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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani sailed threw the air effortlessly and may have found it quite enjoyable if she didn't have her attention on something else. Below her two, figures argued over something their distraction only helping Ashraani draw closer. Had the two been paying attention, they may have noticed the brood-mother approach. It was nearly perfect Ashraani was in range and could easily dispatch her foes from above but aired on the side of caution choosing to see who or what was below her.*

Her discretion proved the right call as she began to make out two figures. One was heavily armored and had the smell of elf about him while the other was a orc female in medium weight armor and a large axe. They seemed to be in a heated argument of whether to turn back or find the mage and priestess before looking for their guide.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would listen intently to the heated discussion, and smiled a little as she heard mention of a mage and a priestess. Both of those interested Ashraani very much, for a variety of reasons. With that, Ashraani descended, in a fairly leisurable pace. She wasn't trying to hide her pressence any longer, but with some luck, the two arguing people wouldn't care to look up further into the sky, and instead focus on her.

The Draconian would land some fifteen-twenty feet away from the Orc and the Elf, and try to appear non-threatening. And how she acted next, would depend on their reaction to her.

If they looked as if they were going to attack her(not counting simply drawing their weapons and staying on the offensive), she would have to act fast, and try to leap up into the air to put some distance between her and the two warriors, shouting to them. "Stop, stop! I mean no harm! I overheard you arguing with eachother, and I just want to help!", if that was enough to make them calm down, that'd make things much easier for her.

If they asked her who she were and/or what she was here for, with or without having first tried to attack her, she'd calmly speak up. "I overheard the two of you talking about having been split up with friends of yours, and I thought I might offer to help you find them.", she smiled friendily, warmly, and if the two had also asked to know who she were, she'd add that afterwards, in a fairly blunt introduction. "I am Ashraani, and you two are...?", she'd also take the opportunity to eye the two of them over more closely, to get a good look of their looks and equipment, particularly those of the Elf. The way she did it, would be in a show of curiosity.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

With her attempts at stealth ended for now Ashraani soon drew the attention of the two arguing people. No waiting for her to land they drew their weapons and awaited the attack. However that was not Ashraani's intent. Landing on the other side of the clearing she could clearly see how tense the two warriors where. Both seemed jumpy and she could tell that she walked a razor edge with them. “I mean no harm. I overheard you arguing with eachother, and I just want to help.” This seemed to ease them somewhat but both looked at the ready. The elf spoke first but hardly sounded convinced of Ashraani's intentions. “Really you wish to help but I cannot help but think of how similar you look to the creature that attacked our camp.” The orc just snorted at Ashraani and stood her ground refusing to speak.

At ground level Ashraani got a chance to eye her potential foes in more detail. The elf was male which was fairly disappointing. His gear seemed to be well made and in good condition. He wore chain-mail armor and used a short-spear and a kite shield. Ashraani could see he had a long-blade for backup as well as a small quiver of javelins should the need arise. The elf hims self was fairly tall for his species easily reaching 6ft in height and well muscled. His hair was blonde and his eyes green. Ashraani could tell by the way he carried himself he was a veteran of combat. The orc was female her form barly contained in its cheap leather armor. From what Ashraani recalled orc's where almost always exceptionally fertile and by the looks of this one she was no exception. Like most orc's her skin was tinted green which only brought attention to her fiery red hair. Like most of her race she was well muscled and tall easily matching the elf in height but Ashraani could tell she was the lest experienced of the two.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani frowned at the response she recieved, as if looking insulted by his accusations. But she appeared to let it slide, as she looked around the ruined camp slowly, as if seeking confirmation to what the male just had said. She rose a hand up, tapping her chin thoughtfully, as if not even considering the possibility of the two warriors attacking her. After all, why would she feel threatened if she were innocent to the calamity that had befallen them?

After having had a look around, Ashraani sheepishly looked up at the two, a slightly apologetic look to her. "It... certainly looks like one of my kin could've caused this damage, my condolences. All the more reason for me to try and help you, no? All of our kin are not violent, you might've just wandered into its territory, or otherwise disturbed it.", Ashraani paused, to let her apologetic words sink in, all while looking a little embarassed over the poor behavior of her kindred. "I can't promise I will find them, but I can keep an eye out for them, and say that you are looking for them? I could even point them back here, if you'd want! Although... I don't know where I would start looking for them, or what they look like...", Ashraani pouted slightly, and looked as if she wished she could do more for the unfortunate strangers, but she had nothing to go by, no way of identifying or even guessing where they might've gone, unless given clues by the Orc and the Elf.

