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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

Ili, from a recent photo shoot for a friend he did. We were waiting for a friend and she wanted to try the camera out.

Re: The pics thread.

wooo go ili!
Re: The pics thread.

And now we have Ili demonstrating "Blue steel", or is it "Magnum". I don't remember which is to the left.
Re: The pics thread.

I thought that was the 'Michael Cera had a child with Toby Maguire....'s cousin'
Re: The pics thread.

Ili, from a recent photo shoot for a friend he did. We were waiting for a friend and she wanted to try the camera out.


You look like Michael Buckley, the host of "Bad Movie Beatdown".

You still kinda look like your avatar though, so whatever.
Re: The pics thread.

funny, Toby maguire was the first thought in my head too. Shit, I need to make a picture of my bf, they're like twins or something ((Him and Toby, not him and Ili. Sorry Dear :( ))
Re: The pics thread.

... make a picture?
Re: The pics thread.

Well yeah, i have to make a comparison picture, he never wears his hair like that, so some planning is required, and then I'll have to stick the two pictures together, give some labels, and it's all set :D
Re: The pics thread.

You're closer than me. I have to make up a girlfriend, THEN make up a picture of her.
Re: The pics thread.

Hrm.....I dunno if this is the right place, but whatever.

I'm looking for a screen cap from FF7 when you're at the Gold Saucer if you've unlocked Vincent. It's the part where you're at the inn and they're all talking about some crap and Cid is sitting in a chair bored out of his freakin' mind and he turns to Vincent and says let's head back to bed or some shit like that.
Re: The pics thread.

Maybe not quite as easy as just finding a screencap, but if you can't find one, your best bet is to emulate the game. It's actually pretty easy to do (especially considering how popular the console, and that particular game is), so provided you're using a Windows machine, just play to that point in the game and prntscrn.
Re: The pics thread.

Hrm, you know of any good PS1 emulators? As well as cheat codes for max levels because there's no way I'm grinding just to get one screen shot. Or even better, are there any videos floating around that it would be in? I know burrito had one, but he lost it the last time he wiped his comp.
Re: The pics thread.

epsxe is what I use. The official site even has a step-by-step guide to help you get set up with everything. Technically, the BIOS isn't allowed to be distributed (which is why you can't download it along with the emulator in one package) but you can google the file name and find it pretty easily. The ROM is also very easy to find (albeit huge), and pretty easily torrented. Or I suppose I could give it to you if I still have it on my computer.

Edit: Forgot to mention cheats.

I never cheat when using emulators so I can't tell you. But I will say that I remember there being some sort of cheat engine in the emulators I've used. I haven't booted up epsxe in a couple years so I can't say if that has it, but if I had to guess I would say it would.
Re: The pics thread.

Jeez Lurker, you look old in that
Re: The pics thread.

So does Raptor. I tried to blackmail him with it earlier today.
Re: The pics thread.

Dragon*con Pics! Finally! And watch out for Slave Bubba Leia. He's in there. Waiting. >.> <.<
Re: The pics thread.

My god....Oh my sweet merciful god....what did that man do to Edward Elric? *goes into a corner and cries*
Re: The pics thread.

My god....Oh my sweet merciful god....what did that man do to Edward Elric? *goes into a corner and cries*

That was a girl, luv, and i feel your pain. *holds, pats*