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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Elsa would direct Nym towards a group of elves that seemed to require some help. She'd spend the next few hours aiding them with various jobs, mostly collecting dishes and helping carry furniture back to the village. By the time she was done with everything, Lissia came back with her outfit, now repaired. Returning to the meeting grounds one last time, she'd find a now recovered Ozin, Elsa, Vali and Baldur waiting with her backpack. "To reach the nearest city, you should follow this path." The elven guard explained, handing the girl a map and pointing at a route. "It's pretty easy to follow and fairly safe most of the time. Aside of food, we've also prepared a sleeping bag, some knives, rope, bandages, simple medicine and other things you might need in the wild."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym passed the time with helping the other elves take back all their gear to the village, and probably wash a few of the tables off. Either way though time flew by, and soon she was picking up her outfit from Lissia, which she was thankful for as she preferred her own outfit. With that donned, she returned to the clearing and saw a quartet of people waiting for her, which was a nice little send off if nothing else. Once the route had been pointed out, and she had been told what she had been supplied with, she smiled and said "Thanks everyone for giving me all this stuff and letting me help you out before. I'll try to be back eventually, and hopefully I'll be a famous adventurer by then!

After goodbyes were exchanged, Nym would pick up her bag and her axe, and head off. To further adventure!
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Take care!" With those words, both the elves and the goblins bade Nym farewell. The trail she was advised to follow took her past the elven village and further down the road that stretched deeper into the land. Where it'd take her, she had no idea. What awaited her was also a mystery. It could be treasures, could be battles, or perhaps pleasures of the carnal variety. Either way, she now had a whole lot of things to look forward to. The road kept winding a little, leading her through the forest. She'd have to clear it first, then walk a few more hours through an open plain to reach the next city. A place called Saina, according to the map.

After several hours of travel, Nym would finally notice that it was beginning to get dark. While the forest was recently cleared of big monsters, according to Baldur, there were still wild animals and such around so traveling in the dark could potentially be dangerous. She also had to think of her own strenght, whether she wanted to risk tiring herself out by walking at night or set up camp and rest so she could continue the journey tomorrow refreshed and back at full strenght. Finding some kind of place to set up a campfire and place her sleeping bag shouldn't be an issue if she wanted to, but she had to make the decision now. Gathering wood would be difficult once the sun set.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Being sent off by everyone made Nym feel really good, and it gave her some pride in herself. She would practically have a bounce in her step as she set off on her adventure, but she would make sure to follow the map, it wouldn't do to get terribly lost this early.

The day began wearing on though, and Nym wouldn't risk traveling at night. It might have been mostly safe but she wasn't about to risk tripping and breaking something just because she stepped in a hole or a root. So she'd look for a clearing to rest out in, and then go off to hunt out some rocks and wood to make a firepit and a fire respectively.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Finding a clearing wasn't too hard, it took her a little bit of time but she managed to locate a decent one relatively close to the road. Finding her way back wouldn't be a problem. Gathering rocks turned out to be a little problematic, considering there weren't that many rocks of decent size around, but Nym was able to prepare a makeshift firepit anyway. Wood turned out to be easily available, at least. Setting everything up took a bit of time so the sun had set by the time she was finished, but the girl managed to start a nice, warm fire.

Settling down to recover after her long walk, Nym would have a bit of time to rest up and eat something. After a while, however, she'd hear the howl of a wolf come from somewhere nearby. A couple moments later, she'd hear the tell-tale sound of a branch snapping underfoot. Glancing in the direction of the noise, she'd notice two pairs of eyes, flashing in the light cast by the campfire. A pair of wolves was approaching, and judging by the growling coming from their direction, they were not friendly.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym didn't mind the time it took to prepare her firepit and campsite, it was a reasonably calming thing that helped her wind down from her long day of walking. Even better was that she had a fire to heat up some food and herself as she killed some more time before going to sleep.

Or atleast that was what she was hoping to do, because after she had ate her evening meal, and was contemplating heading to bed, she would hear the howl of a wolf. The redheads first instinct was to nervously play with the hilt of her axe. When she saw the two pairs of eyes starting at her from the surrounding darkness, and heard their growls, Nym would grab her axe and stand up, trying to put herself between her supplies and the wolves, just incase they tried to run off with all her food.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Seeing Nym get up and make a stand against them, the wolves stopped for a split-second before resuming their approach, changing their course slightly. They were trying to circle around the girl and try to approach her from a blind spot. The nearby fire helped a little, as they didn't seem all too eager to get close to it, but she still needed to be mindful of the beasts. They were obviously hostile and readying themselves to attack, but if she acted now she'd have a chance to strike first and maybe do some damage before they lunged.

Nym: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP

Wolf 1: 4/4 FP
Wolf 2: 4/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Well, the wolves certainly seemed eager to fight now, judging by how they were beginning to circle her. Deciding to strike before the wolves could lunge, she'd move to strike with her axe at the wolf that was circling opposite the fire, hoping that the campfire would delay the other wolf from attacking her in the middle of her move.

If she was lucky she'd be able to atleast harm the wolf before she had to fight two simultaneously.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 4 vs 9(-1) (counter)

Wolf 1: 9(-1) vs 4 (crit)
Wolf 2: 5(-1) vs 10 (counter)

Nym rushed forward at the nearest wolf, just as it leapt at her with it's maw open. The other one had to circle the fireplace but it joined the melee pretty fast, too. And what a melee it was. Nym's axe went wide, allowing the wolf to snap it's jaws on her top and tear it down while leaving many painful scratches on her skin with it's claws. Jumping back from the first beast, the girl managed to see the other one leaping at her just in time to bring her axe around and clobber it hard, sending it to the ground with a yelp.

