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Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Once you open your eyes, you know you're dreaming again because you're lying down in a field of grass. You stand up and look around, feeling this will be a relaxing dream. There's nothing but you, an enormous field of grass up to where the eye can see, and a figure in the distance.
Being the only noticeable thing, your curiosity gets the best of you and you briskly approach it.

Before being able to clearly see what is it, a familiar smell hits you. It's something you haven't felt in a long while, yet it touches your soul like it's been with you the whole time. It traces back to the mysterious figure standing in the middle of nowhere, and you start running towards it even faster.

You eventually recognize her. Long, flowing purple hair like yours, a tail with slightly darker stripes, and a sword in her belt. It can't be anyone but your sister. It feels like forever since you saw her, and even if it's a dream, you want to be with her again. You jump at her, your arms open, hoping to surprise her with a sudden tackle-hug from the back.
But you miss. You feel the hard, cold ground as you fall.

Then you roll to face her and see her being carried away by the wind, as if she was just a sand statue. You try to reach at her but your hand finds nothing. And before long she's gone. You sit down, trying you hardest not to cry. Why would your dreams taunt you like this? But a hand resting on your shoulder makes your worries fade away.

You feel her hair brushing against your back, and her sweet voice telling you not to worry. You turn around to look at her face.

Anath is shaking you. You seem to have been awake for a while now, and your throat feels sore and your face hurts. You look around and see a purple blob on the floor, then Violet's head poking out of it. You're confused.
A: "I thought you'd never stop!"
N: "What... Where... I was..."
A: "I don't know what got over you, but you woke up an hour ago, screaming."

N: "Really? I remember I was in a dream and then I saw... I can't remember."
A: "If what you saw is what made you scream so much and pee yourself, you're better off not remembering it."
N: "Pee myself? I would have known if I--"
A: "You were pretty out of it, I couldn't even bring you back slapping you."
You get a slimy feeling going through your panties, and when it passes you feel how your thighs are actually slightly wet. You turn around to see Violet licking her fingers.
V: "I don't think she peed herself."
Violet's comment embarrasses you and Anath stops holding you. Guess it's time to move on.

A) Onwards to adventure! And town!
B) Skip the adventure and get to town in a conveniently missing scene.
C) Slap Anath for slapping you
D) Slap Anath's butt for slapping you
E) Check if you can get wet
Other) Specify

Character Data
Natalie the Cat girl (you)
You're a feline female archer
You have short purple hair with a ponytail
You have a nice pair of C-cup breasts
You seem to be unable to get horny currently. Hopefully it's something temporary...
A shortbow (wielded)
Light leather scalemail (worn)
Leather boots (worn)
Leather skirt (worn)
Panties (worn)
Locked box
Mysterious Shiny Orange Gemstone
You have an unidentified living being in your head (It might be able to talk, you don't know)
You have enhanced senses and reflexes, as cats do
Your tail has been trained and is quite strong and fast, unlike the weak point everyone might think it is. (It's also a good penis substitute)

Violet the Slime girl
She's a purple slime girl
She has shoulder-length slime hair
She has an alluring pair of E-cup tits
Can easily digest living beings bigger than her (It takes time though)
Has a small fire affinity
Has a small water affinity
(?) Might be able to produce poison/antidote
She can alter her body somewhat (Like, making herself have a penis. You know that from experience)

Anath the Succubus She's coming with us. Need some details
She has a tail ended in a spade shape. Probably. You've seen it only in a dream.

It's a tentacle penis, and it does what a tentacle dick does.

Recalling the dream is not an option because I doubt it'd work.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA


Also D, if we're allowed to pick more than one
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA


and (E) along the way.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

D) then A)
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

D followed by E followed by A
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

After you've packed up everything, you look at the sky, wondering if that last dream was trying to tell you something. Anath takes you hand, and when you look at her, she's closing it towards her chest. You quickly take it away, before touching her body. The succubus doesn't seem to mind, but you can feel a hint of sadness in the way she looks at you.

When Violet and the tentacle are ready, Anath takes the lead once more and starts walking in the direction of the town. You quickly make your way to her side and Violet follows suit.
A: "Please don't"
You give her butt a strong slap and she lets out a loud, very erotic moan. You can almost see the mark your hand left in her asscheek.
N: "That's for my face"
Even though the sexy demon had felt pleasure, your words made clear for her that that was supposed to be a punishment.
A: "Punishing is going to be trying to sit down now..."
You know she doesn't mean it, but though it's a lie, it makes you feel better knowing she knows what you tried to do.

