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The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
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~The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial~

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Zero to One. Combat and Explore is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Naughty. Spirit is Rare. Expect Heavy Monster (In the form of Monstrous Humanoids), Light Bondage/Enslavement, Traps and Rape.)

Desired Posting Speed: Three Posts a Day is fine, but at the slowest Once a Day.
Desired Posting Length: Two to Three Detailed Paragraphs will do. The more details you give me, the more I can give back to you.)


Recently the City of Vertigo has come under siege by a horde of savage humanoid monsters. Especially those of the goblin mercenaries, The Bonegnashers who ride under the banner of the Serpent Kingdoms of Sseth'rahs. They are led by the Warlord Ssen'Thial and seek to conquer Vertigo in order to gain a foothold into the Kingdom of Estakil.

This is the first major offense of the Serpent Kingdoms and whilst reinforcements from the Kingdom of Estakil are on their way, the reality is they probably will not make it in time to save Vertigo. It is up to brave souls to infiltrate the pyramid past the current battle grounds within the swamps and slay the Warlord Ssen'Thial before he can put his plans into motions and overtake the city.

Ssen'Thial must be stopped here and now or else many men will die and the women will be enslaved and made into breeding stock, slaves and their children shall be made in fine meals to sate the victors. Time is not on their side and thus the Council of Vertigo reaches a drastic but cunning decision. One that could not just determine the fate of the city but the entire Kingdom of Estakil.

The call for assistance has been made by many couriers within the kingdom and adventurers have answered the call, all heroic people of many origins that wish to become something more then a simple face within the annals of history. They wish songs sung long after they are gone, a legacy left behind, a mark of influence made upon the kingdom. This is not a crisis but an opportunity for those who seek power, a quest of intense priority by the noble, and fortune and fame for the ambitious. Will you answer the call to arms?
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Name: Lisa Mason
(updated her look)

Lisa is a mage gifted with an odd affinity for the light even though she has no connections to a diety or the like. Her unbound curiousity leads her to want to learn more and more about the world and solve mysteries whose answers are hidden in the shadows. She will not hesitate to pause her search for mystery to try and help those not as fortunate as her.

Desired posting speed: A couple times a day is fine I'm pretty easygoing about it
Desired description size: Moderate paragraphs, I like knowing whats around me but I understand sometimes there just isn't that much to see

Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40

Lisa stretched as her shoes clicked on the rough stone road, it had been 2 long days of walking, sadly she didn't know how to ride a horse nor were there any carriage drivers brave enough to take her to Vertigo. It seemed she had packed just a little more food and water than she needed but she would probably have to rely on it if the town was under seige. Thankfully her new robes had held up to the trip and the weather had cooperated. A couple more miles and she would be in sight of her destination.

She was headed there to help whoever she could and maybe help take back the town if it had fallen already, at least....that's what she told anyone who asked. Secretly her heart had leapt after absorbing the news, almost nothing was known about the Serpent Kingdom! She could study them, learn everything she could! Their lifestyle, habits, architecture, social structure, all the unknown answers! For a moment as she walked her mind wandered to the thoughts of a serpent harem and her cheeks turned red before she came to her senses and drank some water to calm down with a gasp.

"I must try to remain focused. I'm here to help the kingdom and research second." She took a deep breath to slow her heart down. "You already have a disadvantage without what the damn demon left you with, you have to keep your head on straight Lisa no matter how......excited, you are by denizens of the serpent and reptile variety...." She took another gulp of water and placed it back in her bag. As she neared the crest of the hill she could smell fire and death in the air.....she was close.
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

~Deep within the Jungles~

As you sneak past the battlefields where the Militia of vertigo does battle with the front lines of the Bonegnashers Mercenaries and Sseth'ras Kingdom, your heart pounds from the intense sounds and suddenly you are grateful for not having to fight your way through such chaos. As fire burns through your legs as you pass through the thick jungles you can barely see the large grey bricks of the ancient pyramid start to unveil itself before your eyes.

The dense jungles overhead inhibit scouts from spying your approach as planned. As you press onwards though the green and the still waters you halt for a moment as something has happened up ahead. You can hear the sounds of lizard folk and a goblin, conversing amongst one another. Peeking out through the brush, you can see one ravaging a poor woman that had a chain shirt torn form her body as she was mounted upon some horizontal bamboo post, her legs spread as a lizard man was pumping in and out of her tender folds. She had her mouth stuffed with the goblins length as they brutally gang rape her.

