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Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant, Grappled

(Going with shooty.)

To-hit: 19 + 34 + 3 = More than enough to hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 = 11 damage.

Resilia raises her pistol and fires, striking the small demon in the shoulder and momentarily forcing it to a halt. The gunshot seems to upset the woman, however, as she suddenly wails and grabs as Resilias arm.

Grapple: 20 + 22 = 42 vs 25 = hit.

The woman wraps herself around the cat girls arm, but Resilia thinks she might be able to still aim and fire if she shifts her body the right way, despite the strange womans hold on her.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Feeling the sudden weight on her arm, Resilia moved accordingly trying to aim at the monster again before it could try and attack again.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Grapple: 14 + 26 + 3 = 43 vs 13 + 24 = 37 == Resilia wins.
Damage: 4 + 12 = 16 damage.

Managing to maneuver to target the demon while grappling with the woman, Resilias second shot strikes the demon in the head as it starts moving again, blowing its brains out. The woman releases her arm in shock, apparently frightened by the gunshot.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilia turned to the woman, and grabbed hold of the woman's shoulders. Staring straight into her eyes before asking, "Are you alright?"
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

The woman just stares at Resilia, her eyes wide. Suddenly, she bolts for the door, jumping over the demons corpse as she goes.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

"Hey wait!"
Resilia called out, and tried to follow the woman right away.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Following the woman outside, Resilia spots her running down the street. Giving chase, Resilia is surprised by the womans speed, and eventually has to stop to catch her breath. The woman had already had a significant lead on her, and Resilia watches as she disappears around a corner.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

"Just how can she run like that?" She muttered as she tried to follow the woman once again. She's no longer trying to follow her out of care, but instead, she just wants to know what is this whole thing about and see where the woman's going.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Turning the corner she'd seen the woman run down, Resilia sees nothing moving in the dark night.

Perception: Success.

Resilia turns her head toward a nearby house as she hears a thump come from inside, like something hitting the ground.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Fear never crossed her mind as she went right up to the house, not scared or even worried that it could've been a monster, hell, she didn't even draw her gun before she found the way in...
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant, Grappled

Perception: Failure. (You lost by 2....)
Grapple: Auto Success.

Resilia enters the house, glancing around for the woman as she passes though the doorway. She doesn't spot anything, but barely a second after she enters the doorway, she feels something grab her from behind.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

She turned around right away, not wanting to fire off rounds randomly she tried to keep the person or thing away from her so she can identify it.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant, Grappled

Grapple: 2 + 26 + 3 = 31 vs 9 + 24 = 33 == Enemy wins.

Resilia is unable to pull herself from the demon holding her, its clawed hands holding her tight.

Grapple: 10 + 24 = 34 vs 15 + 26 + 3 = 44 == Resilia wins.

She grapples with the creature for a moment, neither side gaining any ground.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Realizing that it's a monster, she gets more aggressive, and tries to force the monster off.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant, Grappled

Grapple: 13 + 26 + 3 = 42 vs 17 + 24 = 41 == Resilia wins.

Resilia manages to pull herself free of her attacker, and spins around to see a gray skinned humanoid with claws and teeth glaring at her with glowing red eyes.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Without wasting anymore time, she draw her gun and fired at the monster. Aiming for it's head.
(You CAN rapid fire right?)
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant, Grappled


To-hit: 20 + 38 + 3 = 61 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 16 + 3 = 21 damage.

Resilias first round takes chunk of the demons cheek out, stunning it.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Aiming another shot at her stunned opponent, she pulled the trigger one more time hoping to end this thing's life once and for all.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

To-hit: 10 + 38 + 3 = 51 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 3 + 16 + 3 = 22 damage.

The demons head splatters at Resilias second shot, sending bits of skull and brain all over the wall. The creatures corpse slumps to the ground, and Resilia takes note of how the demons skin seems to shift in color in regards to its surroundings.
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Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Noticing this interesting new trait, Resilia looked around to check her surroundings. She slowly approach the door and the outside...