Surprisingly enough, Violet doesn't try to imitate you this time, preferring to spend her time playing with the tentacle. She holds it as a baby, she puts it as a hat, she puts it around her neck... It looks like it was a good idea to keep it, after all. The idea of having the tentacle fuck you like in your first dream comes to your mind, but finding yourself dry again once you bring your hand to your slit, you decide to talk a bit more.
N: "So Violet, have you thought what are you going to name it?"
V: "Well, I hadn't thought of a name for him, but now that you mention it..."

A) Name it "Dongs"
B) Name it "Kitty"
C) Name it Specify a name

And also:

1) A bandit appears!
2) A slime draws near! Command?
3) Hostile Fairies!
4) A rather talkative chicken and tuna sandwich with a layer of cheese and mayo! (wtf)
Other) Specify!

Character Data
Natalie the Cat girl (you)
You're a feline female archer
You have short purple hair with a ponytail
You have a nice pair of C-cup breasts
You seem to be unable to get horny currently. Hopefully it's something temporary...
A shortbow (wielded)
Light leather scalemail (worn)
Leather boots (worn)
Leather skirt (worn)
Panties (worn)
Locked box
Mysterious Shiny Orange Gemstone
You have an unidentified living being in your head (It might be able to talk, you don't know)
You have enhanced senses and reflexes, as cats do
Your tail has been trained and is quite strong and fast, unlike the weak point everyone might think it is. (It's also a good penis substitute)

Violet the Slime girl
She's a purple slime girl
She has shoulder-length slime hair
She has an alluring pair of E-cup tits
Can easily digest living beings bigger than her (It takes time though)
Has a small fire affinity
Has a small water affinity
(?) Might be able to produce poison/antidote
She can alter her body somewhat (Like, making herself have a penis. You know that from experience)

Anath the Succubus She's coming with us. Need some details
She has a tail ended in a spade shape. Probably. You've seen it only in a dream.

It's a tentacle penis, and it does what a tentacle dick does.

Sex soon? Maybe.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

B 2
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

B 4 -- no that's not a joke.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

I feel compelled to vote A 4
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Well, since there's a double tie and neither can use both of the voted options, I'll be waiting for a tie-breaker vote.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

B 2
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Thanks. B2 is it then. The sandwich would have been fun though.

A: "If I could make a suggestion--"
V: "Kitty!"
Violet is openly smiling, and lifting the tentacle up in the air.
A: "It's not a--"
You put your hand on Anath's shoulder.
N: "Let her. It's because of her it's coming with us anyway."

Suddenly, Anath lands face-first on the floor.
You look around, looking for a possible enemy ahead of you, before checking on Anath and noticing the slime holding down her foot and spreading over her leg.

What do you do? (Also known as "Other) Specify")

Character Data
Natalie the Cat girl (you)
You're a feline female archer
You have short purple hair with a ponytail
You have a nice pair of C-cup breasts
You seem to be unable to get horny currently. Hopefully it's something temporary...
A shortbow (wielded)
Light leather scalemail (worn)
Leather boots (worn)
Leather skirt (worn)
Panties (worn)
Locked box
Mysterious Shiny Orange Gemstone
You have an unidentified living being in your head (It might be able to talk, you don't know)
You have enhanced senses and reflexes, as cats do
Your tail has been trained and is quite strong and fast, unlike the weak point everyone might think it is. (It's also a good penis substitute)

Violet the Slime girl
She's a purple slime girl
She has shoulder-length slime hair
She has an alluring pair of E-cup tits
Can easily digest living beings bigger than her (It takes time though)
Has a small fire affinity
Has a small water affinity
(?) Might be able to produce poison/antidote
She can alter her body somewhat (Like, making herself have a penis. You know that from experience)

Anath the Succubus She's coming with us. Need some details
She has a tail ended in a spade shape. Probably. You've seen it only in a dream.

[B"Kitty" the Tentacle[/B]
It's a tentacle penis, and it does what a tentacle dick does.

No specific options this time, sorry.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

get violet to remove the slime from anath's leg before shooting it if it continues to be hostile (after warning violet of course so you dont hurt her)
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

get violet to remove the slime from anath's leg before shooting it if it continues to be hostile (after warning violet of course so you dont hurt her)

this seems like a good idea
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

get violet to remove the slime from anath's leg before shooting it if it continues to be hostile (after warning violet of course so you dont hurt her)
