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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sheila sighed as Kylie spoke of reality and the need for the children to see it sooner rather than later. "Hah... well it's not my place to speak for these little ones here, because they see you as their mother. All I'm saying is, let them enjoy their childhood before you try and teach them ways that are different than our ways. They may call you mother, but they are still alraune, and I can guarantee you that no other alraune or Giselle either would want them to grow up with ice in their chests as you say you yourself have. I'm not saying to not train them as you want Kylie, but let them have their childhood before you do is all I'm saying. I want them to be strong too, believe me, but not at the expense of their happiness by training them at too young an age for a fight that may or may not ever happen," Sheila said, still obviously concerned for the little ones, but it was an understandable concern Kylie would know considering all that had happened recently and whatnot, and considering the fact she was a red alraune and the protection of her people rested first on her and the other reds before anyone else, though the red alraune did seem to understand Kylie's want to ensure the girls were as strong as they could be, or at least she was trying to understand it anyway.

As Kylie went over to Giselle and scooped the little runt up, the poor little green alraune gave a cute little eek as she was lifted up from the ground where she was standing at with Hope and the others that weren't riding on Wraith's back. The little green looked up at Kylie as Giselle smiled and pulled Kylie to sit down with her. "Pino... Pino," she repeated a couple of times, looking around at Kylie for a moment before pointing to herself. "Pino?" she asked curiously.

The little reds looked at her curiously, the one she'd named Oak looking down at her feet. "Mmm... Oak?" she asked.

"Hmhm... I don't know if she wants to be called Oak sweetie. Can't say I blame her though honestly, Oak does sound more for a... male alraune, if those even existed," Giselle said, giggling a bit as she spoke, a look of deep thought on her face. "Ah, how about we name her Lauren, after a laurel tree," Giselle suggested, at which point the little one looked up at her and smiled.

"Lauren!" the little red said, smiling and bouncing on Kylie's knee at Giselle's suggestion.

"Willow... Willow!" the little blue said before flopping down into Kylie's lap as far down as she could.

"Orc... Orcy?" the little pink asked, obviously having a bit of trouble saying her own new name, though she was still very young, so it could only be expected.

Giselle helped Kylie sit down once the little ones all ran off, probably forgetting all she'd told them within a minute of leaving knowing how children were sometimes. She then sat herself down next to Kylie as Ayane came over with a small tray that had 4 pieces of chocolate cake that had some of the tastiest vanilla frosting Kylie had ever tasted in her life. "Please, have some cake you three, we cultivate most of the island's cocoa beans just over there along with many other jungle and forest fruits that we trade with the villages for our own necessities that we require," Ayane said as she pointed over across the little stream where Hope's little lean to was, after which she handed each of them a piece of cake and then a cup of milk to go with it before she sat down too to join them. "Hmhm... they all seem to be having quite a bit of fun. I overheard the names you gave them too Kylie, and I must say I agree with Giselle on Oak being less suitable than Lauren. Though we don't go with just plant names obviously, else half the village would be named Sakura or Violet, or some such," Ayane added before taking a bite of her chocolate cake.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I noticed Ayane, which is what makes those names unique for them. Kylie answered, sticking out her tongue and smiling as she watched the little terrors play.

Eating her cake, Kylie was content with the current movements of the universe, besides, there was always the chance that Sheila couldn't fully grasp what Kylie had said because she'd never been there herself. It was simply a fact of life.

Orchid tripping over her new name still had her giggling before she turned to Ayane. Besides, I'm not a person who dwells on whether a name is taboo or right or wrong, I think it's the meaning that matters.

As the hours ticked on by, there was more dancing for everyone, though Kylie opted to avoid it, as her back and feet were KILLING her, being the size of a beached whale currently, and as the children wore themselves out, the little devils soon started to migrate into her lap, the whole insane family starting to doze in the dusk, Kylie curled up with all her little Alraune, the little Darkmantles nuzzled up everywhere in the mix, and Bob wrapped around herself and Giselle as everything wound down.

