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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, I'll talk to Miss Fancy there." Kozlov told Adelle as he got up from the table, hoisting his machine gun onto his shoulder like a normal guy would do to an assault rifle and made way to the corner table where Shiulin still managed things. Having the big Russian as the spokesperson seemed to bring some level of humility to her, even though he had been the one that prevented her from getting a more severe punishment than the one that had managed to happen last night. Getting a job happened fast, no longer than a few minutes passing before they were ready.

Once the two of them were out, Kozlov told Adelle what was going to happen. There had been reports of people going missing in a certain area, and there were reports of unusual activities happening in near a factory in the area. The connection was the thing that gave them their mission, an investigation of that particular factory to seek out the possibility that the missing people had been taken there. Perhaps as the most important bit about it was the fact that this place was already familiar to Adelle. She had been there with Rosieta. They were going back to the sex toy factory.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty then my friend, let's go then," Adelle said as she got up with Kozlov to head over to Shiulin's table to speak with her about the work.

Once they had spoken to Shiulin about a job to take on, with Adelle keeping mostly quiet and just listening to what was supposed they were supposed to be doing, Adelle and Kozlov were soon on their way out and to their destination for said job. As they left the bar he filled her in on the details, to which Adelle nodded her head at as he said they were to investigate missing people around a certain area. When he informed her of the factory they were to be heading to, Adelle did a double take, her eyes a little wide as she remembered the majority of what all had happened there the last time when she was there with Rosieta. Gods she hoped she wouldn't have to be humiliated in front of another friend, least of all Kozlov, who she was just getting to know and all, and because he was such a higher ranked hunter than her it would only make her feel even more embarrassed if the power in the factory sent forth those mannequins at her again and they won.

"You know... it's a little scary actually Kozlov. I've been to this factory before, the other day I came over here with that Rosieta girl to retrieve something that belonged to her boss's family. Took us most of the day because this factory is haunted, stuff just kept attacking us left and right, mannequins coming to life and coming at us with various sex toys, among other things. Hell one of the things in there knocked me out the other day and dyed my damn hair while I was out," Adelle said to Kozlov after he informed her of the factory they'd be investigating. Then suddenly, she remembered something about the factory... mentally retracing her steps through the place, Adelle remembered the strange bug/reptile like creature that attacked her and Rosieta on their way out of the factory a few days before. "Wait, Koz... there was something... some strange creature that attacked us on our way out of there. It was... kind of a mix of a reptile and a bug gone wrong. It had come from a way that led down underground somewhere, we decided not to check it out then because it wasn't a part of our job or anything at the time. It might be a good place to start looking maybe if we're going into the factory, because I think even though that factory is haunted by some power or another, it wouldn't keep someone in there indefinitely. That creature though... we killed it, but... I got the sense that there was something down that shaft. I knew I should have gone to take a look like I started to," Adelle went on to say as she remembered the strange creature her and Rosieta fought that had apparently come up from the deeps underneath the factory, mentally kicking herself in the ass for not going down to check it out when she probably should have.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fact that they were going to a sex toy factory seemed to amuse Kozlov in more than one way. Still, he was considerate enough to not try and poke fun at Adelle and her revelations about the place and what had transpired before. The part about the bizarre creature got his attention though, and he had Adelle tell all she knew about it if she was willing to, wanting to know if there was something specific he should prepare towards if they faced more of those things. Considering how things appeared, it looked like a sure thing that there would be more of them. If not, maybe all the better, but then they might be dealing with something even more dangerous.

Once the pair got into the front of the factory, Adelle could see that the place had indeed seen some life since their departure, the front door that went to the store side being wide open. The inside only served to further highlight it, the store appearing even more trashed up than it had been before.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle blushed a bit when Kozlov seemed amused about her telling about her last adventure, though she wouldn't have minded telling him more about that if he asked, but since he didn't she kept it to herself. When Kozlov asked her to tell him more about the creature she and Rosieta ran into, seeming quite interested in it, Adelle told him all she could remember about the thing. "It really kind of creeped me out to be honest. I didn't want to know what it had planned on doing to us if it'd beaten us. I mean what the mannequins and other things in this place did the other day to us was bad enough," Adelle said after she'd described the creature in as much detail as she could and what she remembered about it, her cheeks still flushed a bit.

