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Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

Roxanne let out a little cry of delight as Elise rolled her over and took the dominant position, wiggling her hips and giggling as she waited for the half-demon to spear her on her huge cock. "Uuhn," came her moan as Elise impaled her, the plantgirl's eyes rolling back even as her eyelids shut. Elise felt the girl's spongy innards cling and clamp around her sensitive manhood, and the alraune's tell-tale blue-hued girlcum started to leak in earnest, lubricating her passage for the girlcock plundering her deepest parts.

Roxanne soon started thrusting her hips back against Elise's in time with her thrusts, her tight, pale green ass slapping back against Elise's crotch each time she stabbed into her. Elise, looking around for her new, half-demon friend, found her absent - however, she didn't have long to consider this before she felt Roxanne's vine's climbing up each of her thighs... before she could protest, Elise felt a slickened length push into her neglected pussy, thrusting deep before pulling out... only to have another push in as it withdrew, two of the alraune's tentacles alternating their thrusts so she was never empty. "Cum in me Elise!" Roxanne forced out between lustful gasps for air and powerful thrusts back onto Elise's cock. "Fill me up with seedlings until I'm about to burst!"

The half-demon gladly obliged. As many times as she'd already come today, she nonetheless let out a hot gout of thick, sticky white spunk, as if she were still fresh and unmilked. Another quickly followed it, and another, and another... the tentacle-vines inside of her twitched, but withdrew, uncoiling from her legs... and Elise soon found them staring her in the face, one pushing at her lips while the other wavered in the air. Whether Elise let the one into her mouth or not, they soon erupted with sweet, sticky blue goo in time with the pussy around her cock spasming wildly, milking out any remaining cum Elise's cock might have held back with it's velvet vicegrip.

Her phallus - throbbing and senstive with over-abuse - twitched inside the plantgirl's innards, until it was finally done, and they had both come down from their carnal high... at which point Elise grabbed the panting Roxanne and the insensate Jivi by their hair and dragged them to clean her off. "Ah! ♥" yelped Roxy, clearly excited, while her cream-filled sister looked a little surprised as she was brought out of her reverie, letting out a shocked little "Eeek!"

She got over it quickly, however, and joined her sister in licking Elise from root to tip. Their tongues tickled even more pleasantly than usual due to Elise's sensitivity, both from their orgasm denial treatment and because she'd just cum. In tandem, they both gave Elise a long lick from root to tip, before Roxanne sunk down and took her all the way down to her base, lips locking around her shaft, tongue curling and thrashing against her as she slowly withdrew. Her cock emerged from the alraune's throat and mouth clean as before, gleaming with a coat of the alraune's spit.

The sisters then turned their attention upwards, to clean off the cool blue jism that was splattered all over Elise's face and running down her chin and throat. Jivi went first, licking up her sister's sweetness until her mouth was full... then, she came up and joined lips with her half-demon lover, wrestling her tongue and sharing her bounty of floral cum as Roxanne started licking at the rest that painted Elise's face. After Jivi pulled away, Roxy quickly took her place, and the process started over again, until the blue cream glazed over Elise's face had all been tongued away.

Lastly was the puddle of Elise's jism, from her first, tidal wave-like release into Jivi's needy cunt. The cum had practically been churned into mud with the soft soil of the sanctuary's floor during Elise's furious lovemaking, so the two alraune pushed Elise to sit out of the mess, and then they scooped what mud was caked on her knees and legs away with their hands. They then started kissing and licking at her thighs - glazed from the massive flood of cum she'd released when they'd finally let her spew the myriad loads she'd accumulated as they teased her all the way here - until she was clean again... at which point, Roxanne spread Elise's thighs and started cleaning her pussy. Light flicks of the plantgirl's tongue across her folds and clit cleaned away the juices she'd let out in her extreme arousal, both on their way here and during their rutting... but when she was clean, the alraune didn't stop. The sisters shared an evil glance, and Jivi dove down on the half-demon's cock. She sucked and licked Elise's sensitive head, while her fist pistoned up and down her shaft. They sucked and pumped and licked her hard, until she once again exploded.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

After rolling Roxanne over and impaling the alraune with her cock, Elise began thrusting and moaning along with Roxanne, who was pushing her hips back and slapping against Elise's as she thrust. Just as she looked around for Aleth to see if she'd come there with them, Elise felt Roxanne's tentacles slithering up her legs and into her vacant pussy, the things alternating in thrusts and driving Elise wild as she moaned out for her alraune lover.

"O-Of course Roxanne... I'll fill you up again," Elise said when Roxanne moaned out and told her to fill her full to bursting.

Elise intended on doing so as well, because she knew that she needed to hurry this up despite being so addled by her lust. When Roxanne's tentacles uncoiled from her legs and moved up to her face, Elise grabbed one of them and pulled it into her mouth to suckle on, gulping the seed down when Roxanne spurted her tentacle's load into her mouth while the rest splattered all over her. Then when Elise finally drew her sensitive member out of her alraune lover's pussy and pulled both Jivi and Roxanne up to clean her soaked rod off. Elise cooed softly and moaned passionately as the two licked her member clean, which tickled very pleasantly because of how sensitive she was and all, and it felt amazing in her pleasure induced high she was in. She was actually still amazed at how much she was able to cum for the two from how much she'd already came today.

When the two began licking up the alraune cream on her face and stuff, Elise accepted their kisses happily, entwining her tongue with theirs when they let her taste their femcum. She enjoyed all of the attention the two were giving her and sighed softly when they were done licking her face clean. After that she sat there and let them begin cleaning up her legs and thighs, but when Roxanne spread her legs apart, Elise almost didn't want to let her, because she knew what was about to happen. She let out a soft squeal when the more athletic alraune began licking her pussy and clit, her body shuddering as she was cleaned down in one of her most precious places. When the two grinned evilly at one another, Elise let out a soft groan and tried to prepare herself when Jivi dove down onto her cock once more. All she could do was sit there and allow Jivi to suck her off, coaxing out another load of spunk from the half demon's loins.

"Oh gods... J-Jivi... Roxanne, please ease off of me. O-Or I won't be able to get it up again tonight when I need to. And then I won't be able to find my parents and save them, a-and then I'll be too depressed to have sex any more," Elise groaned to the two alraune, gently trying to push Jivi off of her cock before she got so sore that she wouldn't be able to even move.

