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PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Each of the four young women awoke to the sound of humming electrical power, and a pre-recorded feminine voice loop.

"The city and planet have been compromised by enemy forces. All units please report to designated battle zones and attack on your commanders orders. All non-military personnel are hereby 'deputized' into service and are permitted to take up arms in the fight. Your weapons have been provided for you in compartment 32-C. Prepare yourselves for the combat ahead. This is a designated safe room."

The recording then looped around again, repeating the same message over and over. How long it had been doing so for the women couldn't tell. However, they only now began to realize their surroundings weren't from home.

For starters, the entire room seemed to be made from some form of metal that was blackish in color, and everything was reinforced like a military base. Then there was the compartment in question, which was opened to reveal the weapons the voice had spoken about. What was strange though, was that each weapon was labeled out!

Inside were the following weapons, and their instruments if needed:

Bow + Arrows with a label "Natalie's" on it.
A Sword with the label "Jane's" on it.
A Staff with the label "Sally's" on it.
A Set of Daggers and Throwing Knives labeled "Aika's, only take one, the other will vanish when you decide."

There was also a single note left inside that apparently was addressed to all four women.

Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to serve as both entertainment, and a new breeding source for my friends. However, I am not completely without heart. As you can see, I have graciously provided you with weapons, as well as imbued you with some special skills you can use. You know what I mean, it's in your mind. All you need do is think about them, and you shall have access to them. In exchange for your new-found powers, you will serve as entertainment for me. Here is your task, and situation. By now you no doubt have discovered all of your clothing has been removed. You won't need them here, this planet is perfectly suited to your human needs. Besides, who needs clothing when you'll be having lots and lots of sex? Anyway, your 'mission' is simple. There are a number of areas filled with my friends who are just waiting to get their appendages upon you and pleasure you. Sounds fun to be pleasured by demons, doesn't it? Along the way you may find various items of use to you, and of course you'll find plenty of fun. If you manage to make it all the way to my location you will get to meet me in the flesh, and beg for your ride home. Well, begging won't help, I intend to rape you myself if you make it this far, but you won't. No one ever has. Through the unbarred door you will find a portal leading you to your first challenge. Time is wasting, your friends and family miss you little girls. Why don't you try to get back to them? Oh this will be fun! Eventually you'll get the honor of hearing my voice, assuming you last that long hahaha. Well, time to get going girls, and don't think that you can stay there forever. Eventually, we'll come to you!

The note ended there, and about then each of you realized you knew who you were, what your skills were, and could tell via a mirror on the wall that each of you were in fact absolutely nude.

Party Options:

Grab your weapons and move on.

Grab your weapons and get to know each other a little before moving on.

Note: To move on, all party members MUST agree.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Natalie sat dazed and confused as the various recordings and other noises happened around her. The only logical answer for what was happening was that this was all a dream. The first message made no sense. Planet under attack, what? And if this place had that advanced technology, why were the weapons knives and bows and arrows?

The second message, while not making any more sense, was clearly more important and the issue that needed to be resolved first. Keeping with the dream theroy, it sounded just like something Natalie would dream about. Natalie was no prude, enjoying casual sex as much, well, more actually, then the next girl. But why would she dream up three other girls as well? Sure, she wasn't exactly picky about who she slept with, but Natalie had never been part of an all women orgy before...

Slowly, Natalie swung her legs over the side of the bed/table thing she was on, and looked around. Natalie wasn't exactly shy about her body, but this was still kind of uncomfortable, though, if this was a dream, it didn't really matter did it. Not in any hurry, Natalie waits for someone else to speak.

(Choice: Stay and get to know everyone)

(OOC: Does "completly naked" include hair ties for ponytails?)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

With a groan, Sally pushes herself up and off the uncomfortable metal 'bed'. She brings a hand to her head, gently massaging her throbbing temple, genuinely regretting whatever she had done to get herself in whatever situation she is now in, without even a clue as to how she got here. Opening her eyes, she is startled to see her nakedness, her hands reflexively shooting down to cover herself. Much more attentive now, she listens to the looping radio message, growing more and more confused as it continues.