It didn't take them long after she got through talking to get to the factory, where she saw that people had obviously been to there since she and Rosieta had been here, because the doors were wide open, and the place looked as if it'd been ransacked a bit more than before. "Wow, I suppose that we're here to find the people that came in to loot the place then. Um... hang on, I believe it was... this way to where that creature was. Its body could still be there if we're lucky," Adelle said, remembering the direction to the place she and Rosieta had encountered the creature, where she then led Kozlov to the place in question, retracing her steps from a few days before to get them there, keeping a closer eye on her surroundings this time as she did so as she pulled her old pistol out of its holster just in case, not wanting to tangle with the spirits that haunted this place again, or at least not wanting to be unprepared anyway.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since Adelle had been there before, Kozlov let her take them across the factory until they came across the unknown ground of the strange excavation site. The previous visit had left the place a bit less active, only a few things actually animating to come for them. Even then, only one of them would have been an actual threat, and that was quickly ended by a short burst from the huge Russian's hefty machine gun. So, the most trouble that they got was the random floating dildos poking Adelle in places, along with some squirting lotion bottles spraying wildly at the pair.

Before they went down to the dark lower floor, Kozlov broke out a one-use chemical flare that the two could use for a light. The lower floor was much less active, basically nothing happening along the way. But once the pair got onto the door where the excavation site was, they found a grizzly scene. The remains of a man lay on the floor, chunks of meat missing from the body that had been stripped in what looked like a rather brutal way. His clothes were there, in shreds around him.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Along the way towards the area she and Rosieta ran into the creature from before, Adelle was accosted by some of the strange things in the place again, though the only big threat from one was quickly put down by a few shots from Kozlov before it could really do anything to her other than spook her. A few dildos floating around kept poking her in a slightly annoying way in pretty much any and every naughty place they could and then some, but they posed on real threat to be honest and were merely making Adelle blush as she just nudged them away because they kept paying her so much attention. Then when the lotion bottles randomly squirted lotion on her and it hit her skin, Adelle would just rub it in instead of trying to wipe it off, the former being easier really, plus the lotions were good for her skin so at least something good came of it Adelle thought to herself.

"Alright, this is the place right here. The shaft leading down is over there," Adelle said as they reached the place, with Adelle pointing out the shaft to Kozlov.

She was thankful that Kozlov had the chemical flare and lit it up when he did, as she didn't want to go down into the shaft in the dark, the very thought making her hair stand on end pretty much. She followed Kozlov down the shaft, unless he said ladies first, in which case she'd stick her tongue out at him and take the flare, holding it aloft as she climbed down into the darkness. Regardless of who went first, as soon as she touched down and got off the ladder, Adelle quickly pulled her gun back out and looked around, making sure nothing was near and about to attack. Moving along towards the excavation site, Adelle and Kozlov soon made their way to the place where the door was leading into it, where they found what looked to be the half eaten remains of a man, his clothes shredded away. The scene nearly made Adelle vomit, the sight and smell doing a number on her stomach as she covered her mouth with her left hand while her right maintained the hold on her pistol. She gulped a couple of times, forcing the vomit back down before it came out as she turned away from the scene before them.