When they finally released her, Elise would wipe herself clean before getting redressed. "Now I need you two to do that again later tonight for me at this girl. And I'll need you to blast her real good so that she gets so horny that she won't be able to live without my cock, and then I'll need to fuck her real good, so I'll need as much stamina as I can keep okay," Elise told the two alraune, deciding to let the two in on the plan with Chao she'd made earlier, so that they would know when and where to blast Chao's sister.

After whispering her plan to the two lusty alraune, Elise would head on out of their sanctuary to see if Aleth waited for them, though if she hadn't then she would go in search of her to let her know that she was sorry about all of that. Then once she'd done that she would go and get some lunch to eat while she waited for her next meeting with Chao, where she would tell her about Jivi and Roxanne being able to blast Chao's sister with their pollen and make her more than horny enough to want to have sex with her. But she also wanted to know just exactly how that was going to get her the money to pay them with, asking if Chao was going to pay her or something, or what.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The girls both pouted when Elise told them to take it easy on her. "Awmm... but you're -slurp- sho tashty, Erise," Jivi said, still bobbing up and down and suckling on the half-demon girl's senstive cockhead. "You are~ ♥" Roxanne said, from between her thighs. "We could do this all day, every day, if you let us, Elise..."

They quickly cheered up when Elise told them she needed them to do that again later on - though their faces fell a little when she told them they had to do it to someone else. "Ooookaaaayyyy..." they said in unison, the both of them sounding and looking dejected.

As it turned out, Aleth had been standing just outside the bush - was blushing furiously when the trio emerged, her hands clutched in front of her groin to (fail to) hide her massive erection. "D... d-did you... have... have fun?" she whimpered meekly.

For lunch, the guard guided them to a little noodle shop nearby - for only two denarii, Elise got herself a big bowl of noodles in a light, savory broth, with a few slices of scrambled egg, roast pork, and some sort of leafy green stuff. The two alraune didn't seem to be hungry - or at least, not for noodles. Or rather, not for noodles that came in a bowl, their very intent stares almost tangible to Elise as they flanked her. Aleth, too, declined on joining her.

"Eheheheh... it's already been too long, I should r-really get back to my post, before Sarge yells at me," she said, nervously. "I-I'll see you later! F-for dinner, I mean." She waved goodbye, and then left Elise to her lunch.

The noodles were served with a big spoon and... a pair of sticks, which were a little difficult to use. If Elise allowed her, Roxanne would take them from her, and would pluck noodles from the soup with them to feed to Elise. "Aaaah~" She would say, opening her jaw as wide as it could go and sticking her tongue out to curl down towards her chin, her expression more than a little lewd, and Elise couldn't help but notice the chef eyeing them when he thought she wasn't looking.


Elise found Chao when she got there, in her ragged street clothes and standing in line at a little shop a few buildings up the street from the alley they'd met in. If Elise tried to speak about their plan in this place, where other people could hear her, she would stop her, until she'd finally gotten to buy whatever it was the line was for - which, when she finally stepped away, appeared to be a little paper upon which were a few squishy, white snacks, which were filled with a red paste made of what appeared to be beans, and made fresh behind her inside the little store as she ordered them.

As the group walked away, Chao picked up one of her snacks, and asked "So what's this about now?" before popping it into her mouth.

"Forgot your coinpurse at home, Shang? That's fine, we'll still be open if you go home and come back."

Upon revealing her plan to use her Alraune's pollen on Yu, Chao nodded. "That's certainly clever. Not really what I was thinking of, but... well, that doesn't matter. I was going to set you up with a scenario where you wouldn't need to worry about it." She popped another snack into her mouth.

"As for your money, don't worry about it. I just have to... make a few withdrawals, and I'll have it for you by tomorrow. It won't be a problem, right?"

"I coulda swore I just had it, though..."

Chao held the little platter of snacks up to Elise. "Want one?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Ooooh, I know you girls could and would do that if you had half a chance and if I said to go ahead, but please understand that I could never be truly happy if I just gave up searching for my parents girls, okay. Once we find them, then I promise that for an entire day I'll let you do whatever you want with me okay," Elise said to the two alraune, petting their heads softly as they pouted about Elise wanting them to stop for now.

When they came on out of their sanctuary, Elise was actually a little surprised to see Aleth waiting on them, sporting a tent in her pants from her own erection that she had, and Elise felt a little bad because it made her feel responsible for Aleth's troubles now. "Yeah I do, sorry about that. I'm really really sorry if I end up getting you in trouble Aleth, please forgive me if I ended up doing so. And we'll have to get together again later for dinner, so that I can meet your parents," Elise told Aleth before following her off to a place for her to get some lunch.

When they got to the noodle shop that Aleth ed her to for lunch, Elise thanked her fellow half demon for doing so and paid the cook for a big bowl of the noodles, spending a couple of denarii that she didn't want to spend just in case she needed it for paying the mercs that were going to be going with her she hoped. But she did need food in order to remain in fighting condition, and she understood that her parents wouldn't want her to starve herself to death just to get them back. When Aleth left, Elise waved to her, telling her that she would indeed see her for dinner, and telling her to be careful and telling her to tell her commanding officer that it was her fault that she was so late getting back.

Despite how silly it looked, Elise would let Roxanne feed her, though she told her to at least do it right or she wouldn't let her do so at all, because she didn't want people to think that she was just a slut or anything like that. After she was through eating, doing so herself if Jivi and or Roxanne neither one would do so properly, then she would head on to where she was supposed to meet Chao again. When she arrived at the meeting place, Elise noticed the night elf in her old ragged street clothes at a line for some sort of shop. Elise let Chao know that she was there and waited for her to get through at the shop.

"Well it won't be a problem as long as I can get enough money to pay you all with, because I'd give anything to get my parents back Chao. But about what you had in mind though. What was it if I might ask? If you want, maybe we could set up both, just to be sure it works and all you know. And I'm also quite certain that you would want me to pull out so as not to get your sister knocked up or anything, unless you have some potions to prevent it of course, in which case I'll fill her up as much as I can. And sure, I was still feeling a little hungry after lunch," Elise replied to all of what Chao said, making her suggestions as she plucked a snack from Chao;s little platter of them. Elise also idly wondered just where she was getting the money from, if she was right about suspecting that man over at the shop they had just left not having his coin purse had gotten it stolen by Chao.