She could only hope she came off as helpful as she hoped she did. Anything to go by in order to help in the search of the two warriors friends would greatly benefit her, for many reasons. Few which were strictly to their benefit.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

It was almost too perfect for the elf and orc were right where their trail started when Argaaz pointed out to her. That left only one path to choose as the other one had been used by Ash. Resisting a devious smile, Ashraani played out her drama. Though the elf didn't seem to buy her story completely. “You may indeed be innocent of this crime, but I have no reason to trust you. Leave in peace we will search for our companions ourselves.” The orc snorted at this “Talv just because she looks different is no reason to refuse her help all together.” The elf looked at the orc with disdain. “Really Zeria you think a winged dragon looking creature is something to be trusted? For all, we know she masterminded the attack on us.” The orc woman rolled her eyes “Then why is she offering to help us Talv?” The elf had nothing to say to that but simply scowled. “Im telling you Zeria this is a bad idea and I order you not to give her any information.” The orc sighed and simply nodded it seemed the talking was done.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani registered the only viable path left, but made no show of it as she continued to put up her act. Ashraani slouched her shoulders a little, a look of resignation taking over her as she solemnly nodded. She'd let the two finish their arguing before she spoke up. "I understand, you are entirely within your right to be distrustful of a stranger.", she sighed quietly, and slowly spread her wings, while slowly crouching down. "I hope you find your friends, good luck."

And with that, Ashraani leapt into the air, bolting up, and then made a half-circle before flying away from the pair, making sure to stick close over the trees so she'd be quickly out of their sight. Then she turned and headed towards the direction the last trail had moved towards, she wanted some distance from the Orc and the Elf before trying to pick up the trail. She'd also wave towards Argaaz, to try and get his attention, to motion him to follow.

She intended to keep a close eye on the ground beneath them, and to land some distance away from the ruined camp, and if Argaaz has noticed her and followed suit, she'd have him start searching the area, in a wave-like pattern, gradually moving over a larger area in hopes of finding the trail, if they hadn't outright found it, or their new prey, before then.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Gathering up Argaaz, Ashraani made good speed over the dense jungle landing after a good amount of distance had passed. The trail itself was easily made and rather wild the two who made it not caring if they left tracks. Argaaz soon joined her on the ground sniffing about. "A nightelf woman and human male." Argaaz looked at the simple and very recognizable trail and moved on down it. After following it for awhile Ashraani realized they had gone in a slight circle the two travelers apparently lost. Still Argaaz managed to keep the trail and soon enough the two where headed in a completely different direction from the camp. Checking the sky revealed that the sun was nearly completely down meaning the human and nightelf would have to stop for the night.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would join Argaaz in his efforts, even if she wasn't much of a tracker herself, and smiled up as he spoke of their prey. A night elf female, and a human male... That didn't sound so bad. She would have to approach them carefully however, and the oncoming night wasn't comforting her. Nights were cold. Ashraani hated the cold. Then again, if things went well, she'd have another one or two potential breeders to snuggle up with for the night. A thought that was more than enough to keep her going.

She would follow after Argaaz, and make sure he understood to wait for her command before acting upon their prey, as they needed to get close first, to observe their prey. And Argaaz if anything should keep a distance, as him being seen might ruin things for her. If Ashraani found the Night Elf and Human she were pursuing, she'd try to get a good look of them, and their surroundings, before deciding what to do.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani and Argaaz stealth: 22 and 33 (+10 from night and foliage) vs 39 and 47
Ashraani and Argaaz perception 32 and 37 vs 26 and 37 (+10 foliage and night)

Ashranni chose to press on for the night. It was clear the two had no sense of nature as their trail was easily read by the two draconians. Sadly as the approached silently their bodies glowing heat and glowing fractures gave them away. However Argaaz and Ashraani's keen senses revealed the location of the potential ambush for now both parties eyed each other over the ground. Her prey it seemed was a fairly boney looking human mage with a long black beard and a armored night elf with a shield and a nasty looking mace as well as medium armor. “Its the one that attacked our camp! Fethis attack!” The boney mage began to chant as the Nightelf woman who had been speaking started to move. It seems these two would not go quietly.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Tracking through the shadowed vegetation was certainly not one of Ashraani's prefered activities, but right now it was a necessity. She hadn't expected their attempts at sublety to succeed, knowing full well how much she and her companion stood out in the darkness, and hissed sharply as she found her prey waiting for the two of them.