"Dear god, nobody deserves that... not even my worst enemy. What was this place excavating Koz?" Adelle said in a whisper, asking the big Russian guy if he knew what someone was trying to do here? Once he answered one way or another, Adelle would just nod and follow him on through and into the excavation site... unless he didn't go in, in which case she'd follow him elsewhere.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For his part, Kozlov was much more used to this kind of scene than Adelle, and showed little reaction towards it. He still thought it was better to get the corpse out of sight, so he quickly poked an abandoned polypropene tarp that was nearby over it to keep the busty girl from blowing chunks onto the scene. "I do not know about that. I'd imagine you being more able to explain that, considering that you were here before. But I digress." he replied, the idea of going down the ladder in the dug hole being what they had to do next. "Suppose we just gotta get going then." the man said as he decided to assume control again, taking the ladder first and descended towards the waiting dark. It was not too long a ladder though, going down for a distance what appeared to be about 10 feet max. "We have another path here. Looks pretty average a mining shaft, this. Goes long though." Adelle could hear Kozlov talking as he looked onwards for a bit, not venturing too far in and leaving the girl in the dark as he was still carrying the flare.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thanks for that Koz, don't think it'd be a good idea to get sick and puke in here when we're possibly in danger of being torn apart like that. Still though, it's a grim sight to see especially if we're supposed to be looking for survivors," Adelle said, thanking the big Russian guy for covering the corpse for her as she stated the obvious about looking for any possible survivors and what they may end up finding. "Sorry though, I know about as much as you do if you're looking to me for info on this place. All me and Rosieta were sent here to do was retrieve something her boss sent us for, where he afterwards gave me this baby here, along with some money and a poncho of some sort as thanks," Adelle added, pulling her other pistol out and letting Kozlov see it as well.

Following the big guy down the ladder, not really caring much if he decided to look up at her ass in the process as they both went, Adelle hopped off the last couple of rungs on the ladder and landed on the ground, ready to keep going. She watched Kozlov moving off down the tunnel a little ways, though she didn't linger in the darkness for long, not caring if there was nothing behind them at the moment as long as she didn't need to stay in the dark like that with no way of seeing anything coming at them. "Yeah... but the question is, how far, and what can we expect. Won't know either of those though unless we move up however. Right? But we should move with caution, no telling what may be lurking down here. Could be more of those things like what I fought with Rosieta the other day or just anything," Adelle whispered as she hurried up behind Kozlov, looking past him as she clicked the safety off on her pistol and checked her ammo to make sure it was loaded, after which she would go into a crouch and slowly start moving forward with Kozlov, using the light of his chemical flare to see by as they went.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Only one way to find out." was what Kozlov had to say about the tunnel before the two started going onwards through the not all that big pathway inside the earth. It was a relatively tight space, the big Russian being sizeable enough to prevent Adelle from walking past him on the path. At best, she might be able to push her gun past his side or over the shoulder, him probably not being able to turn in the other direction unless he took some time carefully twisting himself and the machine gun around. A few minutes in, they began to notice black slime on the ground, which did not really impede their progress but could possibly have a tripping effect if they tried to pull off any hasty moves on it. But at the moment they did not need to, so it did not really bother them in any other way besides sticking to the bottoms of shoes.

Eventually the tunnel ended, opening up into a massive underground chamber that was surprisingly lit with several huge industrial-sized spotlights. A walkway had been mined into the walls of the chamber, which went down towards the ultimate destination, an opening in the earth which housed what could be a side of a spaceship or something equally fantastic. At least that was what it looked like to Adelle, and Kozlov did not seem to be thinking different.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely nodded at Kozlov when he spoke again, following his lead with her pistol out and at the ready, finding it tough to aim down the hall past him unless she aimed over his shoulder or around him carefully so she didn't end up hitting him in the process. Adelle instead tapped Koz to get his attention and motioned that she would cover their backs while they went since it would be too tough for her to aim past him, letting him know that he wouldn't have to worry about his six. Backing along the hallway, glancing over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure she didn't bump into him, Adelle kept her pistol aimed behind them in the direction of the ladder they came down just in case.

When they came to the blackened slime like substance after a few short minutes into the tunnel, Adelle immediately knew they needed to be careful so they didn't slip, since it wasn't sticky or anything. She was curious about what it was exactly, but knew they had little time to figure it out at the moment. After another short while, they entered a large open cavernous area and Adelle couldn't help but gasp slightly at the size of it all. "Wow... something that's actually larger than my breasts," Adelle remarked in a whisper as they entered the place, not catching what she'd just said until after she already said it, so she did the only thing she could at that point and chuckled softly. If Kozlov looked over at Adelle he would see the look on her face that all but said, I can't believe I just said that.