If anyone tried to think too hard on the insanity of this, they'd have to cope with Kylie cuddled up to a Siren, covered in Alraune children, covered in baby monsters, and then further wrapped around by the biggest spoon of all, a gigantic floating tentacle'd squid.

It wouldn't be bad to fall asleep here in the glade like this, Kylie's family growing exponentially every day it seemed, surrounded by them all.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"True Kylie. But still... Oak? I mean even she didn't seem overly enthused about the name herself. Though I don't know if they truly understand yet honestly what you were getting at," Giselle said to Kylie as they ate their cake.

Ayane seemed to agree with Kylie on the matter of names, that it was the meaning that mattered more than anything. Though she also agreed with Giselle that the little red looked a bit disappointed in the name. As the four of them continued sitting there eating their cake, the party continued, with more music starting up and Tina taking the stage as the sole singer for a little while. Tina's song was outright beautiful, something Kylie might not have expected from the often brutish sister, and it was having a calming effect on everyone and making the whole village, at least those within hearing distance, feel at peace. Tina's singing would remind Kylie much like that of an opera singer in how it sounded, the eldest sister's skill simply amazing.

Tina switched off for Delilah to take over after a while so she could rest a bit and eat her cake since Delilah already got hers. A couple of hours passed and the partying started dying down a little bit, the children all tuckered out for the most part, but still awake and eating their cake now while the little darkmantles watched curiously. Knowing that Kylie was pregnant and likely aching all over, Giselle didn't ask her to dance any more during the party unless Kylie felt like doing so and asked first, seeming content to just sit there with Kylie, where she massaged her shoulders for her as they did relax.

As the partying continued into the evening as the sun started setting, the children were all mostly tuckered out completely and all of Kylie's 6 alraune were curled up in both Kylie's and Giselle's laps asleep, with Wraith flopped on top of Giselle's head. Tina came over and knelt down next to Kylie and Giselle, kissing both on the cheek. "Hey, I'm heading on back, don't want to leave poor Selara at home all alone with the little ones, who're probably all hungry for more milk and crying for me as we speak. I'll see you both later, in the morning if you decide to stay the night here," Tina whispered to the two before collecting her weapon and leaving the village, giving a nod at Delilah too who was sitting next to a pair of pink alraune who were quite all over her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Laurel or Lauren is fine, besides, you already mentioned it to her, bit late now. Kylie answered, sticking out her tongue at Giselle before watching the chaos... chaos was nice.

As everyone piled up and started to doze, Tina mentioned needing to get back to the lamia only getting a smile and a nod from Kylie. The assassin was quite unwilling to move from her current spot, not wanting to disturb the children, or get up. She was already pretty comfortable, she had the little ones, her fiancé was right there... why change anything? Even Bob was being a ridiculous pillow... no complaints.

Falling asleep right where she was, along with everyone else, she slept a dreamless night away surrounded by loved ones only to wake up in roughly the same situation. Pregnant, and covered in children. and Dew...lots of dew... It was like waking up in a bath.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, sorry about that hon, I know they see you as their mother and all," Giselle replied, kissing Kylie's cheek as they watched the chaos unfolding before them and the little alraune roaming about all over the village.

Giselle leaned against Kylie a little bit, though she gently pushed Kylie down a bit too so she was laying back a bit more for her back's sake, where the youngest siren sister soon fell asleep as well along with Kylie. Their slumber was peaceful and deep, with no real worries while they slept.


When Kylie stirred and woke the next morning, she found Hope was nowhere to be found on her lap anymore, though everyone else was still there where they'd been left the night before, save Ayane. Ayane was standing nearby next to the stream that flowed through their village, and if Kylie gently moved the little ones around enough to get up without disturbing them, she'd find that Hope was laying on her little island again, her root tentacles attached to the ground again.

