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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Oh, since I definitely didn't make it clear, the poison also goes away if you take the damage from two failed saves in a row.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Only one still stands now, and Karaz has a chance to polish it off. If we bring them all down, we can holy water the lot and then Zaeyna could magic the last one to stay dead. No need for someone to have FOUR hundred BABIES.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

If you kill them all, we can assume they stay down long enough for Faeyna to lay them all to rest permanently, no need to waste holy water.

Also, yes, the kiss was supposed to be a 'touch attack' in DnD parlance; an attack that ignores your Armor bonus to AC. Sorry, I thought I remembered to mention that.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Wait, so touch attacks ignore armor bonus? Acid Arrow suddenly got a bit more interesting... Altough I'm not sure how many of our enemies will have AV coming from armor rather than natural toughness or agility.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Quiet a few! Natural armor/toughness still counts as armor for touch attacks.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Arivia, does Animate Dead create intelligent undead (ones with soul, basically) like the ones we're fighting right now, or just soulless corpse automatons?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Arivia, does Animate Dead create intelligent undead (ones with soul, basically) like the ones we're fighting right now, or just soulless corpse automatons?

The latter, though I'd be ok with higher level versions of the spell being able to create intelligent undead.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

It also creates angry lizardfolk.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Nah, I'm perfectly fine with soulless undead. Less arguments between Alia and Faeyna that way.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Hey Tass, where is your second successful save? I can't find it if you posted it.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Only slightly less.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I rolled two saves in my last posts with my sheet on it.

Arkeia, choking and heaving, retrieves the flask she'd been given by Alia and pours the holy water on the corpse she and the mage had just put down, trying to end its threat for good.

I'll just give up my next turn because I wanted to roll these quickly and probably don't need to do anything else this combat.

Collapsing to hands and knees, Arkeia literally starting puking besides the nun's corpse, heedless of the continued struggles of her companions as her body fought to expel the poison before it killed her.

Surprisingly did not die.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Whoops, didn't notice they were in the same post. Cool then :)
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Whoever wants to respond about the imp can, or you can discuss it here first if you want.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

No we're not. She just thinks we're bad people. Just need to let her know we're not scavengers of thieves, we're here to find out information and rescue nuns. Which means that we'll need to abandon the bit about stealing things since we don't want a fight in our condition.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Yeah, convincing her is going to be the hard part I feel. She doesn't seem to be a friendly kind of person. Plus, undead and likely assassin on top of that since she's the leader of this whole place. I don't expect a lot of good from her.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I think it's obvious she's still in the mindset of protecting her little ruined temple. If we appeal to that we should be fine.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Before anyone comes up with something, I'd like to point out bringing the pregnant nun is probably a bad idea. If the Mother Superior is aware of who broke the barrier, well. Also, am I the only one who wants to put the bitch back to eternal rest? Seriously, if the whole church is like that then the drow can have them.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

There are more supplies in the other buildings that will make banishing the mother superior easier, if you choose to do that. The fight is optional though, since she's fairly powerful. You still have 4 rests/searches though (before any serious repercussions, I mean), and one more free rest hiding somewhere, so you aren't exactly low on resources if you want to take the time.