Hoping the compartment mentioned would contain some clothes, Sally hurries over to it, searching high and low without regard to her body now. "Nothing," she says with a sigh and sagging shoulders. Annoyed, she grabs the note, expecting this to be some sort of prank, but is shocked as she reads it, then rereads it. "This is crazy," she says, putting the note back. "Someone wants us to fight off demon rapists?" She shakes her head, laughing slightly and the ridiculousness of the situation, before reaching for the staff labeled with her name.

As soon as her hands closes on the weapon, Sally gasps and clutches it to her chest. Somehow, the act of grasping the weapon filled her mind with the knowledge of just the special skills the note had mentioned, as well as how to use them, and just what kind of situations they would be used in. No longer doubting the seriousness of the situation, the girl turns around slowly, the staff still gripped tightly and held between her now uncovered breasts. She stares at the other girls, wide eyed, then says determinedly, "We have to get out of this place."

(ready to leave when everyone else is)


Jul 26, 2009
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Jane rose slowly to her feet as she listened to the voice. After a few moments of listeniong to the same thing again and again she walked over to the compartment and noticing the note paused to read it...

"Entertainment? Interesting, but I think this sword will have something to say about that." Jane said to herself as she grasped the hilt of the weapon and drew it out of the compartment, giving it a few experimental swings before turning to look over the other girls in the room with her.

Choice: Stay and get to know the others.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Natalie takes note of Sally's actions. "Whatever you say, toss me that bow and arrows over there then." Natalie had decided to go with the flow, what else is there to do in a dream?

(Ready to go if the other three agree. Had to make sure to pick up the weapon though ;))


El Presidente
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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Aika sits up, trying to take everything in. After a minute of staring at the other girls she speaks.

"Well this is messed up. I'm Aika. Looks like we're going to have to play this game 'his' way."

She then proceeds to pick up the daggers and watch the throwing knives mysteriously vanish.

"I'm struggling to remember much about who I am at all..."

She falls silent.

*Votes for grab weapons and move on*


Jul 26, 2009
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

"I'm Jane." Jane says as the others arm themselves. "Looks like we'll have to fight our way free. I'm not too keen to see what inhabits this place but I don't think we won't them coming for us either."

Choice: Ready to go when the others are.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

"Err, Sally," the girl says, apparently taken aback that the others were so ready to agree with her, but obviously pleased all the same. With a firm grip on her staff, she reaches over to pick up the bow and arrows with the other, nearly dropping them. "Uh, sorry," she says sheepishly, before hugging the weapons to her chest and padding over to Natalie. Carefully, she sets the weapon and ammo down on the bed next to the sitting girl, then steps back and looks to the others.

"I'm having trouble remembering things myself," Sally says to Aika, "but I think the more important thing is getting out of this place." She turns to Jane then, and says, "I've got a weapon, but I can't really fight. I mean... I'll help, I'm just... not a fighter."

(ready to go)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Natalie sighs. "I've got a bow an arrow, I don't think I should step out the door first. Clearly I should stay behind everyone and cover them."

While dreams are ususally wierd, these people were acting wierd, even for a dream. Why would they be afraid if they wern't real? This did not bode well.

(Still ready)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

With the group having agreed to move on, they locate and step through the portal into the unknown.

Almost instantly they arrive in a wide open area and a mini map pops up in their minds, informing them they have entered an area called the Blood Moor. Almost immediately after, a second grid pops up, alerting the party to the presence of five enemies!

