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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

100% SR Chance in E gacha... will i just get another shitty N gacha SR there?



Didn't even get single non N gacha card in here! Fuck this system. I will advise everyone against spending any real money in this game on E gacha because it is pure shit with how it's made. There should be no N gaha SR in it... AT ALL! I understand N and R cards from free gacha but when i finally get SR after spending 5 fucking euros i better get some E gacha SR :/
In totall i spent 10-15 (to pissed now to check exact number) euro on this game (and in country that usuall monthly pay is 300 euro it's not exactly "little" for me) so far, all on E gacha tickets, didn't get single... SINGLE E gacha SR. I feel fucked :/
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

check edit, i feel like killing someone now :/

I pointed out before that a "small investment" is all but pointless. There is an acquisition curve with a relatively steep barrier of entry because of the way the eGacha is designed.

Even if we were to assume that each of the SRs in the eGacha had an equal chance among them (and this is a pretty hefty assumption.. I have no empirical evidence of my own, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if the box contents were weighted, just given the patterns I see with how the coliseum gacha box works), that still would only give you a 2-in-21 chance of pulling an event SR on your first SR occurrence.. that's less than 10%. When the first one you draw is a regular SR, that increases to 2-in-20 on your next SR draw (which at that point, you only have a 30% chance of even getting any SR at all on your next roll), which is still only 10%.

Even if you beat the 30% odds at getting any SR in your rolls every time, it would still be 17 rolls before you even had a 50/50 shot at getting an event SR, but chances are you're only getting an SR in 2-in-5 rolls, so in reality, you're looking at roughly a 3% chance of getting an event SR on your first roll, but this chance increases on a log curve the more you roll.

This is basically what I meant in that you either have to be prepared to go all-in or not bother at all.

I completely understand your frustration. This is exactly what I meant when I said this design is very discouraging for casual spenders.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I just don't understand logic behind some of their changes compared with eastern version. Attempts at making the game more profitable by messing with Slayers - I can understand, especially since playerbase seems not very high between rocky launch and many players leaving PPS for AS. But cheapening reveals just don't make much sense, considering they way they try to squeeze money any way possible, even risking losing players over it.

It's not the first time I notice such illogical choices for balancing EN PPS. From outside perspective it almost looks like guys in charge of it does not have as deep understanding of what does what and goes where as they should, which leads to stumbling in the dark on occasions.

I think we have to remember that Nutaku has said it has more control here than in previous games. It may be that the jp devs and whatever control nutaku has are both implementing changes and without anyway to tell which is doing which we see some kind of schizophrenic implementation. We have already seen that nutaku can change the slayers themselves after that one change in the middle of the EG event.

Honestly I'm a bit worn down on all these things and am almost dreading what "improvements" we get in the next EG event.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Honestly I'm a bit worn down on all these things and am almost dreading what "improvements" we get in the next EG event.

Jesus I hope they don't change anything else in EG, granted I don't see how they can make EG any worse of an event then it already is.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Inb4 you only get credit for SEGs you spawn and kill yourself.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Inb4 you only get credit for SEGs you spawn and kill yourself.

Amazing idea! Now you need to find the Super Event Gatcha, and kill it before you have a chance of getting a new slayer card! And the new super gatcha for each event will have a set of common SR's that's independent from everything else! You should work for Nutaku!

Inspired by the confused second where I read SEG as Super Event Gatcha. I need sleep. >_<
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

four days into the event, and I only see one person with over 100 defenses

makes you wonder just how rampant alt abuse was the first time around
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Hard to say, I only have about 7 defense wins so it's either I've been super unlucky with defending or there is no one attacking me.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

It WOULD be very nice to see how many times you've been attacked so you can know if you're being avoided or if you're losing. (just got 75th myself)

..what I meant was, first coliseum, we had people hitting 300 defenses -the first day- lol
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

"Guys, we know how much you dislike how we've been handling slayers, so the next event will not include any slayers."

"Instead, we have 'maintainers' who will keep your SED from decreasing automatically WILL YOU GIVE US MONEY NOW"
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

..huh, and got two more since I posted (and 1 from the time I originally posted and edited it to say I had 75, so that's 3 in the past 20 minutes). Why are people suddenly trying to poke the Sza?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

four days into the event, and I only see one person with over 100 defenses

makes you wonder just how rampant alt abuse was the first time around

Only 15 defenses here, with a team that changes positions around periodically. Cant say for sure about alt abuse, but there's plenty of people in the tier I've been hanging out in (tier 3) that I'm recognizing as easy wins. I hit refresh one to three times and one of them pretty much always pops up. Might be a bit cheesy, but got sick of having 100+ streaks broken by the random people with counter themed builds that get a lucky helper.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Only 15 defenses here, with a team that changes positions around periodically. Cant say for sure about alt abuse, but there's plenty of people in the tier I've been hanging out in (tier 3) that I'm recognizing as easy wins. I hit refresh one to three times and one of them pretty much always pops up. Might be a bit cheesy, but got sick of having 100+ streaks broken by the random people with counter themed builds that get a lucky helper.

This is what I've been doing in tier 1 since I got my 200 streak. I have a list of people who I beat everytime even without helpers and I just farm those people.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

This is what I've been doing in tier 1 since I got my 200 streak. I have a list of people who I beat everytime even without helpers and I just farm those people.

Yeah... still working on 200. Back up to 117, got knocked down a couple times before I started paying attention to who I was fighting. I'll move over to tier 1 or 5 (whichever is the 5 ticket one) once I get the eticket from 200. Not gonna worry about trying to place too highly on this one, I'll just stockpile stuff for the next event that has limited cards for placing decently.

Edit: Out of curiosity, has anyone had the option of fighting me? Bit curious which tier I was placed in.
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Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You know what would be nice in the next event? Increasing the number of R Wild Cards we get, for some reason I have this sensation that this is a very scarce resource.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Edit: Out of curiosity, has anyone had the option of fighting me? Bit curious which tier I was placed in.

You're in tier 1 (its based on base SED). I attacked you around the time you originally posted (I'm preying on tier 1 moe decks)