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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I have time on my hands today, and have the AFMBE rulebook for more skill ideas on anything I think should be added so... Expect alot of updates/work on the game today. :x
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Sweet. Also, check my character again, I think I finally evened it out.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

XD;;; don't hurt me, but you're 0.5 over... still...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Query: Are the number of ranks beside memory traits the effective cost for that trait or the maximum level for it?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Maximum level for it. As for how much they affect rolls/actions, that's a secret known only to myself ;P, but let me just say that each level has a major impact... Especially the ones with only say, two to three ranks.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hey Keylo, how are the skills coming along?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Eh, so so. The "time" on my hands, ended up being snatched by certain monkeys and ravens from all over the place (*cough* friends/relatives *cough*) in the form of tech support x_x. Also, after looking at the skill trees, I may add another tree based on "active" skills that don't require purity to use. (Most offensive spells and such require the caster use their purity to cast it at this point) Not sure yet though.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Lame-sauce. Don't over-complicate things if you don't have to, the game is practically playable as is.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hahahaha, it is technically at this point. To be honest, if enough people want me to start it as it is now, and finishing the rest as we go, I could begin this saturday in the worst case scenario that I'm not done.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

i am ready whenever. Lets get it on. COME ON! :D
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I am fine whenever, but no point to rush it.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Keylo, since acrobatics is used to dodge, and some cases exist where a person can dodge attacks very well (boxer), might I suggest a supplement? Such as, direct from the AFMBE book itself, a dodge skill? That should help some people be able to have that ability to dodge, while not forcing them to be in a circus.

I should have freakin' thought of that before I made AWMBI, shame on me.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hmmm, you have a point. "Dodging" really shouldn't only be limited to acrobatics, as in many martial arts and fighting styles movement should actually be kept minimal as overexaggerated movements will most likely only result in one's defeat. (Slightly different for tentacles, but if you treat it as a human's hands grabbing for you, boxer footwork/etc can be used to dodge it probably just as effectively as a person doing flips and somersaults.) Adding this skill mainly for flavor, in case anyone wants to make a character good at avoiding attacks but not amazing physical feats...
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Yeah, well, when it comes to tactics, Jen runs away. When it comes to locked doors, apply Jen to door and jiggle until door comes unlocked.

She's not much of a fighter anyway.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

If you're looking for a game mechanic that's rather simple but adds a lot to character depth, take a look at skill specialties, its what I feel is missing most from the cut-down systems people have been using ;)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it while I'm trying to finish these up.

On another note...work is progressing slower than I expected mainly due to unexpected visits from relatives, some family drama, etc... so the game start might be delayed for a bit till real life gives me more time to finish this. >_>;;
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

I wonder if I should make a character like Casey, the baseball girl I wanted to use for AWMBI. Then again maybe I should just make something unique just for this. Ill have to give it a bit of thinking.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Up to you really... Although I'm going to drop a note that I write better depending on how interesting the characters are in advance... >.>;;