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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

See, the problem with a Pooh movie is they'll end up making it 3D.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

See, the problem with a Pooh movie is they'll end up making it 3D.

This doesn't look 3D at all. No mention of it anywhere that I can find.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Getting confused with yogi the bear?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.


Also, best Bum Review ever, IMO.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

That might be my mom and my's Christmas movie. We'll have to see.

Went and saw Tron Legacy for my belated birthday gift from my one friend. It was fun. It's....retro and updated both at the same time. Has a lot of elements from the first one, only shinier, heheh. Big huge sweeping plot, not so much, but it's a fun movie and the music, especially the Club scene, is fantastic. Moviebob over at the Escapist does a decent review of it. Also, probably quite worth seeing in 3D, especially since I guess they filled the Grid portion of the movie *in* 3D as opposed to adding it later like a lot of movies do.

Missed the Green Lantern preview (dammit!) but got to see previews for Green Hornet, Pirates 4, Cars 2, some feel good Pixar flick about birds and love called Rio. Oh. And Thor.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Nunu thought tron was adequate. adequatly entertaining, adequate effects and fight scenes, adequate story with adequate nostalgia that sets itself up adequatly enough to give adequate expectations that are adequatly (as in not enough to ruin the movie) disapointed.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Thor is amusing to me, because a number of people have shit themselves over the fact that one of the gods(Hemidall, keeper of the Bifrost Bridge) is black in the film, but probably never was in the mythology or the comic.

Seeing as the plot revolves around Thor being banished from Asgard, I foresee a scene where white Thor fights black Hemidall on a rainbow bridge in space, and these people's head explode.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm not so sure about Green Lantern,

I found a website that compared it scene for scene (with the trailer) to Iron Man and it seems like the same thing.

Guy gets new power.

Guy enjoys new power.

New power suddenly comes with responsibility.

Guys doesn't want responsibility, tries to ignore new power.

Bad guys threaten world (or loved ones), Guy mans up and uses new power.

World saved. :D


I also still haven't seen Skyline. I heard that sucked... I was really interested in seeing it, but as it stands the crew behind Skyline are being sued by the crew behind Battle for L.A. for skimming funds from L.A.'s surplus or something. Meh.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Thor is amusing to me, because a number of people have shit themselves over the fact that one of the gods(Hemidall, keeper of the Bifrost Bridge) is black in the film, but probably never was in the mythology or the comic.

Seeing as the plot revolves around Thor being banished from Asgard, I foresee a scene where white Thor fights black Hemidall on a rainbow bridge in space, and these people's head explode.

It seems the people who care about that mostly fall into one of two camps:

A: The people who don't understand that Marvel's Thor is to accurate portrayal of norse mythology as Batman is to accurate portrayal of crimefighting efforts in urban areas.

B: People who are racists.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm not so sure about Green Lantern,

I found a website that compared it scene for scene (with the trailer) to Iron Man and it seems like the same thing.

This is not entirely fair, because as derivative as any story is, comics tend to be even more so. The plot arc you described could just as easily match with Spiderman, probably any number of other superhero films. The reluctant hero is a very popular archetype.

And those descriptions are incredibly vague, and you ought to know never to trust a trailer.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The plot arc you described could just as easily match with Spiderman.

That was the point Newbie.

As for Skyline, it was interesting. A seemingly larger budget film done for under 1 million because the guys did it all in house. It was a special effects company that put the film together so they of course didn't charge themselves for the services, and most of it was filmed in one of the director's condo. As to the movie itself... like I said, interesting. Ending came out of bloody no where, but in the end I enjoyed it for what it was; a simple popcorn flick for simple amusement.

Also watched Salt today, the Director's Cut (as the DVD comes with three fuckin versions. Flipping through them all afterwords the director's cut seemed the best). It was actually much better than I had anticipated. Don't really want to go into details for fear of spoiling it, but the action was really well done, well shot, and the spy shit never went into the "everything is a secret gadget" realm.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The argument was that the trailer matched too closely to Iron Man. The point I was trying to make is that the story of a reluctant hero is a very common one, and that judging a movie that has not yet been released because the trailer has a (perceived) similar plot to a prior movie is silly.

The characters are (supposed to be) massively different, as are the supporting casts and their reasons for heroing and the scope of the story and etc.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

judging a movie that has not yet been released because the trailer has a (perceived) similar plot to a prior movie is silly.

See, if I wasn't on slow internet currently, I'd go through and post a bunch of trailers of all those movies that are just like that other movie, except blah.

Like any movie centred around a children's sporting league. Or heck, anything involving a group of children working together for SOME kind of competition.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The argument was that the trailer matched too closely to Iron Man. The point I was trying to make is that the story of a reluctant hero is a very common one, and that judging a movie that has not yet been released because the trailer has a (perceived) similar plot to a prior movie is silly.

The characters are (supposed to be) massively different, as are the supporting casts and their reasons for heroing and the scope of the story and etc.

I actually read the link being talked about, and it was compared to pretty much every super hero movie out there, claiming no originality.

However... I actually agree with ye Newbie. I was simply pointing out the other side. Whilst the Green Lantern trailer hasn't exactly piqued my interest as of yet, it is only the first trailer, and they will of course show points of the movie that have been showcased in other rather successful superhero movies just to get some attention.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I don't typically trust trailers, but recently there's been a drought of good movies without false advertising. The biggest flop I can point to is Transformers 2; watch the trailer, and tell me if you hear *any* of the sound effects they use in that, in the actual movie itself.