Her breasts sway back and forth with vigor as tears stream down her cheeks from the assault. Her mouth had a hollow gag upon it to prevent biting and forcing her to nurse on the cock inside her mouth. Cum had streamed down her inner thighs her pussy quivering with natural want as the lizardman's bumpy and rigid erection plowed deep within her and she screamed once more as she felt herself be filled up with the lizardman's spunk. As the hobgoblin released inside hre mouth she gagged a little and finally when the cock removed itself she took a few deep breaths coughing a bit of the cum out of her mouth. They wouldn't give her much reprieve before they began to pump into her pussy and ass once again her moans echoing through the jungle marshes.

The lizard man speaks up "The pretty no-hairrrsss, ssshall fetch a fine price in the ssslave marketsss. And thisss one is quite the lovely sssspecimen." A hobgoblin's voice could be heard as well as the faint sounds of stifled moaning. "If you wish your torment to end human you will tell us how to enter the city we shall cease our ravishing of your flesh." It didn't take much to realize this was an interrogation going on. Your heart now faces a quandry... should you risk your life to save the captive girl or press on forward through the jungles and continue your mission.

(Paths: Try to save the woman from her captors (Combat/Naughty); Press on through the dense jungle (Explore/Combat) )
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa ran as fast as she could to enter the jungle panting to catch her breath after she got there without being spotted. "The army and mercenaries coming in should be able to hold out. Perhaps she could do something behind the lines to help ease the battle." As soon as she hears voices she throws herself behind a tree and peers out slowly.

Her eyes widened when she spotted the bound girl, rage built within her and she prepared to cast a spell at the two, just before blasting them she stopped as her eyes spotted something. The woman had previously been wearing armor meaning she was better trained in combat than Lisa was. If her spell missed she'd have little chance and even so, such a display would call attention.

She sighed and decided the girl was already in no shape to flee if she was rescued and the best way she could help the girl was to make sure the serpents were not victorious then there would be nothing left to enslave her. Lisa quickly darted away as quietly as she could and vanished into the jungle deciding she had to hasten her trip to the pyramid and must risk the natural dangers instead of fighting the lizardmen too early.

(Press on through the dense jungle)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:

(Abandon and Move On, Explore = 16. Combat = x1.5)
(Lisa's Explore is 8. Roll of 3. = 11. Lisa fails by 5)
(Lisa suffers 5 Stamina and 7 HP)

The passionate cries of the poor warrior woman were heard within the din and it took a lot to steel her heart against such horrible sounds and quell her compassion. Her mind knew the logic behind her actions and with that she pressed onwards. The jungles were dense and she had a simple chopping blade to cleave a trail for herself just in case she needed to make her way.

The marsh lands combined with the jungles heat made this place hot and humid and ultimately unpleasant for her to stay within. Sure her magic helped keep the bugs off her but that was little comfort. And worse it was hard to find food here as she was no true survival expert. She was a city mage through and through and this kind of place was worse then the Crystal Spire in her opinion. Unfortunately she was so bothered by what she saw and the environment that she didn't realize she had gotten herself into a bit of trouble as she couldn't find her trail. She was now a bit lost.

Feeling a tad bit exposed and vulnerable she went under one of the large trees in order to perhaps use her magic to find a way back onto the trail she had gotten off of. As her magic worked its way into the tree to help make things a bit easier she suddenly heard a sharp hiss behind her as she was swift to turn around and soon her face went pale for before her was an enormous constrictor snake with emerald green and brown scales to better blend in with the home she had intruded upon.

It was swift to grab hold of her and coil its body around her her breasts peeking through the scales as she tried to get air into her lungs as she could feel this thing begin to suffocate her. She had to mentally calm herself down in order to maintain composure because she knew that if she didn't it would be all over. Her hands run along the coils of the snake searching blindly for the chopping blade she dropped to the ground. By some miracle she found it and began carving onto the snake making it hiss out in pain before it began to flee from her as she clutched her throat breathing deeply of the air.

Her magic eventually got her back on track and soon she came across the Pyramid of Ssen'Thial. Strange tan stones with detailed runes and murals line the lower walls with five flat stones making even levels. The vegetation had become severely rotted and looked more like a tomb then a palace. A large stone wall stood between her and the pyramid itself and she saw there was a doorway she could enter however two large burly hobgoblins were standing watch over it whilst she saw several fresh slaves being escorted into a side entrance.

