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Re: Request- choukou sennin haruka

Choukou Sennin Haruka (or Beat Blades Haruka, as they call it in english) is your quite typical text and cg game, one of those several-GB-size deals. I think you should be able to find it with just googling, but I wouldn't do it. Just get the or some other place. Unless you like clicking on the screen/pressing buttons a few thousand times to see them
Re: Request- choukou sennin haruka

I have to second KakkaHousu... A lot of games like that aren't worth the "game" value, and sometimes not even the cg value... Hell, even when I could understand what was going on they weren't even worth the story value either. Better off sinking your teeth into the galleries. If you use emule or something similar be careful and use a nice anti-virus since there's some hackers that like to piggy-back users. An old former friend of mine got busted stealing harry potter books, but never actually downloaded them; someone else was using her computer.

Seriously though; do a lot of these game makers have some kind of ego trip going on..? My enter key is about to commit suicide...

Not entirely certain but is this what you're looking for?
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Can anyone id this?

Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

It appears to be a 403 error.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Hmmm... I've got a craving to play a game I once played before. I can't remeber the name for the life of me, though.

You play as some demon lord who's had his power sealed away or some such. You only have one remaining loyal demon and its a demon child that you can level and evolve into more mature forms as you try to reach the bottom of some giant cave, your power being sealed at the bottom, of course. You could also capture monster girls and adventurers to do nefarious demon-lordy things with.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I'd be interested in playing that too, if you find it.

Does anybody know any caches of tentacle sprites? For some reason I love 16-bit tentacle rape. Stuff like tentanariX's current avatar, that one fight in rape quest, or kuromaru's sex mugen moves. I'll take whatever you can find.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

Been running into an interesting scienario I've not seen often, but find seemingly entirely erotic to think about- cock riding/being bound to something via the nethers for a indescernable amount of time. I've not seen many examples but it's entirely awesome concept to me. Can anyone advise?

Spoiler contains a example:
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

haHA! It only took me... aww fuck, 8 hours? Well whatever, Princess Hunting Dungeon Meister. There.
Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

I'd be interested in playing that too, if you find it.

Does anybody know any caches of tentacle sprites? For some reason I love 16-bit tentacle rape. Stuff like tentanariX's current avatar, that one fight in rape quest, or kuromaru's sex mugen moves. I'll take whatever you can find.

Here's what I could salvage with a couple of minutes looking into mugen imageboards and my own gifs. Just cause I like you a lot :D

EDIT: Updated to Tentacly Sprite Thingies 2.0


  • Tentacly Sprite Thingies 2.0.zip
    7.1 MB · Views: 0
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Re: Hentai Finder (The thread!)

does anyone have pabisshu's first flash game or know where i can find it?

i've searched but i can' find any links to it. everywhere i go only has queen hunt and the jellyfish games
Warrior Tinkering (request)

does anyone have pabisshu's first flash game or know where i can find it?

i've searched but i can' find any links to it. everywhere i go only has queen hunt and the jellyfish games
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Big Bang Age-requesting

So in the Sengoku Rance topic a member said how it reminded him of Big Bang Age. I was wondering if someone could post a download link for it and if possible the English patch?

Playing this has gotten me interested in Big Bang Age which apparently is another game by Alice Soft similar to this one... Can't seem to find that here though, any reason why? No big deal really, just curious bout it.

Thank you in advance for anyone who posts it or directs me to where it could be downloaded.
Re: Big Bang Age-requesting

Can people please learn to google things such as "Big Bang Age download" and do their own damn research instead of expecting others to do everything for them.

Google, or megadownload, or torrent if you have it. If you can't find it that way, then make a thread, and acknowledge that your chances are slim.

People are much nicer to you if you can provide games rather than simply being a leech.

I have here, a link.

This took me at most 10 minutes. As I have no real interest at this time of downloading it, I cannot tell you if it's legitimate, safe, or whether or not it was an english patch included. If I were someone who actually wanted the game, and had done the searching, I could provide such information.

Thus, assuming it lacks the english patch, we have this:

Which took less than a minute, because alicesoft's wiki has a nice convenient link it.

You may now worship me.
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Re: Big Bang Age-requesting

Here you go.You can download the game from hongfire(lot of AliceSoft fans there)

for other hosts just google, this game is pretty popular.

And is the guys that fan-translated it(eternal thanks to them). You're in luck, they finished it this september, so you wont have to play alpha patch, unable to endure the wait :)
Re: Big Bang Age-requesting

Can people please learn to google things such as "Big Bang Age download" and do their own damn research instead of expecting others to do everything for them.

Which took less than a minute, because alicesoft's wiki has a nice convenient link it.

You may now worship me.

Hehe, well, without them you have less chances to show off your superiority)

>.> No need to double post, there is an edit function you know.

Well, considering you already provided links , i could have just deleted my post and leave it at that. I decided to separate the "effort" part and "flood" part of my post.Easier for moders

It's not about my superiority, it's about improving the community. There will always been scum, but if more people strive towards being someone with some respect, the world, or at least this forum, will be a better place.
Well, I can't argue with that. Striving for the better community and whatnot. But the way you put your striving in words serve more the purpose of scaring off those scumbags you mentioned.Not making them proper members of community.
I'm just saying the simple feeling of gratitude can do better then feeling of shame or inferiority.
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Re: Big Bang Age-requesting

Hehe, well, without them you have less chances to show off your superiority)

>.> No need to double post, there is an edit function you know.

It's not about my superiority, it's about improving the community. There will always been scum, but if more people strive towards being someone with some respect, the world, or at least this forum, will be a better place.
Re: Warrior Tinkering (request)

does anyone have pabisshu's first flash game or know where i can find it?

i've searched but i can' find any links to it. everywhere i go only has queen hunt and the jellyfish games

The link you have provided does not seem to work. Could you post another one?
Monster Pot Flash

I remember playing this game a while back in which this girl is attacked by a slime monster that was stored in a pot in the store room, anyone else know the game I'm talking about? Can't remember where I found it and was looking for it again.
Re: Warrior Tinkering (request)

The URL's getting shortened somewhere.

]http://maniax.dlsite.com/work/=/product_id/RJ017136.html is what it's supposed to be (minus the bracket at the start).

Stupid thing...