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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

It was no use. No matter how many times Glenn rolled his eyes over the stones of the tower, mechanical imperfections were no where to be found. He couldn't gauge just how long the tower had been standing out in the wilderness, but had it been around for a long time it certainly had aged very well. There was no way to tell just by looking at it if it had been built my manpower or mechanical power of any kind, though he had the distinct impression that it was very unlikely seeing how they were in the middle of a forest. Would a bunch of workers and craftsmen really move tons marble and machines out here to build a tower? And if so, where would they have even come from?

He was thinking far too normally he knew. Magic was certainly at work here, different magic than that which he knew of, and it would be incredulous to believe the structure normally built with all that he had experienced first hand of the magic used. 'I'll believe a tower is normal and made normally when I see masons chipping away at it.' Glenn observed the long thin windows, noting their use as a glass compass. The beach was to the south, and to the north was snow and mountains. But where he was at now caught his attention more, from the stained depiction of a ravenous haired woman, arms full of feathers, staring ahead with red stained eyes.

The movement of a feather, silently coming into view distracted Glenn, and as he followed back to see just where it came from he felt as if his very vision was moving without his control. His muscles stiffened, and subconsciously the man felt the urge to pull away, to stop his gaze from being controlled, but to no avail. When his eyes finally settled, he found himself staring at the most intimidating pair of red eyes he could ever recall. It was a bird woman, just like the window, but in that moment all he could feel was that intimidation of that stare of hers. The stare of something so intelligent and so potentially... deadly.

Glenn shuttered subconsciously at the feeling of oppression, locked into place before the woman finally dropped from the tree. He let out a breath as he finally could move and blink. The difference in their minds... it was like being a child and staring into the eyes of a teacher again! He never though he'd ever experience that kind of feeling twice in his life. He said nothing as she walked past, and when the entrance door clicked and squealed open, he was greeted to the sight of another stained glass window, and a various number of statues. 'Gravestones? From the way these statues are assembled they were made to honor the dead. That's... one hell of a entrance chamber to have. I guess you can never forget your ancestors if they are the first people you see when you come here.'

The man stood idly, not moving just as the crow didn't where herself stood, and Glenn traced his eyes over the eye on the floor itself before looking back at the woman. A feeling in his gut still raged on that this was a terrible idea, but if he was to learn more about everything he had to do it didn't he? Letting out a big breath, he gave an airy laugh barely able himself to here and shook his head, before he forced his legs to move forward into the Tower. And perhaps, not to his surprise, the moment he was a couple of feet past the door, the squeal of something large closing behind him followed his footsteps, ending shortly after his own had stopped.

"The owner of this tower I presume?" Glenn commented a little more hesitantly than he would have originally like. "I was told I should speak with you. Uh... by a sea bishop. She said that you could answer my questions?"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

(Inspirational music used: )

The figure did not answer. Once he was inside, she turned and faced him directly, but still said nothing. Some kind of mystic aura hung in the air that made Glenn feel as if he was standing within an alien plane of existence, someplace otherworldly. Despite being such a simple tower, he would feel the sensation of caution surround him, on top of his current hesitation. His senses would tell him that a single step could mean he would be somehow lost within the tower and unable to find his way back, even though logic told him that could not be so. Lost, he'd be, lost under the undying gaze of the grave statues that loomed over him, each noble in a way that no crown nor royal blood could grant.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared. It's silhouette like that of the crow before. It swooped down, landing next to the first crow only to reveal that she and the new crow were one and the same. There were no differences. Both were like twins to one another. Two more would swoop in through the windows before Glenn found black feathers raining down from above like some kind of dark ceremony of death. From all the many windows above, a dozen windows sorted seemingly at random with no sense of organization, crows flew in, until Glenn stood before over a dozen of the identical crows, each who had their blood red eyes fixed on him.

Each rose their wings up into the air, tilting their heads back to look above, before they began to come apart. From their feathers and talons, down to their avian feet, their figures began to disassemble as if they were nothing more than yarn. Each thread gravitated to the walls and floor, seeming to become one with the tower as all light that reached Glenn became shrouded in black. Eventually, such yarn would run out of it's source, and light reached Glenn once again.

He now stood in this main hall, without a single crow from before in front of him, mind one, but she was not on the center piece, where the eye was ever watching. One more crow stood on a simple but attractive staircase that went up along the inner wall of the tower like a spiral. With one wing over the rail, she looked down at Glenn. He did not see the eyes that oppressed him, no, the eyes he saw in this crow were eyes that were equally intelligent, but eager to seek what the mind before them would communicate to her. Her intelligence was great without need for investigation, and only desired more.