If Chao agreed to her plan of using both of their plans, then she would smile and tell her to get it set up and tell her just when she would be needed and where, then she would go and get ready for their little plan. With nothing else to really do until it was time to do what they had planned, Elise would just relax and walk around town to see what all there was to see. Whenever it was time to enact their plan however, Elise would head on to where Chao wanted to meet her and would do whatever she was told and needed to do in order for this to go off without a hitch, and if told to bring them into the plan she'd get Jivi and Roxanne set up and ready to blast Chao's sister whenever it was appropriate.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.
"...Right?" came Roxanne's confused reply. She didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with her little display. She complied with Elise's instructions on how to do it less sluttily, though the pair continued to look a little confused as they proceeded, and the cook looked a little disappointed.


The snack turned out to be a very tasty sweet snack - the squishy outside pleasantly chewy, while the bean filling very sweet.

"Weeeeell, you'll get the money, so stop worrying about it," Chao said once Elise finished, the elf's expression blank as ever. There was another pause as she chewed up one of her "I earn a lot from my Sword commissions, even if sis takes most of it... I invested it in some local businesses here. I just have to do a little legwork to withdraw what you need, that's all," she continued. "It's a little more complicated because I don't want Y- uh, sis, to notice I'm gone, or she'll yell at me. There was a brief pause as Chao ate another of her sweets, allowing Elise to mull over explanation and what to do next for a moment. ...I could be getting your denarii right now, you know."

"As for my plan, it's a surprise," she continued. "I'm still ironing out the details, but it should happen later on tonight. Just be ready for the messenger, yeah?"

She tapped her chin when Elise brought up whether she would have to pull out or not. "Well, if we want her hooked, you should cum inside. There's nothing like the feeling of warm spunk shooting up your..." Chao started to blush, but then hastily cleared her throat. "Thanks for reminding me, I'll do something about that too. ...Probably slip some contraceptives into her tea."

"I don't see a reason not to go through with your plan, sooo, have fun with it," Chao said, suckling on her pointer finger and thumb a minute to get off some of the sticky snack that had started clinging to her fingers. Once they were clean, she gave Elise a thumbs up. "Oh, I know I said to fuck her good, but... well... if you're getting those other two involved, make sure you don't break her now!"


Elise suddenly found herself with yet more time to burn. It was well past noon by now, but the sun was still fairly high in the sky. Chao said she wouldn't be ready until dusk at the earliest, and all her other appointments - dinner, that meeting with Kavi - were all later on after the sun had set. She could look into the Screaming Mermaid, or see if perhaps a merchant in the square or somewhere might perchance need a tough-looking bodyguard for a little while - she could probably fit the bill with her two sabers, though it wasn't likely to earn her much, especially since the day was nearing its end. As she wandered the streets towards her next destination, however, without a goal in mind or Aleth to guide her, she started taking closer notice of the people she passed by. Elise noticed that, while most of them were simply Glassmoor citizens, she would often spot people that could easily fall into a common category, all characterized by their ragged, tired, dirty-looking appearance. Many looked dreadfully hungry, and what's more, she sometime found them in families - haggard adults with children, sometimes carefree or playing, but more often than not crying or looking haunted as haunted as their parents. Many of whom she saw were Amazonian natives - usually humans with the same skin and strange eyecolor as those who inhabited this city, with night elves here and there - though occasionally she saw Badarians, easily separable from the native races by their different skin tones and builds, as well as a noticeably different inflection to their speech. These people had been noticeably absent from the temple and military districts she'd been in most of the day... they were more common in the commercial district and the area by the gate into the town, where she'd entered just yesterday.

Sometime through her walk, she spotted a -very- strangely dressed Badarian man - a scraggly, grey beard covering all of his chin and lip, crawling up his his jaw into a full beard. His hair on top was, oddly, spiked, forming a row from back to front. He had on a dirty white linen shirt and an unbuttoned, oddly-expensive looking and intricately patterned noble's shirt, while from the waist down he wore some kind of half-pants and boots, held up by a leather belt. Somewhat dangerously, he seemed to be clutching a large gun by the mid-barrel in one hand - obvious to Elise as a Badarian-made shotgun. He seemed to be going up to any one even vaguely-able bodied and ranting at them, to at this distance, about what, Elise couldn't tell. Elise first saw him at the other end of a street she had just turned onto, though after a moment of staring at the very strange man, he seemed to sense her gaze - turning to stare at her back, all the way down the street. After a moment, he broke off with the people he was blabbering at, and determinedly started shouldering through the crowded street towards Elise. "'Ey you!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise found that the snack she'd gotten from Chao was delicious, and as she munched on it she listened to the swordsister talk and tell her that she would have the money for Elise. "S-Sorry Chao, I just... sorry. And don't worry, I'll be ready for your message to tell me when. And don't worry, I'll just have them blast her with their pollen, they won't be taking part in the actual deed, so don't worry about that," Elise replied to Chao, letting her know that she would be ready when the time came and that she intended for only herself to be the one to fuck Chao's sister. Elise told Chao to check around where she and the others had made their little sanctuary and gave her directions in which to get there to look for them, and that she would leave her a note to tell her where she'd gone in the little sanctuary if they weren't there at the time.


After bidding Chao farewell once more, Elise decided to travel around town for a while, with the two alraune, to see what all she could see and to kill time. As they went around the city, she noticed all of the rather tired and hungry looking people, men, women, and children all. It made her feel so sad for them all, and she really wanted to help them all, but she knew that she couldn't do so with so little money... not when she needed all of the money she could get in order to rescue her own parents. After a while, she came upon a strange man that was berating people in the streets. He seemed to be a Badarian from the looks of him, and had Badarian weaponry as well, and from the way he was dressed, he was a noble apparently.

He must have noticed her glancing at him, because he started making a beeline for her and she glanced around her to see if she could make a quick escape, but before she could manage to locate an avenue of escape he made it to her, Jivi, and Roxanne. "Huh, what is it sir? Is there something you need?" Elise asked the man curiously in as calm a tone as she could, her tail swishing around behind her as she kept an arm ready to reach around over her shoulder to swing one of her scimitars out of its sheath and at him.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"...And don't worry, I'll just have them blast her with their pollen, they won't be taking part in the actual deed, so don't worry about that,"

"We won't?" the girls asked in unison, their pouts returning, swift as if they'd never left. After an exchange of glances between the two, though, they reluctantly agreed. "Ooohh... okayyyy." acquiesced Jivi. "Don't worry sister, I'm sure Elise will make it up to us~♥" chimed in Roxanne, to soothe her disheartened sister.