The two hobgoblins were in the middle of a conversation. "We have perhaps the worst job of this entire campaign. All we have to do is watch this damn gate and the pretty gals go on in where the rest of them have all the fun. Hell we cant even enjoy a battle or two thanks to the commander telling us this is an important job" The first hobgoblin whined. "And you're saying that having an abundance of gold for doing little is not worth it? Maybe we should ask the Warlord about that and see how he takes it
The second hobgoblin says with a skeptical attitude before the first hobgoblin says defensively "All I want is a bit of fun. All work and no play makes for a very antsy hobgoblin." The second hobgoblin nods and says "Yeah a young no hair would be definitely take the tension out." A plan was forming in her head but did she dare to swallow her pride and play her charms on these two savage brutes? Or would she care to try her luck in the side entrance?

(Paths: Seduce the Hobgoblins (Naughty/Combat); Sneak into the Servants Entrance (Explore/Combat) )

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 13/20
Explore and Stam - 8 25/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa sighed and tried to stay strong as the moans of the girl faded into the distance. "She will be all right after I end this from their lair...." She began to look around and realized her folly in expecting to follow the pyramid when she couldn't even see the sky through the canopy. "Damnit...I don't want to walk around in here forever. I'll see if I can tap into the mana of the jungle and find a way out." She placed a hand on one of the trees and began to concentrate, knowing that the serpents used magic they should be easy to find.

Before she could detect them though she was interrupted by the spine chilling hiss behind her. "I suggest you le-AHHHH!" She turned and to her shock it wasn't a lizard man as she expected and hardly gave a fight as the beast threw her to the ground and wound around her. "I suppose....this is karma at work. I can accept that...." She coughed as the snake began crushing her and grimaced when her breasts popped out of her top, "Okay you're.....getting a little...too....rough...." Lisa felt around for her dagger on the ground, while this was mildly arousing, the thought of being crushed to death and eaten was not. Her hand gripped the dagger's hilt and with her last bit of breath she jammed it into the snake gasping in relief when the creature released her and fled.

After putting her chest back into her robes she proceeded to tap into the tree again and without any distractions easily felt the mana coming from the pyramid. Back on track she quickly ran through the jungle and gasped in awe once her destination was in sight. Slinking through the brush she listened to the hobgoblin guards talk to each other and smiled thinking of a plan, her smile quickly faded though as she thought back to a very similar incident just days ago. "There's no way to know for sure I'd be let go if I did seduce them...." Her hand wandered to the silver collar around her neck and she quickly decided to think of another option. Leaving the guards to talk she continued moving around the pyramid hidden in the trees before coming to a smaller gate for the servants to move through. "My curse might actually help here...." She grinned and creeped towards the servant entrance, even if she got caught perhaps she could bluff her way inside fooling them with the collar the incubus left around her neck.

(Sneak in through the servant gate *crosses fingers*)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Sneak into the Servant's Entrance, Explore = 16. Combat = 21)
(Lisa's Explore is 8. Roll of 5. = 13. Lisa fails by 3)
(Lisa's Combat is 2. Roll of 5. = 17. Lisa fails by 4)
(Lisa suffers 3 Stamina, and 4 HP)

As she moved through the thick brush to avoid being spotted she heads to the left side of the pyramid's outer wall and began to creep her way through the tall grass sweat trickling down her brow as the intense heat made her perspire.

Sneaking to the doorway of marble she pressed her shoulder to it thinking it had to be pushed. It didn't budge, so she tried to pull on it though she saw nothing that could help with such a fashion. She strained herself as she lifted the door up though that proved futile as well. It suddenly began to dawn on her that perhaps there was a lever for this. Sure enough there was a chain she could pull nearby the door. The haze of the heat had clouded her mind from that obvious means of entry as the door rises up steadily however the noise of the chain alerted the two guards who investigated.

Searching about for a place to hide she found none save the tall grass and that was a poor hiding place. Figuring she could squeeze through she tried to crawl under the rising door though she felt her foot get snagged by something. One of the hobgoblins had grabbed hold of her by her ankle and pulled her out her robes falling over her waist as he gave a chuckle "Looks like another spy wandered too far in. Maybe we'll have some good fun first before we send her over." A lewd smile crossing his face.

Lisa's mind began to frantically search for a means to save herself and realizing she had her dagger still she reaches out and cuts into the wrist making her captor drop her. The hobgoblin became enraged taking his axe out and tried to slice into her in retaliation though she avoided the deadly edge she was slammed back by his shield into the marble wall ringing her head slightly. Her eyes widened in the haze of pain when he saw the axe go for her head. She ducked low and stabs upwards into the belly throwing the hobgoblin into shock from the intense luck the mage had. Her hand goes over the jaw so he couldn't scream for help as she drove the dagger into him again this time at the heart. It was dead and the other hobgoblin tried to catch her in the back however she used the body of its former comrade and made it take the blow. She shoved the body onto the hobgoblin pinning it under the extra armor and dead weight of his friend before picking up the dropped axe and bringing it down upon the other hobgoblin's head killing it.