Elegantly, she began to walk down those steps, her claws clicking on the marble. "You understand so little." came her reply to Glenn initial words when he entered. "But true knowledge only comes with mutual understanding. A closed mind can neither give nor receive knowledge. As you safeguard yourself from me, we may pass one another without saying a word, and you will leave me with just as much knowledge as you would have gained if I answered your questions now..." she announced, before reaching the bottom of the stairs, and facing Glenn directly. "You understand nothing, because you reveal nothing. If you do not admit to yourself that you can read a book, then you will gain nothing from the words. True, that if you close your mind from me, my mind will not reach yours, and the answers I give... Will mean nothing to you."

"Look into my eyes, Glenn," the crow announced. "My name is Cynthia, and I have foreseen the death of your sister in these very lands we stand in. I cannot see the cause nor the reason why. I cannot see how to save her life, because the key is within your mind, in the knowledge you possess. Open your mind to me, Glenn, and I will enlighten you, as you enlighten me."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Something was wrong. The aura of the tower wasn't right. It felt as if the whole world was kept in a dense fog. As if all around him was a pressure of air conforming against his body and shifting the way everything felt. Glenn felt as if he had stepped into another world, even more so than he felt already. It almost felt as if everything he saw was just a grand delusion, something that would shatter with horror the moment he made even a tiny step, or the slightest of movement. The feeling made him freeze up like he never felt before despite how ridiculous it seemed. But he couldn't shake it. One move and he'd be lost, with only statues of the departed to see his own departure.

And as if those feelings weren't enough, the searing of shadows made Glenn's mind jump in surprise, as darkened wispy shapes cut through the changed air and formed more and more crows, and more and more sets of oppressive eyes. Wisps... though they were dark, they played an illusion, and every flash of light around them brought the man back to an earlier time. Falling feathers became dead leaves, jiggling glass shapes the shifting of dozens of branches, and wisping assembly of crows with their crimson eyes became nearly translucent forms with barely a reflect of light at all to them, but with eyes just as crimson, just as oppressive, but with visceral sense to them that the man nearly lost himself to fright right then and there.

His breathing increased, and as they raised their 'arms' he was sure it was the end. His heart rose, but then it lowered. They were crows again, and though he was still frightened as they began to unravel and everything became dark Glenn oddly was calm. And slowly, when the light began to filter back into the room again, he slowly began to forget all about those wispy forms, or that forest path he stumbled upon as a child until it was nothing but a deeply buried memory once again. And when it was all but lost to his conscious mind once more, he finally noticed the new pair of red eyes descending from the tower's flight of stairs.

Glenn felt no oppression, nor intimidation anymore. Just curiosity. She wasn't any different from the other crow, at least appearance wise, but there was definitely a big difference. A softness. The man stood very still as he listened on, actually able to blink without the oppressive force weighing his spirit down and he hung onto every word, until the crow mentioned his sister. "My sister? Woah woah woah wait just a second..." Glenn exclaimed, breaking his frozen state as his hands went up in halting. "Assuming what you say is true, my sister isn't here. She couldn't be here she's... back home. Working as a singer somewhere. How would she even get here? And why? She has no reason in the world to come to this place."

No reason in the world. Except for one, he realized slowly. But even then why would she care so much. He barely saw her for all those years, and hadn't even seen her since his injury ten years ago, a dull throb reminding him of that very wound on his left breast. And she was a strong woman now. Even stronger than she had been before. She didn't need her big bro anymore. And he knew he could never make her as happy as he used to. To make her as happy when... when... a spike of pain stopped the thought dead in it's tracks. 'No... I can't think about that... I don't want to think about that...' Stubbornly, Glenn clamped down hard then, looking away with discomfort as he tried to contain himself, but his eyes slowly wandered back up and found themselves once again staring back into Cynthia's own as briefly, the figure of a girl with auburn hair and deep pumpkin eyes flashed through the man's memory.

And it was not his sister.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"Doubt and disregard, and misfortune will strike you." Cynthia cautioned him. "Fate is a mystical force that does not guide every hand, but it does guide yours, as it guides hers. She will find you, and she will appear before your eyes, bearing a weapon of magical steel. If you do not act, then you will be unprepared to face her. She will be prepared to find you, and will strike down your companions, while you will be unable to stop it. She will walk with a black tail, and carry with her only the love for you. Love blinds her, and handicaps her even now, especially as she acquired the knowledge of your location and how to chase you... You cannot escape her, Glenn. All you can do is prepare yourself to meet her."