Seeing that Kozlov had the same idea as she did, she tapped him on the arm and then nodded towards the far end of the path laid out for them. "Let's be careful, don't know what might be in there waiting for us, but we have to find those poor people if we can... to at least see if they're dead or not so that their friends and families will know," Adelle whispered, voicing what she was almost certain they were both thinking anyway, but just saying it for good measure as it were. As soon as Kozlov was ready to move, Adelle would take aim and follow along as silently towards the spaceship looking thing in the distance as she could manage, scanning the room as best she could and utilizing the spotlights, trying to spot every possible advantage they might be able to get on the walkway towards the thing, as well as for enemies coming at them from any side.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The remark about her boobies did not appear to affect Kozlov too much, though Adelle could swear that she heard him chuckle a bit at the words. The two of them started to make their descent towards the possible spaceship or underground building that was located down below. Following the path was easy, as it appeared to have been made for frequent use. The occasional tools they saw scattered around only served to further reinforce this, also confirming that some group of people had been doing excavations here. Only the smallest of machines could be found though, as the place was hardly able to have any bigger devices, due to the cramped entry tunnel. A few drilling wagons and miniature excavators were there, as those could be brought in piece by piece and put together on-site.

Halfway across, the pair spotted an opening forming into the metallic wall, confirming their suspicions that something did use the place for living. And as Adelle could probably expect, it was a similar creature that came out, carrying a fleshy black sack over one shoulder. But, the haste that powered it's step looked like it was in a hurry, or possibly fleeing something. Still, it was coming towards them as the walkway could only go that direction.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Starting across the walkway with Koz, Adelle kept looking around to make sure nothing got the drop on them, noting the scattered tools and whatnot laying about that had obviously been used to make the walkway sturdier, and she could have sworn that she heard him chuckling about her remark about her breasts a minute before. Gods she wondered what this thing they were heading towards was, it looked like a spaceship of some sort to Adelle, or a part of one, but she just couldn't tell without seeing more of it. "So... what the hell is this thing exactly I wonder. Doesn't look natural definitely. Maybe... alien?" Adelle whispered as they went along the walkway, glancing up at Kozlov to see what he thought on the matter as she scanned the room again.

When they reached the halfway point of the walkway to the spaceship of whatever it was, Adelle saw a portion of the wall ahead of them opening up where a creature similar to the one she and Rosieta fought the other day came out, carrying a black sack over a shoulder. "That's one of the creatures me and Rosieta fought the other day right there Koz. But... I don't know what that sack thing over its shoulder is, the last one didn't have one... but, maybe it's got one of the missing people in it. And it's coming straight at us, but it looks like it'll just bypass us at the rate it's going... but... there's no way it hasn't spotted us yet surely," Adelle whispered as she glanced up at Kozlov for his input on the thing, the look on her face that said she'd just thought that one of the people they were looking for might be inside. Aiming her pistol at it and moving to the side of the walkway on the possibility that it passed them by, Adelle kept her pistol aimed at the creature as it came towards them, finger on the trigger as it did so and ready to shoot the creature, deciding not to aim at the sack on the off chance it had one of the missing people inside of it. If it seemed like the thing was about to attack them, then Adelle would of course fight back, but if it didn't bother them and went about its way, then Adelle would look to Koz for what to do, following his lead and either attacking it or leaving it be... though she did think that the sack over its shoulder could be one of the people they were trying to find.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Considering what you described the things as, I would not be surprised about there being aliens." was all that Kozlov had to say.