Acting quickly, Ashraani moved one foot back, bracing it into the soil as she made a backwards swinging motion with one of her hands, as if scooping up the soil beneath her. "Argaaz, pin the female!", she snarled out her order, and swung her arm down and forward; the soil ripping up from the ground and became a torrent of mud that scattered towards her two targets; her aim was to disorient them long enough to finish this with minimal harm befalling her and her companion.

They would have to finish this quickly, too much noise for too long and they might very well attract other denizens of the jungle. The last thing Ashraani wanted was to fight both her prey, and other hunters. Not to mention the other two they had met before.

Ashraani casts Empowered Mud Spew(Cone, Deals 5d6+33 damage, and creatures hit by it must win a Resistance check against 26 or become Blinded)
Casting: Auto-Success, Costs 10EP

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 0/61
EP: 42/52

Status: Pregnant(Twins), 0/3 Days until ready to be laid for hatching, or 0/1 until ready to be laid in another female.

Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Resistance: 30
Perception: 26
Grapple: 46

Casting: 34(+10 for Body Element), +60 to Attack Rolls w/ Spells
Bolt: 2d4+10 per Spell Level
Penetrative: 2d8+32
Foreplay: 2d4+21, +4 if Oral, +4 if Tittyfuck

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 0/23
EP: 25/25

Speed: 22
Dodge: 43
Resistance: 25
Perception: 27
Grapple: 62

Unarmed: 2d12+25 Damage(+5 w/ Claws, +4 w/ Fangs), +50 to Hit(-5 w/ Manmade Weapons)
Penetrative: 2d8+23
Foreplay: 2d4+13(-2 during Oral)

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani uses empowered mud spew.
77 vs 49, 25 both HIT! 40, 47 dmg! (after armor)
Resistance vs Blind: 46 vs 31 priestess is blinded
Argaaz attempts to grapple. 86 vs 39 success
Priestess trys to escape grapple cannot succeed!

Ashraani let loose with her powers easily hitting both her targets with the sticky mud. The mage his frail body quickly succumbed to the onslaught and dropped before he could even manage a spell. The priestess however was able to get her shield up to protect herself a bit but still got a healthy dose of mud in her eye halting her attack and making her an easy target for Argaaz.

Argaaz her loyal servant easily subdued the struggling priestess her blind struggles no match for Argaaz's serpent strength. Though by the looks of her she was far from done fighting.

No more kiddy gloves for you...
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani couldn't help but grin pleasedly at the results of her spell, oh if only every battle could fare this well for her. But this wasn't the time to gloat, and savoring her victory before bringing them back home would be foolish of her. With Argaaz busy wrestling the night elf, Ashraani sauntered forward, her right hand glowing warmly as she prepared a spell to finish this with. "Argaaz, shift her armor, expose her for me, we don't have time to linger here."

The very same spell that had finished Ash; she was going let this female know the warmth of the Ember coursing throughout her body, but she needed the night elf's genitals exposed for it. If the Elf proved problematic, she would join him in his efforts of pinning her down completely. Should their actions prove fruitful, Ashraani would press her hand right above the Priestess' exposed nethers, and release the fiery warmth of her kind within the womans body, draining her essence in the process. Ashraani wanted things done and over with fast, she'd have her own fun later.

[Action: Ashraani orders Argaaz to Shift the Clothes of the Priestess, and if successful, casts Empowered Vibrating Touch, auto-success, 8EP, deals 8d6+48 PP damage, and Ashraani drains every bit of EP she can. If Argaaz is unable to shift the Priestess clothes, Ashraani helps him grapple her]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Pristess can't win her grapple check against Argaaz and is blind encounter is over.

