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G Building

Re: G Building

"Agreed. Besides, Elissia especially went through a lot yesterday, so she probably is sleeping in late, and Grace probably decided to stay in with her til she gets up. Still, I agree, if not by the time we finish then we should at least check in on them."
Re: G Building

It was rare for Ellisia to have trouble getting up in the mornings. Compared to her militaristic schedule back home school life was easy. But it was Grace this morning that had needed to wake her. Once up of course she swiftly headed to the cafeteria, Grace instead nearly having to jog in order to keep up with her stride.

The pair entered the cafeteria at last, and found their way to the others table. Grace fetched some simple breakfast for the both of them and sat down. "Hi people!"

"I apologise for being late. I guess I really needed the rest."

Ellisia takes a glance around the room, noting the other occupied table. It was more or less at a safe distance to talk, but best to be safe. Ellisia gives Grace an expectant look, who after looking up from her toast realises what she wants. Grace mumbles something with her mouth full and casually takes a slip of curiously marked paper from her bag and seems to stick it to the under side of the table.

"There y go, chat away. They won't hear you.... Unless you shout, don't do that."

((Grace has used a sonic barrier seal on the area near the table. Any noise going outwards will be reduced. Not silenced, but reduced enough to hinder any but a pro eavesdropper. It will last an hour at most or untill the paper charm note is removed/damaged
Second note. Im going on the idea that since Mia is currently weakened, Ellisia will not detect her until she recovers more or manifests herself or her shadow powers in some way.))
Re: G Building

"Quite alright, understandable with events from yesterday. How are you feeling Elissia? And good morning to you too Grace." Siphon greets both warmly.

Aya moved over some so Grace and Elissia could sit down with plenty of room before nodding to both of them. "Good morning to both of you."
Re: G Building

"Much better thank you. I think I still feel a little drained, but I'm back up and past that ordeal." Ellisia replies. Her attention moves to Aya, trying to recall where she came into events yesterday. She'd just seemed to turn up at some point while she was down. "Excuse me, I'm sure you told me yesterday, but what was your name again? My memory is a little fuzzy concerning just about everything that happened the other day." She enquires.

Ellisia wanted to be sure she was sharing this meeting with the right people. Grace was simply chewing contently, wondering to herself whether Sho might be an alien too. Siphon said it plainly, Aya seemed a little out of place too, and there was definitely something strange about her room mate. She was just waiting to find out what.
Re: G Building

Siphon remained quiet, nodding to Aya to let her know things were alright.

Aya spoke only a moment later. "I'm Aya Morioka, we met last night and Sho and I got you back to your room. I'm still fuzzy on what happened, but if I had to guess from what I HAVE been told I'd say you got hit with some kind of drug or poison to be as wobbly as you were. I pretty much just came here last night, Sho and Siphon sort of stumbled across my... well, I'm not sure what the best term for it is amongst you all."

Siphon spoke quietly to Elissia now. "She's like me, only far older from the judgements of the clothing she has. Remember I told you of the Ancients? She's a living breathing one. We stumbled across the area her pod was in as she was leaving, was a chance encounter." The tone he has with Elissia adds to her that he feels Aya can be trusted, and that he thinks too he might be able to learn about his own people's origins from her given time.
Re: G Building

Sho seems relieved to see the two girls join them, waving as they approach and willing to default to Siphon in the matter of asking about Ellisia's well-being. She does seem pleased, though, that the other girl is feeling better. She also seems to be defaulting when it comes to discussing Aya, letting that matter get out of the way first.

As far as being an alien, well, the only odd thing about her seems to be that she's taking the situation completely in stride. Other than that, she seems perfectly average. Then again, grey hair aside, Siphon seems that way, too. About the only way to really tell would be either observing her more or asking.
Re: G Building

((Sorry about the gaps in posting. Hope you don't mind too much.))

"Well then. Siphon, you said that night that you had some questions. I suppose it is about time for me to introduce myself fully and try to answer any you might have."
She paused a moment, listening to the room again.

"Don't worry, the barrier is working fine. I can tell." Grace says slightly amused at her sceptical room mate.

"Sorry. It's just a strange way to have such a meeting."

"All they hear is vague chatter, nothing unnatural sounding, but we're safe to talk."
Grace leans on one elbow at the end of the table. She didn't know what an ancient was, but she'd decided if she just pretended she wasn't totaly bewildered by all this it would make things easier. And who didn't want an alien or mystic whoever for a buddy.

"Very well, I'll continue. My records here are not inaccurate, I am Ellisia Alvante from Etheiria. However they never asked where Etheiria actually was. It's not the small country they likely assumed it to be. Back home I go by the title of Knight Comander Alvante. I belong to the order of spirit knights in the Etheirian military. I travelled here through dimensions, on a mission to track down the shadow being we encountered. It somehow passed through my own world before escaping to here using the network we employ to travel between multiple dimensions. It would be negligent of us to allow such creatures into unsuspecting worlds due to our own gateways, and thus the order dispatched me to clean up the issue. It's was all meant to be quick and discreet. However the situation seems to have become more complicated than was foreseen. My mission may be in need of review... so to speak."

'I knew she was some kind of military nut...' Grace thought to herself.
Re: G Building

Siphon listens in, and when Elissia is finished he finally spoke. "I had a feeling you were some form of military. We tend to recognize other military personnel when we see them. As for the other dimension part, your in the same boat as me sort of. At least though you have a home to go back to if you wanted to go back. Mine is now permanently closed off thanks to the undead."