She dragged them each into the tall grass to hide their bodies from the others that might come and then heads into the side entrance of the wall. Two close calls and she had to wonder how was she going to manage this if these challenges didn't let up. Soon she found herself in a rather uncared and disemboweled garden... or at least it used to be. Tents and large bonfire's and cages were stern about with the standard of the Bonegnashers abound this hellish place.

Women of all races were in cages with tattered clothes, and primal fear within them as they witnessed and experienced fellow villagers, family and friends being raped by hobgoblins in stocks strictly for amusement, the men had been impaled on wooden spikes roasting over the bonfires to be cooked for the food and drink of the hobgoblins.

Absolute primal barbarism at its worst and she shuddered to think of what might happen should Ssen'Thial win and Vertigo falls. Collecting her thoughts and steeling her resolve she had a few ideas on how to progress. However she had deep within the back of her mind the consequences of what might happen should she get caught this time as she eyed a particular elvish woman forced to service six of the hobgoblins whilst chained down and having been forced to watch the other males perish whilst doing so. Her eyes were completely soulless at this point and a brief image of Lisa being in that position made her blood chill and her resolve steel.

(Paths: Sneak Through the Camp (Explore/Naughty); Use Magic to Make a Distraction (Spirit/Explore) )

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 9/20
Explore and Stam - 8 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 40/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa wiped her brow in exauhstion, she was unused to this kind of oppressive heat that clung to her, her spirits rose a bit when she saw the back way....and quickly sank again after she threw her body against it and knocked the air out of herself. After minuted of annoyed searching she smiled when she found the chain and started raising the slab ever so slowly. As she heard the guards coming she dove to the ground and tried feverishly to crawl under before cursing as she felt her legs grabbed and dragged back outside.

She scowled at the two hobgoblins as they discussed their plans which stupidly distracted them from her drawing her knife and slashing the nearest one. "Hmph, I will not allow myself to be used by lowly minions so readily!" Her smile of triumph faded as she was slammed into the wall but after being nearly crushed by the snake she was less stunned by the blow and drove her dagger into the fiend's gut before finishing him off silently with a blow to the heart. After using his dead friend as a shield and splitting his head open with the fallen axe she tossed both into the jungle and panted as she crawled under the gate and inside the walls finally.

Her heart sank a bit as she saw more captured girls, this time she couldn't do it...she wasn't going to leave them without trying to help. After seeing the broken elven woman a fire built up inside her and she clenched her fist around the wizard king's wand in her hand, still hidden she faced towards the front gates and gathered all her strength as well as attempting to summon the mana from the surrounding area. The humid warmth no longer concerned her as she wove her her hands around and chanted silently, even if she did not make it to the end for at least this brief moment they were going to feel her wrath. With a defiant thrust out with her arm she attempted to summon the largest explosion she could near the gates to draw them all away and hopefully she could free some of the girls in the chaos while she snuck into the pyramid.

(Use magic to cause a distraction, a big one! )

(That was the biggest overkill magic I could think of)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)


First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Use Magic to Distract Them, Spirit = 14. Explore = 21)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 1. = 9. Lisa fails by 5)
(Lisa's Explore is 8. Roll of 14. = 22. Lisa passes by 1)
(Lisa suffers 5 Magic)

As Lisa began summoning her mana she knew well she had one moment to act up this as the fire began to unnaturally spread to the tents. They caught on fire causing the hobgoblins to panic. They went to work on digging and getting water for the flames but unfortunately the fire were quickly spreading out of control heading towards the slaves that were bound and caged. Suddenly she had realized that her magic had backfired significantly as the situation for the women would surely be worsened if they even got out of it alive. She was forced to counter her magic to avoid burning the women and children and other men alive.

Rains were summoned as she looked on despairingly realizing now they would be looking for signs of sabotage and she couldn't carry out her rescue plan like she had hoped. Shed have to press on and this was assuming she escaped. She would think quickly looking over the situation and began to cast again using an invisibility spell to hide herself for the moment from sight as she snuck into the pyramid itself. Her heart sank at the misfortune that had been constantly plaguing her for the majority of this trek. She couldn't lose hope as she knew this was going to be a difficult task and she would have to remain stead fast.

Moving onwards through the pyramid she saw moss covered walls and vines peeking through the cracks in the rune inlaid walls. Ancient statues of humans had been defaced and some even replaced by crude statues of lizard men holding a dominant position with a leashed slave carved in stone. She was disgusted by the amount of pride in their behavior they had. Perhaps she couldn't understand or outright hated the fact that in their mind "Might Makes Right" and that they could take what they wanted from the weak without consequence. She was going to teach them there is always a bigger predator around.