"Oh good morning Kylie, Hope needed to reattach to her roots for a little while, she hasn't really been attached to them for a couple of days now. So long as she isn't away from her roots, or at least away from a place where she can reroot herself for a while to take in the nutrients she needs to live on then she doesn't need to reattach for a day or two at least, but I'd prefer it if she reattached every night when she sleeps, as it'll help expedite her recovery the rest of the way and it'll make sure she grows well," Ayane would tell Kylie after greeting her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Waking up slowly, and gingerly wriggling out of the child pile, Kylie made sure they were all still cuddled up to Giselle as she went searching for Hope, once more finding her with Ayane on the Island.

Chuckling as Hope went through the ritual of her rooting, Kylie dunked her face in the water and came up with a happy gasp, wringing out her hair for a moment.

Well, yea, but that was the point of moving her rooting site over to the house when it was finished. But that's not here nor there yet.
Kylie answered through her personal waterfall for the moment.

As for the other little demons, it'll be important to keep them together, they're already a little troop all on their own. Don't think I've ever seen any of them without the others. have to admire that. In the meantime, I need to stop getting filled with other species, it's weighing me down and I have summoners to hunt. she finished, exasperated as she flopped onto the grass.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie dunked her head into the water, Ayane giggled a bit at her as she walked out to Hope's little island where the little alraune slept soundly. "Hmhm, well that's a risk when you have sex Kylie. That you'll get pregnant with... whatever your partner is. That said, Delilah had quite a bit of fun last night before she finally went to sleep. Those two pink alraune were quite... adamant in getting her in bed again. I think they kind of like her," Ayane said as she slipped out to Hope's little island and sat down next to her.

"Hope... little one, it's time to get up now. You've rooted long enough for the day, so you can get up and I can teach you some new things before you play today," Ayane told Hope, giving her a little shake.

Hope gave a soft little groan as she rolled over under her little moss blanket, giggling a bit when Ayane poked her little belly before she raised up. Hope soon finally raised up, rubbing her eyes a bit as she sat there, still looking sleepy, but as soon as she saw Kylie standing in the stream nearby she woke up the rest of the way and smiled. "Mama!" Hope said, her little tentacles reaching out to grab Kylie so she could pull herself over to her, yet they just weren't long enough yet and only came far enough to brush Kylie's chest a bit.

"Hang on little one, let me unroot you before you go trying to run over to her," Ayane said, smiling at her as she unhooked the root tentacles from the ground.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed at the mention of Delilah's plight with the pinks, before Hope was woken and tried to sling herself into her arms, just barely out of reach. Being chided slightly for Ayane for forgetting she was still rooted to the ground, Kylie giggled when Hope got loose and launched herself like a little missile into Kylie.

Catching Hope, Kylie blew into her belly like she always did, their own little ritual anymore, enjoying her giggles before Kylie turned to Ayane. Now Little One, you need to learn whatever Ayane has to teach you today. But, why don't you go wake up your siblings too, we need to get everyone up and moving, and fed. So go get Orchid, Lauren, Maple, Willow, and Pino up for breakfast. she said, scooting Hope off to sound the morning call.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hope dove over into Kylie's arms as soon as she was able, her little tentacles wrapping around her as she did, and cackling as Kylie blew on her belly and tickled her. "Okay mama, I go wake them up," Hope said with a smile as she hugged her again, jumping down once Kylie had her over to the shore of the stream, where she ran over to Giselle.

Hope dove right into Giselle's lap, flailing her little tentacles at all of her sisters as she let out a cry at them. "Wake up, wake up. Time to wake up!" Hope cried, bouncing up and down on Giselle's stomach, who'd woken up as well and was giggling at Hope's actions, while the other children were groaning and yawning as they started getting roused up by Hope.

