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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) C - she needs more arrows, and three scouts is probably as weak a wave as she'll face.
2) B - if she kills the strongest ones at range, then they don't have a chance to pounce on her, and the weaker ones will be easier to deal with using her dagger.
3) D - two arrows won't last very long.

This good
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1-c) Defend the field.
2-d1) Gather Arrows. then b) Romani pulls her bow and shoots for the enemies that seem strongest
3-d) Romani searches for new items quickly.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Bandwagon for the win!

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Bandwagon sounds like a good place to be right now. C, B, D.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes 1C, 2B, 3D)

Romani muttered a bit at her sliced open outfit, but it was too late to change clothes now... besides, she was sure she'd be getting attacked more. This was a fight after all.

She rushed outside, drawing her bow and first arrow as the enemies advanced, letting all three of the remaining scouts know that she was up and ready for a fight. They rushed her, just as expected.

The first one cried out as he stumbled straight into Romani's traps, tripping hard and landing on a pitchfork left almost obliviously out in the wrong place. The trap was damaging, and the scout looked injured, but he wasn't detered enough to stop. One of his allies nearly stumbled into another trap, but was mere inches too far away. The last one was utterly untouched, either having seen the traps, or just very lucky.

Only slightly injured, the trio rushed poor Romani...

Two arrows. Two shots. Two uninjured scouts. It seemed to add up in her head, facing three injured foes would be better than risking facing any of them that were unharmed.

Romani's first shot went wide.. badly... her second shot only slightly better, but at least it struck true as one of the remaining three staggered, looking poorly off as the others advanced.

Romani was out of arrows, pulling the dagger and stabbing hard at the first one on her, the one that fell for her trap having rushed ahead, and one quick slash put him to the ground, unable to continue fighting. Romani was doing well so far... The next two of them lunged forward, and she barely dodged a blade slashing for her neck, only to stumble backwards into one of the shoddy daggers of the scouts slicing down her side, digging into her skin beneath just enough to draw blood and leave a mark, but she was relatively unharmed...

Her outfit, on the other hand, with the added slash meeting the first one, it was almost falling off entirely, her breasts were utterly exposed and the tatters of fabric exposed her entire frontside.

Now wasn't the time for modesty... Romani thrust into the next injured one and put him down fast...

It was just her and the final one left, as her enemy took the initiative, using her distraction with his ally to grab at her dress and tear it clean off, the shivering young girl left trying meekly to cover her breasts as she was stared at.

Adrenaline flowing, the two thrust blades at one another a couple times, but neither took the advantage. It was a stalemate... until Romani tripped over the tatters of her dress.

The enemy advanced, and she barely swung her weapon in time to send him hopping backwards, trying to leap to her feet to keep the pressure on her opponent... And once more, Romani stumbled, hitting the ground hard, her foe leapt on her and slashed at her arm, Romani dropping her dagger and clutching her wounded limb as the beast loomed over her.

It pressed down on her, and she struggled with everything she had, kicking and punching, while it groped and fondled the pinned female. One punch connected, nearly sending the creature staggering back... only for it to return the favor, slamming a fist down into Romani's face and leaving her lip slightly bloodied as the fight began to leave her.

Flailing weakly, Romani felt the creature shifting over her until she knew what it was trying, shifting and spreading her legs, it grinded a thick, stubby, foul looking cock against her pussy.

The two struggled on the ground viciously, Romani fighting to save herself from rape, and the beast simply assured of its superiority as it grinded its cock into her folds, teasing and making her wet.

Her attacker came all over her chest, leaving a filthy white across her body as it slammed her down again, and seemed to be ready for more, lining up again, she felt that first inch penetrating slowly, nothing she could do to stop it this time...

A dim flash of light in her eye, she realized that it had dropped its dagger next to her to try to rape her, and though her weapon was hurled aside...

She grabbed for it, and the beast barely thrust into her half of its foul cock before she ended the fight, the thing flailing backwards and bursting into fire...

She still had no idea what these creatures looked beneath their dark brown robes, only their strange eyes and now a glance at it's filthy cock...

Romani struggled to her feet and looked around... She knew where the flash of light came from now, more enemies were coming. She grabbed up her daggers and bow, and kicked the nearby crate that she used to store arrows, restocking fast.

Cum all over her breasts and splattered on her neck and face...
Her dress torn to shreds...
She was standing there naked, waiting for the army that was soon to conquer her ranch...
Only a young, half-raped girl stood between them and her home.

