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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Hey now, Queen's Axe wasn't that bad. :)

No, actually Queen's Axe was VERY decent. Even tho sometimes there's such a clusterfuck of enemies you drop the tactics and start the button mashing.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The only thing about Queen's Axe compared to fairy fighting that I'd consider a good thing is that it was so easy and repetitive I could play it with one hand... (not that there was any reason to as Queen's Axe was hardly a hentai game)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Well.. i noticed there was a close up for the now fixed ice-horse thing.. im pretty sure it wasnt there before~
Re: Fairy Fighting

I feel as if the opinion is more subjective than objective here. There's very little you could argue for it actually being a poor hentai game. Was that signature actually specifically for this game, or are you just drawing a connection?

Yeah, so I'm still not sure of this secret myself.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I was low balling, it's actually a piece of crap. Well that's my opinion, everyone has one.

Played it, my review was short because I didn't want to say how bad it was on the right words, my signature sums it up.

It's definitely not as bad as your signature makes it out to be, even objectively
Re: Fairy Fighting

Guy is just trollin, don't feed him.

Fairy Fighting is one of the best free hentai games out, and among fighters it's probably the best with all the different content and such. Has to do with how frequently it's updated as well. What other game has been updated weekly for like years with constant improvements? The fact that it still has potential to become even better is just great. It actually feels like a professional game, pretty rare for a hentai game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's definitely not as bad as your signature makes it out to be, even objectively
I would think you mean "even subjectively"
Guy is just trollin, don't feed him.

Fairy Fighting is one of the best free hentai games out, and among fighters it's probably the best with all the different content and such. Has to do with how frequently it's updated as well. What other game has been updated weekly for like years with constant improvements? The fact that it still has potential to become even better is just great. It actually feels like a professional game, pretty rare for a hentai game.

Trolls are anyone who disagrees with me!
No, I just think he's got an opinion that he happens to be overselling. He seems to be the type of person who puts actions before logic.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I would think you mean "even subjectively"

Trolls are anyone who disagrees with me!
No, I just think he's got an opinion that he happens to be overselling. He seems to be the type of person who puts actions before logic.

No, trolls are anyone who exaggerates or posts things just to upset people and/or start arguments and trouble and get attention for themselves. Isn't that what: "My sig sums it up" bit was about? Not a hardcore trolling or anything but it's pretty obvious he expected reactions from it by calling it garbage and such instead of just saying that he didn't like it.

I mean don't like the game if you don't want to, but in comparison to most games around here, it's "good", even if it isn't your cup of tea. Maybe he didn't know how to play it or it was too difficult ;)

Anyways I'ma wait another month or so to DL this as usual so I have a lot of new content to test out. Wonder what'll be after FrostWolf. He hasn't posted new arts on his blog in a while. I love those sketches of his.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

No, he wasn't trolling.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No, he wasn't trolling.


The only reason I oversold it (I didn't, it's really my opinion, game sucks what do you want me to do about it? I think it sucks, it's my opinion), was because the moment I said I wasn't big of a fan of Fairy Fighting (just giving my two cents) I got 178 negative rep, yes I'm not joking, out of nowhere, 178 negative rep. This in minutes from registering a new account in the forum.

And the comments attached to those downvotes, lol, it seemed like I was an atheist and talked smack about God, it was that sad.

My signature involves a lot of Hentai games, not this one specifically, but additionally, and to the guy who cried that FF is well, anywhere between one thousand and one zillion, can't recall the number you said, times better than any shitty Hentai RPG Maker game out there, excuse me if my hentai needs a story background and not just fap material that gets updated every week with new bimbos to get raped.
Re: Fairy Fighting


The only reason I oversold it (I didn't, it's really my opinion, game sucks what do you want me to do about it? I think it sucks, it's my opinion), was because the moment I said I wasn't big of a fan of Fairy Fighting (just giving my two cents) I got 178 negative rep, yes I'm not joking, out of nowhere, 178 negative rep. This in minutes from registering a new account in the forum.

And the comments attached to those downvotes, lol, it seemed like I was an atheist and talked smack about God, it was that sad.

My signature involves a lot of Hentai games, not this one specifically, but additionally, and to the guy who cried that FF is well, anywhere between one thousand and one zillion, can't recall the number you said, times better than any shitty Hentai RPG Maker game out there, excuse me if my hentai needs a story background and not just fap material that gets updated every week with new bimbos to get raped.

If its story you're after. I'm sure there is tons upon tons of hentai stories and fan-fics out there on the Interwebs.