Chao stood off to the side, daintily picking at her sweets and letting the two distraught plantgirls finish before she responded. "I won't," she said. "Also, you said 'don't worry' three times and apologized twice. You should maybe work on that."


"Ayy hen, guid mernin n' alat - d'jee see me wee men naewher, been secchin high'n low bu' ah nae faun hide ne 'air a om!"

The man's speech flowed fast, and his voice was high and rather reedy. Before Elise could recover and regroup to handle a second onslaught of his speech, he was already going again - shaking his shotgun agitatedly. "E wossat muckle damred cult a gree, a tells ye, ya ken? Ant no'but vilns, aye? Safakt! Monna showm was was win ae gimma hans onnem!" His eyes flicked down to Elise's scabbards, and he gestured at them with his free hand. "I couldne a swatcha cuttas hen, wotchae see ta givn me a hand? Thull be cain ta speer aye?"
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Yes you two I'll make it up to you, so don't worry about anything. But it'll have to be tomorrow most likely, because I need to stay in shape for tonight with Chao's sister," Elise said to the two pouting alraune as Chao left them, with Elise giving her a wave and telling her that she would work on what she said to.


"H-Huh?" Elise asked when the guy began talking to her, her eyes a bit wide as she was unable to determine what exactly he'd said.

She listened closely to his words and was only able to understand a few of them, while the rest were a bit thickly accented in some accent that she didn't understand completely. When he gestured at her scimitars strapped over her shoulders, it seemed from the looks of it that he was asking her for her help, though she wasn't too sure.

"Y-You need my help? I'm not sure if that's what you're asking me or not though. I-I'm sorry it's a little hard to understand you," Elise asked the man, giving an apologetic look that she couldn't understand the man, though she didn't by any means show that she wouldn't be willing to help if she possibly could. "Can either of you understand him by chance girls?" Elise then added to Jivi and Roxanne with a sideways glance after she replied to the guy.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

"Ach! Wotchae meen ye cannae ken whit coms oot me gob?! Ah's spaekin' nawght bet pleen Bedrian, am A no!?" came is indignant reply. When asked, both of Elise's compatriots shrugged. "That's a language?" "I thought he was just making weird sounds, like you do when you feel good ♥" "Ooh! Oooh! Ask him if he speaks Climbing Ivy! My accent's really good in Climbing Ivy."

"Me wee men! Wee! Men! Wee men! Hae ya lait peepers oem?! E wizza culta gree wet nickt 'em! Ye ken me nae, eh? Culta gree! Cult! Agree! Ye find dat peck a bestarts, ye com git meun wul ge ta tein oem! Go a whole missa cain e' yado!" After that particular 'bout of gibberish, the strange man suddenly looked as if he was going to cry. "Och, hen, Ah miss 'em. Ah mess 'em deera do, m' wee men..."

Then, suddenly, his hands started shaking, and he shouted as loud as he could towards the heavens, staking his shotgun at the sky. "AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!! Whin Ah git me mits onnem vilns Omma teer 'em a new arsehole fae ech n'erry fe those tentacles!" With that, the man turned and walked back down the street. Elise could follow him, if she wanted - or, alternatively, could run off to do something else.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"I... well I can understand some of what you're saying sir, but you aren't speaking plain Badarian really. Maybe we're from different parts of Badaria or something is all, I'm Elise. Who are you?" Elise replied to the man as she took a few steps to follow him, still unsure as to what exactly he wanted, but it seemed to her that he needed her help for something to do with his women, and that was all she knew.

"What do you need from me sir? Speak clearly and slowly. Can you speak and sound like I am right now?" Elise asked the man as she followed him, hoping that Jivi and Roxanne would as well so as to not leave her completely alone with this... strange man she couldn't understand.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

"Henson!" He shouted back behind him, not turning around as he shouldered through the crowds. "Ye peep thculta gree, gevum me nae sozee kna Ahs ginnae getum." His words (?) dripped with menace... even if they were completely unintelligible.

Roxanne and Jivi clung to Elise's sides as they had taken to doing, unphased when he turned around and started poking Elise in the chest, apparently taking her request to speak less terribly as an affront to his person. Elise could smell alcohol on his breath, as he brought his face closer to hers than he had before - clearly more agitated than he was before. "Whit dae ye pure techt?! Ahm spikin' claersa Bedaerin Summa dae! Wa dornt ye treedae spick as Ah dae insteid??!"

He then pulled back, reached into his coat, and pulled out a shattered bottle by the neck, the broken bit protruding from the bottom of his clenched fist. Before Elise could ponder too long on this, he brought it up to his lips and tilted his head all the way back - only to realize his drink contained nothing. Bringing it back down, he stared at it a moment, before stuffing it back into his coat, muttering. He turned again, marching off - shouting out angrily "FECKIN' CULTS!" but a few steps away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise walked along behind the man as he shouted his name back to her, nodding her head a little and sighing softly to herself that she had at least gotten his name out of him, that was a start anyway. She listened to him continue on with his all but unintelligible talk, though she was able to pick out a few words, though they were few and far between. As he kept talking to them, Elise glanced over to Jivi and Roxanne as they walked with a look that all but asked if they could tell anything he was saying at all. However, Elise couldn't help but stop in her tracks when he turned around and began poking her in the chest, noticing that he was angry about her asking him to speak more so that she could tell what he was saying, so she held up her hands in apology.

"I'm sorry sir, forgive my words please," Elise said to him, not wanting to start an argument and possibly a fight with him.

She watched him pull the broken bottle of booze out of his coat, which had nothing left in it at all, and she almost giggled when he tried to take a drink and found nothing within, but thankfully she held her laughter in. "So who are these cults you speak of sir? If you're wanting my help, I believe that it would be at last a little proper to let me in on who we'll be fighting... at least I'm assuming that we'll be fighting these cults you speak of anyway," Elise said to the guy, thinking that maybe if she got him talking on the subject of what exactly he was wanting of her, that he would speak a little more clearly for her to understand him better.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Not too shabby.