Her hopes were dim.

(Wave 2 cleared!)
(Wave 3... Swarmers. These are the fast moving enemies types in tower defense that can spell gameover fast if you can't put them down. But they only have 1 heart of life instead of 2. There are 10 of them, but they come in a 2 part attack.)

(Romani loses 2 hearts, 2 LS, and her outfit is destroyed. She found 6 arrows though, and a backup quiver, giving her 5 more max arrows. She also uses some spare materials nearby to craft 3 more traps before the wave arrives (-1 trap used, +3 traps set, is 2 extra traps this round.) Romani also finds a heart this round in her searching, but her LS is unaffected by that...)

Romani's Stats: 2/5 LS, 3/20 stamina, 4/5 Hearts, 6/15 Arrows. 17 traps (17 x 2% = 34% hit chance).

Romani's Dress (0/3, destroyed, Romani is now nude), Armored Tunic (6/6), Shoddy Dagger (x2).

Vote 0) Should Romani put on her tunic, or fight nude?
a) Put the Tunic on!
b) Continue fighting nude. (MUST keep this option for Tease/Lure below to be available)
c) Try to wear the tatters of her dress...

Vote 1) Romani decides to...
(May decide a different location each wave, but benefits get stronger for staying in an area. IE: Staying in the house 1 round has a 1/20 chance of a new outfit, while 2nd round is 3/20, and 3rd is 6/20...etc.)

a) Run back to her house to hide out and face her attackers. (Clothes find bonus.)
b) Flee to the barn to avoid her enemies. (Trap create bonus.)
c) Continue to defend the field. (Gather arrow bonus, x2 bonus if Romani stays, but may suffer LS damage while nude in the field.)

d) Flee the battle. If Romani escapes this wave, she's safely outside, but the ranch falls. Failing to escape results in similar to a surrender, but worse results for poor Romani.
e) Surrender. Depending on when she gives up and who she gives up to, different results may occur.

Vote 2) Combat style...
a) Romani decides to save her arrows, letting her traps do most of the work, then facing down the rest with the shoddy dagger.
b) Romani pulls her bow and shoots for the enemies that seem strongest (likely the ones that get through her traps unharmed). Using her dagger as a last resort.
c) Romani pulls her bow and tries to pick off the weak and injured enemies, using her dagger as a last resort.
d) Romani tries to ignore combat for a bit to... (forced to use dagger, at a penalty, but can also attempt to...)
d1) Gather Arrows.
d2) Set more traps.
d3) Get more clothes.

E!) (New Option) Romani takes advantage of her naked form to try to lure enemies into her traps by showing off and teasing them. (Takes LS damage, but traps are x2 chance to activate (68% right now, and traps will auto-kill these enemies.)
F!) (New Option) Romani stores her bow and attempts to fight with both daggers, bracing for the enemy assault. (Gain a 2nd attack per round in melee range, but at a penalty to hit. Saves arrows, but enemies may attack in return when in melee range.)
G!) (New Option) Romani tries to thin out the enemy lines, then finish them in melee so as to save arrows. (decide how many enemies she'd like to enter melee with)
g1) 1 enemy in melee (if she can manage to kill the rest)
g2) 2 enemies...
g3) 3 enemies... (max, leaving more than 3 for melee range, she may as well not take this option.)

(Just FYI: Order is Traps (one roll per enemy) -> Bow (one roll per enemy if she has the arrows for it) -> Melee (until combat is resolved))

(Edit, removing vote 3 here and letting Romani change outfits pre-fight as Vote 0 above. Romani will always search items after a round now.)

Alternate option!
If anyone cares to RP Romani for a bit, give a bit of a short post about her actions and it will become a vote option. If your choice gets voted on and wins, Romani will do that instead! (We will even have a mini-RP for the wave if you're up for it, then post the results as her actions for that took place.)
Last edited:
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0A, 1C, 2B. Pick them off as quickly as possible.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Always pick off the weaker and easier ones first. If you go for the big game first, then while you're hitting him, all the other weak guys hit you too. Kill them off first, and then you just got the big guy to worry about.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0 - A
1 - C
2 - C

Put on the armor and one shot the buggers :)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Always pick off the weaker and easier ones first. If you go for the big game first, then while you're hitting him, all the other weak guys hit you too. Kill them off first, and then you just got the big guy to worry about.

Alright with me.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Always pick off the weaker and easier ones first. If you go for the big game first, then while you're hitting him, all the other weak guys hit you too. Kill them off first, and then you just got the big guy to worry about.

