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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle seemed to draw the ire of the Aboleth this time, as it was unable to dominate the weak mind of Flame after repeated attempts. There was only one thing the Aboleth wanted, and that was to implant Foxy with an heir. Oracle had continually interfered with this so the mental command was simple, Run! , Oracle would to the Aboleth's mental suggestion and begin to move toward the now cleared exit that Kalna had burst through. Since she was pregnant, all she could manage was a crawl at this point.

With Oracle out of the way as it were, the Aboleth could focus on what it was doing. For Foxy that would not work out very well as she was literally doing everything she could to hold out as long as she could before the Aboleth came inside of her and impregnated her with its demon spawn offspring. Having focused his efforts on her for some time now, the Aboleth would refuse to be denied this. Having wrapped Foxy up in one of the tentacles, there was nowhere she could go as the Aboleth would continually ravage her. Building up to a massive release, Foxy needed to do something to try to get herself free.

Knowing full well that if she did not do anything, Foxy would end up pregnant just like Oracle. She felt that if she concentrated just a little more she could get free of the tentacle as it had loosened its grip upon her. Almost freeing herself before, this time. Still weak from being grabbed and fucked so roughly, her chance to counter attack the Aboleth now that she was freed. Even if that freedom was short lived, she knew that she did everything she could at this point to go down swinging.

It was up to Flame and Kalna now to finish the thing off. Flame would attempt to sneak off to the side of the Aboleth again, . The dagger she implanted into the Aboleth with her last attack would be enough for it not to lose track of where she was. Though it would not stop her from attacking all the same. Lashing out with her remaining dagger, Flame would though she was unable to actually pierce the creature in her weakened state. The dagger simply bouncing off the Aboleth as if she were striking a wall.

Kalna would move off in the opposite direction as Flame also in an attempt to flank the Aboleth. She in buying herself a sneak attack on the side of the beast. (I dont think she can sneak but why not waste the 17 I rolled for fluff.. ugh) Lashing out with her sword, Kalna would . The squidcat not entirely sure what to make of Oracle attempting to leave the scene would at least realize the Aboleth was the one to blame, unable to find anything to .

It would seem this latest wasted opportunity would spell doom for one of the girls.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Flame uses Dexterity, not Strength for her damage. She hit for 6.)

: 1d20+7 18 1d6+5 10 (Foxy is impregnated by the Aboleth!)

No sooner had Foxy wriggled herself free of the aboleth's ravishing that a second disgusting tentacle wrapped itself around the naked girl's ankle, her wet and pulsing cunt instantly exposed again for the invasion of the aberration's thick reproductive tendril. Holding the girl upside down in the air by her ankles, with legs spread and slimy cock pounding her unprotected twat. Within seconds the poor amazon felt the beast's prehensile cock twitching in her sensitive depths, her own orgasm starting to burn in her loins as well.

The aboleth's eyes rolled back, and he hissed with he pain of Flame's dagger as he once more released his life-giving seed. The bulging, pulsing tentacle spasmed in Foxy's defeated pussy, blasting her womanhood full of a payload of viscous slime. The young amazon felt the disgusting, violating heat seep into her womb, the thick, semi-sentient slime exploring her precious sanctum, pushing it's way down her tubes and into her ovaries. With microscopic sucking action, the girl's eggs were pulled from their warm homes, and into the torrent of incoming, octopus like yellow sperm. Just as their creator wrapped his tendrils around Foxy, his sperms' tentacles gripped her conquered eggs tightly, fighting viciously to create the heir the aboleth so desired. Soon, the girl's eggs could fight no more, and a tiny, slimy tentacle pieced the motherly cell to the core, in injected corrupt, mutant DNA. Foxy was pregnant, but only time would tell if she would bear mere hybrid Scum, or a true Aboleth like the father hoped.

The young amazon lay on the ground, sticking yellow goo oozing from her raped and repeated violated cunt. She was filled with fury! She would kill the bastard who put a monster in her belly!