The man kept walking, shouldering through the crowd - hard enough that a few folks even fell over. Elise would have to repeat herself once more to get him to stop again... though it was apparently at great expense to the man's patience, as evidenced by the throbbing vein in his head.

"Quaestions quaestions quaestions! Ye soond loch mae lest waif! Hen, yae lups flat maernna floecka fet geese!"

"Them's seck, craevin saeviges, whit naerya shridda human dissuncy luft in air cowuld, bleck 'arts!" He shouted, looking far above Elise's head, almost as if preaching to the heavens. She felt spittle land on her face, and his agitation for the moment seemed redirected toward... whatever it was he was ranting about. "Thaere enfaerier, the wurstae whit menkaend is go 'tae offa, lowest e thlow, cowartly bastarts whit've no' maerals, nae compassion, naer faelins, nae nuthin'! Thee's ameeba - so flat en' prataeplesmic, ye cid nae haerm them be troddin' anem even uf ye treed! Sae fawol they air, the most thae ced evin aspaer tee possess dessgusten, rottin', paellid slime un their vaeins!" He was practically frothing with fury, and when he finished his furious rant, at the apex of his anger, he looked down, back to Elise. "And, thef go' ma' wee men!!"

It was clear the man hated the... whatever he hated, to a degree Elise had been unlikely to have ever seen before. But as the smell of his alcohol infused breath washed over her again, as he stood their in his disheveled, dirty, and incredibly mismatched clothing and ridiculous hair, face lined with age, it occurred to her that it was maybe, slightly, possibly possible that there was perhaps a little bit of a chance that - maybe, just maybe - he could be insane. Maybe.

After all... it looked like he, along with all the others crowding this part of town, was a refugee, one of the 'lucky' few to have escaped with his life from the invaders that had taken Elise's own parents. Surviving such a traumatic event... people had gone mad from far less, in the past. Whether such madness had been caused by the attack, or the trek here, or time it had been left to stew in his mind, or simply existed before the whole disaster occurred, Elise could not tell... but, it was a distinct possibility.

He took out his bottleneck again and tried to drain it, again, before once again discovering he lacked not only the liquid it would've contained, but also the glass that would have contained it, and then stuck it back into his coat - again.

A distinct possibility.

"Nae, yae in er no, hen?! Oi've ainly go' so much taem te faend me semmun tee aid mein gettin' thaem cowarts, sae if yu'll quet westin' in?!"

Then again, the abductors of his 'wee men' could actually exist. They could even be as... uhhh... whatever he'd said in that horrible accent of his, as he said they were.

He plucked out his bottle, and looked down through the bottle off to the side.

"Nae thaer tekkin' me alky tae! FECKIN' CULTS!"
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

As Elise listened to the man's ravings about the cult people that took his women... at least that's what she thought he was ranting on about anyway. Regardless, he appeared to be a refugee from Badaria just like her, which meant that she should at least try and help him out at least a little bit. Besides, she had nothing better to do for the next little while before meeting back up with Chao, so she decided to follow along with the guy. She wiped the spittle off of her face as he turned and shouted at the sky, apparently more than a little agitated, likely with her and her questions as well as whatever they were supposed to be helping him with.

She watched him take the empty broken bottle of alcohol again to take a drink, suppressing a giggle as he found nothing in it again. After thinking about it for a few moments and going over his words such as they were in her mind, Elise thought that he said something about some sort of slime or some such creature, but maybe he was merely drunk and talking off the top of his head. Regardless though, it was worth looking into as it may bring her some more money with which to help pay Chao and her sisters if the rape... well... sex with Yu later on proved to not work out for her.

"Well... where is this cult holding your uh... women exactly? And what are these women to you also? Like your wife and daughter? Or something else? I'm just trying to figure everything out is all, so that I can help you out as best I can. So don't get all pissed at me and all alright. I kind of like to know what I'm getting into before I get into it, and it can't be something that'll take me too long because I have to be getting back so that I can do something to save my own parents," Elise said trying to calm him down some and let him know that if they were going to save whoever it was he was wanting to save, then it had best be sooner rather than later, for she had to be back soon for Chao's little side job type thing she was supposed to do with Yu, so that she could do what she had to in order to save her own parents.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg


His voice cracked with both irritation and sheer volume, and Elise found her ears ringing.

"Feckin' ginnae gabbem tae death, d'ye plan oan daein?! Ah nedda cheil ae action, nae some gum-flappin' divit! Haud yer weesht and git otta me face!"

The drunkard spun and stomped away, clearly in a worse mood than when he'd first approached her. Elise got the vibe that continuing to attempt a dialogue with him was unlikely to bear fruit.

A few streets later - the two plant women starting to get a little more affectionate than might've been appropriate again - Elise felt someone tug at the back of her trousers, and when she turned around, she saw a haggard looking little Amazonian boy, dressed in worn-out rags much the same as the other refugees had been - though, being from the jungle's interior instead of Badaria, they were lighter-looking wraps, instead of the trousers and tunics a Badarian might have worn. "Hey, are you 'Elise'?" Some night elf lady told me to find you - she said to look for 'a lady with two swords and two green ladies all over her.' She said to bring you to the Anunga Runga Inn, room 5. That's you, right?"

If she allowed him to, the little boy would lead her through a myriad streets to somewhere in the poor quarter of the city, to a rather ramshackle-looking, low-budget inn in a rather poor area of town that was rather near a gate that went into the temple quarter. Once they arrived, the boy tugged at Elise's pants again, and then held out a hand expectantly.

Inside, she found a woman - middle-aged and easily out of her youth, but not unattractive, her black hair bound behind her head in a tight bun in the Amazonian style, while she wore a rather simple working kimono - at the desk.

"Oh, you the friend of the one that reserved room 5?" She asked, asking Elise's name. "Yeah, that's right. Here, just down right hall, allaway in the back."

Heading to the room, she would the door opened into a small sitting room, with a note and an unmarked bottle sitting on a table near the door - the note reading "for courage". There was also a door into another room...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Pretty much as soon as she got through speaking, the likely quite drunk man seemed to have gotten quite pissed off at her for some reason, though she wasn't quite certain as to why he was angry at her for simply wanting to know what she was getting into and how long it might take and all. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders though, thinking to herself as the guy stomped off that she had more important things to worry about at the moment... like getting ready for later so that she could get the payment for getting the aid to save her parents, and then to try and find them before she lost them forever.