With that, she flourished her wing in the direction of the stairs. "Come, let us drink tea on the floor above, and talk..."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

As Cynthia outstretched her wing and invited him upstairs for tea, Glenn glanced up in the direction of the stairs and after a moment, returned his gaze back down to her and gave her a small nod. "Alright, by your lead... Miss Cynthia." Though he followed without speaking a word, listening only to the sound of his boots and her talons clacking along the floor and stairs, he continued to ponder over the crow's words in silence. Glenn still felt very doubtful of the Crow's words, even with the reflection and the hintest feeling of pain still ringing about in his mind. Would his sister really be willing to drop everything in her life just to seek out her estranged brother... out of love?

What was this talk about a weapon of magical steel too, or walking with a black tail? 'Surely she doesn't mean... no that old feline merc was as orange as a skyline sun. I doubt she would even know who my sister was or care anyhow...' And how was she to find him when even he didn't know where he was? She surely wasn't going to show up in an airplane of her own was she? The thought harkened him back to his own fateful trip and made the man shift uncomfortably in his steps as he recalled the feelings panic and revulsion he had felt, and the relief that came when it had all been over. 'Something tells me there is going to be more magic at play here... just like everything seems to be on this island...'
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn was led upstairs, and into a more relaxing scene. Their footsteps now echoed through another marble room, which had a single table on display. Small and square, it had two chairs, as if Cynthia expected only one guest. Opposite of the stairs they came from, was a half circle of counters meant for the preparation of various dishes. Cynthia went over to somewhere around the middle, first bending over to collect the tea bags, and allowing Glenn to see Cynthia's black panties that clung tightly to her bubble shaped butt. She rose, only allowing him to see for a second, unintentionally or no, before preparing the tea. She took water, poured it into cups, before a sudden weave of magic, and they were steaming. However Glenn liked his tea, it was prepared for him that way. Sugar, or no sugar. Honey or no honey. It was brought to him, matching his liking, and sat down at the table, in front of the chair that she was pulling out in offering for him to sit in.

Should he take it, she would gracefully sit down in front of him, her movements so smooth that they left an afterimage of sorts, so that Glenn knew that what he was looking at was the wall just behind Cynthia, even though his perceptions told him he was looking right at her. Once seated, she took her cup in her talons, slowly lifting it up to her rose colored lips, as she closed her eyes. The tea ran past her lips without a sound, sliding down her throat as her cheeks flushed from the warmth. Once she had her sip, she set the tea back down. "I want to know everything, Glenn." she stated. "Your mind is closed, full of doubt. I have the ability to see into one's memories that they thought they had long forgotten. From all of this knowledge, I can predict the future course of events. But for you... All I can see is an orange colored mercenary, an airplane, and an entire sea of doubt." she stated. "Glenn, your course of events laid out for you were one of great misfortune. Beginning with your plane crash, your path of events have determined that everyone you come to know is to die. The sea bishop, Aurine, the werecat, Aya, the alraune, Ione, and the mimic with you now, Sona. All were destined to die, because they met you, because you continue to doubt everything, including yourself."

She took another sip of tea. "You are here to be controlled. That is the truth." she stated. "You have a power within you that every force on this island would desire. Though we all have different beliefs and morals, the fact that we desire the power of those with souls like your own remains unchanged..." her eyes locked on his own, her red glare lacking impact, but having a sort of stunning stillness in them, an unwavering gaze. "There is nothing more I can say, Glenn. A closed mind can only be opened from the inside. I wish for you to have the most positive result from this experience, but I say that now not with the belief that you will hear this and accept this as true, but for you to remember I said it. I want you to consider your choices true, Glenn. Now is the time to make the choice.

"Trust me, and open your mind. Let me see your past, and the darkest depths of your heart, or reject me, and leave this tower on whatever dark, unknown wind that will carry you. If you reject me, there is nothing I can do to stop the ill events to come. I must watch and grieve as your life is torn apart, beginning with your sister's return to your presence."

Somehow, even Glenn's heart understood. In his chest, he felt that if he left the tower now, something dark waited for him on the other side of that door. He would continue to be lost on this island, awaiting the worst possibilities to find him.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn slowed his pace when he reached the top of the stairs, meeting and taking in the sight of the new marble room with curiosity. 'Must be some sort of guest room.' And indeed the thought seemed true. With only a single squared table and two chairs it was apparent that the Crow had only expected the presence of one other. The man blinked and focused then at the Crow just in time to see her bend over at some counters for the flashing of black panties and her bubbled butt to appear. No matter how quick he flicked his eyes away from the sight, it was already too late; the memory of her butt etched itself quickly into his head, and he felt a little blood rush to his cheeks for the trouble.