When people want to see moving drawn pictures of hentai? There's actually not a lot. That's why people like Fairy Fighting rather than RPG pixels and text.

Comparing Fairy Fighting to RPG Maker games is like comparing a movie to a book of the same genre.
Re: Fairy Fighting

If its story you're after. I'm sure there is tons upon tons of hentai stories and fan-fics out there on the Interwebs.

When people want to see moving drawn pictures of hentai? There's actually not a lot. That's why people like Fairy Fighting rather than RPG pixels and text.

Comparing Fairy Fighting to RPG Maker games is like comparing a movie to a book of the same genre.

Google has not been nice to you.
Re: Fairy Fighting


The only reason I oversold it (I didn't, it's really my opinion, game sucks what do you want me to do about it? I think it sucks, it's my opinion), was because the moment I said I wasn't big of a fan of Fairy Fighting (just giving my two cents) I got 178 negative rep, yes I'm not joking, out of nowhere, 178 negative rep. This in minutes from registering a new account in the forum.

And the comments attached to those downvotes, lol, it seemed like I was an atheist and talked smack about God, it was that sad.

My signature involves a lot of Hentai games, not this one specifically, but additionally, and to the guy who cried that FF is well, anywhere between one thousand and one zillion, can't recall the number you said, times better than any shitty Hentai RPG Maker game out there, excuse me if my hentai needs a story background and not just fap material that gets updated every week with new bimbos to get raped.

To be fair, your signiture also bragged about receiving negative rep and asking for only negative rep not that long ago, something about enjoying the butthurt, I forget. You've changed it now, unless I have gone mad and imagined it but could that not have contributed towards some of those downvotes? ;)
Re: Fairy Fighting

I negged you, that's where most of the negative came from. I didn't mean to pick out the specific post from this thread, just the fact you were mass posting everywhere, even in old threads, to say something pretty non-intelligent, and made my job a lot more difficult extremely quickly.

And you keep using the word bad or "lower" despite the fact those seems like an objective terms, and that was BEFORE you got neg repped. This does have some story, just without text to describe it. Like I said before, I don't think you can make a single point about how this game is actually poor, except for matters of pure opinion.
Re: Fairy Fighting

To be fair, your signiture also bragged about receiving negative rep and asking for only negative rep not that long ago, something about enjoying the butthurt, I forget. You've changed it now, unless I have gone mad and imagined it but could that not have contributed towards some of those downvotes? ;)

That was after, I just removed it because my signature was growing out of proportions and ruining the layout.

I negged you, that's where most of the negative came from. I didn't mean to pick out the specific post from this thread, just the fact you were mass posting everywhere, even in old threads, to say something pretty non-intelligent, and made my job a lot more difficult extremely quickly.

And you keep using the word bad or "lower" despite the fact those seems like an objective terms, and that was BEFORE you got neg repped. This does have some story, just without text to describe it. Like I said before, I don't think you can make a single point about how this game is actually poor, except for matters of pure opinion.

Challenge accepted in a non-intelligent way.

The graphics are horrid (yes, there is no excuse for a game like that in 2012), the developer is too stupid to westernize the file names so we have to change the system to japanese (herp derp), the story, well nevermind, there isn't one, the gameplay is amaaaazing, yes sarcasm. There is absolutely no point to doing something, no achievements, no story, nothing, so all in all, it's a constantly updated fap fest, basically a endless loop of fap, in a non-intelligent way, that's the best way I can put it.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

The graphics are horrid (yes, there is no excuse for a game like that in 2012), the developer is too stupid to westernize the file names so we have to change the system to japanese (herp derp), the story, well nevermind, there isn't one, the gameplay is amaaaazing, yes sarcasm. There is absolutely no point to doing something, no achievements, no story, nothing, so all in all, it's a constantly updated fap fest, basically a endless loop of fap, in a non-intelligent way, that's the best way I can put it.

Gotta point out that as far as fully animated regularly updated interactive free hentai goes, this is some of the better graphics out there. Additionally, one of the things I like about this game is that I don't have to change my regional settings to play it; all file names have always displayed in perfect English for me, from the first time I saw this game until now. As for gameplay, it beats Street Fighter (admittedly that's not saying much), although it's not as good as say SSBB.