Initiative Roll (Includes all enemy stats, descriptions will follow at the end of the post):

#1: Level 2 Slurper: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 45, HP: 300, Sexual Stamina: N/A, Intelligence: 30 30+40=70

#2: Sally: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, HP: HP: 75, Mana: 50,
Sexual Stamina: 125, Intelligence: 40 40+29=69

#3: Level 2 Sexual Predator: Strength 35, Dexterity 35, HP: 400,Sexual Stamina: 110, Intelligence 30 30+31=61

#4: Aika: Strength: 30, Dexterity: 30, HP: 90, Mana: 40, Sexual Stamina: 150, Intelligence: 40 40+18=58

#5: Jane: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, HP: 150, Mana: 10, Sexual Stamina: 210, Intelligence: 10 10+45=55

#6: Level 1 Possessed Human: Strength 35, Dexterity 30, HP: 700, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence 15 15+25=40

#7: Level 3 Lesbian Trap Plant: Strength: 45, Dexterity: 45, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 115, Intelligence: 20. 20+19=39

#8: Level 2 Demonic Jellyfish Strength: 32, Dexterity: 43, HP: 500, Sexual Stamina: 120, Intelligence: 30 30+3=33

#9: Natalie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence: 25 25+3=28

Before the party has a chance to react, the Slurper attacks!

Slurper: 45+44=89 Vs. Sally: 35+13=48.

Sally can't react fast enough, and suddenly finds her legs wrapped up in vines shooting out of the ground, grappling her!

Enemy Descriptions:

Slurpers: The slurpers are females who move on all fours, red hair and what seem to be red vines sticking out of their backs. They attack by sending these vines out to entangle you, knocking you down. Once your on the ground and grappled, they use one long vine to wrap around one of your ankles, forcing your legs open. Once that is accomplished, they will send their red tongue flying out, and penetrate your pussy with it, eating you out rapidly. Or, sometimes they will cast their Futa Spell, and if successful they will draw you close to them, then proceed to suck you off while your on your back. Since their mouths are on an angle, this is actually quite possible, and it's something you really want to avoid since their attacks are very pleasurable.

Lesbian Trap Plant: She is similar to an Alarune, however she is much more plant like. Her skin color is light purple, almost pink, and her vine - like hair is green. She sits inside of a giant open plant, and she will attempt to use her vines to pull her victim inside the plant. Once she has her victim inside, and forces her to thrust her imbued penis into her pussy, she will close her plant walls around the two of them, trapping her victim inside and preventing even a Ranger from stopping the rape attack. Her viney embrace is very strong, which makes her a very large threat to physically weaker characters such as the sorceress.

Demonic Jellyfish: This creature is found in bodies of water, and is a terrifying creature to be attacked by. Since humans can't breathe underwater, where it prefers to rape it's victims, this creature has developed the ability to enshroud it's victim inside it's jelly like body, pumping oxygen in. Once you are trapped, jelly-like tentacles will stuff themselves into your ass and pussy, while the rest will gently caress at your breasts and hold you in place.

Possessed Human: These are basically human Males who have been corrupted and now seek to rape any warm human Female they can get.

Sexual Predator: These things are fearsome creatures. Resembling a walking humanoid amphibian, they stand roughly six feet tall with powerful arms designed to pin victims. They have a rather large member between their legs, and are just waiting for someone to get close enough for them to use it.


Sally's turn is up. She has two options as of this moment.

1: Attempt to break free of the grapple.

2: Wait a turn and see what the Slurper has in mind for you.

((I ask that players post in the order they show in the initiative roll. If an enemy is before your turn or an escape attempt, there WILL be an update before you can post. Also, bear in mind, immunities aren't kicked in until later acts.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

As she is looking around stunned at the sudden change of scenery, Sally is startled by the immediate presence of enemies. "Oh god!" she yells gripping her staff, unable to move due to her fear. "I-I-I," she stutters, before yelling as vines suddenly shoot out of the ground to lock her feet in place.

"No!" she yells, frantically swinging her new found staff and struggling against the vines, hoping her desperate struggle will free her.

(Attempt to break free of the grapple.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Grapple Escape Attempt:

Sally: 25+2=27 (OUCH) vs. Slurper: 40+34=74

Sally doesn't even come close to escaping, her panicked struggles getting her nowhere at all.


Aika then Jane have their turns before the next update.


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Aika chooses to attack the plant-like looking enemy with her daggers. She goes all out from the start.