Eventually after moving through a number of corridors, she managed to come into the inner sanctum where her invisibility finally wore off. She did realize eventually she would not be able to find the Warlord blindly exploring however. Shed have to find a way to get information As she looked about the now golden inlaid runes lining the tan stone contemplating what to do, she heard the blissful moan of another woman and realized she was incredibly close now. She heard the sounds and markings of a proper harem to her left down a long corridor with silken curtains and the faint smell of wine and drugs amongst the vice of flesh heard from it.

She could see a faint outline of a chest nearby as a lovely woman with long blond hair with a firm figure and a pronounced supple curve in her chest and her rear as an extremely large lizardman about ten feet in height stood over her petting her as she coyly stroked his thick erection through his loin cloth as he wore his metal armor proudly. She whispered softly into his ear with a blankly blissful face now as she knelt before him and gave a soft kiss to the tip of his engorged cock before he tipped her chin up with a finger before he spoke.

"I'll be back sssoon enough. I have to handle the Warlord'ssss orderssss" The lizardman hissed sharply as the slave massaged him before he pulled away. Lisa realized this had to be the captain of the Warlord's forces. He would know where to find him... but then again maybe it would be unwise to try and overpower him. Another idea was to masquerade as a member of the harem and then try and milk the information out of the women and perhaps the other lizardmen. If she could stomach possibly servicing the savage humanoids she could get some very useful information out of them.

(Paths: Gather Information from the Harem (Naughty); Try and Subdue the Lizardman Captain (Combat) )

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 9/20
Explore and Stam - 8 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa smiled as her flames began wreaking havoc and the goblins paniced, her smile quickly faded and she gasped in horror once she saw the flames endangering the prisoners. "Oh no no I let my rage cloud my control, blast you should know better Lisa." She whipped her hand in the air and sighed in relief as clouds gathered easily drawing on the humid air of the jungle. "They may not be free yet but at least I can proceed...." She sighed sadly as she faded from view winding through the tents on the far side from the blaze and groaned as she looked up at the steep steps of the pyramid not looking forward to more exauhstion.

She quietly marveled at the arcitecture as she walked though was slightly disturbed by the statues showing the ego of the lizard men. "Such contempt for people...I suppose it's partially understandable, being created by a wizard for the purpose of slavery would make one bitter..." She quickly ducked into a hiding spot once she heard the noise echo through the halls nearby. She stayed hidden as she listened to the conversation quickly thinking of her options. "I can't overpower him...I'm already too overwhelmed at the moment..." She nodded quietly in agreement to herself as she watched him leave.

Staying hidden Lisa found a hole near the bottom of the wall and quickly undressed before hiding her clothes and gear for later. She smirked a bit after realizing that ironically this was probably the safest part of her mission so far. Parting the curtains Lisa strode into the harem confidently without a hint of fear and found a comfortable place with the other women even placing an arm around one smiling. She had wanted to study their social structure, it seemed as though she was going to see first hand. "I wonder if there are lizard -women-......" She quietly mused to herself as she began her erotic espionage.

(Gather information from the harem, and hopefully regain some HP by resting and eating there)
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

First Roll:

(Gather Information at the Harem, Naughty = 20)
(Lisa's Naughty is 7. Roll of 15. = 22. Lisa succeeds by 2)

Lisa would find her arms having coiled around the blonde haired woman with the glassy blue eyes looking up at her curiously. She gave a warm smile her breasts pressing to Lisa's own generous bust as she runs a hand over her rear. "New here are we? Another of the "victims" of Vertigo?" Lisa felt a bit nervous that she might be exposed however suddenly the woman pressed close and kissed her deeply upon the lips as she whispered "It's not such a horrible life... servicing such oversexed beings... After a while you'll find how you got by without them."

Her nipples lightly brush over Lisa's as she intimately grinds her hips along hers. Lisa found a surprised moan escaping her lips as she felt her intricate folds rubbed by her fellow slave, the clit expertly teased by her. Mositure ran down her legs as the excitement built inside her body. "Mmm... quite eager... maybe yer still fresh after being broken? Then you should meet the mistress over us.. before you're spotted by the other eager men." Ushered slowly forward her breasts toyed with softly by one hand to keep Lisa's attention as she walked past several other various ladies being attentive towards some of the males.

However she was surprised to find that a few males were also in attendance for the lizardfolk... possibly for those without inhibitions of which hole belongs to which. She saw other men and women teasing beautiful scaled women who looked a lot more sleek and slender then even their male counterparts. Yet they wore armor and weapons as well. One had a strong looking human male on his back with her hand at his throat as she rode atop him rapidly pumping. She cooed sweetly in his ear even with a sinister dominant smile upon her.