Greviously wounded, and with his revenge fulfilled, the aboleth turned to make his escape!

[Foxy does not have to roll for Pregnancy this turn, and has a free Heroism use.]

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 4/14 STR; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove])
(Oracle 9/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Fear! (must run away from the Aboleth and the other girls) [MND+Athletics DC 14 to cure])
(Kalna 14/22)

---Aboleth 6/68 HP; AC 14; Toughness 16; Cleverness 18; Will 22
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Well, thats a lesson learned.. Did not think Weapon Finesse applied to damage too. At least only two ended up pregnant since I figured it would be all three with how the battle started. Oh well, mistakes now are mistakes not made later on, thanks for pointing out the error I was making.)

Foxy really thought that she could get herself free of the Aboleth and buy enough time for the others to help her out of the situation. It was all for naught as the Aboleth was able to withstand the onslaught just long enough to finally finish Foxy off. Stripping away all her defenses Foxy was left to the mercy of the Aboleth, and there was none to be had as it would again decimate her with its cock. Finally achieving a release the Aboleth knew that it was successful in implanting it's heir within Foxy's womb.

The sight of Foxy being held up by her ankles was enough to get the girls to rally for one last attempt at defeating the aberration. Foxy herself getting a rush of energy as the Aboleth released her now pregnant body back to the ground. They would have one shot at this and Foxy more than the others would want to be the one to take this thing down for good. her revenge.

The Aboleth had already turned tail as it were and began to sink back within the depths of the lake. Foxy was having none of it however as she was still under the effects of an adrenaline boost that would allow her to make an almost superhuman leap of faith with her sword drawn at the ready. As Foxy would splash down into the water, her sword would strike true and pierce the Aboleth one final, fatal time. Were this aberration to sire an heir it certainly would not be living long enough to know if it had succeeded or not. Foxy would continue to lay into the carcass of the Aboleth until her rage had subsided from being violated and impregnated by the foul creature.

Kalna tossed the Kidnapper's Harpoon to Flame just in case, maybe to be used as an impromptu method to get Foxy out of the water. With the spear now in Flame's hands Kalna would run down Oracle as she started to crawl backward in fear of her. Casting Lay on Hands (5), Kalna would alleviate the fear from Oracle's mind. Now simply dealing with the aftermath of the battle, the girls would look to see what they could salvage from this place.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The aboleth writhed his last as his mutant blood stained the clear cave water mustard yellow. The creature's twisted soul slowly left his body, using the last of his psychic power to send his spirit into his reincarnation, already growing inside of Foxy's womb.

Foxy tore the glowing purple crystal from the aboleth's forehead; a gristly and magic trophy, though a dangerous one. The girls peered around the remainder of the cavern. Treasures glistened in the depths of the lake, and a small group of female and child scum sat cowering at the rear of the chamber.

(Also, you should write up a little scene of Flame being 'cured' of her arousal.)

Room Actions:
---STR+Physical DC 15 to kill the remaining Scum, or STR/MND+Communication to negotiate with them.
---STR+Physical DC 15 to get to the treasure in the lake.
---Raid the scums' camp for valuables (autosuccess)
---MND+Knowledge DC 16 to find something hidden
---DEX+Physical DC 14 to climb up and collect the jewels embedded in the stalactites over the lake.

Party Actions:
---Go down to the lower levels
---Go to the temple
---Search Thoroughly
---Leave the dungeon!

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 4/14 STR; Aroused: -3 to AC and Saves [DC 14 MND+Communication to remove])
(Oracle 9/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Fear! (must run away from the Aboleth and the other girls) [MND+Athletics DC 14 to cure])
(Kalna 14/22)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Kalna removed the fear effect from Oracle, yes?)

The Aboleth would concede defeat, though only temporary as it was. Both Kalna and Oracle could sense the act of desperation by the Aboleth to keep the spirit alive. Now resting within Foxy's womb, the spirit of the Aboleth would either become another Aboleth or a hybrid scum. Neither seemed too appealing a result though Foxy truly had little choice in the matter at this juncture.

