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Amestris - Central City

Re: Amestris - Central City

"The Colonel is always prepared." she asserted. "I mean, look at all the times he's had to deal with Fullmetal." she grinned again, "Something like this would be easy."
Re: Amestris - Central City

"Fullmetal, huh... I've heard he was a crazy bastard... Heh." Jack grinned again. "Anyway, Fullmetal wasn't the only insane State Alchemist here. Ever heard of Armstrong? I've seen him once... From a safe distance, fortunately."
Re: Amestris - Central City

"The Strong Arm Alchemist isn't that bad." she shook her head, "He's just a little... enthusiastic." She clenched her teeth and then swallowed hard, "If you want a real crazy son of a bitch look at Kimblee. If he's actually done half of the things I've heard about..." she shivered, and her already low picted voice dropped a little more, "I'm glad he's locked up."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack's smile disappeared. "Kimblee... I've talked with several people that heard a thing or two about him. He really is insane. And probably worse than you think." Cynder scratched his chin, lost in thought again. "Altough that ability of his is quite interesting..." He spoke more to himself than anyone else.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda looked a bit sick, "He's a genuine psychopath. I'll repeat, I'm glad he's locked up. The man has a blood fetish or something." Pushing the thought far from her mind, she lounged in the chair she had slumped into a few minutes before. "Anyway, does anyone know when the Colonel is supposed to be here?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack shrugged. "No idea." He seemed to be mentally absent again, thinking about Hell only knew what. Cynder seemed not to care about the problem that much, as usual.
Re: Amestris - Central City

James checked his watch again. "Soon, I think."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda let out a sigh of relief, "Good. Hopefully he'll be able to tell us what's going on, because that snow is really making me nervous."
Re: Amestris - Central City

It could always be some sort of freakish cold front. Sometimes there are bits of odd weather in places. Of course, I'll agree it would be nice if the Colonel would just get here so we could either do something or go up to our rooms. Sen says, adding in her fifteen cents.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda looked doubtful, "It could be. I've heard of deserts getting weather like this, but here? I can't remember anything like this happening before..." she hmm'd, "After we're finished here we could always go to the library and check out the weather records."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Nah, I currently have my own pet project. I have a small strawberry plant in a pot in my room. I've been trying to convince it to come up with fresh strawberries every week by messing around with its growth. Still, even when I give it water and fertilizer enough for its increased needs, the berries keep coming out oddly shaped. Sen replies the weather really didn't interest her enough to go study it. Sure, it was strange, but if there wasn't any signs of it being alchemical, she didn't see a pressing need to research it.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda nodded, "Understandable. I have a few pet projects in my room as well, but this weather thing is going to bother me unless I go check it out."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Max had sat there quietly, listening in on the conversation though not taking part in it, he had other things rushing through his mind.

"Catalyst you say?" Max said, more to the room at large than anyone in particular. "Wasn't there something that the Elric brothers were rumoured to be looking for that would cover that? If an alchemist did find that whackjob's reports, and had a Philosophers Stone then it wouldn't be any trouble to conjure up this snowstorm." Max then lowered his voice, as if he thought people were listening in. "And didn't they use Philosophers Stone's in the Ishbal war? Maybe, just maybe Kimblee could tell us something."

"Thinking like that is what gets a soldier killed," A masculine voice said as the tavern door opened. The owner of that voice was Colonel Roy Mustang, his shoulders and hair lightly peppered with snow.

"I imagine you all know why you're here," Mustang started as the door closed behind him. "This weather we're having is obviously the work of an Alchemist, or at the very least someone with the ability to use something that replicates alchemical powers. We haven't yet recieved any report about what the perportrator's goals or demands are though what we do know is that it appears to be centered around Central city's military buildings. Because of that all State Alchemists have been assigned to different locations in Central."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James stood up as Colonel Mustang entered the room, face locked in a neutral expression, but as of yet refrained from saying anything.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack adopted a proper stance as well. He didn't say anything, but Mustang's information was like a catalyst for his brain. Cynder quickly began to suspect that the military might know more than it's willing to tell it's soldiers - he didn't trust others in general, with few exceptions. The Hellfire Alchemist considered various possible theories and outcomes, disregarding Mustang's first remark. He assumed that Roy was talking about contacting Kimblee and didn't try to search for hidden meaning.
Re: Amestris - Central City

After a pause, time to allow the information to sink into his audiences head, he continued his talk.

"Because all the other Alchemists have been relocated elsewhere you all are our only remaining soldiers," Roy then showed the briefest of smiles. "Which means you lucky few have the honours of dealing with this mess. Whilst I won't be there personally to assist you, should you need the help I've stationed one of my own in a nearby building. I expect a full report of your findings by nightfall." Roy then turned to leave, his hand clasping the handle of the door. "Oh yeah, there was one more thing. Don't bother looking for Kimblee, he's not your priority, you understand?" Roy then left the tavern and headed back to his temporary lodgings.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda had stood and saluted him, staying at attention until he left. It was only after the door shut, that she relaxed.

"Well, that answers that question. No need for me to check the weather records then." Her breath whooshed out, "So it's up to us to sort this mess out, and find out what's causing the weather problems..." she muttered half to herself. She chewed her lip thoughtfully, "I guess the first step is to start talking to civillians." she fiddled with her watch, "See if they've seen anything unusual..."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Hi, do that, give me a report later? Would someone explain why he gets idolized? Sen asks after the man has left. Then looking at Whitten, she replies to her, Why not check the places out ourselves first? Altogether or in pairs or something.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda quirked a grin, "He's idolized because not only is he a powerful alchemist he tries to do what's best for the people and for the country." Letting the grin slide off of her face she nodded, "That's a better idea than mine." she said seriously, "Pairs sounds good to me, we should spread out to cover more area so we can get more done."
Re: Amestris - Central City

James thought for a moment, then responded. "He said that the weather was centralized over one area. Perhaps we should go there as a group first, then break up to find out more if we need to? Which, admittedly, we likely will."