*Use Flashing Blades on the Lesbian Trap Plant*


Jul 26, 2009
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

"Time to find out if these "special skills" actually work." Jane said as she attacks.

Action: ZEAL!


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

((Who are you attacking? I hope it's the lesbian trap plant or I'm a bit screwed :p))


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

(Zeal attacks all enemies)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

((Zeal attempts to attack all targets, so all of them Aika. And I fucking forgot to have the predator attack on his turn, doh. Too late now, he would have missed Aika anyway so it didn't hurt it, roll says Aika avoided.))

Aika's turn: Aika activates Flashing Blades and loses 5 Mana Points

Attack Roll:

Aika: 30+46=76 and 30+38=68 Vs. Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+23=68 and 45+6=51.

Damage Calculations:

8+6=14x2=28+5=33 AND 17+6=23x2=46+5=51 for a total of 84 damage.

Aika strikes her opponent with a brutal double strike attack, her follow-up doing more damage than her lead attack did. This attack leaves her foe with 416 HP remaining.

Jane's Turn: Jane activates Zeal, and will attempt to attack every foe in the area. Jane loses 5 Mana. She is unable to attack the Slurper due to it being engaged in battle with Sally.

Attack Rolls:

Jane: 40+39=79 Vs. Sexual Predator: 35+48=83 MISS
Jane: 40+39=79 Vs. Possessed Human: 30+28=58 HIT
Jane: 40+43=83 Vs. Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+15=60 HIT
Jane: 40+47=87 Vs. Demonic Jellyfish: 43+43=86 HIT (Barely)

Damage Calculations:

21+8=29x2=58+5=63 Jane deals 63 Damage to the Human, and drops it's remaining HP to 637.

23+8=31x2=62+5=67 Jane deals 67 Damage to the Trap Plant, leaving her with 349 HP.

1+8=9x2=18+5=23 Jane deals 23 Damage to the Jellyfish, leaving it with 477 HP.

Now the Human, Trap and Jellyfish have their turns:

Possessed Human: 30+19=49 Vs. Aika: 30+43=73. Aika's luck holds and she avoids the human.

Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+26=71 Vs. Jane: 40+32=72. Jane BARELY stays away from the Plant.

Demonic Jellyfish: 43+34=77 Vs. Aika: 30+12=42. Aika's luck runs out, and she suddenly finds herself grabbed by numerous tentacles!


Natalie goes, then the top of the order goes yet again.

(Below are adjusted stats and status's)

Initiative Roll (Posted for confirmation and adjusted stat purposes.):

#1: Level 2 Slurper: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 45, HP: 300, Sexual Stamina: N/A, Intelligence: 30 30+40=70 Currently Grappling Sally.

#2: Sally: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, HP: HP: 75, Mana: 50,
Sexual Stamina: 125, Intelligence: 40 40+29=69 Currently Grappled by Slurper.

#3: Level 2 Sexual Predator: Strength 35, Dexterity 35, HP: 400,Sexual Stamina: 110, Intelligence 30 30+31=61 Currently Idle.

#4: Aika: Strength: 30, Dexterity: 30, HP: 90, Mana: 35, Sexual Stamina: 150, Intelligence: 40 40+18=58

#5: Jane: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, HP: 150, Mana: 5, Sexual Stamina: 210, Intelligence: 10 10+45=55

#6: Level 1 Possessed Human: Strength 35, Dexterity 30, HP: 637, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence 15 15+25=40

#7: Level 3 Lesbian Trap Plant: Strength: 45, Dexterity: 45, HP: 349, Sexual Stamina: 115, Intelligence: 20. 20+19=39

#8: Level 2 Demonic Jellyfish Strength: 32, Dexterity: 43, HP: 477, Sexual Stamina: 120, Intelligence: 30 30+3=33

#9: Natalie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, HP: 120, Mana: 30, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence: 25 25+3=28


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Natalie was slightly stunned by how fast everything happened. Don't dreams happen in slow motion? The slight paused and her position at the back of the pack caused the other three to become engaged before Natalie had a chance to act, two becomeing ensnared by the enemies.