It was clear the man had been forcibly made to climax several times as he looked like he was in so much pleasure it hurt to watch. Eventually however she passed under several curtains and came before a rather tall and beautiful example of a lizard woman dressed in long silks reinforced with metal over her torso and upper thighs. A silken skirt reinforced with steel hides the more intimate parts however as she sat there atop many pillows she had a slight purple hue to her cheeks as she had a redheaded female elf on her knees eating her out. The skirt slightly parted. Everytime the female let up a crack of her scaled tail went to her rear encouraging her to move faster. "Mmmm.. And what do we have here Charlotte? Another spy fallen like so many before?"

Lisa's Stats
Level - 1
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 9/20
Explore and Stam - 8 22/30
Spirit and Magic - 8 35/40
Naughty and Lewd -7 40/40
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

"Yes...I just arrived here...I was caught in the jungles.." Lisa calmly tried to make up a backstory but found it unnessicary, caught off guard a bit when the woman kissed her however the kiss was welcomed and returned, half for cover, half for pleasure. "I'm just glad I didn't end up outside in the camp chained to a post for the goblins, they seem a bit rougher." Lisa moaned lustfully as the woman rubbed their chests together and teased her folds, the incubus' curse helping her make a very convincing act of enjoying herself...mainly because she was. This time spent gathering information would be worth the struggles to get inside.

"Fresh? What do you mea-" Lisa doesn't get time to finish her question as she's yanked up and led along. Her eyes glance around, they widen when she first spots a lizard woman and male slaves, none of her books had said anything about this, she didn't even think anyone -knew- females existed! Her mind began racing and simply muddled together with her sexual excitement. "This is all so fascinating...." She accidentally blurted out but in this context it probably wasn't looked at as an odd statement. She managed to go back to thinking to herself though. "The females are armored, but they're never on the front, I wonder.....are they a matriarchial society?!" Her mind boggled at this potentially groudbreaking theory.

As she went over the new info in her head she was completely unaware of where they were headed until they passed through the curtains. Her head turned forward and she made a very audible gasp as her eyes slowly moved upwards. "B-by the gods....." Her eyes were as wide as could be as she looked up at the mistress of the harem her mouth agape. "Fallen..spy?" Lisa idly asked the short question staring in awe of the woman before her, she began to think that this might be why the males were shock troops if the females were like this.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

The red haired one moaned in discomfort but accepted her fate it seemed as she licked her captor... her mistress' scaled cunt with vigor to avoid another whip of the tail as the tip would tease her clitoris and she gave a sharp gasp squirting over the stone floor. "I didn't say you could stop.." The lizard woman says down to the redheaded elf. Blushing heavily she renewed her efforts to pleasure her as the scaled one addressed Lisa even as Charlotte was busy massaging the mage's defined bust. Charlotte would whisper softly into her ear before the scaled one spoke. "They are simply valuable and rare amongst lizard folk... There is only a few females in any tribe... too valuable for the front lines."

"Yes... mmm... Spies tend to be the usual norm for our kind... Ever since the first strike, they have been trying to infiltrate use though many wind up like this... the rest we give to the Bonegnashers if they prove too troublesome or are unsuitable for mating. We shall see how well you take to this and should you prove adequate... you might have the rare honor of being the Warlord personal breeding stock." The scaled one pushes the red head off now as she approached Lisa and then asked her tilting her chin up as Charlotte would back away her head bowed. "What is this collar around your neck human? Is it not one of ours."
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa was thrilled as she saw this new option, she might be able to get to the warlord without a fight and catch him at his most vulnerable....she looked up at the harem mistress when she stepped before her trying not to seem too meek even though she was an intimidating sight looming over her. "During my travels I crossed paths with a powerful incubus. I failed to overcome him and spent many hours straight servicing him. I kept myself from going mad and losing my soul but he left this as a mark, presumably so he could try again later..." She hoped that being good enough to stand out to an incubus would give her an advantage.

"Your people are a great mystery and facinating. As well as beautiful and powerful." She bows her head respectfully. "Meeting the great warlord would be an honor mistress." She placed her hands on her chest giving a full bow she had seen when she passed through the eastern lands. "I hope that I may prove myself worthy to you." She briefly thought about how she should thank the incubus if this worked.....just before vaporizing him with fire.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

"A spy that learns quickly eh? Well you boast quite an amount of skills. I have to wonder however if you are not lying. Let's call for a little test." She snapped her fingers whilst her tail would lightly flick back and forth over Lisa's nipples making them hard little pebbles now and her breasts became pert and plump with arousal. The mistress would move forward as she said "Let us just see what kind of stamina you have and what erotic skills you possess."

