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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Nice. They both seem good for a Salubri.
Re: OOC thread

Yep, I like them both as well. They both have a nice peaceful vibe which fits the Salubri well.
Re: OOC thread

Ronny, is Vezina expected to go to her own home or continue on towards the castle? Confused as to which one it's to be.
Sorry, that's what happens when I write in a hurry. I fixed it so you can post now.

EDIT: Double post.

Anyways, I've added a map showing Europe at the time of the game's start. I'll get another one showing the Kindred lands up as soon as I finish it. If something seems wrong or is missing let me know and I can fix it up. Just keep in mind I am using an alternate history so there may be a reason for something wrong.

Also if anyone can think of any NPC's I may have missed for the pictures let me know. So far I have Muirne, and a few ghouls. Though I probably won't find pictures for the ghouls unless they were really important.

EDIT: Can't be triple posting. Don't forget to post your character sheet Shrike.
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Re: OOC thread

For the pics, looks like Genevieve off the top of my head.
Re: OOC thread

Oh, yeah. Duh. That's probably why it felt like I was missing someone obvious.

So we have Muirne and Genevieve then.
Re: OOC thread

Off the top of my head, I think England still had a lot more of France at this point in time. (*Cough* Normandy *cough*)
Re: OOC thread

That's where that whole alternate history thing pops up, actually. In this version Robert Curthose decided he'd rather be French rather than to swear any sort of allegiance to his usurping little brother, Henri Smallpri er Beauclerc.
Re: OOC thread

I wondered if maybe. Does that like negate some of Lexwyn's old story then?
Re: OOC thread

Also I oh so ironically discovered some information about the border in the low countries during this time period that would have been helpful a few days ago. It's a long story, but suffice to say, we made the right call, so I won't give you the whole 9 yards on it heh.
Re: OOC thread

Oh I just remembered Isleena had a childe! Edwina. I'm not sure if she counts though. I don't think Eliza ever got around to talking to her.
Re: OOC thread

It might have negated some of Lexwyn's future plans, though it's honestly more of a recent development. Could have given her some unusual allies to turn to though.

That reminds me I was going to mention that the map of the Crusades in my old atlas actually shows Lille and Mons. Though the map does cover a rather large number of years so it's hard to say if Lille would have been important at this time.

Check Edwina, Muirne, and Genevieve.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, I was more concerned about retcons to things that already happened. The future is of course always fluid. The big thing would be if the Normans were not in England, which would be a major wrench in everything, but I didn't think you'd alter the timeline that much. Was just checking.
Re: OOC thread

Ah, no not that much altering. The Normans still have England and it's still under Henri I. Just Normandy itself is more loyal to France under Robert I, who would be Henri's oldest brother just returned from the crusade. The only thing that's been retconned is a bit of the political structure in Mithras' court, at least so far as I can remember.

Anyways added the 3 missing NPC's and the map of Europe showing the Cainite holdings. So feel free to take a look at those when you get the chance.
Re: OOC thread

Ironically, after Lexwyn started last campaign, I got inspired for a CK2 campaign as the Normans, and wound up with almost that exact same result. It was also the same campaign that a humble redheaded woman, the only daughter of a Baron from Powys, rose up to become Queen of Wales. I swear, my copy of CK2 is possessed by your game, heh :p
Re: OOC thread

Ah yeah, that would be the fault of the technomancy, don't worry about it.
Re: OOC thread

Uncertain of what to say about Vezina's condition when she awakes from that instance. I'll leave it to the ST to decide what happened next.
Re: OOC thread

Hey everyone. I remembered this song and thought of Ariadne. Just thought I'd leave it here.
Re: OOC thread

I've never heard that version of Winterborn before, I think I like it better than the original. Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence is where I got the title for your story, though the song doesn't really fit the character so much as the title does.

I also now have the strange urge to introduce Bunnicula to the game.