He pauses then adds, "and yes, judging from what I've already seen of that shadow creature, she's obviously dangerous and can't be allowed any quarter. There is one thing about her that bothers me though. I'm almost always able to tell the difference in people and if they are lying about something, yet I get the distinct impression that sometimes she isn't who we think she is. It's almost as if, well almost as if it's more of a possession of a host than anything. You recall my situation with Talvesh here? It sometimes seems like that, only I get the distinct impression you can't really separate the two from each other, period."

Aya tilted her head then added, "so then we have a real major evil thing loose here that's made of shadows? Lovely. I'm guessing setting it on fire won't help?"
Re: G Building

"I can't say for sure what effect fire would have. These creatures are typically very difficult to harm through most means, or at least permanently in any case. The problem is that shadow beings aren't so simple that they can all be put in the same group. They can appear in various forms and this especially one seems quite exceptional. Though as Siphon's energy weapon proved that night, high energy attacks can have an effect. I imagine enough heat would be similar. Our biggest problem in combating her is that any time a fight turns against her favour she can slip off to safety. If we can't control her movements combating her will be a frustrating and fruitless ordeal."

Re: G Building

Aya frowned then shook her head. "If it had to be a high amount of heat energy to have an effect then I can't. That much energy from what your describing, if I'm right, would be very hard for me to control and not harm anyone standing by or in the way. I can't and won't risk that. I'll help as best as I can, but from the sounds of it here, I'm probably going to be useless against this thing."
Re: G Building

Sho remains quiet as Siphon remarks about Talvesh and the notion of separating the two of them, given what they talked about last night. It was more personal amusement than anything else.

"Oh, don't worry yourself about that," she says to Aya. "You might be able to do more than I can. It's a little difficult to combat an insubstantial being with something that's only force, not energy." She thinks, too, of Simon and his Shadow and how different they are from Mia. Wonder if he could get like that? That notion didn't sit well with her and not because it would then mean two things like that running around.

"Well, it's tricky to try and control a shadow. It can be done, maybe, with, say, light sources but that's all I can think of right now. Or absolute darkness. Hard to have a shadow when there's nothing that can cast it."
Re: G Building

"Hmm. Well that's another of the common differences in shadow beings. Some of them react differently to light. Some are not hindered by absolute darkness but may recoil from the slightest light, while others are shaped purely by the contrast of light and it's absence. I'm not a scholar on the subject so I don't understand the reasons behind it, but from my brief experience with the creatures I know they can be unpredictable. The plane of shadow is one of the least understood and most primal worlds there is. We will have to try what we can, and adapt from there."

Grace, who had now finished her breakfast eyed the totally untouched breakfast next to her and rolled her eyes. "You sure your recovering from a major... snake attack... thing? I paid for that to help you recover, not to turn into a cold plate ornament.
Eat. Anyway, I've kinda been thinking... that I might be able to help here. I mean, this is my home now too right, and I've got my magic, and what else am I meant to do with it. You see, I've been practising some shadow barriers. That's how she moves right, by slipping into the shadow realm, or plane or whatever? And if we can stop that..."
Re: G Building

"If we can stop her from retreating and jumping then we at least have a shot. That's all anyone can ask for. It's better than nothing anyways, worst that can happen is it doesn't work and we have to try something else."

Aya just smiled at Siphon and chuckled. "Not giving in until your dead huh? Same with me."

There was a moment of silence while he nodded and then took a serious tone to his voice, indicating something had gone on a long time ago that was still touchy for him. "Yeah, I don't give up til I'm dead." A shrug and he adds, "and sometimes not even then."
Re: G Building

"Yes, but he's not allowed to get dead or someone he knows will kill him." Sho states, a touch of humor in her voice as she leans her shoulder into Siphon's. "But yes, making it so she can't run away might even...knock her down a peg or two. If you know you can be hurt, then you're a little more aware of your own mortality, and thus less likely to get into situations where you could wind up injured, dead, or worse."

Gee, that's some pretty good advice. Maybe I ought to take it myself sometime...
Re: G Building

Both Aya and Siphon nodded their heads in agreement. "Right, so now the question is, what will be able to stop her? And frankly, there was another demon I think fighting her yesterday, and I haven't seen him again, but I have seen her.... shell. My guess is she defeated the other one."
Re: G Building

"Another one? Wait, no, you mentioned it...in the woods, right? And here I thought all we had to worry about was lions, tigers, and bears." She holds her head in her hand for a second. "Well, nothing tried to eat us on the way home, so maybe...they took care of each other."
Re: G Building

Siphon shakes his head. "No, I saw HER today already, but not him. Either she destroyed him, or god forbid, they've allied."
Re: G Building

"All these pronouns. I'm getting confused," she replies with a chuckle. "Think we ought to chance slipping off to the woods to investigate the matter?"
Re: G Building

"I'm not sure we'll find much of anything there to be honest. Then again, she's been careless enough to leave bodies already, so maybe?"

He lets out a sigh and mutters something under his breath that is unitelligible, but probably some form of curse in his own language.

Aya in the meantime had remained silent, though she spoke now. "Well if we do head out, I suppose I should try to explain the nature of my abilities to you all with a SMALL demonstration. It's rather difficult to explain them verbally, but suffice it to say... well, in all truthfulness, I'm almost afraid of them."
Re: G Building

"Field trip! Besides, we need to go shopping anyway. It'll just be a little detour." She grins, though her attention goes elsewhere. "Aya, that's up to you. If you want to share, you can, but you don't have to. I have a feeling that with the group of us, it's enough that we know you've got something a little special going on." She chuckles. "Most of the student body might be, but this bunch of us," she gestures around the table, "will not be surprised."