He was thankful for her not noticing his light flush, or at least not pointing it out, and for her return over to the table after preparing some tea. Using magic no less, as no kettle was fetched, and no water cooked by burner or flame. "Ah, thanks..." Glenn responded to the Crows offer of a seat, feeling a little embarrassed that he hadn't thought to offer the same to her and taking his seat with eased motions. He at least waited until she had taken to her own seat, watching what looked like a figure fluttering through a low light strobed festival, before going for his own cup of tea, holding it with stare before following her lead and taking a sip. 'Just... the right amount of sugar and honey...'

When Cynthia began to speak after finishing her sips, Glenn grew attentive, looking to the Crows eyes even as she kept them closed. As much as he tried not to feel skeptical, he couldn't help it; it just had a way of coming on sometimes. But when Cynthia's words rode over the mention of the airplane that skepticalness took a mental hit. She knew about the airplane... of the crash? Of course she would... what was he thinking. She knew his own name, and of his sister before too. A little something about how he got to the island shouldn't spark such a hit. She even knew of his other companions too, in full. Each and every one of their names rolling off her tongue and rebounding off his.

"A power within me?" The man fidgeted under the stunning stilled gaze. And when she was finished with what she had to say, Glenn stared at her a moment before looking down at the cup of tea in his hands, his own pair of eyes so happening to be looking right back at him. He was cold he noticed. Very cold, he noticed for the first time, even with the warmth of the tea in his stomach. An insistent pain thumping with every heartbeat. For only a moment he saw it; himself back home. Truly home, looking about at the old dusty bookshelves of his old study in a sweat and just as quickly it left him with a greater thumping than before. He quickly had to put his teacup down, very certain he might just drop the thing if he tried to hold onto it any longer.

Sweat formed in beadlets, a few finding a path down the man's face as he wiped them away. "I'm not sure I like people being in my head..." Glenn commented with heavy breath, bringing his eyes back to gaze at Cynthia's with their own intensity. But like the vision it was gone just as quickly, replaced with a softness and tiredness as a few cracks began to form in the man's mind. "But I don't really have much of a choice really do I? I don't want to be in the dark about... whatever is supposedly going to happen. And if this can help then..." He gave a small laugh. "Let's give it a try..."

Glenn really wasn't sure exactly how to go about doing it, but even still he took in a few deep breaths as he focused on the Crows red eyes. Never blinking, letting himself slowly drift into the gaze as everything about him seemed to calm. But though his body calmed his mind certainly didn't then, for all at once his memories began to circulate through his mind in a cataphony. Flashes of unorganized images came and went, with only a few truly standing out. The sights of buildings, impossibly tall and glowing in the darkness of night. Giant mechanical wonders, shelves upon shelves of medicine and potions, soldiers riding metal tracked vehicles, and a statue painted of color in the shape of a gigantic red and gold bird.

The noise wasn't what the crow was looking for certainly... but she wouldn't have to deal with it for long for soon before visions involving the man's sister began to breathe through. Many of them were very happy moments between an older brother playing with his kid sister, but occasionally there would be flashes of an older version of his sister, with absolute concern written upon her face. They began to settle back, easing into a great smoothness, as one of the most guarded parts of the man's mind was laid open, and it's contents spilled forth.

"YAY! I get to play with big bro and big sis all summer!" A blond little elven looking child shouted, her face full of excitement as she rushed over and buried herself in a hug around her big bro. Glenn rubbed the back of his head nervously then, before an elbow at his side caused a glance to beside him, to the auburn haired and pumpkin eyed woman gazing back at him with a smirk. "Actually it's only two weeks this time little sis. Mom and Dad won't be away with mister Benn all that long..." The man quickly chirped up as he saw the first twist of the corners of his sisters mouth begin to turn to a frown. "...but I promise we'll make it the best two weeks you have with us, won't we sweetheart?"

"Of course..."

His little sis' smile couldn't have been wider, but just as quickly as it had come it was wiped away as the memory faded and another took it's place. The girl's face just as apparent, but nowhere near as joyous as it had been before...
"You said you'd be coming home now big bro. You said you'd be done now..."

"Heh... she does have a point dear."

Glenn quickly wrung his hands out with a damp cloth. "I know, I know. But we just got the week's shipment in early. If I help pound these machine parts out now, I won't have to come in for the rest of the week. Then we can all really have some fun before you have to go home." He noticed his sister looked frustrated, and he quickly lowered himself to eye level with her. "Hey now... I'll be home tonight Ashlyn, don't you worry. Then we'll all go out for dinner together alright?" Standing up he turned his eyes toward the woman. "I shouldn't be more than four or five hours. Think you can handle her while I'm not around?"

