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Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

you toss zero in the dumpster dragged inside your cave. you look inside and see that toxic is smexing one of your girls. you close the lid and decide to sleep haveing a (long?) good day.

1. Wake up next day
2. Wake up in the middle of the night
3. Wake up in a glowing pit
4. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

You wake up somewhat refreshed and it is in the middle of the night the moon is up the owls are hooting and theres rythmic banging sounds from the dumpster...ummmm yea...


1. Check out the dumpster
2. Go outside
3. strech some more
4. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

You strech some more not quite fealing statstified. The banging sounds meanwhile were quickly picking up in pace. you also see out of the corner of your eye some figure rushing by.

1. investigate outside
2. investigate dumpster
3. ????? v2
4. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

you move outside your cave/apratment/loft/portal to heck/dorm/whatever and look around. you see a slight rustle in one of the bushes and you see two bright green eyes stareing back. you sense that it hasnt relized that its been spotted. meanwhile the banging in the dumpster goes still faster and its starting to annoy you.

1. Shove dumpster extremely hard
2. SUPRISE BUTTSMEX!!! (to the thing in bush)
3. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

2, and while doing 2 lift up the victim and move towards the dumpster
Re: Last Post Wins

you shoot out your tentacles tword the bush befort it could react you wrap your tentacles around....her? whatever she is shes really fluffly, furry and oddly muscular. as you move twords the dumpster the banging comes to an abrupt hault. toxic and his partner raptor jesus pop open the top of the dumpster one covered in cum and the other covered in...some sort of fluid...

1. dump fluffy thing in dumpster
2. smex it some more
3. push dumpster into rollercoaster tracks
4. join toxic and raptor with fluffy thing
5. Item
Re: Last Post Wins

5 use pokeballs on toxic and raptor while subduing the fluffy through smex
Re: Last Post Wins

As you get out your pokeballs toxic says "wassup roomie whacha got there?..... what are you doing?.....Hey wait a mi-" you trow both pokeballs at toxic and raptor and catch them. conviently the balls land in the dumpster. you set around to smexing the fluffy thing more and she seems to be enjoying it. about 5 hours later your still going at it abit alittle tired. she has extremely good endurance but after cumming 74 times she passes out. you dump her in the other dumpster reserved for fluffies and then...

1. whatever*
2. Item

*im going to bed nao soo yea.....
Re: Last Post Wins

.. what in the two fucks is going on here
Re: Last Post Wins

Not sure, but two people have been fucked and one of them is in the process of being fucked a second time.
Re: Last Post Wins

Hey excuse me but mind letting my poor clone go?
Cause you know... it explodes.
*Zero Girl Clone Explode in your face*
Did I mention the explosion is lethal to tentacles?
Re: Last Post Wins

OK then, have fun, but still explosions = force, force = pressure, so you might still wanna becareful so you don't get blasted or make your cave cave in.
Re: Last Post Wins

I'd have to say that was one of the most interesting "choose your own adventure" I've ever seen.
Re: Last Post Wins

You enter the Last Post Wins thread yet again, likely having nothing better to do, or your just lazy, and don't want to do anything else. In any case, you come to find an unfamiliar face inside the thread. "wtf? who is dis noob?" you privately chat to yourself, pressing enter after making yourself look as cool as possible with your hip grammar, while angry at the strange newcomer because it's different, and you're bored. You've been feeling the urge to pwn noobs lately as well, so you begin to feel that this would be the perfect opportunity to make your e-peen feel very large.

The noob walks into the thread, smiling, saying hi, and acting friendly. The nerve of that jooblet! His kindness, proper grammar, and outright silliness, angers a man with 1337 skilz such as yourself, and you feel the urge to flame him, and make him wish he never formed a coherent thought! Several ideas come to mind at how to dispense the annoying noob, but flaming it like art, you know this, and it must be done just right...

"lol, how should I pwn dis fggt?" you wonder.

1: Accuse the noob of your worst faults, such as your intelligence, spelling, and behavior.

2: Insult him vigorously. Call him every name in the book. Be relentless. Make this noob rage out of his mind! :)<

3: Wait patiently, let him talk, and catch him at the right moment, and defeat him with his errors! Or, if he doesn't make any, make up errors, and falsely accuse him of them.

4: Player's choice. (Should none of the other options meet your liking, you may choose to make up your own choice, and hope the others agree it should be done.)

(This is a CYOA, by the way. And I figured a thread with little point would be perfect for a pointless idea like this.)
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Re: Last Post Wins

4. Marvel at his grammar and join him in his proper ways.