With that she, Jivi, and Roxanne moved onwards and not long after that, a few streets afterwards, when the two were beginning to get a bit too affectionate with her in public again, Elise felt something pulling on her britches. She turned around and looked back to see it was a young boy doing so, where she then listened to what he had to say. "Alright buddy, lead the way," Elise would tell the little boy, leading her off to the inn she was supposed to go to. After arriving at the place in question, and when the young boy tugged on her pants again, Elise pulled a couple of denarii out and placed them in his hand, thanking him for his help by ruffling his hair and patting him on the head as they entered the inn. "There you go bud, get you something to eat alright," Elise said, not wanting to give up any of her money, but since she was getting all she'd need from Chao for this, she could afford it and all she thought.

"Yeah I'm Elise, and thanks," Elise replied to the woman innkeeper, thanking her as she went down the hall towards room 5. When she arrived inside, she noticed the note and the bottle of liquid sitting next to it. After reading the note, she took the bottle of sniffed its contents, thinking it was likely alcohol of some sort to help steel the nerves.

Regardless of whatever it was, Elise would drink it all down since she seemed to be meant to do so, where she then glanced over to her two alraune companions. "Alright then girls, I'll probably need you both to do that with your pollen again, but only when I tell you to and at who I tell you to. We have to do this right if I'm to have any hope of ever getting my parents back, so please help me okay. I don't know what to expect, but if you help me to do this then I promise that after we find my parents and save them and all that we can be together, and I know that my mom would be happy to see me with someone that enjoys being with me," Elise said to her two alraune lovers, all but begging them to help her.

Assuming Jivi and Roxanne told her of course they would help her, Elise would hug them both close, kissing both of them on the lips before going over to the door and peeking inside to see what was in there, thinking to herself that it was likely Chao and her sister within and it was a bedroom, but wanting to make certain before she just burst inside.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Aroused.

"Thanks, lady," the little boy said, though it sounded a bit like an afterthought - like his mind was already elsewhere. He was already looking elsewhere, probably to figure out how to get some more denars. He pocketed Elise's coins, and wandered back off into the crowd.

If it was alcohol, it was unlike any Elise had smelled before. Instead of the distinct aroma of alcohol, what she whiffed smelled strongly, almost cloyingly, of flowers. It seemed overwhelmingly like honey to Elise - extremely sweet, a golden color, and only slightly thinner and more drinkable than the viscous delicacy harvested from beehives - but unlike the sticky golden goo, where ever her tonic flowed over began to feel... warm. The bottle itself was a fairly unremarkable ceramic thing, sort of like a tiny flower vase, with a little bulb at the base to hold it's contents, and a long neck - though, all in all, it was still quite small, the neck just barely protruding from Elise's fist if she gripped it at the top of the bulb.

The two girl's nodded and 'mhm''d enthusiastically - always eager to please Elise, though she could guess that they had other methods of pleasing her they might have preferred far more. As soon as she kissed them though, Elise's loins started to tingle - much like the sensation the honey-drink caused, but building to a far more intense level. Quickly, Elise's flower moistened, and her sensitive, throbbing dick rose to life.

When Elise peeked into the room, she saw only one of the sisters... but probably not the way she expected. Tied to the headboard of the bed, one arm to the bedpost on either side, was a beautiful, completely nude night elf girl, purple skin smooth over exceptionally-toned muscles - not surprising, given the sister's martial heritages. White hair spilled loose down her back to around her shoulderblades, and as she appeared to struggle against her bindings, she arched her back, and gave Elise a glimpse at her well-defined core and stomach.

Littering the floor around her some five or six bottles just like the one Elise had drank from, and some of the golden liquid was running down the woman, from her mouth, down her chin and between her breasts. Moreover, Elise could have flung the door wide open, and the girl wouldn't have known she was there, save for the sound of the door opening; she was blindfolded, and also gagged, the honey-drink making the rag in her mouth sticky.

The scent of arousal was heavy in the air - she thrashed at her bindings, and the bed underneath her womanhood was positively soaked. Though, it was hard to tell whether or not it was to escape or simply to pleasure herself; Just one bottle had made Elise very eager, herself... but with that many, even the stalwart and abstinent Yu was probably going mad, especially as she was unable to pleasure herself with her arms tied up like that. The purple-gold silk robes and the sword Elise had seen held by all the warriors were there as well - folded neatly in a corner of the room, in the case of the robes, while the sword was tied into it's scabbard with a bit of twine. Though it was tied in, with the woman's practiced weapon of choice so close, allowing her to get free might end poorly, unless she did something... but if she lost it, then Yu would be unarmed to help her, as well... and, if she gave it back to her, she might look suspicious...

As a final detail, another note seemed to have been written on a piece of paper, left at the foot of the bed, too. It read, quite simply, "Please fuck my slutty brains out ♥"

"Mmnnn, she looks like she needs it really badly..." Roxanne cooed.

"Yeah... are you gonna give it to her, Elise?" Roxanne asked her quietly. "You want us to shoot pollen on her? We could do it to you, too, you know... you seemed to like it last time, after all~" A flower-tipped vine came up, to caress Elise's cheek. Both of the alraune seemed pretty nonplussed about the night elf, all in all.

2 denarii given to yon urchin.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

After sniffing the contents of the bottle and finding what it smelled like, and then after downing the liquid in the bottle, Elise was quite surprised by both the smell and the results that drinking it brought. She let out a soft gasp when as she kissed her two lovers her member and tight folds began to harden and moisten, tingling as if someone had set a fire in them. Her member was now so hard it hurt, and she was quite sure how Jivi and Roxanne wanted to help, but she had to save it all for Yu, so she couldn't afford to waste any on her alraune lovers unfortunately, especially when this next couple of times or so with Yu here would likely be her last ones for the night as she'd already done it so many times that day and all.

