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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Keep in mind that this isn't a complete list yet, I still need to write the rest of them down.

And yes Torch does need a circle, though it'll only be a small one. It would be easier if you do go for fire that you use ignition cloth gloves.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Presumably said gloves would have circles on their backs?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yes they would, they'd pretty much be the same as Roy Mustang's.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Question! Such things like hits, damage dealt and so on - will it be determined by throwing dice, or is this RP going to focus on storytelling? Also, what kind of zombies are we going to face? The slow, mindless kind, typical to old Resident Evil games, or something like the infected from Prototype - fast and mindless as well, but much more dangerous?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I tend to prefer going for mostly storytelling style...While there will be some means of determining how much a particular entity can take, that won't necessarily be the focus.

As for the zombies and what not...

To start out with, you'll likely run into mostly the slow and relatively mindless variety, with a few exceptions. As things progress, you'll likely end up facing faster and more intelligent ones.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

I like this.

Altough as soon as my char gets his hands on the melee weapon of his choice, I can't imagine any of the initial enemies standing after the first successful strike...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Note that some forms of attack may turn out to not be as effective as you might think...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

We'll see.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Magical zombies aren't weak against massive head trauma.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

More of a case of: If there isn't at least some challenge, then things get boring. Thus, things that should allow one-hits aren't going to be as effective.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

What if we drop a building down on a zombie? Would we get a one hit then?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Can't imagine anything that'd survive such treatment...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

The basic starting ones, yes.

However, it is extremely doubtful that you'll still be facing those by the time you'll be able to do that.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Just think: all we have to do is lure a few zombies into a building and then take out the main supports.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Problem: Luring.

Problem: Figuring out how to take out the supports. They'll likely be made out of things beyond your abilities to work with. And it's basically out of the question to have explosives with the amount of training that starting characters will have.

Not saying that you can't, just it's not going to be as easy as you want it to be.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Solution to luring: get someone with the ability to run very fast.

Solution to problem two: find someone wearing a red shirt to plant the explosives.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Pheonix. This ain't TOS. You aren't going to have red shirts to solve your problems with.

Also, the undead are likely going to end up distracted, and focused on something else long before your bait person gets them into position.

Short version: You are not going to argue your way into simple solutions for this. The players are going to have to actually work to solve their problems.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Grave: The alchemical skill 'Melee Weapon' allows you to choose a single weapon or item to create. That will be your characters signature weapon.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

And I know what kind of weapon it's going to be.

Another question: would it be possible to use transmutation to create a transmutation circle on an object or surface?

For example, I draw a circle on the ground, then use it to transmutate a metal bracelet and carve a different circle on it's surface. Can I pull stunts like that?
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Short version: You are not going to argue your way into simple solutions for this. The players are going to have to actually work to solve their problems.
...Awwwwwww... So I guess dropping a cruise ship on the zombies is out, too...