With a knowing grin, the woman approached, slipping her arms around Glenn as she closed the distance between the two of them. "I think I can manage~" She got out, before sealing her lips against his softly, pulling away with a light smack and a devious smile staring back at him.

"Hehe~ Big bro and sis are kissing again~..." Ashlyn sighed happily, even as everything seemed to fade and the atmosphere grew increasingly dark in the man's memories...
The scene in front of his homestead was chaotic. A number of guards were seen scouring about but more importantly he saw Ashlyn, sitting with a cloth wrapped around her as two men stood spouting questions toward her. "Ashlyn!" Quickly Glenn made his way over as the men took note of his arrival. "Ash what..." Only when he had kneeled to get a better look at her was when he noticed it. Her eyes were dead looking, and her hair was... sprinkled with blood.

"Big sis... fell down. He made big sis fall down..."

The coldest chill ran through Glenn as he stood up, eyes staring straight into Ashlyn's before centering on the doorway into his home. He was still only for a moment before he pushed past the two men and made a rush for his own home. Shouts were made by the men, but he paid them no heed, and before he could reach the entrance the powerful arms of two lawmen wrapped around him as he gave a vain effort to struggle.

"Let me go! I've got to see her!"

"You don't want to go in there... trust us, you don't want to remember her like this!"

"Let me go! This is my home... she's my wife!"


"... NADIA!!!"
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn was not disturbed through the course of his recollected memories. Once it was over though, his consciousness would return as he'd find himself wrapped in black wings as if he were being given affection from a large bird while being embraced by a small bosom. He'd soon realize that Cynthia was holding him in her wings, embracing him in her warmth. "I am sorry, for making you endure past pains once more." Cynthia whispered to him. "I've learned all I needed. In return, ask of me, one thing that will bring good feelings to your heart, and I will make it so."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Somewhere in the intensity of the Crow's eyes Glenn had spaced out, and all current perception of the world faded as the same flashes of memory she viewed pounded through his own subconscious. And though the subject that Cynthia ultimately focused upon had been one knew intimately, the... clarity of the events now were unreal. Perhaps not unreal for being false but, from all his reminiscing it had never seemed so colorful, so full. Time had a way of dulling the senses it seemed, but in that single act of mystical remembrance every single feeling he had felt, every single sight and sensation, were terrifyingly familiar and antagonizing. He desperately tried to pull his mind away before it finished, but it was no use. One of the worst moments in his life played out in full view once again.

He felt numb as his consciousness began to return, as the feeling of the chair he was sitting in was slowly recalled as was everything else. As did the feeling of something, or rather someone with very bird like qualities, embracing him warmly became know then. A gifted comfort, yet in that moment as his breathing came deep and vision slowly refocused itself, the hug did little to ease away the lingering feelings of those magically clear memories. He shivered openly, his whole body shaking despite the warmth the Crow's wingspan provided. Glenn didn't move to push her away however, and when she whispered her words to him he remained silent as he took a moment to collect himself

"I-If it's not much t-trouble to ask..." He started, only to stop a second later as he swallowed a dry lump in his throat, "...you wouldn't have anything stiffer than tea in that cupboard of yours would you?" Glenn tried to force a smile in jest as he pulled his face away to look at the Crow, but the truth was if she did have something he certainly wouldn't refuse it, and it very much showed. Any kind of liquor would do. And if she didn't, or perhaps just by reflex he began to adjust himself, fumbling for his inner jacket pocket. The flask full of strong spirits tucked away inside suddenly having a screaming audience in among his mind, and every nerve from his throat to his gut.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Cynthia pulled back with legitimate surprise on her expression. That was followed by a flush, before she adopted her usual cold expression, albeit the blush didn't leave. She dropped her wings from around him to hold her wings together, seeming to think a bit on how she should answer. 'Drinks of such nature... I do not normally carry... But... Using my magic... I might be able to make your delicious tea have the same effect, if it pleases you.' she offered, before threads carefully left her feathers, many in number, slowly seeping into the tea liquid, and merging with it.

Once all was said and done, she lifted the cup, and slowly brought it to his lips. "If it pleases you..." she offered once more.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn's brief fumbling for the spirited flask in his pocket came to an abrupt end when Cynthia pulled away from him and contemplated his request. She didn't have anything like the kind of stiff drink he had on hand, but like a lot of things that one could assume would cause trouble in this world, a little magic seemed to solve anything. Her magical threads shot forth from her many feathers, directing into the cup of tea he had sat down and slowly seeping into it. It hit and melted into the surface, causing it to swirl a change color only slightly for a second before settling. And only a moment later the crow had lifted the cup up, bringing it forward in offering.

