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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yep, there are usually stands for people, but they're meant to accommodate spectators, very rarely are they big enough to accommodate an entire school worth of people, so seat and benches are put in front of them for all-school announcements and stuff. anyway, that's what I wanted to know, thanks very much :)
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yeeeeeah, it's been a while but I'll get round to doing the Dean's speech. I just need to think of something decent. Hopefully I'll do it tomorrow cos I really want to get this school crap out of the way so we can get to kicking some ass.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Reminds me of the conversation we had a Con panel this weekend:

"Teachers didn't want kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards because they thought the game was distracting the kids. What was really distracting, and disturbing was how you never saw these kids go to school in the shows."

No issue with classes...back to kicking ass. Great *laughs*
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Reminds me of the conversation we had a Con panel this weekend:

"Teachers didn't want kids playing Yu-Gi-Oh cards because they thought the game was distracting the kids. What was really distracting, and disturbing was how you never saw these kids go to school in the shows."

No issue with classes...back to kicking ass. Great *laughs*

On the contrary, the first episode of the first season included a quick flash of them in school, but agreed, that was the only one.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I'm sure they had a note from their parents.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Especially Joey, whose father was a raging drunk...

(This is all stuff I picked up at the con. I have no prior knowledge of Yugioh outside of "it's a card game with a kid with funny hair and egyptian stuff.")
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Sorry about not posting the Deans speech but with all the overtime I've had to work this week I've just felt totally drained. However, I will type something up tonight and have it posted tomorrow so we can move this along.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Eh, delays happen.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Something I've found that helps me write big speeches and stuff is to get all the topics lined up and expand from there, so you can bounce back and forth and write what comes to mind without messing up the general flow. For his speech, I would use something like this:

Welcome to all the students and staff, both new and returning. (Be long-winded)

Praise of the campus and facilities.

Once-over of the rules, to make sure everyone follows them.

Generic 'work hard' motivational for the students. ('Dedicate yourself, study hard, and you'll be top of your class!' Kinda thing)

Finishing thoughts, and 'Have a great year!'

Do a quick out loud read through when you're done to make sure your sentences flow, correct as needed, and you're done! :D
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

There we go, all done. And it was similar to what you suggested Shrike even if I didn't read what you said beforehand XD
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Aww, you shouldn't have said that, I would have thought I was helpful! XD
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Maybe it got to me whilst I was typing it, hmmmmm?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Where are we picking up our uniforms and such again? I'm presuming the sign-ups are going to be held in one of the courtyards or other buildings, aye? Just trying to get a mental map before I start posting again.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Uniforms can either be picked up at the E Building or at the reception, which is at the A Building. And the club sign ups will be at the club rooms board. I'll get to making a thread there now.

Also, due to current circumstances I'll be using Maria to temporarily remove everyone's memories of Al, the picture that Art put up would also have been taken down by Maria during the night. If Pale does successfully come back then I'll have Maria give everyone their memories back. But for now act as if she never existed.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Sucks, but it makes sense.

And thanks for the info.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

So I've been messing around with GIFs lately. Check this out...

Simon goes overdrive!


Expect to see the girls joining in soon too.

For those who don't get the reference...
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC


You never know when you're going need military-grade zip-lining rope.

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Holy crap, thats awesome. Did you do all of it yourself or did you work off something?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC


Eh, zip line?

I drew it in paint, but over the top off a screen shot slowly replacing ol bunny girl. Other wise all mine. Just wanted to make sure the pose was accurate. There was a funny point halfway through where simon had bunny ears and very lady like proportions. After that I put them into photoshop, made a few edits and set up the animation stuff.

(Edit - Oh, Zip line!)
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Sweet jesus my brain! Squid, never do that again! On a side note, though, great job with the animation, especially getting the shadow to line up like that!