With the strain of the battle behind them and the adrenaline rush subsiding, seemed to not deter them. Oracle seemed to want to tend to Flame for the time being, leaving Foxy and Kalna to see what they could do. Foxy would get a glimpse of the treasures about the lake, though she would to be able to get herself down into the water. With her belly starting to take shape, it would make her buoyant to the point that she could not dive very far into the water.

Kalna seemed interested in attempting to communicate with the scum, and would in opening up a dialogue with them. She would not kill them, though they were certainly scared she would offer them the ability to leave this place without fear of reprisal.

Oracle would have some fun at Flame's expense. First spending some of her own life force to restore Flame . The arousal on the other hand would need a more delicate touch, and the squidcat would get involved on this one. Using its squidlike tendrils, Flame was going to get a little massage therapy to cure her arousal. The treatment would , as Flame was driven to an orgasm by the squidcat.

Flame was too exhausted from the high of her climax to do anything of importance this time around, simply choosing to rest herself for a short while instead. The tendrils of the squidcat worked her over though Oracle would forbid the cat from impregnating her.

(If you wanna roll something to see if it listened to Oracle or not, be my guest)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Yes, but you don't need to pay for it. Kalna can just snap her out of it.)

The squidcat pumped his strange cock hard against Flame, slipping between the redheaded amazon's ample asscheeks as his tentacles toyed with her overheating pussy and painfully hard nipples. As Flame achieved her loud and satisfying release, the sea creature growled loudly as his cock spilled up out of her butt crack, spraying hot and waxy seed in sticky droplets over her back.

With disappointingly little in treasure, the girls were strongly considering remaining to spend more time trying to extract the aboleth's horde. It grated against their sensibilities to leave treasure behind, especially after two girls had already paid for it with their wombs.

"You let us live, yes?" the eldest of the dozen surviving skum asked Kalna. "Master Grandfather growing in girly's belly, come back to lead us one day, yes? Girly very holy, because she give birth to Master Grandfather, yes?"

(Foxy 23/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 5/20 HP; 4/14 STR)
(Oracle 7/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 14/22)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oh I thought it was 5 lay points to undo a status?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(It is, but there's no IC reason the fear shouldn't just end when the Aboleth dies, since he was creating it as a psychic effect. It's a freebie.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Oh I thought it was 5 lay points to undo a status?)

. They would be able to focus enough on their tasks while Flame tried to scale the walls and Oracle tried to do something useful for the first time ever.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Going to interact with the scum?)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(on phone so trying to fight it shitting on me every time i try to post. I get kicked put of my post trying to either look something up or go to roll something so screw it.. My phone made me do it..)

Kalna would continue with the scum while the rest attempted to explore the room. Foxy would try again to dive into the water and yet again.

Flame would try to climb the walls to get to the stalactites. in doing so, she would try to drop what she could down to Kalna and Oracle as she worked the valuables free with her dagger. Oracle would try to allow her senses to guide her, she could feel something was hidden here. After allowing her mind to guide her, she would run into Kalna and feel about her body a bit. Realizing that it was not her, Oracle would concentrate a little more in identifying a place where something was very likely hidden.

Kalna would question the scum about Foxy being regarded as holy. Seeing that Foxy really wanted to dive into the lake, Kalna would see if the scum were willing to help her gather the treasures within the lake. Kalna would to do it herself, but enlisting the help of the scum seemed like a reasonable attempt to see what they would or would not do.
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The gold and jewels recovered from the aboleth's lair totaled fully 750 gp, plus a magical craved jade bracer in the shape of an octopus and, if the negotiations went well, whatever the scum possessed.

[The aboleth's Mind Stone is a cursed pendant. It allows you to read the surface thoughts of most creatures, but automatically Arouses the character at the start of every battle with rapist enemies (MND+Communication DC 11+Level to cure). Once worn, cursed items cannot be taken off until the end of the dungeon.]