Blind and bound the priestess had little chance against Argaaz who simple moved the armored skirt down to reveal the pubic mound of the night elf. Her struggles hadn't ceased but it was clear that she was no match for Argaaz's physical strength. Smiling Ashraani touched the struggling woman who cried in pleasure before passing out from energy loss.

Looking about the battlefield Ashraani was thankful that it only lasted a few moments. With night in full swing it was best they retreat home with their new slaves.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would grin gleefully as she drained the Priestess of her energy, a surge of energy flowed through the Ember Draconian, making her feel invigorated. She quickly looked over her surroundings, for anything of value the mage and priestess might've had, and would gather it up. She would also pick the mage up from the ground; while she wasn't the strongest of her kind, her magical enhancement and size alone oughta be enough to carry what was presumably a scrawny male human.

"Argaaz, you carry the elf, but don't you dare do anything more to her!", with those words, Ashraani would take her prey and companion, and set to the skies, flying in a half-circle towards her home, her flightpath arching away from where the burnt camp, in order to avoid being spotted by the Orc and High Elf. Ashraani couldn't wait to return to her warm home, it had been a busy day, and she wanted to relax a little while deciding over what to do with her newfound playthings.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The flight back to their lava home was uneventful and soon enough the orange and yellow glow of the lava greeted her. Landing with Argaaz only moments behind her Ashraani found Ash had kept her word and stayed though her eyes got bigger once she spotted the unconscious people. "W-Why did you take them..." There was hurt in Ash's voice after all these where her friends and undoubtedly she was not looking at this sight favorably. Argaaz answered first "Because we could human be silent." This seemed to cause Ash to glower at Argaaz who simply smirked.

Not that she could do much about it. Her body was swollen enough that she could hardly manage to move let alone put up a fight. Responding to this situation Ashraani got a good chance to look over her new playthings. Indeed the mage was a scrawny one though he did have a pouch full of ingredients likely for potions. His robe now shredded from the combat had the insignia of the Academy in Crolia emblazoned on it. Other than that he had black hair that was rather course. His face had rather high cheek bones and sharp angles but other than that his looks where average at best. The night elf on the other hand wore sturdier armor of good quality though it was now damaged from the battle. Her face had the distinctive elven features and her skin was almost a lilac in color. Her hair was white but the rest of her body was hidden under her armor.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

As Ashraani landed with her prey, she would be quick to take note of Ash's reaction, and she was about to answer when Argaaz cut ahead of her. Her cracks glowed fiercely for a moment, as she glared coldly at the wyvern. "Argaaz, you are the one to be silent! I am the one who decide who is or is not allowed to speak here, not you!", she growled warningly at her companion, and as she slowly eased the mage down on the ground, and motioned for Argaaz to do the same with the elf next to him, she turned to Ash. "We took them here because, like you, they can be of use to us, human. And like you, they will be cared for.", Ashraani's eyes glowered, her patience running thin. "Unlike you, I may not be so kind as to offer them the choice of walking away once they've done what I need them for."

Ashraani grumbled lowly, she had hoped to just be finished, to get some rest, but there was more needing her attention, more to prepare for... She briefly turned her attention to her wyvern companion, "Argaaz, stand watch by the cave entrance, warn me if anything approaches, and return to my side, do NOT head off on your own again.", Ashraani next turned her attention to Ash, and would walk over to the woman, and crouch down before her, "Human... No, Ash; I do not expect you to forgive me, I do not expect you to agree with my actions, but know this; I do this for my kin, and if I can help it, I will never harm you or these people unless you force my hand."

Ashraani would reach a hand out, to caress over Ash' rounded belly, smiling sadly, and would then head back to her new captives; she would undress them, and neatly put their clothes and equipment aside, meticulously stripping and counting all of their possessions down to the smallest of items on them. The shredded clothes and harmed armor would be seen to to the best of her abilities, as she would try to use her magic to repair and mend them. After having done so, she could recount what possessions she had obtained from bringing home Ash, and then she would do what she had to.

She would call upon The Merchant, a creature she knew little of, other than that he had been invaluable to her mothers and father over the years, a being she had been told would come once called upon, and provided goods in exchange for coin. She could only hope this would work, for she most certainly would need a few items to handle this situation.

