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G Building

Re: G Building

Stella looks up as Art enters the room, she gets up and takes the bowl and what was left of her stew-like food to the dish cleaning area, then ducks out, not eager to have to be in the same room as the boy that had almost re-killed her the previous day.
Re: G Building

"Of course, if you're hungry, you can have this," Suzy says, proffering her apple from her pocket. "It should still be good, I only got it this morning. You feeling all right to go by yourself, or want I should come with you? My names Suzanna, but call me Suzy, I don't like the full one."
Re: G Building

"Thanks," Art says to Ian, he pulls out a scrap of paper from his pocket and hands it to him. "Here's my schedule if I don't make it to class."

Art props himself up on his elbows, and takes hold of his can. "Yeah, I saw that. Was coming here from the nurses office when it happened. It didn't look like a cloud but I could be wrong."
Re: G Building

"Mm, gift apple? Aww cheers." Grace says accepting the apple and examining it cheerily. "I think I'm right enough to get there fine. Isn't far. Though I guess I should get going if I'm gonna go. So I'll see ya around then." She says then going to the door, stopping once more at the top of the stairs to add, "I'll pay y'back for the apple sometime!"
Re: G Building

Ian takes the paper and scans over it. "All righty. Ah'll check with the profs aftah each class ta make sure ya made it. Or maybe we'll pass and y'can let me know. Really, mate, if yer feeling that poorly, ya ought go back ta the dorms and call yer mum."
Re: G Building

Aya had only heard about the so called eclipse, but hadn't witnessed it. However, it wasn't much concern to her since she had in fact seen stranger stuff happen, and so she continued on her way to her next class.

Siphon however had a lull between classes with a long break between and had in fact seen it. Something hadn't felt right, since there was no eclipse scheduled for at least another year by his calculations, and he'd never been wrong on something that easy before. And so he stood, watching for some time, assimilating what he was seeing, and trying to figure out what was happening. Still, he couldn't shake the rotten feeling in his stomach, and so he headed outside, looking to investigate a little bit closer to the action.

((I'm unsure of if that event is over or not, sorry for late reply.))
Re: G Building

((Though very noticeable, the effect only lasted roughly 10 seconds and is over without anything left to see spare some odd invisible magical residue. One other note, is that anyone who was able to get a look at the sun would easily notice it was definitely not an eclipse. Only Grace messing about really. Wasn't meant to be any kind of major event. Knew it would confuse certain characters though. :p ))
Re: G Building

((Ah, well he's still going to be a tad confused lol.))
Re: G Building

"Hrm...maybe you're right," Art says as he staggers up to his feet. "Though I doubt my mother will actually come out here herself. Probably send one of the maids to deliver some medication. Anyway, thanks for helping me, I think I will have a lie down." Art says his goodbyes and makes his way out of the cafeteria.
Re: G Building

Siphon had finally given up. Whatever had happened, it was over and hadn't left anything he could trace. It hadn't seemed malevolent though, but it did raise a few questions. Still, there was nothing more he could do.

And that's when he saw Art in his disheveled state heading out, and his eye moved slightly. To the untrained observer, one might think that Art was infected. But Siphon had seen how the transformation worked, and Art didn't fit that bill yet. Though he did need to talk with him anyway so ...

He casually made his way over, stepping behind him and speaking.

"Heading out early huh Art?"
Re: G Building

Art jumps slightly at Siphon's words, surprised by the fact that someone had managed to sneak up on him.

"Yeah, I haven't been feeling so good since this morning and it's only been getting worse," Art replies to him, his voice growing weak.
Re: G Building

If he seemed shocked by the fact Art was jumpy, he didn't show it, or perhaps he was used to it.

"I see. Your sure you didn't get infected? I know I've seen how the whole process works but ... I don't really know how it would function here, and since she isn't fully changed, we have no idea really how it will work."

There seemed to be more he was going to say, but he let the question hang there for a few moments, making no threatening motions. Art might get the impression that the other man didn't feel as if he was in any immediate danger even if Art was infected, which might be a good sign.
Re: G Building

"No, I'm positive that I didn't get infected. She didn't bite me and the only damage she did to me was light scratches," Art leans up against the wall to support himself as he explains to Siphon. "I went to see the nurse earlier but she couldn't find any reason why I would be ill, which could only mean it's either something magic-related or the zombie had a kind of curse in its attacks. I'm going to phone my mother to see if she can work out what the problem is when I get back to my room."
Re: G Building

Siphon seemed to hesitate for a moment. He had never heard of any of these things having magical or curse spread abilities. Only the Lich that had controlled them had, and the Lich was dead again. Siphon had seen to that himself. But now a nagging thought reared into his head. What if there had been more than one, or god forbid, it was some kind of hybrid? He couldn't remain silent on it, and so he took a breath and told Art.