[The Deep One's Bracer can cast Widened Black Tentacles without an HP cost once per dungeon. It only affects enemies for the first 1d3 turns, but begins affecting the girls too after that. The save is DEX+Athletics DC 11+Level.]

"Pregnant girly very holy, because Master Grandfather growing in belly, yes?" the scum woman repeated, as though it were obvious.

"Master Grandfather have many daughter-whores. Daughter-whores give pleasure to pregnant girly, so Master Grandfather feel good too? she asked, indicating the four strange faced but wonderfully curvy younger scum girls, each in various stages of pregnancy, and all posing nervously but seductively for Foxy.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy was just about at her wit's end with these scum. Kalna was unable to detect evil intent from them, though that meant little in the long run. Foxy still had the purple gem in her hand that she had ripped from the Aboleth's corpse as she slain the beast. For someone that regarded the Aboleth as a holy being they were reacting rather strange toward the one who had killed the abboration.

With a realization that she could start to hear the thoughts of the scum as she held the gem closer to her body, Foxy would press it to her chest. The instant she did so, a necklace would form around her neck as the gem was seemingly bound to her body now. A mental onslaught of thoughts would crash over her mind. being the focus of the imagery, Foxy would try to sort through it all as her body and mind started to give in to the rather vulgar suggestions from the necklace.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The thoughts of the scum were simple: they were terrified, both of the girls who had slain their master,but even more of their master's return, if they did not treat him with utmost respect while he was in the womb, even if they didn't really know how. Apparently, the scum matriarch seemed to think that Foxy being pleasured by the aboleth's favorite concubines would please the reincarnating creature in her womb. Moreover, they didn't want Foxy to leave until she had given birth, but were far too scared to stop her; if necessary, they would try to bribe her to return to bear their master when the time came.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(I assume the money/xp gained puts me to a level up? Message me what I would need to do for that so I screw up as little as possible.)

Foxy having the gem bonded to her could sense what the Scum were up to. They seemed to be afraid, both of the girls and the Aboleth. Not much of a surprise there in all fairness as either party would easily destroy them.

Taking the initiative from Kalna, who was originally talking to the scum, Foxy would change the tone the conversation was taking. Mostly because she could sense the desperation that the Scum had to keep her there. Though the feeling of arousal Foxy had now needed to be satiated all the same. Maybe she could get the best of both worlds out of this.

"What is stopping us from just leaving?"

Foxy would inquire as she wanted to know the extent to which the Scum wanted their Master Grandfather back. The threats would come in short order since Foxy knew what they had in mind. Kalna would go over to Flame and Oracle and see if they needed anything at this point since Foxy was obviously in control of her own situation now.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The scum concubines flung themselves to the ground before Foxy, clinging to her tightly as they begged her to not take their master away. Who would protect them if Master Grandfather was gone, they asked. Foxy gasped suddenly as she felt one of the nubile fishgirls run her long, slippery tongue across her so recently fuck crevice, licking her father and master's seed from the amazon's pussy and sending bolts of pleasure up her spine. Inside the warm wetness of the girl's womb, Foxy felt her unwanted child wriggling with approval.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Foxy's arousal was getting the best of her, and it seemed the Scum knew it as well. Once one lunged for her, it was over before it started as Foxy simply started to moan. Her body would protest a little, but her mind was betraying her body as she secretly wanted it. Once the switch was flipped by the scum, it was like an open invitation for them to have their way with her. The answer to her question was obvious, the scum were going to please her now.

Oracle and Flame would join in since they were not entirely averse to watching their leader be pleasured while they idly stood by. The squidcat saw no reason to stand idly by, and would get in the mix trying to get whatever it could in the process. With so many tentacles, the squidcat might find itself getting a little more than it bargained for.

Kalna was a different matter, as she did not seem all to thrilled with getting involved. The echoes of her past likely ringing in her head, she would take the opportunity while the others were distracted to dive into the water and see if anything were still there for the taking while the girls and scum were occupying each other.