Once the creature came out, Kozlov was immediately fixated on it, the barrel of his gun tracing it's tracks upward as it approached. "Hmm, alright then. But if it attacks, I'll riddle it with bullets." he told his own plan about the approach. Slowly the creature approached them as it would, stopping once it was within a distance. It seemed to have a mixed reaction, looking back and forth as if to consider options. After about ten seconds of quick hassle, it dropped the bag and went past the two, never looking back. While she might had expected the bag to contain something, the thing just flopped to the ground, revealing that there was indeed nothing in there besides a little slime. The whole object was somewhat like a black plastic bag, but it had a fleshy and slimy quality about it, most likely being something organic. As per the creature, it continued upwards, apparently not wanting to deal with Adelle and Kozlov, even as the one before had been eager enough to attack the two ladies without too much hesitation. Something else was going on.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course, blast the thing if it attacks, no arguments from me Koz," Adelle replied in a whisper as the creature continued coming closer to them, both of them at the ready with their guns.

When the thing closed the distance and got within attack range of them, Adelle tensed a bit as it stopped and seemed to be thinking about the situation... at least she thought it looked like that anyway. She watched it drop the sack at their feet before scurrying onwards, leaving it behind as it went on and up the walkway. The fact that it dropped the thing didn't bother her, the fact that it decided not to attack them and hurried on past them did, making her believe that something else was further in that had scared it quite a bit. Examining the sack, Adelle found that it only had a black slime like substance in it and no body of any kind. Adelle looked up at Kozlov after the creature was gone, feeling a bit creeped out by all of this... gods it felt like some sort of horror story to her or something.

"I didn't expect that to be honest. Something is really wrong here Koz... the last one of those things I ran into attacked blindly, didn't even care that me and Rosieta had it outnumbered two to one, plus I was shooting the shit out of it, which had to be painful. Something scared it... something probably a bit scarier than it is, and I honestly don't want to know what scared it off. But we have to find out, for the sake of those missing people, their lives could depend on us finding them or not," Adelle said to Kozlov after the creature went by, leaving them alone and seeming to be rushing away. "I'm ready to move when you are Koz," Adelle added, moving forward when he was ready, or following him back out if he decided on that instead, though Adelle didn't know if she could bear leaving without at least trying to find these missing people, because the thought of leaving and condemning them to death weighed too heavily on her mind.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hmph, this is starting to sound extraordinary weird. It feels like these might be different creatures altogether, but surely not. Kozlov expressed how he saw the situation before the two put the fleeing creature behind them and headed down further to access the entrance into whatever it was hiding beneath the rock face. Once they got close enough, the entrance opened up by itself, sliding to the side and revealing the entry hall.

The entry room was not too big a space, as was appropriate to an entry hall. There were two doors going to the left and right, along with one going forward towards the estimated center of the ship/dwelling. The metallic and simplistic interior still seemed like a whole lot of sci-fi despite the simple looks, the automatic doors giving that a further UFO-style touch. And while that might have been interesting in it's own right, there was something there that could not be avoided. Another dead body lied there, this time being an alien one. The creature had been cut in half across what passed as a waist for it, and the upper body was split diagonally into two as well, some burnt holes adding into the tally of suffered injuries that had ended it's life. It looked to be a recent happening, as the body was still bleeding out the black lifefluids into the pool that had formed underneath.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'm positive they aren't different, at least not enough to make them look different to me anyway. That sack thing was the only difference that I saw," Adelle said after Kozlov spoke, telling him that she was sure she wasn't wrong about the creature being the same as the one she fought before.

As they closed in at the entryway, the thing opened all by itself, which went further towards saying this was alien technology of some sort, as the city didn't have automated doors like that as far as she'd seen up until now. Looking to Kozlov as they moved into the entrance, Adelle continued to keep an eye out for anything that might come at them. As they looked around a bit they found a dead body of an alien, at which Adelle gulped at the gruesome way it had been killed and apparently split in half... and... dissected. She moved over to get a closer look, swallowing to make sure she didn't puke, but... she wasn't feeling as sick to her stomach this time as last time as noted everything there was about it and looked back up to Kozlov. Maybe it was because it wasn't human and was something else entirely, or maybe it was because she was getting a bit scared and tense from the situation that was brewing around them.