[Ashraani strips the Mage and Priestess down, loots them, and uses Mend(Lv2 Earth Spell) to try and repair the Mage's Clothes and the Priestess Armor, followed by calling upon The Merchant for some shopping. I'd like a list of all items the Mage and Priestess possessed, please]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash looked at Ashraani water in her eyes. As the brood mother rubbed the taunt belly she found Ash tense but the tainted woman didn't pull away. With that out of the way she turned her attention to the unconscious prey. The mage besides his small component pouch had nothing of value though as his body was revealed Ashraani got a rather nice surprise. The mage's cock was of decent size easily four inches flaccid. Still as a nasty grin crossed her face she doubt he would get to use it much from now on. Turning to the elf Ashraani found she was much better equipped than the mage. Besides her armor she had a large shield and a fairly hefty mace. Four potions that Ashraani couldn't yet identify rested in a belt pouch as well as a holy symbol for the dead goddess Venus. Between the two of them they had a decent sum of denari totaling 120 coins of various styles. The priestess also had some silken clothing she wore under her armor which would undoubtedly fetch a fair price. Other than that they had some food rations and a pair of waterskins. Looking over the haul Ashraani invoked the merchant and was greeted by "Heh heh what can I do for you?"
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would gather up the equipment from the Mage and the Priestess. From the two new captives, she would take their clothes and armor, and their weapons, but she would leave the ingredients, the potions and the night elves' holy symbol. And then she called upon the merchant. "It have been a long time, Merchant. I wish to barter.", she would move her hand in a sweeping motion, to bring the Daemons attention to the wares she had put on the ground before her. "I wish to sell these, and I am in need of some equipment from you. In particular, something to keep my new captives pacified, perhaps even obedient. Do you have such an item available, Merchant? Also, I will need some... ingredients of sort."

With those last words, Ashraani would look towards Argaaz, grinning softly. The young Wyvern had yet to grow up, to grow strong and capable, and it likely would take too long time for him to do so for her tastes. She would have to assist his growth a little, and while it would no doubt cost her, she would list the things she needed, and purchase them if able to.

[Ashraani sells all of the Mage and Priestess equipment except for the Ingredients Pouch, Unidentified Potions, and Holy Symbol. Ashraani purchases 2 Obedience Collars(40 Denarii each), and 60 Denarii's worth of ingredients to later improve Argaaz with(equivalent of 8XP, whenever she goes through with the Ritual). Ashraani can afford all this regardless of how much she gets from selling the equipment, as she got 120 Denarii in loot and had 50 Denarii beforehand]
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The merchant was an odd creature and no doubt some form of Daemon simply chuckled. "Ill buy them at a good price (50% for the Breastplate, Large round shield, and One-handed mace), and I do have the items you're looking for." The merchant opens up his long brown robe to reveal the items that Ashraani was indeed requesting. Meanwhile, Argaaz being chastised looked out the lair and sniffed the air. "Mistress some of our kin approach." Well, this was a distraction and very good news depending on how things worked out.

Meanwhile, Selraani and Shabiri flew low over the jungle their acute senses having picked up the smell of a fellow Ember-draconian and from what they could tell it was female and with offspring. As they drew closer, however, several new smells began to mix with the rapidly strengthening scent. The other scents where a potent mix of human with the slightly exotic smell of Nightelf. Together the mixture of smells nearly confused the two Draconians but as they got closer Selraani picked out the familiar scent of her mother mixed into the mess strong and dominate.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani had learnt to not question how The Merchant managed to have what the buyer decided; it was something to appreciate, not worry over, in her opinion. Once the exchange had been completed, and Argaaz called out incoming guests, she smiled up. "Thank you, Merchant, I have what I need for the time being. Until next time, fair weathers to you.", with that said, she would simply put the materials needed for Argaaz down, and walk over to her recent catches. Without second thoughts, she'd clasp the collars around the necks of her two prey, and then saunter over to Argaaz and the lairs entrance. It was nice to know others of her kind had found their way here, but she was going to make it clear it was -her- lair that they were welcomed to. "Argaaz, be a good male and keep quiet while I welcome our guests", she'd say the words with a firm tone; reminding Argaaz of his place.