Bandwagon begin!
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes...
0-A Put on Tunic
1-C Stay in field
2-C Pick off injured enemies)

Romani winced as she saw the next group already upon her, barely managing to grab her too tight tunic and yank it on...

In the end, she had no time to lace it properly or tighten it down, the few armored bits would serve their purpose, but her rather ample breasts were left sitting mostly exposed by the time the first enemies were rushing after her.

It was only by sheer luck the first excited monster slammed into one of her traps and magical blue flames consumed it, instead of the thing pouncing her.

The second one she barely had time to pick off with her bow the instant before it was on her...

Clothed at least, with three more rushing her, Romani gritted her teeth and prepared to fire more arrows...

Another trap went off... two more arrows slamming into her foes. Not a single one of the first group managed to even touch her, as she loudly cried out at the beasts, "COME ON! YOU WANT SOME OF THIS!"

Romani blushing slightly at her own boldness with the her success, even as she squirmed in disgust at the cumsplatters still all over her body.

The second group rushed... headlong into a massacre. Well placed traps had the beasts tripping into arrows, slicing themselves up on sickles and scythes, and when the single beast that made it through the mess of traps neared Romani, it waved a hand high and attempted to roar fiercely... Before turning around and realizing it was sitting there alone. It swallowed hard, tightening its grip on its dinky weapon, looking like it was about to wet itself facing Romani alone, then rushed.

"Bad move, monster." were the last words it ever heard as a single arrow ended its existance.

Emboldened by her success, the ranch girl cried out fiercely, "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT YOU FILTHY BEASTS! YOU WON'T TAKE MY RANCH WITH THIS PATHETIC ATTEMPT!"


(A meeting with the Garo Master.)
As if to answer her challenge, a group of warriors leisurely approached her trapline. This group unlike the madly scrambling beasts of the other groups, the one in front holding his sword out towards Romani and whispering in a strange language that was magically forced into Romani's ears in a way she could understand.

"Cocky girl. Surrender to us now, your body, your mind, and your soul, and we will spare your ranch, merely making you one of our servants here. Defy us... and we will make sure you live to regret it."

Not ready to give up, Romani quickly searched the area for more trap materials, more arrows, a heart, even spare scraps of clothes, anything that could still prove useful for this encounter....

Her enemies reached exactly where her traps began, and stopped short, seeming to know what they were walking in to... and for the first time, Romani saw a face beneath the masks as the leader of the attack squad pulled his hood back far enough to reveal a hideously grotesque visage. Romani's stomach lurched and she felt herself slam over against one of the nearby crates, puking her guts out behind it, even as the filth of the cum all over her body felt all the worse from knowing what kind of beast it came from.

Staggering back to her feet, Romani had the faintest smile as the lead beast stepped forward and one of her traps was sprung.

Her hopes crushed instantly as her enemy swung his blade lightly across it, leaving the thing once dangerous trap behind as nothing but debris.

"Surrender. Or else." he announced one final time in that foul language, the way the sounds invaded her head felt like he was trying to rape her mind...

As he smiled that disgusting smile, he pulled a filthy outfit from his cloak and hurled it to Romani, the thing little more than a dirty slave's outfit, it would leave her utterly uncovered in everywhere that mattered, but at least it could deflect a blow or two if worst came to worst. Romani had a cringe of misgivings about the outfit as she held it up and felt almost compelled to put it on...

Before she could stop herself, she'd already bared herself, armored tunic falling to the ground around her, and began to rub the outfit against her body, soon having it on as she arched back, showing off her ample breasts and dropping to her knees, legs spread lewdly as fingertips caressed her pussy, showing off to the group before her...

Fingers pumping in and out of herself, common sense no longer applied to the sex-crazed girl, as she bounced her breasts for her attackers' enjoyment while masturbating wildly in front of them.

"Good... good... already surrendering... moan for us, you slut."

She could only obey as a loud moan echoed out over the field, and she found herself crawling through her traps towards the beasts.

Right before their leader, arched back and legs splayed again, she fingered herself to orgasm while staring up at the monster's filthy cock, feeling it cumming all over her, the hot, thick spunk making her sick once more as she finally broke free from the outfit's curse.

Crying pathetically, Romani turned and ran, with a chorus of evil laughter behind her as she reached her discarded bow and outfit again, panting in a haze of lust and the aftermath of her very unwanted orgasm, hurling the outfit off of herself with a string of profanities.