The sight inside what could only be the bedroom of this particular inn room was not something that Elise thought she'd see to say the least, as Chao wasn't there at all, and her older sister was there, and Elise saw that she was tied up to the bed, one arm going to either post at the headboard of the bed. Then she noticed the half a dozen bottles or so of the same stuff she'd just drunk down in the previous room, all laying there empty and a bit of the stuff streaming down her chin and onto her breasts, and she also noticed that Yu was blindfolded and gagged, which she wasn't quite sure as to why she was gagged to say the least when she was obviously very horny, but oh well. Elise watched Yu thrashing around on the bed, whether in a vain attempt to pleasure herself or not Elise couldn't tell, but she could smell the arousal in the air. Glancing around the room a bit more, Elise noticed Yu's robes and sword set in the corner of the room, and decided to leave them both where they were sitting at.

Reading the note, Elise couldn't help but give a wry grin as she untied her trousers, allowing them to fall down and to the floor, revealing her large aching prick, which was twitching and throbbing with need already, and she hadn't even stuck it into Yu yet. She was a little scared about doing this, but in a sense Chao was kind of blackmailing her, so she kind of had to do it in order to get the money with which to pay them to go with her and rescue her parents. Also, even though Elise had already had sex many times that day, she amazingly still felt aroused enough to go again and then some, thanks to her succubus nature most likely of course.

"I... did kind of like it yeah, but don't blast us unless it looks like she might try and attack me to hurt me, same goes for anyone else that might try to break in here on us. Other than that, don't blast us alright, I don't want to overload her after all, so don't blast her if she looks like she's enjoying it okay," Elise whispered in Jivi's and Roxanne's ears after pulling them close, so that Yu couldn't hear her whispering as they stood in the doorway as she nuzzled her cheek against the flower thing a little bit.

With that, she kissed the two alraune again on the lips, just a peck this time though, and then she headed over to the bed and climbed up onto it after undressing herself the rest of the way, handing her clothes to Roxanne, who she hoped held onto them for her while she did her work. Once on the bed, Elise leaned in and placed the gentlest of kisses on Yu's cheek with the least amount of the liquid that she could only now believe was ambrosia, so that she didn't get another dose of it herself in the process too soon. As she did that, Elise ran her fingertips up Yu's thighs and then up her hips, taking them up her sides, grazing her breasts with her thumbs as she brought her right hand up to Yu's cheek, gently caressing her with the back of her hand like a lover, hopefully indicating to the probably scared night elf that while she intended on having sex with her, she meant no harm in it. Elise also hoped that Yu was so horny that when she felt her touch, the horny night elf would quiver and try to get Elsie to touch her more in other places for stimulation.

If Elise got this type of reaction from Yu, then she would immediately lean in and kiss her on the lips this time, though she wouldn't take her gag out or blindfold off, being too scared to do so at the moment until she was absolutely certain that Yu wouldn't go for her sword and stab her right then and there. After that, Elise would allow her hands to roam Yu's body, caressing her all up and down and just barely avoiding her most sensitive places, to tease her a bit and hopefully coax more need into her lusty muffled moans. When Elise was satisfied that Yu had been built up by her hands a bit more, Elise would maneuver around so that she was on her knees down between Yu's legs, holding either ankle in her hand with Yu's legs spread wide, where she would then press her cock head against Yu's soaked folds, waiting for a couple of moments to see Yu's reaction to this move, hoping it was one of need and want rather than one of disgust and dislike. Regardless of Yu's reaction however, Elise would lean down and kiss her again on the lips, then travel down her cheek, kissing her neck the whole way down until she found her way down to Yu's breasts, where she would tentatively lick both of her nipples a couple of times.

Then, Elise would thrust forward into Yu, piercing the night elf's sopping wet folds deeply, not stopping in her initial thrust until she'd hilted or couldn't go any further without obviously hurting the night elf, but from all she'd ever heard of night elves she was sure that Yu could take the whole length. Elise would then begin thrusting in and out of Yu, finding herself a steady rhythm as she bucked her hips, making sure to take long and steady strokes so as to press as deeply into Yu as possible and provide the maximum amount of pleasure for the horny night elf. Elise would keep up her steady rhythm until either Yu used her legs to try and urge her on to go faster, or her own lust took over, at either point really she would then lean down and kiss Yu as she went just before speeding up in her thrusts, spurred on by Yu's and her own growing lust. When she felt her climax approaching, Elise would speed up on down the final stretch, trying to hold out until Yu had gotten her own climax before letting her own climax wash over her and allowing her seed to splash out and fill Yu with her warm cum.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Elise Langray
Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 68

Status = Aroused.

The two alraune sisters oohed and aahed when Elise's pants hit the floor, obviously hungry for more of her meaty rod - the pair pulling long faces, knowing that her big fuckstick was for someone else this time. They both sighed when she told them not to shoot their pollen unless she told them to, resigning themselves to simple voyeuristic roles this time.

When handed Elise's clothes, she giggled, and shortly after they entered the room, they flanked her on either side of the bed, pollen-bearing flowered vines up and waving around, poised and ready to shoot on the half-demon's command - the flowers trained both on Yu and Elise, with a few staring at the door. Between stealing glances at the door, Jivi's eyes roamed Elise, while Roxy spent her time during Elise's foreplay smelling her clothes while her free hand roamed her nethers, looking up to steal glances of Elise's magnificent body.

The night elf's reaction was to be expected - smothered words tried and failed to escape from her cloth-filled mouth, and she renewed her struggles against her wrist-binds with redoubled vigor. When Elise ran her hands up her body, though, she was indeed rewarded with a shiver, Yu arching her back merely at her touch. It seemed that that many bottles of the ambrosia had left her ridiculously sensitive... Elise's big organ did seem to be a little more sensitive, as well, now that she thought about it, though it was hard to tell whether that was from the potion, or simply from how active it had been today. When her hand stopped to caress the girl's face, however, it seemed she returned to her senses, and flinched away from her hand, still fighting against the loss of her virginity.

It was strange... as Elise continued to grope the head of the Soaring Swords, she continued to seem to enjoy it, though she resisted weakly whenever Elise stopped, and though her legs were untied, but she didn't seem to be trying to kick Elise away. Even her muffled screams and panting sounded more of pleasure than fear or desire to escape.

"Nnnnnnn-!!" she groaned through her drool-soaked cloth, and suddenly, Yu arched her back and tensed hard, her swollen little slit squirting girlcum both the sheets and the room's floor. Who knew how long she'd been tied up and drugged, waiting for Elise to rape her and relieve the itch imparted by thos potions? The walk over had taken some time, and Chao had to have set it up before hand before she could call Elise over... right?