Normally, he'd find it a bit embarrassing to be given a drink like this. But with how shaky his grip still was he doubted he'd be able to hold it on his own just yet. So when she brought the cup closer he opted to grasp at the bottom side of it as she guided it to his lips. The moment the feeling of quenching stiff liquid rolled along his tongue and began flowing down his throat, Glenn closed his eyes as his mind instantly began to fire up in delight. It was very faint at first, but the taste of alcohol was definitely there, masked by the ever present sweetness of the tea. It only took seconds, but he drank the whole spiked tea in a couple of gulps, easing the cup down with sigh as his own face began to flush.

The man was silent for a short time, eyes still and closed as he simply tried to force himself to relax. He dropped his hand away from it's grasp, moving to rub at his face with it in a few passes, and sure enough, with the strong spirits in him his system slowly began to ease back to something much more comfortable. "I'm... I'm alright now. I'm alright. Um... Thank you." Sighing, Glenn leaned back a little as he finally reopened his eyes and peeked back at the blushing Crow. "You said this would help... did you learn anything good from it? About how to save my sister?" He asked hopefully, clenching his teeth briefly as a random shiver worked it's way up through him once more.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

A confident smile would his announcement that he was feeling better. Cynthia seemed relieved, as if a great concern had vanished from her sense of mind that was enough to break her normally cool composure. She seemed to regain such composure as well, her blush fading and replaced by her calm facial expression, the kind and calm face that Glenn had first seen on the real Cynthia, not the cold and emotionless face of the false. Setting the cup back down, Cynthia was happy to pour him another glass, though she'd wait to see if he wanted another drink of the spirits before enchanting it as such. "I am pleased to provide you comfort, after making you suffer through the darkness of your own past. I apologize for doing it, I truly am sorry, but you see... Knowledge is the main tool which I use to protect this world and the people in it from evil and misfortune."

After explaining that, Cynthia gave him a slight smile. When he asked about his sister, she simply smiled, and said, "Everything will be fine. You held something important in your mind that changed everything. There was one important thing that I was not aware that would prevent your sister from coming here altogether... As long as you do not try to contact her outside of the island, you will never see her again."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

When she took the cup and set it down, all the crow needed to see was Glenn's brief nod and glancing gaze back and forth between the tea cup and her eyes to know just how much he would enjoy another spirited drink. And as soon as the last of her magic had poured through once more and she brought the drink up again, the man once again helped take the drink and pour it back to consume it in mere seconds. It was only after he had downed the whole thing that the probably important thought of just how stiff the drinks actually were came into question. Surely it wouldn't be a problem, though he knew even it it was a drunkenness would be the least worst of his demons to contend with.

After Cynthia gave her explanations, he stared at her a moment before loosening backwards into his chair to drop his eyes away and let out another sigh. "Well that's a relief, in one way I suppose..." Yet it hit him once more, the whole situation of him being on the island. He was stranded here, with no way to return home and surrounded by creatures whom were unlike any 'monsters' he had ever heard of or actually seen. Held to importance because of some power. "I wasn't really looking forward to dealing with my sister... especially in a place like this island. I certainly didn't want to have to... I didn't want... her to get hurt anymore." He commented quietly, voice growing slower than it had been before.

A few moments of silence pasted then, but it was only after those moments had come and gone Glenn finally noticed that, after Cynthia had guided his drink again, that he had forgotten to let go, and was still holding part of the Crow's wing in his gloved hand's grasp. And that he had also forgotten to take his gloves off too, in common courtesy. "Ah, s-sorry..." He stammered quickly as he went to move his hand away, meeting her kind smile with a look of embarrassment, and with a small swaying of his head as his muscles relaxed further. "Is it really gonna be ok though? My sister might not be an issue now, but this island is still here. And I'm not f-foolish enough to think it'd just have been her I'd have to deal with. Not if I keep running into beautiful people who know my name."
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Cynthia showed no reaction to him holding her wing, not seeming to mind at all. "Indeed, you will face many dangers here on this island. Because of the nature of your existence, you will be hunted and sought after, though as far as I know, you will not meet any more who know your name. Regardless... They will immediately know of your unique spirit, often by just looking at you. Even those that look like friends will want the same thing. Those that will help you, hinder you, or imprison you will all be allured by what you hold. Aurine... Is such a person." Cynthia revealed. "She can walk on land and does so with the belief that she can use power granted from you to fuel her magic so that she does not revert into a mermaid. Normally, the magic from Atlantis fuels a Sea Bishop's power, but now that she has separated herself from the sea, you are her only source of energy." she said, before looking into Glenn's eyes directly.