As she spoke Lisa saw three tall green scaled lizard men approaching them disrobed at the waist though their armor was upon their torsos as were their secondary weapons, the short sword. However their actual short swords weren't the issue. It was their long swords. Their erections were about 2 and a half inches thick with a pronounced underside that had blunt spines along the bottom. The head of their erections looked more looked more like a rounded spear head with a pointed tip. it was long as well standing at a good twelve inches. Quite impressive and a dream for most men.

"Let's see how well you perform. Service the first one as best as you can. I'll be watching your every move my dear slave. Don't disappoint me and remember their needs come before your own." She said as she walks back to the lavish chair and sits down her tail running slowly along her thigh as Charlotte would quietly watch idly rubbing her breasts slowly.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa gulps and takes a deep breath, "Their needs before mine..." She quietly thinks to herself as she approaches the first lizard.....

"Let's start off slow shall we?" She gives a naughty smile to the first lizard and wraps one hand around his shaft and starts stroking it slowly her other hand reaches down and starts rubbing his crotch. "You know I think you three might even be bigger than the incubus..." She grinned as her hand began to pick up speed, her hands soft and smooth from not having to use a weapon. She could feel the lizard twitching in her gentle grip, "Now now no need to be shy....let all that stress out..." Her hands gripped a bit harder and hastened and the lizard man grunted and started panting. "Almost....'come' on." She giggled at her little joke before the lizard man growled and spurted cum all over her, Lisa continued stroking until he was completely spent. "There we go, don't you feel better?" Lisa gave her first test a brief kiss on his scaly lips and looked to the second, she might leave this part out if she made it through her quest but she could think of much worse challenges.

"Now, to shake things up a bit." She knelt down before the second and squished his member between her breasts. "I wonder how you taste..." Her mouth slid over the head and she began to suckle on the tip to start things while rubbing her breasts around against him. Slowly she began sliding her entire chest and head along the length, she thought back to the incubus encounter and began to mimic what she could remember doing, moaning lustfully as she began deepthroating him. She made sure to speed up slightly everytime she felt a twitch or heard him grunt, once she felt he was near she slid down all the way and sucked on him as hard as she could to get him to let go. She held herself down and began gulping as he blew load after load into her mouth, after swallowing incubus seed lizard's was easy. She only let up when the flow ended and the lizard growled in relief. She released him from her grasp and gave him a kiss as well letting him go relax with the first.

"And now the grand finale...." She grinned hungrily at the final lizard making him give a look of mild worry before she lept on him and wrapped her arms and legs around him impaling him inside her tight pussy "Ohhhh that feels good..." She moaned in true relief from her demon curse and began slowly riding him standing there. "Don't worry big guy, I'll make sure you have your fun...." She smiles and kisses the lizard passionatly as her hips work his cock. "You're a much better kisser than some of the men I've met.." With that compliment her gyrations sped up and she released a cry of ecstacy as she orgasmed however still managed to keep going for several more minutes until he followed suit and she held her hips against him tightly, her lips milking every bit of seed from him into her. She gave a final peck on his lips before dismounting and allowing the spent third to stagger backwards exauhsted and sit with the other two.

Lisa turned to the harem mistress panting and sweating a bit. "I hope I proved my skill and endurance...." She gave another full bow and stood there taking slow breaths and wiping a bit of the sweat and cum off her body hoping she put on a good enough show to impress.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

((If you want to continue this particular scene do say so and I'll add on))

Each of the lizard man would find her to be quite good at whatever lewd act she performed upon them and it was a good thing they had spent most of their energy upon their other conquests for Lisa would find their stamina to be less then the norm and the fact she overtaxed them to get them to produce more abundance upon her figure or even inside of her she would find her breasts stomach and thighs coated with the slightly potent smelling spunk of her masters.

The seed inside of her had flowed out of her slowly and she saw the mistress frown slightly "Whilst I detest the fact that you would reject their gift I know you are ambitious even for a slave. At least you have your mind set in the right place however you must always try and keep their gift within you should you fail the Warlords desires. You females have a tedious task ahead of you so best to be vigorous about it. I shall have to rectify this situation" With that she snaps her fingers once again as the lovely Charlotte and the red headed elf move forward to Lisa slowly running their tongues along her sensitive flesh, licking lustfully the cum off her body. She felt two fingers from each hand push into her folds and begin exploring and pumping into her giving her and intense rush of pleasure. She gave a deep gasp groaning softly as her beautiful flesh was ravaged until she was cleaned of the cum upon her body.