"Now that's one helluva wake up call," Giselle said as she sat there giggling, rubbing her eyes as the children all did as well.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Watching Hope with a bemused expression, Kylie took off her gauntlets to clean her hands as well as bathing lightly in the stream, while the rest of the glade started to rouse as well, or maybe not, who knew, maybe she'd sounded the wake up horn at 5 am. There was no telling.

Smiling at Giselle, Kylie laughed as everyone started groaning and Hope continued to bounce around like someone who'd already been up far too long. Still, they needed to eat and get ready, and Kylie had to head back to town for a bit. She idly wondered if Hope had ever seen the village proper apart from in a basket on a trip to the house.

What was a joy to see was the Darkmantle young all flopping up into the air like they hadn't quite figured it out this early into their day, lazily bumping into eachother and the Alraune until they got the sleep out of their eyes...err... eye.. They only had the one. Wraith was quick enough to flail back at Hope but joined the rest of the flock for the most part, and Bob... well... Bob was quick enough to just nudge everyone away while he went back to sleep. Not like he had to get up, he was large enough to silently tell everyone to fuck off.

Once Kylie was clean for the most part, she'd wring out her clothes and get redressed before looking around for Delilah, who had either gone home, or gotten stuck with the pinks all night. There was no telling on that count either. Still, that left Kylie's itinerary for the day, which was... a giant fucking mystery at the moment.

Glaring at her stomach, Kylie soon enough wandered back over to Bob, and properly roused him by flopping against him. So. was there anything we needed to do today? or did we only plan as far as a party...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Looking up and around, Kylie could tell it was past 5:00 AM, as the sun had already risen, though it wasn't that far up just yet, so it was likely only 6:00 or 6:30 AM or so, maybe 7:00 AM at most. Once she was done washing off, Kylie could make out several alraune, mostly pinks, clustered around one of the fire pits, which they were cooking something at... which smelled oddly like ham and eggs, and upon further investigation by getting closer she found that it was indeed those two, and there were a mix of vegetables and fruits in there too along with some bread.

The small darkmantles were bumping into trees, bushes, alraune legs, among several other things, but those were the mot common until they'd woken up completely, though one of the little darkmantles did end up getting stepped on slightly as it floated right under a pink alraune's foot as she took a step. It wasn't overly hurt and the pink alraune quickly hopped into the air and pulled it up and made sure it was alright, burying him in her tits as she hugged him. Most of the little alraune meanwhile were roaming about over to the stream, guided by a few of the older alraune, where they all washed their faces and everything, with the older alraune helping some of the littlest ones out.

Delilah was found still asleep nestled between a couple of pink alraune, her face buried in one of the pinks rather large breasts, the one in front of the middle siren sister having some about the same size as Maria's, while the one behind was rather petite in terms of breast size and a cup under Kylie's own size. Bob merely looked over at Kylie with his big red eye, which then rolled as if he were saying, "I dunno what you had planned today, you didn't tell me,"
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

This is true... Is this you applying to be my secretary? I don't know how you'd look in a pleated skirt. Kylie answered Bob, kissing him before turning around to watch everyone else. Delilah would be up eventually, if the pinks ever let her... and who knew, she needed a bit of fun more then anyone.

Yawning, Kylie sought out her own little army of children, eventually rescuing the squished Darkmantle, who seemed to be fine, before Wraith flailed gently onto her head, Kylie stroking him affectionately and only slightly looking like a monkey for a moment. Letting it float off, Kylie watched everyone clean up, and then ushered the kids off to breakfast while she continued to think about her day.

It suddenly occurred to her that Alan the Alchemist was due for a visit from her after her business in Tear Cove, his ingredients due to be delivered. And then she had to... That was it really. She was just enjoying a bit of a breather while she waited for her eggs to pop, and for their trip to Hespera... It was actually kind of nice, so barring disaster, it was just back to derp.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob's reaction Kylie could have sworn was a snort of sorts before his eye turned away from Kylie to look around at the little darkmantles floating around, a couple still bumping into stuff as they woke up the rest of the way. Soon though she saw her half a dozen little alraune running around, chasing Wraith over to Kylie, with Hope hopping up and landing on Kylie's shoulder after pulling herself up with her tentacles. The little darkmantles that had been stepped on floated off and back to the pink alraune who'd stepped on him, where she smiled and giggled before scooping him back into her breasts for snuggle time.