"It is selfishness that she acts with, when she gets angry over you associating with other monsters. She wants all of your energy, the power of a chosen soul, to herself. Whether her intentions were good or bad, that much remains the same. Of course, she has a good heart... But having your soul right now is as important to her as eating. Are you fine with this?" Cynthia asked.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"I'd be more fine with it if she weren't so c-clammed up about everything." Glenn admitted, resting his swaying head in a prompted up arm as he looked back up at the Crow. "She did say she needed me for her p-powers of the sea before, and that Iora needed me too... erm... to live being out of her plant. I... d-don't think she said anything about my soul being special though." What had she said before? When they had first met she had talked about angels and a barrier. And of course her supposedly broken home the aeroplane had caused. "There was something about her home being gone... but she hasn't really talked about it at all. In fact she seems rather... calm about the whole thing... too calm..."

The man rapped his fingers against his face as he tried to find suspicion in the sea bishop's behavior, but in the end the only thing that bubbled up was a light laugh and a dismissal in his mind. It couldn't really be anything. Or at least that was the only thought that easily found it's way up through the haze that now seemed to be everywhere. It made his eyes dance in a little circle until he blinked it away, leaving him with the sight of the fuzzy pair of crimson eyes attached to the Crow focused back at him. How had he ever been intimidated by those eyes before? All he could see now was the calm, kind, and beautiful gaze that stared back at him. No single shred of malice at all.

Before he even realized himself what he was doing, Glenn moved to prop himself up further before making way to stand straight up, giving Cynthia a rather warm but dumb smile. "That's something I like a-about you Miss Crow. You haven't been so clammy. We've o-only just met, and you've told me a lot more than Aurine has. I think. You... you're certainly not as s-scary as she can be sometimes... I like that...." And without a second thought, the man did something he might otherwise had erred against caution of doing by putting his two feet in front of the other right up to the crow, and wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. "Oh... and t-thanks for not killing me outside the t-tower... I like that too sweetheart..."
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Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Cynthia gave Glenn a look that showed not a smile, but calm and composed attention. "Think not too hard on Aurine's reasons. She is like any other of her inhuman nature, she simply wishes to experience love and have the ability to adventure beyond the lands she was restricted to. With your soul to assist her, she is able to see this land that would be otherwise off limits to her... Whether you wish to indulge her, Glenn, is entirely up to you." she said simply.

When Glenn propped himself up and rose, Cynthia made no real movement nor reaction. Despite how taller he found himself to be over the smaller crow woman, Cynthia merely looked up at him as from that angle, Glenn would see perhaps a more cute side to Cynthia, due to the difference in size. Rather than most other things he said, when he began comparing her to Aurine, Cynthia said nothing. She gave no reply. From the multicolored lighting cast from the painted windows above, her eyes shined in the light as if her very eyes themselves were mystical and magical. With the blur of his vision, Glenn was treated to a glorious display of color that glorified Cynthia's soft gaze of such covet. As he approached her, it remained the same. She showed no signs of reaction, and no display of caution. She just watched him as Glenn would come to find that it was curiosity that was on her face. She seemed curious as to what he planned to do, and wasn't worried in the slightest about the unknown outcome. When his arms wrapped around her, he'd hear a small gasp from the crow. A small reaction of perhaps surprise or excitement came from her. Her reaction then was perhaps one he would not expect.

She wrapped her wings around him in turn. Her soft feathers embraced him and it was as if he were being wrapped in a soft and frail blanket. Her feathers were soft enough to send shivers along his spine, especially when they graced over areas of his flesh not protected by what he wore. Like that, Glenn would feel her three claw talon gently place itself upon his head. "You are drunk." she said with a soft sigh.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Glenn tensed, the crow's words bouncing off a part of his mind not fully hazy just yet. He could see his own past flash then in an instant; himself once more sitting upon a stool, an empty glass and worked through bottle on the bar in front of him. And looking up to his side, a pair of annoyed feline eyes usually, being the one who came to find him there, whichever bar served the strongest spirits he had ventured to. How many times had Jirra, that old feline merc, come to coax him away in those times of weakness? So many times. The very brief memory had the effect of sobering the man up a little, even as he inwardly relished the delightful feeling of Cynthia's feathers wrapped around him, their soft touch bringing a better kind of shiver through him.