I will agree that I'd like to see a little bit more plot added, though. Never thought about achievements, but then, most fighting games that add achievements make most of them just stupid-hard, so I can say I'm honestly biased against them in this case.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Gotta point out that as far as fully animated regularly updated interactive free hentai goes, this is some of the better graphics out there. Additionally, one of the things I like about this game is that I don't have to change my regional settings to play it; all file names have always displayed in perfect English for me, from the first time I saw this game until now. As for gameplay, it beats Street Fighter (admittedly that's not saying much), although it's not as good as say SSBB.

I will agree that I'd like to see a little bit more plot added, though. Never thought about achievements, but then, most fighting games that add achievements make most of them just stupid-hard, so I can say I'm honestly biased against them in this case.

You're shitting me right?

So you're saying this game, gameplay wise "beats the most sold and played 2D fighting game ever"? Yeah I guess Evo 2013 main event will be Fairy Fighting, my oh my Street Fighter / Tekken / Mortal Kombat / King of Fighters / Insert fighting game here, step aside small fries, we got a new beat 'em up in town. ANYWAYZ, your opinion of course, not going to debate it further even tho it is PRETTY RETARDED.

Now your main defense, is the main defense of every shitty game that falls into the category I'll explain further ahead, like League of Legends, "BUT IT'S FREE". Well sir, this is the internet, the concept of FREE is very subjective. Yes, it is not a Starcraft 2, I'll tell you that.

But comparing this to Street Fighter as a fighting game? Seriously if any game can be compared to Street Fighter right now as a beat em up is Tekken, that's about it. You're even more delusional than I thought, but again, you can downvote me to oblivion, say I miss reason, call me an idiot and move on. But I am the one who fails at reasoning, I forgot to compare Fairy Fighting to Street Fighter... (Seriously not even sure still if you REALLY said that).

And yes I speak about the reputation system with sarcasm because it is a joke, it's Internet reputation, I unlike many others, am not here to please the masses, I'm not here to say what you want to hear, I have my opinion, you have yours, you disagree with mine you downvote me... Good job sir, you sure got your discontempt across!

Yeah Super Smash Brothers must be better, those Wombo Combos... It is nonetheless a very fun game to play indeed, with a huge fanbase!

Let me add this much sir, I am 27 years old, I am a computer engineer who has a normal day job, live by myself, have a pretty simple life but one small portion of my life is devoted to gaming, I can tell you with ease I've played over 10K games in over 30 platforms, and I have to say in 12 years of online gaming and forum career, your comparison of Fairy Fighting to Street Fighter, was one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard, even tho I grew a little dumber just from reading it.

Let me tell you something else about me, I'm 2 IQ points away from being gifted, the amount of fucks you give about that, is the amount of fucks I give about 30000 people liking something when I don't, if I don't I don't, period. League of Legends is the most played game currently worldwide, a huge percentage, you know what is similar to that high percentage? The amount of people I think that is absolutely retarded in this world. "But if a lot of people play it, it makes it good", a lot of people eat McDonalds, 'MERICA, makes it good? Dunno, you tell me after your fifth heart attack.

Now I could waste my and your time even if just to post a TL;DR. And make a huge essay how the game is "shit" (it's not, it's as good as streets of rage, that came out in the 90's, even tho it's not, SoR was better, 20 years ago), elaborate with eloquence, but I think 80% of mankind is dumb as mentioned above and 19% of the smart people are NOT on the internet, and you clearly aren't part of the 1% that is.

Arguing in the internet with a total stranger is a waste of my time and a waste of your time, I have a high regard for mine even tho you don't have for yours, but going back to my IQ topic, what is amusing to you, might not be amusing to me, and while you might deem worthy debating if this game is the next best thing after sliced bread, or just average, it's still opinions, I won't change yours, you won't change mine unless you make a very strong point, you haven't made points, you made excuses.

I apologize so many people got butthurt because I said this game wasn't that good, I apologize that instead of making a small post defending why the game was so good and maybe change my opinion about it, you spammed downvotes, called me an idiot among many other things I will not say here, there's still minors and while a few shits and fucks are ok, since every 6 year old knows what it is, I don't want to mental traumatize anyone. However keep in mind, I apologize, I'm not sorry.

Oh and ToxicShot, I know your high amount of posts, reputation and above all, position, might give you the feeling of entitlement to call others stupid at whatever moment you feel like, but stop acting like you're in any way superior to others, specially when you don't know who's on the other side of the keyboard, in fact, Sigmund Freud already proved that those who are constantly trying to diminish others and trying to give an idea they are superior, have serious issues with self-esteem physically and intellectually. We all know you're the mod and the law around here, you make it pretty obvious for everyone, don't need to throw it at our face constantly.
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