Sending the children off to eat breakfast, Kylie stood there and thought about things, but after a minute or two she was brought out of her reverie by Ayane, who tapped her on the shoulder with one of her tentacles before calling her over to eat as well, telling her to get whatever she wished of the breakfast foods there and offering her an apple with her hand as Kylie approached. "You really should eat as good and heartily as you can Kylie, especially with those drider eggs in there. Don't want them to be malnourished or anything, else it'll take them longer to come out," Ayane told her as she handed Kylie a plate to pile food on.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie pouted a little as Ayane insisted she eat more, like everyone else had, and to her credit she'd stopped eating strange things for a while, though there was no telling how long that would last. Probably until her pregnancy ended. Regardless she bit into the apple and pondered a meal.

What finally sealed it in was that she would have to be pregnant LONGER if she ate less, and gave in, piling a good amount of anything she didn't immediately recognize onto her plate to sample, as well as whatever Ayane was eating if there wasn't any dead animal around to enjoy.

Still, this put her eating with her little swarm and the Darkmantles seemed to be focused on bug hunting, all except for Wraith, who'd already gotten used to eating with Kylie who was happy to share, as always. Seemed to help him grow a little faster, especially if he was getting some real meat which seemed like rare fare for the little ones.

She thought about that for a moment as well while she chewed, betting against anything that the babies would probably be on a bug only diet for quite awhile if a person wasn't there to feed them. There hadn't seemed to be a ton of available food in that cave she'd found Bob and they didn't seem overly well equipped for hunting.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ayane, Kylie saw, was eating mostly fruits herself, but had a slice of ham on her plate too and a piece of bread. One of the smaller darkmantles, which Kylie would recognize as the one that'd been stepped on and them booby smothered by the pink alraune, was chasing a grasshopper that bounced around and he just couldn't quite snatch it. It hopped over right onto Kylie's leg while she sat there eating her food, with the little darkmantle crashing into her trying to grab the thing as it jumped again before it could grab it.

While Kylie was thinking about darkmantles and whatnot, she'd spot Bob still lazing over by the stream, not having come over to get any food himself. While looking at him though, she'd notice that four of his tentacles were laying limply to the side. At first this might concern Kylie a little, but any worry was quickly washed aside as she saw him suddenly flip all of them into the air, where 4 small fish flipped up into the air and landed ashore right next to him. Several of the littler darkmantles clustered around the fish, which Bob shooed them back just a little from as he picked three of the fish up and quickly ended their flopping with a twist and quick wrench of his tentacles that fished them out of the water, and then he sent forth a few smaller ones and tore the fish apart into smaller bits which he then set on a nearby rock, where the little darkmantles attacked the food he'd set out for them.

As she watched this whole thing play out, it dawned on her that while they weren't well equipped for hunting per se, they were exceptionally well equipped for fishing, as their tentacles could mimic worms while laying limply in the water, and then go taught and flip any fish out of the water with relative ease. Bob then flipped another couple of slightly larger fish up which were for him apparently as he gulped them down along with the leftover fourth fish he'd gotten before.

"Fascinating isn't it Kylie? I've watched darkmantles do that several times before and it's always an amazing sight to behold when they do it," Ayane said to Kylie, smirking a bit at Bob.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, I figured they had to eat somehow, just... couldn't figure out what they ate in those caves. Question of the day answered, though, he's really good at that. Helena answered, snatching the grasshopper and holding it out to the smushed Darkmantle.

