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Good Night, King of Pop


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Damn. This'll probably ruin the rest of my week. Fuck those immature brats that called him a pedophile. He is, and now was, the King of Pop. His achievements, his music, everything is more than they could ever amount to.

RIP One of the world's greatest artists to ever live, Michael Jackson
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

I'll give you rep just for making this topic. R.I.P. Michael Jackson. Fuck anyone who made fun of you, and fuck them even more if they continue.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

the world have lost the best artist. Damn
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Seriously. I popped onto yahoo and they give news blurbs and the first thing out of my mouth was "Holy Shit!" Read the article to my mother and we were just talking.

Her: "Know what the sad thing is?"
Me: "What?"
"You know who Michael Jackson is. There's a lot of kids (she still thinks of me as a kid. Mom privilege.) out there that don't."
"Yeah. Or that only know him from the scandals. :/"

Despite the later...mess...that his life became, Dark's right. He is, and always will be, the King of Pop and one of the most influencial performers of the time. I remember giving my mother explicit instructions to wake me up if 'Thriller' came on MTV in the morning when I was sleeping and she was up (because, y'know, they showed videos on MTV in the 80's...) and trying unsuccessfully to moonwalk in my kitchen.

They say it comes in threes. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and now MJ. Pardon me while I go see if I can't salvage my childhood.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

The last few years of his life may have been filled with scandals, but by damn if I didn't watch the music video for Thriller every day at lunch with my room mate. And I still like his Smooth Criminal song.

Good artist. Tis a shame his personal life took him down, and it wasn't right.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

It's sad that his life became the mess that it was. He was awesome up 'till that plastic surgery stuff: after that came the pedo stuff and that baby-hanging-over-the-balcony thing. I will respect the King of Pop Michael Jackson, but fuck that white guy who tried to fool people into thinking he was MJ. For me, MJ died a long time ago.
But in my heart and on my back, he shall live on!
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

No. No. I can't fucking believe we've lost such an influential and amazing artist while worthless shitfaces like the Jonas Brothers are still alive. This is the worst thing that's happened to me so far this year. I just can't fucking believe it. This ranks up there with Freddie Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Mako, and Heath Ledger on my list of "Deaths that Should Never Have Happened". Before we know it, we'll be losing Sylvester Stallone or Chuck Norris, too. Great artists seem invincible sometimes. Then something like this happens.

RIP Michael Jackson, the king of pop. Tomorrow, I'm going out and punching random children just for existing, and because somewhere along the line, they probably made or laughed at a Michael Jackson joke. Then I'll punch them again for the Chuck Norris jokes.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

And he was cleared of charges on the pedo thing, the media just couldn't let it go.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

That's the media for you.

Thanks for the links, Newbie!
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Do you remember that smooth criminal that was so bad it made us scream? Now Billie Jean, the Man in the Mirror, has beat it like Ben for his last thriller...
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Man in the Mirror was one of my favorites, too! Anybody remember the duet he did with Paul McCartney? *grins*

And, found this while I was parusing my webcomics tonight. I-Mockery moved it to the front page.

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Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Yeah dude. This all makes me sad. It's like, all these people that I knew and loved from my childhood are either dying or getting old. Robin Williams was probably my favorite comedian growing up. Then he did this fundraiser thing, and I was shocked. He had grey hair. I was like... omg. Robin Williams is getting old.... The next thing I knew, I was watching him on Who's Line, and was even more aghast to see him having pure white hair.

It's fucking depressing. For some reason you just think these people you love to watch and listen to are going to last forever. It's a real wake-up to see them aging.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Yeah it is kind of depressing getting old isn't it. At least we still have all his great songs to remember him by. In fact I think I still have my first wallet, one of those folding velcro 80's jobs with his pcture on it.

I shall surely miss you King of pop.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Don't worry, he'll be back soon...

Not even death itself can take down the king of pop! Long live the (undead) king!
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Very nice, Lucas. Very nice.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

"Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the Thriller"

He'd better bring V.P. with him when he returns.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

Heh. I wouldn't actually be surprised if he really did rise from the dead and dance to Thriller.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

That would kill my being an atheist. Michael Jackson rising from the dead and doing the Thriller would mean there IS a god.
Re: Good Night, King of Pop

You hear that God!? You have possibly millions of potential worshippers if you bring back Jackson!