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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

As the three girls walked along, they eventually turned a corner that led to the prison, out of sight of the sniper on the roof.

As the walked along, they noticed three centipedes appear in front of them, like a hunting pack, as each of them noticed the girls, and headed towards them...
Re: More survivors?


"Shit, alright, let's thin them out a bit, follow me." She says, ducking into an alleyway and taking cover behind a dumpster. "If we can get behind them, they can be taken out pretty easily. You two go hide just a little further down, trust me." She says, pulling out her gun and hunkering down.
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Re: More survivors?

Azure sighed at the appearance of these things again.


"These damn things were the first things I ran into... creatures the cultists were birthing in the forest."

She followed into the alleyway for cover while the creatures were still a good distance out, she took careful aim on the creatures, crouching to one knee to give herself a steady hand and waiting for one of the other girls to fire first.

(Action: Follow group, if the creatures start approaching, then aimed shot at the front Centipede when the others start firing.)
Re: More survivors?

Lin follows
(Bit busy right now, sorry)
Re: More survivors?

As the three girls followed River, they heard many gun shots suddenly come from seemingly nowhere, as when they looked, all three of the centipedes had been killed...

Then, three women, matching the description of the, "scantly clad women" walked around the street corner. They all had nothing but rags to cover their private parts.

One of them, obviously the leader of the group, stepped forward, "Well, what do we have here?" she asked with a slightly amused voice, "You three aren't just wandering around the city, sightseein', are ya?" she asked with a friendly smile.
Re: More survivors?

Azure smiled and walked forward eagerly, waving with a friendly smile and open arms.


"Consider us the local tourists. Does that make you our tour guides?"

She teased back at the girls, playfully winking at their leader. This was not the way she wanted to greet this group, but it was hardly going to make her be less social with friendly people.


"Playfulness aside... we were looking for you. Got some time to talk with us?"

(Gotta love high charisma!)
Re: More survivors?

The lead woman glanced back at her comrades, and they smiled at her, then the woman looked at Azure with a wide, friendly smile in return,

"Looking for us?" she asked with a laugh, "Why, what for?"
Re: More survivors?

((Quick, who's the face? Which one of is has charisma bonuses? Also, many gun shots as in too many for the three to have fired?))
Re: More survivors?

(Azure has +5 charisma)

Azure gave a soft chuckle.


"Oh it's nothing bad. Just that we've heard you're going around stockpiling supplies, same as we are. And we were wondering if you'd like to trade..."

She slid a little closer, cooing softly just for the lead girl to hear.


"Or maybe take in a few of us if you're willing. The tensions are getting rather high between certain members of our base. But let's not talk too much about that yet."

Azure began to talk a little louder again so everyone could hear.


"I'm a reporter. And... if you wouldn't mind. I'd like to interview you. Tell your side of this wild story. What you've done. What you're going to do... I... I'd kinda really like to help you out any way I can. Ya know?"

She winked playfully, just flirty enough that it would've attracted the woman if she was interested, but platonic enough that it could have been seen as merely a sign of encouragement and trust.
Re: More survivors?

The woman's smile brightened greatly,

"We'd love to have you stay with us!" she said happily, "I understand if you want to stay with us. You're from that hotel, right? We've been hearing some dark things about the woman in charge over there, we were scared about venturing over, so we kept our distance."
Re: More survivors?

((Face=group speaker, gaming term. And yeah, was ninja'd three times :/))

River just stood there, making sure to put her gun away and keep her hand away from it for the time being. She felt like a deer caught in the headlight, she was always better at avoiding people than talking to them.
Re: More survivors?

Azure motioned for the others to keep it down.


"Shh. I don't know where anyone's loyalty lies... you'd be surprised what some of those people do... I mean, honestly..."

She shook her head, motioning that this conversation should hold until another time.


"Well if you're happy to let us stay with you... can we see your place? And who knows, if you have any troublemakers, maybe they can be sent to the Inn? I mean... we're free to come and go as we please from your base too, right? I figure you send girls out just as we do. So how do you manage your missions into the city?"

(Research Check, she's attempting to draw information out of the girl to see if they're trustworthy.)
Re: More survivors?

(Investigation check Vs. Charisma check)

They seemed quite friendly to Azure.

The woman nodded, "Of course! You can stay as long as you like inside our sanctuary!" she says with a welcoming tone, "We don't really arrange missions, we just have groups of girls, like us, going around, rounding up supplies and seeing if there's anyone in danger who needs our help."

Then, she puts her hands on her hips in pride, "We've even rescued an entire group of women from a breeding den. You can count on us, should you ever need help!" she said reassuringly.
Re: More survivors?

Azure pondered for a moment, she wasn't sure. Could it really be so simple that everyone from the Inn was the filthiest dirt of the city and somehow the jail was going to be the cream of the crop?


"You know. I didn't even catch your name... I'd like to hear all about your experiences if you'd care to share... and... I'd like to see where you're based at. That is, if you wouldn't mind having me join you."

First impressions weren't everything, but Azure was more than willing to learn more about this group.


"Why don't we break up and chitchat a bit. We'll head back in pairs as we go to your place."

(Azure suggests the two groups mix and mingle as they walk to this group's base.)
Re: More survivors?

River's eyes widened as she hears Azure say that, but says nothing just yet, running through the possibilities in her mind. If this happened, and these women turned out to be sour grapes like David had said, then she'd have to have a plan... She starts pulling up her mental map of the city, as her hand drifts upwards to scratch at the back of her head.
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Re: More survivors?

Lin flicked on the safety of her 9mm, and held out her hand for one of the woman to shake.

"I am Lin, nice to meet you guys." Lin greeted them with a smile.
She however continued to stay alert, having more people doesn't mean it's safe.
In fact, it could mean they have more chances of being back stabbed.
But she put that aside, they ARE being perfectly friendly.
Re: More survivors?

Azure smiled widely as she turned to her companions, holding her gun at her side it seemed but she tried wiggling her finger for attention, using her eyes to try to show what they should do if anything goes wrong, then mouthing it so the new girls couldn't see.


'shoot up four times fast.'

She repeated several times, showing that she wasn't nearly as careless going into this as she appeared. She repeated her mouthing a few times, so she would be sure the rest of the girls understood, she hoped. Before saying happily.


"So you girls think it's a good plan?"

(Azure hopes they understand her plan, the spur of the moment action hard to go into more detail over.)
Re: More survivors?

Her own emergency plan set in her mind, River nods to Azure and smiles.


"I don't really like splitting up that much, but so long as we have some big guns with us, it shouldn't be too bad."
Re: More survivors?

The woman raises her eyebrow, "Uh... In case you've forgotten, there are monsters in this here city, why would ya wanna split up?" she asks, seemingly dumbfounded by Azure's suggestion.

One of the women in the back stepped forward, shaking Lin's hand, "Hi! I'm Daisy! Say, you look pretty young! How old are you? How long have you been fighting the monsters? Were you captured? How many monsters have you seen? What weapon do you like to use? When-"

The lead women looked back, "Daisy! SHUT UP!" she then turned to the three girls she'd just met with an apologetic look, "Sorry, she tends to ask to many questions..."

Then she clasped her hands together in anticipation, "Well, as honorary members, I'd like to welcome you to our safe haven! You said you were interested in us, so I assume you'll come with us?" she asked expectantly.