Natalie isn't skilled enough to shoot an enemy off an ally at this point, and therefore settles for pounding one enemy.

(Tripple shot at Trap plant)
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Natalie's Turn: Natalie activates Triple Shot, and loses 15 Mana.

Attack Roll:

Natalie: 45+44=89 Vs. Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+50=95 MISS
Natalie: 45+41=86 Vs. Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+43=88 MISS
Natalie: 45+37=82 Vs. Lesbian Trap Plant: 45+14=59 HIT

Only one of Natalie's arrows manage to strike.

Damage Calculations:


Natalie deals 56 Damage to the Plant, leaving it with 293 HP remaining.

Slurper's Turn:

Penetration Attempt:

Slurper: 40+27=67 Vs. Sally: 25+2=27

Futa Spell: SUCCESS.

Pleasure Roll:

Slurper: 45+40+25=110 Vs. Sally: 35+25+9=69

Before Sally can react to the fact the Slurper is still holding her, she watches it waver a finger in the air, and then suddenly Sally realizes she's been imbued with a penis! Before the reality of this can fully settle in, the Slurper takes advantage and slides her warm, wet mouth over Sally's new pleasure rod. Sally's eyes shoot wide open in surprise, totally taken by surprise as the Slurper begins to suck her off!

Sally suffers 41 pleasure, gains 61 KP and loses 41 points of Sexual Stamina, leaving her with 84 Stamina left until she orgasms.


Sally's turn leaves her with two options.

1. Attempt to free herself from the dick sucking (escape penetration).

2. Give in to the sudden pleasure and forgo her turn, allowing the Slurper another shot to bring her to her orgasm.

Initiative Roll (Posted for confirmation and adjusted stat purposes.):

#1: Level 2 Slurper: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 45, HP: 300, Sexual Stamina: N/A, Intelligence: 30 30+40=70 Currently Sucking Off Sally.

#2: Sally: Strength: 25, Dexterity: 35, HP: HP: 75, Mana: 50,
Sexual Stamina: 84/125, Intelligence: 40 40+29=69 Currently getting her dick sucked by the Slurper. 61/15,000 KP.

#3: Level 2 Sexual Predator: Strength 35, Dexterity 35, HP: 400,Sexual Stamina: 110, Intelligence 30 30+31=61 Currently Idle.

#4: Aika: Strength: 30, Dexterity: 30, HP: 90, Mana: 35, Sexual Stamina: 150, Intelligence: 40 40+18=58

#5: Jane: Strength: 40, Dexterity: 40, HP: 150, Mana: 5, Sexual Stamina: 210, Intelligence: 10 10+45=55

#6: Level 1 Possessed Human: Strength 35, Dexterity 30, HP: 637, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence 15 15+25=40

#7: Level 3 Lesbian Trap Plant: Strength: 45, Dexterity: 45, HP: 293, Sexual Stamina: 115, Intelligence: 20. 20+19=39

#8: Level 2 Demonic Jellyfish Strength: 32, Dexterity: 43, HP: 477, Sexual Stamina: 120, Intelligence: 30 30+3=33

#9: Natalie: Strength: 35, Dexterity: 45, HP: 120, Mana: 15, Sexual Stamina: 175, Intelligence: 25 25+3=28
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: PARTY 1: Natalie (OAMP), Jane (Windclan), Sally (Xivvix) & Aika (Aika)

Being too busy trying to wriggle her way out of the vines, Saly doesn't notice any of the fighting being done by the rest of the group. "Hey, help me!" she yells to the others as she squirms, eyes staring at the finger being waved over her, "it's doing somethi-!" Her cry is cut short as a sudden surge of feeling makes her aware of the growth of her new appendage... and the monsters treatment of it. "A-aaah!" She cries, reflexively trying to pull away from the unknown sensation, even as she looks down in growing interest.

(escape penetration!)
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