"You're already ours girl. You're just too stubborn to accept it. But if you insist on a fight, prepare yourself, and we'll break that will of yours before accepting you as our slave." The lead figure spoke, his mask thankfully on once more.

Romani could only cry in shame as she hugged herself weakly, ducking behind her box and stroking her pussy again, naked, cursing them for being there to watch and how she had to hide herself, her mind almost broken from what she'd done.

Her second orgasm was filled with shame and regret, but she managed to sate herself enough to keep her desires down, letting her hatred of those figures be her driving force to continue.

(Wave 3 won.)
(Romani suffered a cursed outfit and lost 4 rolls to the curse.)
(Wave 4 incoming, 4 elite guards.)

(Romani shot 3 arrows and 7 traps were set off. She found 12 arrows in return though. However only had time to prepare 1 additional trap. Romani finds a heart. The enemy leader sneers down at Romani and hurls a tattered outfit at her.)

(Her encounter with the cursed slave outfit sapped all of her remaining LS, but she was left to recover afterwards, and regaind 3 LS.)

Romani's Stats: 3/5 LS, 3/20 stamina, 5/5 Hearts, 15/15 Arrows. 10 traps (10 x 2% = 20% hit chance).

Romani's Dress (0/3, destroyed, Romani is now nude), Armored Tunic (6/6), Shoddy Dagger (x2). Cursed Slave Outfit (5/5, regenerates, bad effects if falling to the curse).

Vote 1) Romani feels her sex juices rolling down her legs, looking around and desperately planning her next move. The plan is...
a) Romani starts to attack and flees to her house, hoping it will protect her better. (Bonus to clothes find)
b) Romani begins her attack and runs to the barn, praying her traps will do their task. (Bonus to traps find)
c) Romani stands her ground firmly and faces down against her enemies from her position in the field, giving her more room for combat, but not a lot of protection. (Bonus to arrow find)

d) Romani tries to escape her attackers, knowing they outclass her and she cannot possibly win.
e) Romani surrenders, taking the chance that the beastly figure will honor his deal. (If surrendering, vote 2 and 3 are ignored.)

Vote 2) Romani shivers nakedly behind her box after orgasming, only two outfits nearby...
a) She grabs at the tunic, a clear sign of hostile intentions, and prepares to fight. (Attack starts immediately, penalty to bow combat round.)
b) She staggers out naked and weak, knees shaking, only grabbing her bow at the last instant to get the jump on her attackers. (Attack begins after Romani fires her first shots.)
c) She picks up the cursed outfit, reluctantly wearing it so as to not be naked, but not show hostility, snatching up her bow and using the confusion of her submissive and hostile mixed actions to pick off the group quick. (Attack is delayed by confusion of Romani's apparent submission. Romani gets extra shots before combat starts.)

Vote 3) After the arrows fly...
a) Romani attempts to tease and lure her foes into her traps (only available naked or in cursed outfit. If cursed outfit, this choice may be force-chosen if she fails to resist the curse). (Will double trap effectiveness. Fails when out of traps.)
b) Romani prepares to fight with two daggers for when her opponents get in range of her. (Doubles melee attacks, but at minor penalty for 2nd attack.)
c) Romani attempts to flee the front line and buy more time for arrow combat. (Doubles arrow effectiveness, but fails when out of arrows.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I really don't like the looks of that cursed tunic. If she failed four rolls against it already, I don't want to know what it'd be like if she was wearing it. And with only 10% effective, hoping the traps will work is ridiculous. Stay in the open where you can constantly run&gun(or bow in this sense) from them. If they get too close, she can book it and shoot at them from where she is.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I really don't like the looks of that cursed tunic. If she failed four rolls against it already, I don't want to know what it'd be like if she was wearing it. And with only 10% effective, hoping the traps will work is ridiculous. Stay in the open where you can constantly run&gun(or bow in this sense) from them. If they get too close, she can book it and shoot at them from where she is.

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

*notices people keep going with his choices* <_<
Do you people just end up making the same choices, or do you just like mine? o_o
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Or both?
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Great minds think alike, I guess? o_O
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I really don't like the looks of that cursed tunic. If she failed four rolls against it already, I don't want to know what it'd be like if she was wearing it. And with only 10% effective, hoping the traps will work is ridiculous. Stay in the open where you can constantly run&gun(or bow in this sense) from them. If they get too close, she can book it and shoot at them from where she is.