I'm only disappointed about the sound because it seemed so much more lacking than the original. This is a trend with some other movies I enjoyed before they were sequels (or trilogies/sagas).

Though I like the main actor in Green Lantern. He's among one of my favorite when he's not playing the typical smart-ass role. He can act when he really wants to!


As for Skyline, I'm still tempted to see it, but I'm going to wait till it comes out on Blue-Ray and watch it with my love. Until then we're looking forward to Battle for LA. It looks like a fantastic movie judging by the teaser given.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

As for Skyline, I'm still tempted to see it, but I'm going to wait till it comes out on Blue-Ray and watch it with my love. Until then we're looking forward to Battle for LA. It looks like a fantastic movie judging by the teaser given.

I would say Skyline is worth a rent for some cheap amusement. Battle for LA though really has my attention. I'm looking forward to it, and hopefully I won't be let down.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So... Valhalla Rising. Rented this yesterday, watched it today. I sat through the whole thing, and I'm honestly not sure what I think about it. It's 93 minutes long (according to the back of the Jumbo Video Box), and it still felt like it was dragging on. There were seriously full 30 second scenes of someone sitting on the side of a hill staring out at nothing... then cutting to something else entirely without anything happening. So it's a very very slow paced movie.

Most of the positive comments this films gets are for the beautiful landscapes and shots, the brutal violence, and the... intensity I guess of the film.

It has almost no plot to speak of: A slave named One-Eye, escapes imprisonment, joins up with a group of Christians, float out in a fog on a boat four about 30 minutes (of an hour and a half movie) then land in a place they don't know (for the last half hour of the movie). Details under the spoiler tag...

Turns out they somehow crossed the ocean in that little boat of theirs, an ocean that was utterly calm the entire way, and they end up in the New World. Uh-hunh...
This is where they start to all die from the Natives, and each other. Most of the deaths are quite anti-climactic and there was a five minute scene montage... thinger that added nothing to the film including some random rape that was never brought up again. WTF?.

So the violence... what there was of it, was indeed brutal. But there are about 6 scenes of violence, which were over faster than One-Eye staring out at the sky.

The ending also kind of came out of no where, and just didn't sit right with me at all. It felt very anti-climatic to a film that seemed to be just sizzling away the full length of it.

I suppose I should mention the themes. For all it's slowness, and strange plots and everything, the film basically unzipped its pants and takes out its dick, and shoves it down the viewer's throat shouting "CHRISTIANS ARE BAD! NIAH!" but then quickly pulls out to stare off into the fog or sky again. At least that's what I think it was trying to tell me because the Christians were all dicks in the movie. Not a singular character I liked. Hell the only character I did like was One-Eye and that was only because he was the only one that really got to fight the entire movie and he kicked ass. Other than that most of the characters are pretty unlikeable (I suppose they're supposed to be) and even One-Eye seems to have almost no personality.

They also say this is a Viking movie. How? Because the title says Valhalla? There is almost no indication of anyone being a Viking at all, indeed the slavers holding One-Eye at the start are Scots. And it takes place in Scotland. So what the fuck folks? No Norse mythology save the title, and it's a viking movie? Fuck off. Pathfinder was a better image of a viking movie, and it got pretty shitty halfway through (I enjoyed the first half).

So through writing this review and looking back at the film. No I did not like Valhalla Rising. It was boring, tedious, slow, and while it had awesome action, 2 minutes in a 90 minute film does not make it an action film (that last bit to whomever decided the movie was an action movie at my local video store).

K... think I'm done for now.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So I watched the movie "Perfect Creature" last night, which is a few years old and another re-imagining of vampires.

About 300 years before the movie begins (which is set in an alternate 1930's or 1940's England... and the military wears WWI/WWII German helmets) Vampires are born into the world through the first break through in genetic science. They become known as the Brotherhood and basically take over the church. Instead of calling them vampires they are termed "brothers" through the whole film. There are no females as it seems to be a part of the genetic experiment that makes it physically impossible to give birth to a female vampire. Their church is set up to basically experiment and find cures for disease to serve humanity, in turn humans offer blood at the church for the Brothers to survive.

It's an interesting premise, and the whole plot of the movie revolves around one particular Brother hunting down another who went rogue. The renegade was the first to kill a human being since their creation so long before. He has also been creating a virus that really fucks up people and essentially makes them into Left 4 Dead type zombies.

The film was actually quite enjoyable despite the slow pace (unlike the last movie I mentioned in this thread) with good characters that developed through the film, and quite interesting visuals. The only thing I wished they did was put a bit more emphasis on the infected outbreak and the quarantine set up in the later portion of the movie, with some sequences that held a lot of promise but never really went anywhere to stay focused on what the main characters were doing.

It isn't very gory at all, some of the worst bits being the hospital scene where people are spitting blood and the vampire bites from the renegade throughout. However I find it fit the feel the film makers were going for instead of drowning the mood with excess gore. What works in other films wouldn't have worked here I think.

It's not scary, and it's not action, I'd call this one a drama/thriller. A slow pace throughout but good characters and an enjoyable plot. I recommend it for vampire fans and anyone who doesn't mind a bit of surreal mixed with their drama or thriller. Also, neat to take a peak at for anyone interested in Alternate History, for while it doesn't explain properly how England came to take on German kit, it does look pretty neat. Especially with the blimps floating through the sky.

Can't recommend it for zombie fans as they play a very small role in the film. But if you are determined to check out anything with zombies, take a peak. Also keep an eye out for "Lifeforce" if ye like zombies.