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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

Go on Toxic, take a seat. Come on, take a seat.

As for what Pale said; I'd agree with that. As much as I like bondage and the helplessness that comes with it, I am not that into the pain that's with a lot of S&M. A light spanking or caning is arousing to me, but I emphasis the light aspect. Maybe I'm just a wuss and don't like pain, but that's just me. I would like to try wax once, just to say I did it.
Re: Bondage Corner

Wax definitely stings.
If I could find the damn camera, I'd show you my marks.
Suffice to say: wax - DO NOT WANT.
At least, not on me, anyways.
Re: Bondage Corner

Wax is awesome, I was just "waxed" today (albeit for medical reasons)
Re: Bondage Corner

Well, first of all you need to pick the wax you want to be burned by, such as one kind of wax over another. Each wax will give a different sensation on the account they have different things inside, like an explosive wax candle *jokes* Please do not use that at all otherwise very painful for holder.
Re: Bondage Corner

srry for not posting in awhile. works gets in the way, TIME TO REPLY TO LIKE 14 POSTS RAWR!!!!
A: im a male, annnd most of us our d-bags but i have to give a shout out to the other 2% who care more about other people than ourselves I(")I
B: the issue of degradation comes down to personal preferance and intimacy. anyone whos TRULY been degraded intentionally against there will and severely, WILL carry scars for the rest of their lives, i know
C: pain is all about finding the sweet spot/ that fine line between pleasure and true pain, and that line differs with everyone I enjoy being bitten, candle wax can go to hell.
D:spanking is fun.....
E: heard a rumor that repeated orgasms can put so much strain on the muscles that it can become incredibly painful. heard this happens after 2-3 hours
F: Janna... grats on the Mackinnon qoute
G: srry ive been gone for so long
Re: Bondage Corner

srry bout the double post but where the hell did everyone on this particular thread go? this is probably my favorite i would hate to see it die T_T
Re: Bondage Corner

Well, I'm hoping to drop my shyness when I get back to school. I've realized that I don't care for serious relationships because they're not a priority. However, one night stands are perfectly fine (despite being the exact opposite of my personality)

My friends asked if I could perhaps help wing because I am the type to know everything about something I've never done. So perhaps I'll have something to actual post. This thread could end up being like Mystery's Lounge, lol
Re: Bondage Corner

srry bout the double post but where the hell did everyone on this particular thread go? this is probably my favorite i would hate to see it die T_T

Busy BUSY week at work. That is why I have not been around. :(
Re: Bondage Corner

It's okay. As long as you don't become a workaholic bent on working 24/7 and never stopping slowly sinking into a pit of despair that begins to take over your life till you begin a suicide bondage hanging.... Please play or something
Re: Bondage Corner

so many things grammatically wrong with that sentence diaga >.< ouch.....
ooo i been there gator i was just feeling lonely
Re: Bondage Corner

Some examples of what I mean by degredation:




And a few funny ones:



I'll refrain from posting pics of it, but since I'm a switch, I also enjoy the opposite...

EDIT: Wow, I left everyone speechless.
Re: Bondage Corner

No I just saw that there were going to be pictures before they loaded and had no free time to see them what with the house full. (My computer office is right out the living room with my back to where there should be a door, but isn't.

Anyway, as for a response.... B.O.B.'s of the world unite? Idk. More power to ya
Re: Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

Bend over boyfriend
Re: Bondage Corner

Haha epic phrase. I didn't know it.

I'm definitely not submissive most of the time, but once in a while I find it kinky to turn the tables, so to speak.
Re: Bondage Corner

I'm thinking of funny skits based off the premise.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hey like I say, sex is stimulatory, ain't no prob with it. As a matter of fact, males can climax from anal stimulation alone. The difficult part I think is that a lot of females don't like the idea of anal in any sense, and trying to convince them it's ok to do to you seems like it's ok for them being the next step. Also, the shame that people seem to attach to sex hurts it too, what with it being immediately assumed as a homosexual action just because it involves a guy's ass.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hell I know people that think male on female anal is gay.

In either case, surely the same logic could be used for blowjobs being gay? Or any sexual activity done involving males, and not vaginas or breasts? Because it can be done by gay people as well...

Finally and moreover, what's wrong with being gay? I suppose in a heterosexual relationship you might be worried your parter is going to one day realise he's actually gay and leave you, but except for that people use gay with much too much of a negative stereotype.

Then again I can't talk, I call everything gay. But blame 4chan and my friends for that. Or if balls are touching. Then there's no avoiding the facts.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hell I know people that think male on female anal is gay.

In either case, surely the same logic could be used for blowjobs being gay? Or any sexual activity done involving males, and not vaginas or breasts? Because it can be done by gay people as well...

Finally and moreover, what's wrong with being gay? I suppose in a heterosexual relationship you might be worried your parter is going to one day realise he's actually gay and leave you, but except for that people use gay with much too much of a negative stereotype.

Then again I can't talk, I call everything gay. But blame 4chan and my friends for that. Or if balls are touching. Then there's no avoiding the facts.
Don't get me into a semantic argument over usage of the word gay. Let me just leave you with this. I could post 5 paragraphs of ToxicLogic, but just take my word that the end result is "Calling everything gay is a good thing, any intelligent homosexual person I've talked to would tell you the same"

And yeah, when people call that action gay, I use your same argument that anything two males or females could do together would be gay then. I also use the animalistic approach where I ask how hot and heavy a woman has gotten with playing around with them and start small to keep them saying yes and work in a degree system towards BOB. The moment they say no, I ask them if they can see other people doing it though. If you work it step by step like that, they tend to understand, even if it's not for them.

There are sometimes when I'm completely outnumbered by a bunch of acquaintances that I don't want to stand up and have an argument with them trying to justify that action just so I could prove a point. Little too much risking getting the stink-eye everyonce in a while by potential friends just cuz of their ignorance on something that will never bother them anyway