"Believe me..." He began to say, trying his best not to slur his words as he spoke, "...I know how I'd feel if I wasn't right now. I... rather prefer this feeling." Glenn agreed with himself, nodding slightly in Cynthia's gentle grip. Which was when he noticed that very grip, parting his hair in a very tender way as it held his head still for the most part. A new wave to warmth found it's way to his face, and Glenn couldn't help but release a pleasant sigh himself as he simply indulged in the feeling. His eyes closing as his head went slightly limp in Cynthia's hold, while his arms continued to embrace the Crow in the same hug she found fit to return with her gentle feathery hold.

With a hidden smile, the man let out a small giggle. "And you call this d-drunk? If you want to see someone really drunk we c-could keep going with the drinks..." A joking laugh and a subconscious shake of the head side to side was a hint enough that he wasn't really serious. If she did somehow keep it up well... he would surely fall into a full blown drunken stupor at that rate.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

"That will not be required," Cynthia answered simply to Glenn's mentioning of getting more drinks to see just how drunk he could get. "We can continue our discussion after you rest. For now, everyone will come and sleep in my tower until you are rested and have had a moment to meditate on what has happened." she said, before Glenn was overcome with a strange feeling. One might say Cynthia had summoned a good deal of strength, enough to support him and walk him over to the stairs and lead him towards the lower areas, but Glenn himself would feel some supernatural force, magic, helping to carry him when the skinny and frail crow could not. If Glenn did not decide against being led, then he'd be led down marble steps, helped by Cynthia to make it down safely. Once down too many steps for any drunk to handle, the light from the sun would fade and the walls around them, made of stone blocks, would be given light by jagged crystals glowing with a soft and gentle white light. It lit the area perfectly and still somehow managed not to affect the eyes when stared at. The atmosphere the lights and the marble created was something of a mystical one, as Glenn would feel as if he were truly in the lower levels of someone who was very mysterious. At the bottom of the steps, Glenn found himself standing in a large library. There were countless books written and had no organization to them other than names engraved onto plates for each shelf. One of the shelves and it's name made sense of it all though, as it read, "Cynthia Lorella," which indicated that it was highly likely that the shelves were organized by their authors. In Cynthia's bookshelf, which they passed by as the crow would lead him on, one book would catch Glenn's eye, as well as the book next to it.

One was his father's name, and the other,

Glenn Doppler Jr.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Mystical energies gathering and working their way through his muscles and veins did little to bother the man then, and as Cynthia spoke her words softly and began to lead him down the stairs Glenn nodded in agreement. "Are you sure? D-don't tell me you can't hold your l-liquor... hahaha I'm j-joking. I'm joking. It's nice that you'll let the o-others in. I'm sure they'll appreciate it. I think." Stone footfalls followed the pairs descent, the man briefly pondering how funny it must have looked to see such a frail looking crow guiding someone intoxicated like him down the stairs. Her claws still grasping at the back of his head, the lightest of hums sounding to emanate straight from them as she kept his head straight.

Sunlight was quickly replaced by artificial light. But it was no man-made structure that illuminated the area. Crystal structures lit the whole area, coming off blurry to the man in his current condition, but non the less able to be noted. A kind of mystical light, whose purpose of lighting up the substructure made the man laugh in realization. "I knew there had t-to be something cool here! So m-many books. Don't tell me you w-wrote all of these Miss C-crow..." Whether she answered or not, the drunk man would find the truth of course, in the author plates that adorned the various shelves. The only organization to the whole place that he could perceive at the moment, if any.

Glenn was content to gawk on at the sight of the library, clearly happy at being at such a place, but as his eyes came to rest on a pair of books his clarity of mind kicked into overdrive. "Stop... He whispered once, before saying it once more much louder. "Stop... these books... this is... my father and... me? I? W-why are these here?" Almost on instinct, a chill started running up the man's spine that he couldn't suppress, and as he shivered a cynical part of him was already began warning him he might not like the answer.
Re: Best Way to Die (Glenn)

Cynthia gave little reply to Glenn's impressed response to seeing her books. "I had a lot of assistance from my ancestors..." she whispered simply. Walking by the books that Cynthia herself had apparently written, the crow gave no surprised reaction to Glenn becoming startled at the sight. In fact, it was as if she intended for him to see the books, given how she made no attempt to pull his attention away from them. Then, her answer would come. Whether he'd like it or not was up for debate with the man himself and his own thoughts, but her mysterious nature seemed to only become more mysterious and unknown the more she said, and the more she revealed, rather than Glenn's gathering of information having the opposite effect. As he questioned her with a shiver and startled voice, Cynthia simply looked at him with her intellectual red eyes, and gave the most simple answer one could give. It was an answer that revealed the reason, but left so much else in the dark.

"Because I've been watching you."