"Well... what do you wanna do now? Might be good to explore this thing some, but... whatever happened to him is not something I'd like to experience myself. Who knows, we might find some alien technology of some sort to take back with us, or some laser guns or something," Adelle asked Kozlov as she stood back up and looked around again for another path to take, still following his lead and along behind him, keeping a watch behind them as they went.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, we should at least take a look before leaving. Would hardly be a successful mission if we did nothing. Would not mind any unusual tech leaving with us, either." the Russian agreed on the part about investigating the place. Since he was the point man, Kozlov took them onwards, picking the option of going towards the center.

And only after the first door, they came across what was most likely a control room. Bizarre computer-like machines were everywhere, and they were active. The area was bigger than your average room. Another two dead aliens littered the floor, and a familiar yet not delightful sight was waiting for Adelle. On what was most likely the main computer was the mysterious attacker that had cut her and broken Mariela's sword before, in addition to throwing Lacrimosa down from the walkways. While she had not shown anything of herself before, this time she had dropped the hood, a curious cyborg-style visor with small wing-like antennae being visible from the back. Shoulder-lenght, shimmering black hair poofed around the device, and a few cables went from the visor to the computer. The unreasonably sharp sword was there was well, hiding within the sheath that masked the whole thing into a somewhat unconventional walking stick. While she appeared to be busy with the machine and not too aware with what was going on, there was something that could give the two trouble if it came to that. Floating near the girl's side was a mechanical skull with six arm-like extensions near the base, giving it a somewhat chandelier-like look. The blue flames on all six tips only served to further highlight it. The girl was not looking at them, but the mechanical familiar was doing nothing but following what these new possible targets did.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, let's go then," Adelle said, following Kozlov onwards and deeper into the alien place, keeping their backs covered as they went.

The first door they went into appeared to have been a lucky guess by Kozlov, as it seemed to be a control room or possibly the control center for the whole place, it was hard to tell exactly. It was a quite large room, and Adelle noticed another two dead aliens in there, as well as an old acquaintance... the woman she and the girls met in the sewers that had cut her leg. Adelle immediately aimed her gun right at the back of her head and lowered it, thinking of what to do. She was fast, very fast indeed. She then looked back up to see what she was doing, and it appeared she was at the main computer doing something. Then Adelle noticed the skull thing floating near her head and was quite taken aback by the sight of it, and she doubted from the looks of it that she would get a clear shot at the bitch in any case.

"She's the one me and the girls met in the sewers a few days back, she's fast as hell and she cut my leg open with that laser sword of her's. I don't know what the hell she's doing here, but she seems to not like people having technology to match her's. And... she killed our mark before we could get him, cut something out of him and took it," Adelle whispered to Kozlov as she looked at the girl, pulling her other pistol out of its holster and preparing to shoot if necessary. "So what do we do? Ask her where these people are?" Adelle then asked Kozlov.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(The lady doesn't use a laser sword, only her fancy carving knife was laser, and Adelle claimed that for the advancement of lazor weaponry for everyone. What she carries is a shikomizue like )

Before the two could make any further discussion, the girl broke between them, thankfully in a purely verbal manner as she was still connected to the computers. "Dead. Everything in this ship is dead." she spoke up with a cyborg's echoing yet still feminine voice, laying out the situation in rather blunt terms. "These creatures, and the humans. The creatures I killed, the humans were dead already. You should leave, this place won't be here for long."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Ah my bad, thought she had a laser sword is why she sliced through Mariela's blade so easily. We'll just say Adelle thought it was one that way no editing is necessary, if that's okay with you.)

As the girl spoke, Adelle's heart sank at the thought that the people were dead. She glanced over at Kozlov and then back to the woman before taking a couple of steps closer to her, holstering her bigger pistol as she did so. "Hey... at least tell me why they did this to them... please. And shouldn't we at least try and find something useful from this place so their deaths weren't in vain? And why did you come here exactly too? We met the other day too remember? You slashed my leg half off," Adelle asked the girl before looking back to Kozlov for a moment, sounding almost desperate to find the answers to her questions and an equally desperate look on her face.