The mistress would rise up as Lisa panted slowly and she pressed a firm kiss onto her as a long and slender forked tongue coiled around her own and actually massaged it sending a new unique form of pleasure through her the licks she couldn't believe was possible. She knew not to touch her as it would only make things worse and stop the pleasant feelings. Her mistress would slowly disrobe out of her silks and armor revealing a beautiful and supple scaled body. Her primary scales hues were a dark green in coloring with the chest and stomach with a yellowish hue. With full breasts with bluish nipples and a sweet smelling fragrance emitting from her body and her lower regions she was an exotic beauty to be sure.
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa winces at the scolding, "However if I mean to be the warlord's should I not save myself to carry his glorious essence within?" Her protests were cut short once charlotte and the elf cleaned her body causing Lisa to squirm about moaning. "Mmm...this is more enjoyable than a traditional bath." She manages to sneak a few pinches before the two women finish and leave.

At first she's concerned when the mistress stands and approaches but quickly calms back down once she recieves the exotic kiss and returns in. Her eyes widen as the silks and armor fall, "I have a feeling very few are allowed to veiw this sight..." She took in every inch of the woman and noted the sweet smell, pheromones perhaps. She would have to be careful.....though....she could always be careful later. For the moment she knew not to make the first move so she simply stood still awaiting for the coiled predator before her to strike. She smiled thinking of how glad she was that she decided not to fight that captain earlier....
Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

She knelt down low with her soft scaled muzzle, which was less pronounced then a male's and pressed her hot air blowing into Lisa's soft folds. She would kiss deeply over her tight folds. Her long slithered tongue went deep into Lisa's tight folds and trailed over her soft core making her shudder like a leaf as Charlotte and the Red Haired Elf would suckle softly upon her beautiful nipples pulling upon them slowly. They were massaging her thighs, grinding themselves upon her legs making them slick with their love juices using her body as a way to vent their need for lust out of them.

Her mistresses eyes looked up and drives both her fingers in each hand into their folds making the two non scaled humanoids moan with intense passion. Her tai snakes around to Lisa's soft beautiful and supple rear and lightly smacks it with her tail. "How many males do you think you can take?? How long can you last like this new cherry??" She whispered in a silk smooth voice like the temptress of flesh that she was. Lisa's voice joined the symphony of moans within the harem as her mind began to wash most of her logic with it in a waterfall of erotic physical passion. She struggled to hold herself aloft in this sea of lust however she found the riptides to be too strong and she fell backwards onto the mountains of pillows the mistress soon drawing a breath from her silky smooth nether regions which now trickled with a river of desire.

She stood up slowly and would flick her tail along her breasts cracking her over those ample mounds to get her attentive again for he wanted to have her witness this part. She picked up a crystal double dildo with some kind of liquid within it as both CHarlotte and the Red Haired Elf lift Lisa's lower body up until they had her only resting upon her shoulders and head her legs spread wide as the Mistress pushes one half of the dildo into herself with a lusty grin. She would then place one leg over in between Lisas leg aiming the dildo downwards. Lisa could watch it all as her pussy widened to accept this thick ridged and pronounced crystal toy into her. She grins watching ehr reaction.

((All done))
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Re: The Pyramid of Ssen'Thial (Archer)

Lisa moaned and bent her head backwards feeling the tounge slither around inside her swollen lips. "I just have to.....to.....oh gods who cares about my quest right now. This was worth the trek here and I'm going to enjoy iiiiiiiiit." She thought to herself as another lust filled cry escaped her lips. She pulled Charlotte up into a passionate kiss before letting her resume suckling on her. She jumped a bit and let out a joyful squeal as the tail slapped her rear, "I do not know perhaps two or three, many more is hard physically, I think I could last a few hours, nothing is sucking my life away this time..." She closed her eyes and fell backwards smiling, she could see now why girls like Charlotte had fallen completely under her spell and if she was a bit weaker willed she may have as well. She knew she would find it difficult to resist finding her again if she toppled the warlord but she would care about that later...much later.

The whipping of her nipples brought her out of her lust haze and focused again. "Oh my I've never seen something like that before...What is the substance inside it if I may ask..." Her eyes widened as it was inserted into the mistress and she was pressed onto her shoulders. A sharp gasp came from her when it was forced into her pussy followed by a cry of lust and ecstacy. "Ohhhhh gods yesssssssss!" Lisa began to grind her hips about, she knew there was little chance of outlasting this woman but she was going to make her work for it.....and enjoy every moment of it.