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Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

I don't even get offset text, only the boxes show something. I wonder if it's something to do with the resolution I'm playing in.

As of now, I don't even know what my attacks do or where my cursor is aiming at during the combat sequences.

On 1.06, there is a document called magics.html that tells you what each skill does.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

On 1.06, there is a document called magics.html that tells you what each skill does.

Can't play the game when I don't even know which enemy I'm fighting or what weakness it has. As I said before, anything in the big boxes displays correctly (i.e. all the attacks), nothing from the lines means I don't know which character is injured aside from the graphical description (which I lose track of after a while).

I have read all of the readme html files, I'd like a little more credit before being dismissed as an illiterate peasant.

No line information also means if I do fluke a win I have no idea how to benefit from it.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

Well nevermind, the texts parsed more or less correctly for me for exactly one game session after installing v1.06. Now they're back to their usual garbled self with most signs missing.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

Well, I never had these problems at all. I'm running Windows 7 64bit in Japanese locale. No other special settings to speak of.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

Also running Windows 7 64-bit Japanese, but I've got problems :(.

I've tried ATI/Intel graphics, no change in symptons which leads me to believe it's some other issue. As I said before, I'm currently of the opinion it's a missing font issue.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

they released the V1.07 patch ...but the font issue had not been fixed yet !
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

Does anyone still have the updated game? All links on anime-sharing and all the torrents are dead.
Re: New cbaku game! [RJ133467]聖愛退魔RPG next

So, this is a bit of a necro, but useful for anyone who wants to play this game but was struggling to due to the font issue.

CBaku recently released a demo of their new game (AntiqueEra) and the EXE file for this one does not have the font/graphics glitch problems. Or at least for me, YMMV.

So I've uploaded here:

If you want to play this game and not have graphics glitching everywhere, download the file, drop antiera.exe into the game directory and run it. Everything should work
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