"Interesting. None of the zombies I ever encountered save the Lich who controlled them possessed those kind of abilities. Now either it's a hybrid, or it was created by him, or possibly it's another Lich in disguise. The last seems unlikely, though the hybrid or creation theory certainly sounds plausible. I'd suggest trying some kind of holy curative magic, but being as the curse is likely to have changed given dimension travel, I can't be certain it wouldn't kill you instantly. I needed to talk with you about some other things, so if you don't mind I guess I'll join you and chip in whatever information I can on the topic. Either way, I'm heading with you til you at least get to your room. IF it did manage to curse you, we need to be sure that you get there in one piece, and if your immobilized for whatever reason ... Well, I hope you'll at least be able to talk to her, cuz if not, well you might be up shit's creek without a paddle."
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Re: G Building

Athanasia watches the room while eating a burger. The food item was one new thing she had grown to like about this world. And hopefully, provided she ever find that bastard, she would not have to blow it up in order to take her revenge. Of course, there was also the simple matter of simply obtaining the recipe for this delicious food item, then she would not have to care about collateral damage. Carefully wiping the ketchup with a napkin, she stands up and picks up her bag, wandering around the cafeteria, eventually ending up near Siphon and Art, showing a photo to a group of random students,

"Have you seen this man? He should be much older by this point..." She glances at the offered picture again, feeling hatred for the younger looking Siphon in full military dress wear looking back at her.
Re: G Building

Ian nods at Art's decision to depart, catching sight of Siphon trailing after him, so he didn't worry overmuch about the other boy getting back to the dorms. And given that Art was doing the sensible thing and ditching class, Ian knew he was going to need to get his assignments. Finishing up his lunch, he gathered up his things, and stood up.

"Looks like Ah've got a job ta do. See ya 'round, mate," he said by way of parting to Leo. "Oh, and by the way, the beans? Still bettah with choc'late." He chuckles as he shoulders his bag, glancing at Art's schedule and intending to go and hunt down some of his professors before the break was over, debating whether or not to see about his morning classes the next day.

Leaving the cafeteria, he glanced over at the small group gathered around Anthanasia but, for the moment, didn't pay them too much mind. He had a mission to do and hunting down teachers that likely didn't want to be found was going to take up the rest of his time until class again.
Re: G Building

"A lich, huh? Not sure what one of those are, but it does sound formidable. It definitey didn't seem all that powerful, so I'd rule that out too. And that's one thing my mother is good at, curative magic, though I doubt she'd take the time out of her schedule to personally heal me unless it would further her research, I'll probably just get some enchanted medicine." Art pushes himself off the wall and for a moment he makes sure he can stay balanced. "Yeah sure, I don't mind walking and talking." Art then makes to leave for the dorms.
Re: G Building

Grace came walking back into the cafeteria looking to grab a fuller lunch now she was done with the nurses office. At least the queue was gone now. As she carries her lunch across the room wondering whether to sit inside or find somewhere nice outside, she nosily leans over and tries to peer at what ever was being shown around by Athanasia.
Re: G Building

Athanasia looks over as she sees someone trying to look at the picture. She quickly takes it from whoever was holding it at the moment and shows it to Grace, allowing her to carefully look at it, "Have you seen this man before?" She blinks as she realizes that she was acting a little strange, even for the standards of this planet.

She quickly corrects herself and smiles, watching Grace's face carefully for a reaction as she speaks again, "Ah, sorry, didn't mean to be rude, I'm a writer for the UFO Watcher Weekly, I believe this man has something to do with what looked like a spaceship crashing onto this planet awhile ago, do you know him?"
Re: G Building

Grace is a little surprised when the picture is suddenly presented to her, but leans in to take a look plainly enough. She seems a little uncertain at first due to the slight differences, but otherwise clearly recognises him. Grace doesn't seem taken aback by the abrupt question, but the mention of UFOs does distract her from her answer, "Yeah sure that's Siphon. I don't know him too well but... Eh? A spaceship crashing? And he's involved?" Graces face had turned to amusement and a fair bit of scepticism. "Nah, Siphon's more about exploring Africa and practising with swords 'n weird staff weapons and stuff. I don't think he's into space stuff."

Grace decides to sit at the table right beside her, putting her tray down aside, and just perching on the back rest of the chair for now while looking over the picture some more.