She was too tired to resist when Elise climbed on the bed to mount her, but when she felt the head of Elise's fat cock touch her lower lips, she seemed to regain some of her strength - shaking her head violently from side to side, while trying to tug out of Elise's grip on her ankles - though, she couldn't - or perhaps wouldn't? - seem to muster the strength to actually pull away. Like earlier, despite her seeming resistance, Yu never actually tried to kick her... which was really the only effective means of resistance against her. Had Chao given her a weakening drug or something, too...? Perhaps not all those bottles were the aphrodisiac honey, after all...?

Despite her struggles, though, Elise could feel Yu trying to grind her cunt against Elise's swollen cockhead. While she might not want it in her head, it seemed her body craved it, like her fat prick was the first drink of water she'd seen after days in the Anudor. The girl's lips tasted salty, from the sweat of arousal dripping down her face, but also sweet with the ambrosia on her lips - which, thankfully, seemed to tingle pleasantly as well, instead of imparting a feeling of weakness or anything else those bottles might have been carrying. Yu tried (with limited success) to stifle her moans as Elise trailed kisses down to her buxom chest, though when she finally enveloped one of her nipples in her wet mouth, she let out a lusty, wanton groan of pleasure.

On her very first thrust into the girl, Elise felt Yu spasm wildly as it dug into her deeper and deeper, and felt wetness flooding around her dick before she even managed to hilt herself in the night elf's tight sheath. Had she actually cum just from putting it in? She went limp for a few moments shortly after the spasming stopped, gasping raggedly through the rags in her mouth... However, something was out of place here, too. Elise didn't think she felt her virginal hymen... perhaps it had dilated because of her extreme arousal, or broken during intensive martial training? If she spent too long thinking on this, she would find Yu bucking her hips against her, urging her to continue. Her legs stiffened from the pleasure in her grasp many times as Elise fucked her drooling pussy, her member sliding easily in the slick-yet-vicelike grip of her insides. The hypersensitive night elf actually came many times before Elise did - and she even tried to press her lips against Elise's when the half-demon tried to kiss her - and came again shortly thereafter, her moan into Elise's mouth stifled by the rag in her mouth - finally seeming to be exhausted and fucked to the point of contentedness, all resistance gone as Elise used her to bring herself to her own peak.

With every pump, Elise felt her meaty fuckstick gripped by the confines of Yu's snatch, bring her ever closer and closer to her own orgasm. As she approached it, she looked at Yu, limp in her grasp and limp against the bed, panting. When she finally tipped over the edge, Elise slammed her hips against Yu, and flooded her insides with white spunk, causing the girl to cry out and tense up in orgasm one more time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heirlooms (Mind Flayer) GMed by GargantuaBlarg

Smiling at the two alraune as they did their separate things while watching her, Elise moved over and began with Yu, watching her gasp and try to speak through her gagged mouth while her back arched at Elise's touch. Elise was glad that Yu didn't seem to be trying to kick her either, despite her legs being untied as they were, as she didn't want to have to hold her down in order to do this. She couldn't suppress a grin when she watched Yu tense in orgasm, her muffled screams of pleasure almost like music to her ears. She wondered though how Chao had done all of this here, tricking Yu into this particular room and catching her off guard and tying her up, then forcing the ambrosia potions down her throat and all over her body.

When Elise grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs up and spread them wide, the tip of her fat pecker pressing against the night elf's lower lips, she watched her shaking her head from side to side and had a couple of second thoughts about this, but she in the end decided to go ahead and go through with this, feeling that she'd come this far already. She watched Yu's seemingly paltry resistance even as she tried to grind her tight little cunny against her large rock hard cock and couldn't help but thrust forward to spear Yu upon her cock after nipping on her nipples, which made her let out a lewd muffled moan of pleasure. On the first thrust, feeling Yu spasming in what Elise could only believe was an orgasm, she grinned lewdly as her arousal reached an all time high, knowing that she was bringing this lovely night elf so much pleasure.

She hadn't felt her hymen pop when she thrust in, but Elise remembered Chao telling her earlier that it shouldn't be there after all of the training that Yu had endured over the years. As she took a few moments to get the feel for Yu's body that she was no inside of, Elise felt Yu beginning to buck her hips back against her, trying to impale herself upon Elise's cock as much as she could manage. Elise was happy that she managed to bring Yu so much pleasure and make her cum so many times during their quite passionate fuck session, with Elise kissing Yu back when the gagged night elf tried to do so, Elise taking the gag out of her mouth in order for them to be able to kiss more passionately as she approached her own climax. Elise also noticed the lack of resistance that Yu was giving her now, all of it seeming to have faded from her body as she lay there and now allowed Elise to fuck her to her heart's content, though Elise refrained from actually speaking aloud for Yu to hear her and maybe place her voice.

When she released all of her pent up seed, Elise fell over on top of Yu who came one last time when Elise filled her with her cum, where Elise then kissed Yu again, sliding her tongue into Yu's mouth to wrestle around with the night elf's, bringing Yu's tongue into her own mouth in the process. She so wanted to ask Yu if she liked their fun they'd just had, but didn't go ahead and say anything, worried that she might place her voice and say that she wouldn't help her after all. Elise did however wait for Yu to say something herself, wondering what she might say after that wonderful sex, though if it seemed like Yu wanted more, then Elise was more than ready and willing to give her more, switching positions a little bit in the process and turning Yu over on her stomach if possible, but settling for on her side if it wasn't, where she would slide back inside of Yu's tight wet fuck hole and give it another round, holding out for as long as she possibly could before cumming again inside of Yu's pussy and filling it with another injection of her seed.

If it didn't seem like Yu wanted any more though, then Elise would give a few more gentle thrusts of her hips before slipping her cock out of Yu, leaning down to kiss her on her ungagged lips once more. If at any time though it seemed as if Yu was going to scream for someone outside to come in and help her that she was being raped, Elise would seal her lips with her own and kiss her some more and gently caress her cheeks to try and calm her down, but she would stuff the gag back into her mouth if it didn't calm her down by Elise doing that. She would also glance over to Jivi and Roxanne and grin lewdly at them, giving either of them a lusty wink, but holding a finger up to her lips to remind them to keep quiet.