Foxy almost immediately was reduced to a whore moaning in the evening. Her fevered panting would give way to an orgasm soon enough as the Scum had gotten to her and hit all the right spots. The developing child inside of her wriggling about only added to the sensations her body was experiencing.

Oracle and her mate seemed to be just about in the same place, letting go and allowing the Scum to take control as they would find all the right spots to hit. Oracle would allow the squidcat to have its way with her and the Scum all the same. She was not exactly able to resist as her physical makeup allowed her to be overpowered in almost every situation she would ever find herself in.

Flame on the other hand was about the only one to show any real restraint. As she knew what was going on at a basic level she would keep herself at the ready if the Scum became aware of Kalna. She would see no reason not to join in so long as she did not get herself pregnant similarly to the other girls were.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The harem-girls' lips wrapped around Foxy's swollen nipples, darkened and engorged with sweet motherly milk. Long, dexterous tongues expertly swirled around her teats, and the fish girls smiled as they tasted the leaking, sugary fluid. Jealous of the experience, Flame pressed Oracle to the ground, hungrily draining her achy and over-filled tits of their delicious creme. The redhead gasped with fear as she felt her own still-too-hot snatch being parted, fear that almost instantly melted into moaning pleasure as she realized the long, writhing, prehensile tongue wriggling in her depths was not an aboleth tentacle, but one of his inbred daughters, eager to please.

The scum girls were nervous of the squidcat at first, but they warmed up to him, as did their slippery quims, as the creature made full use of his tentacles, and soon he too was purring as one of the strangely attractive mutant women deepthroated his spiny cock, the remains of a previous load dribbling down her chin.

After some time, the slightly painful but completely wonderful sensation of sucking on Foxy's lactating tits came to an end, leaving her breasts feeling deliciously light and empty. The slave girls withdrew, and grinned at each other, before presenting their own plump udders, nipples hard with arousal, with glistening trails of dripping milk issuing from each.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

This "battle" would go back and forth. The scum took to the offensive and had their way with the girls. Foxy had her tits sucked on while Flame and Oracle would have yet another go at each other. The pregnant women both had the brunt of the attacks on them focus around their breasts while Flame was molested by a Scum herself.

The squidcat seemed to be in his glory using its tentacles to please all in attendance. One of the Scum even had his cock. Swallowing most of what the squidcat had to offer, the Scum seemed to enjoy sucking him off. Sensing the tide of the battle turning as it were, the squidcat would press his advantage and attempt to impregnate one of the scum as well at this point.

Foxy would return the favor on the Scum now. Targetting the breasts, she would attack without mercy. Her hands and mouth equally effective, the Scum would fall in short order into being little more than a bitch in heat moaning for more.

Flame would turn the tables on the Scum who had started in on her, as Oracle would try to join in as well on the attack. Being the submissive one of the group, this would be a bit difficult for Oracle. Opting to try to 69 one of the Scum, Oracle would almost not know what to do while she were in control.

Flame on the other hand knew exactly what to do. Returning the favor for the Scum that had used her tongue inside her pussy, Flame would dive right in on the Scum to repay the favor for the sensations of pleasure given to her previously.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The moans and sighs of pleasure echoed through the deep cavern for several hours, and night had deeply fallen by the time the girls lay tired and smiling, with purring pussies and smelling sweetly of milk and sex. With a scum girl cuddling her under each arm, Foxy lay on the lap of a third, who ran her fingers through the amazon's silky hair.

"Please," on of the girls asked with large golden eyes, you please stay, we give lots of love always, yes? No leave us here with no protectors, please!"

(Free rest, everyone heals 1d4+4 HP and 1d4 stat damage)

[You can try to convince the scum women to come with you and resettle elsewhere, take them as servants as the manor you'll soon be able to afford, or love em and leave em. You'll have to convince them for either of the first two of course, they're very used to being commanded by the aboleth.]