more of a response like the next woman, a guard who popped off the couch rushing out of desperation to help.


"It's not too far. Just follow me."

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

As River walks out into the lobby with Caliber, he stop for a moment, and looks at River.

"Riv..." he begins slowly, "What do you think we're gonna do after all this? We can't go back to our normal lives..." he trails off, seeming bothered by that fact.


"Why not? If we make it through all this, it will be a long time before most of the basic stuff is back up and running I think. We could still run messages, hell, we might even be busier."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caliber adjusted himself uncomfortably, shifting in place as he seemed like he was trying to say something.

"Riv, uh... I was thinkin'..." he began to ask, and blushed a little as he did so, looking up at River with a serious expression, "Did ya ever wanna... start a family?" he shrugged, "I mean, we're not gettin' any younger... And I wouldn't mind havin' a kid... Maybe a little girl..." he huffed a laugh, and began scratching the back of his head.