Still, I'm glad, they're really very sweet, I've met dogs less loyal and certainly less intelligent. I have to wonder how smart they really are, but I know Bob and Wraith at least understand what I'm saying in a very literal sense. It was a real gift bumping into him. Kylie continued, finishing her meal and keeping an eye on all the hooligans.

Still, Helena grabbed up another plate full of food. She hadn't figured it'd make her pregnancy longer if she didn't eat.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The little darkmantle happily took the grasshopper from Kylie when she offered it to him, munching it down before flopping onto Kylie's chest just like Wraith did when he wanted attention. Wraith soon floated down upon noticing one of his siblings claiming his boobies for pillows and he nudged in next to the smaller one, as if trying to root him out of the way some. While she ate and the two nudged against each other to lay on her breasts, Kylie soon felt the two starting to slide down into her clothing where both of them claimed a boob for themselves and started nursing on them, leaving Kylie with a little squid bra of sorts that massaged and nursed her tits.

"Hmhm, now that's kinda funny and cute at the same time," Giselle said with a giggle at Kylie's little darkmantle bra.

"I'm just glad they aren't trying to get at my breasts this time. Little buggers have nursed on my poor boobs until they made them sore, only to get nothing out of them until Giselle made me... um... n-nothing," Maria began saying, her cheeks flushing as she stopped short of finishing her sentence.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Behold. I am Squidboob. Kylie exclaimed, pulling her shirt off and holding her arms up, giggling at the pair. And yes Maria, Giselle does that. often... Hasn't given ME any since I got back, but I'm also a beached whale full of spiders. Which would turn off ANYONE if you think about it too hard. Kylie finished, looking down at her squid clad bewbage.

Turning to regard Maria, Kylie remembered their first time together and grinned. You know, I still have those threads and other toys we played with your first time. If Giselle hasn't found them already~ Kylie teased, winking at Maria.

Giddy up Horsey. Kylie added quietly as an afterthought before breaking out into laughter.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Squidboob the beautiful, a queen I would gladly serve," Giselle said, leaning in and hugging Kylie from behind and kissing her neck, one hand dancing across her pregnant belly. "And don't worry, I'm sure these little ones will be out of there in now time," she added in a whisper, leaning up and kissing her cheek next.

"I... y-you didn't even know that she made me drink a lactation potion so they could nurse on my breasts, and so that Hope and her sisters could too, and...." Maria said back at Kylie, looking a little heated until she realized she'd just told on herself, where her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment again as she shut her mouth, looking mortified at what Kylie said next and at her own retort.

"Oh I found those the day after you left honey, Maria just loves them. For a priestess and all she's really a horny thing. I mean she's come to visit and spend the night with me almost every night since you left. I think she loves the cuddling afterwards the best, but then again she probably loves the sex a lot too," Giselle said with a giggle while Maria looked so red she might possibly burst into flames at any moment now.

Maria just looked down at her plate and stopped talking for the moment, trying to kill her embarrassment some by eating. It was obvious though that Maria obviously enjoyed her time with Giselle, and the when Kylie had used the toys, or she would say something signifying she didn't. Giselle kissed Kylie again on the cheek before finishing up her breakfast while everyone else did too, leaving them with virtually nothing to do for the rest of the morning now.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It's fine Maria, we keep embarrassing you so that soon you wont be embarrassed anymore. Kylie said, purring and leaning back into Giselle. I hope so Love. I missed you and I came back all blimpy. Still, finish up breakfast, we need to go check in on Alan. she said, flailing after her food until it was destroyed.

But it was eventually slain, and with Giselle help, she wobbled on up to her feet with a big yawn and then held a hand out to Maria, before popping the little Darkmantles off her boobs. Go on Little one, Wraith, go with daddy over there back home. she whispered, shooing them on before going to flop on top of Bob and hug him.

Lets head on back, I got business in town. A miniature weight slapping into her back made her eep, before Hope wriggled into her lap. You want to come with me today? What about your sisters? They can't all come with... can they Giselle? I have no idea.