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Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

That may actually work, at least to keep the game from being bogged down when we hit combat. Especially if someone knows they won't be able to post for a couple days for what ever reason.

I wouldn't do anything that someone's character wouldn't normally do, and wouldn't need to use it unless it becomes necessary. As long as people would agree to it it sounds good to me. Now on to checking the character's out one last time like I said I would.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Well, I'm not opposed to that. especially considering my character does two things:
1. Heal
2. Attack, then heal.
But primarily my character would be a healer. At least until I get the more powerful combat spells.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah until you start getting more spells and wild shape i wouldn't imagine you doing much else. One thing I noticed is you should have one more 1st level spell from your bonus due to high wisdom. You also might want to write down that you can spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells. Which means that you can lose any prepared spell in order to cast asummon nature's ally spell of that level or lower. For example you could drop you're cure light wounds spell in order to cast summon nature's ally I.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Yeah, I knew about the summon swap but didn't put it.

Mk lemme add another spell.

Also I keep forgetting that I have to prepare multiple copies (as I'm writing spell lists for higher levels)... I'm so unused to the traditional system, the one time I played 3.5 we used spell points. Which doesn't really make you more powerful, just more versatile (since you can cast anything). You still only take X number of 1st, X number of 2nd, etc.
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Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

One of the adventures planned for the game has zero combat encounters in it does that answer you're question?

Yeah if you handle the situation you get experience wether it's through combat, diplomacy, or just being sneaky. There will be combat of course, but you have to vary things up to not bore everyone.

Combat may be kind of slow PBP style, but I don't know how else we'd do it, I mean hell I think only 2 of us are in the same time zone.

I'm in EST and usually on between 10pm and 6am. "Tact and diplomacy. And if that fails, lightsabre their ass from here to Tatooine..."

Fair enough.

(And if that non-combat adventure happens to be one I've played, I promise not to remember the solutions to the puzzles. >.>'')

(It took me two hours of searching archives to find that damn joke. You'd better look *laughs*)
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

And now the question is: At the joke, or me looking 2 hours for it...
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

At the, err, joke, of course...
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

*Grins* Good answer. *puts dagger away*
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Combat wise, I'm probably just going to charge in and whack everything in sight until it stops moving unless I don't think that's a viable option at the time (I'm not running into a room full of archers pointed at the door, for instance) or we come up with a strategy before combat that requires I do something else.
My character's probably not going to be so useful out of combat at the start because of the way I built him, unless we need to interrogate someone.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I try to intimidate and make stuff run away from US. Failing that, blast from as far away as possiable. Once I'm able to climb walls and/or fly, this will probably be the cealing.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Alright one final question before we get started, I promise. Do any of your character's already know the other's or is it okay if you just meet up randomly at an inn. You know the normal cliched type beginning. Kthnx.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I think I'm the only dwarf, and as such wish to know no one at the beginning.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Personally, I'm for randomly meeting up. Given the party dynamic, Krys likely wouldn't be too social. Curious, yes. Social, no. Cliched plot hooks work for me.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Ah, intimidate... it's like bluff - put enough ranks in it and you don't need combat skills.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I've got no problem with randomly meeting up. If you want one or more of us in a group to start with, I suppose my character could be part of it, as human fighters are a dime a dozen.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

All right you can start posting whenever you're ready than, I've got the beginning up. I'm not an English major so don't get to upset over my grammar, but I'll do my best. You all start out at or near the inn so however you want to explain your reason for being there is fine with me. We'll just use this as the OOC thread from now on.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

And now, to start the most difficult part of every game of D&D, getting the characters to meet up and coming up with a reason for them to work together.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

Already working on it, just need to figure out how to introduce the hook.
Re: D&D campaign (to be named)

I'm biting on the robbery, in the assumption that it's the story hook I'm looking for. No Jedi mind tricks now!