Nym: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2 CP

Wolf 1: 4/4 FP
Wolf 2: 3/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

(Those rolls also nym will never make it through a fight with her clothes intact, also typed from phone)

If Nym was not in an extremely dangerous situation, she would probably have sweat dropped at losing her top once again. She was really going to need to learn how to sew. Still given the situation she instead just tried to back up and get herself some room to use her axe''s superior reach, aiming for the wolf that she had already wounded.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 6 vs 5(-1) (hit)

Wolf 1: 5(-1) vs 3 (hit)
Wolf 2: 9(-1) vs 8 (miss)

Nym's axe found it's mark, striking the wounded wolf and wounding it even more. The creature was beginning to limp now, the attack discouraging it from lunging at the girl for a moment. It's companion, however, was still a threat, managing to add a few more nasty scratches on the girl's skin. She avoided it's jaws once more, but those constant tackles were bruising her and robbing her strenght. She'd have to think fast and hit hard to deal with those beasts before she was overwhelmed.

Nym: 2/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2 CP

Wolf 1: 4/4 FP
Wolf 2: 2/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

'Okay, things could be going better here,' Nym thought to herself as she grimaced from the scratches over her body, this time Nym would try to go after the less damaged wolf. Though she wasn't planning to make a serious strike at it, instead she tried to bait it into diving at her again, and she could use the wolf's overextension to bash the thing into the firepit.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 9 vs 2(-1) (critical)

Wolf 1: on fire
Wolf 2: 7(-1) vs 7 (miss)

The feint turned out to be more successful than Nym anticipated. When the wolf lunged at her again, she swung hard and caught it in the head, hitting with enough force to actually send it flying. Sailing through the air, the predator landed in the firepit, straight in the middle of the biggest flames. Kicking up some charcoal and burning branches, it began to yelp and toss around before finally getting up and kicking away, running around and rolling frantically as it tried to put out it's burning fur. It's companion tried to strike at the girl, but seemed demoralized by the display and was easily fended off.

Nym: 2/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2 CP

Wolf 1: 2/4 FP
Wolf 2: 2/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Well, her distraction worked. Though she did feel rather bad for the mutt, or atleast she would if she wasn't bleeding from multiple claw wounds right now. Instead she stepped forward and went after the dog that wasn't onfire. Figuring that it might be better to let the dog try to put itself out as it would continue to be distracted, and she didn't want to have to go through the effort herself.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 7 vs 8(-1) (hit)

Wolf 1: not on fire
Wolf 2: 5(-1) vs 9 (miss)

Ignoring the currently smouldering wolf, Nym decided to focus on the other one that remained a threat. The two of them clashed, fangs versus axe, with the beast coming off worse in the struggle. Jumping back, it was now badly battered and limping - and he still failed to inflict any wounds on the girl. Meanwhile, his companion managed, after lots of rolling, to finally put the fires out and rejoined the battle. The stink of burned fur mixed with the smell of cooked meat, and he was looking pretty badly too. Granted, he was far from being done, but a hit or two would probably leave him half-dead, if not entirely dead. Of course, Nym would have to take care herself, lest the two beasts manage to beat her in the end.

Nym: 2/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2 CP

Wolf 1: 2/4 FP
Wolf 2: 1/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym could feel the tide of battle working in her way somewhat now. The girl pressing forward with her attack and aiming to knock the wolf she had damaged the most into oblivion, or atleast into unconsciousness. Then she'd turn to go after the one with the burn wounds.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 10 vs 8(-1) (hit)

Wolf 1: 6(-1) vs 7 (miss)
Wolf 2: KO

The wolf was caught off-guard by the sudden attack and failed to get away in time. In his current state, the predator's reflexes were not at their best and thus he didn't manage to dodge. With the blunt side of the axe slamming into his head, he was tossed away by the blow and didn't rise to his feet. From the looks of it, he was out of the battle. Meanwhile, the remaining wolf continued to fight, but with the burns he sustained his assault was now feeble and ineffective. The girl easily managed to fend it off and was now in a position that gave her advantage.

Nym: 2/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2 CP

Wolf 1: 2/4 FP
Wolf 2: 0/4 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Having knocked one of the wolves out cold, Nym no longer had to split her focus. So now she could turn to the somewhat burnt wolf and go after it with all her strength, aiming to send it into the land of not so peacefully caused sleep like its fellow wolf.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The following battle was easy and uneventful. The wolf tried to fight back hard, but it was unable to land another hit, missing by a considerable margin as Nym dodged. The girl herself, on the other hand, was landing one blow after another with unerring accuracy. A particularly savage strike sent the creature flying into the forest, disappearing into bushes. She could hear the yelping as it began to hobble away in pain, though, eager to disappear now that it had it's ass handed on a silver platter. Similiarly, the one she knocked out earlier also began to wake and walk away, dizzy but determined to escape. Looks like they've had more than enough and were no longer eager to stick around. The forest seemed a little calmer now.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym felt elated at her victory, though at the same time she felt down as she heard the wolf yelping in pain. She always loved dogs and it put a damper on her victory celebration. Still, she had a bunch of cuts to prove the wolves weren't dogs, so she didn't outright feel bad about beating them black and blue.

Before the other wolf, which hadn't actually hurt her at any point despite its efforts, woke up though, Nym would dig around in her bag, and pull out two things. One she would pull out some bandages to wrap up some of her larger cuts, and two, she would pull out a small scrap of meat from her rations. When the wolf woke and started to limp away, she'd toss the small scrap infront of it, sort of a consolation prize for the wolf.

Then the forest returned to calm, and Nym went back to bandaging herself in the light of the reaming fire, letting the adrenaline of the fight wear off before she would try to go to sleep.