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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Perhaps, but it didn't hold true to PSO. It wasn't bad, but PSO far outranks it in every aspect.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Did I mention PSU occurs a few years after PSO? Not to mention some of the stuff they transferred from PSO and kept.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'll just cop out and post scores from reviews to prove my point in a snooty and unjustified way. Also so this doesn't drag on and get us off topic.



Would have posted GameSpot reviews, but I guess not even GameSpot wanted to bother reviewing PSU.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Unjustified is right, looking at the amount of reviews instead of the score >.<

Hmm, I should start to play more online RPGs. Most I've played is ShadowBane, really.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, that's not a fair thing to say. There could be 10 reviews for one game, all 10s, and for another game, there are 20 and only 10 of those are 10s and the rest are 3s. Game 2 would have a lower score and Game 1 would have a perfect score.

Usually, the higher amount of reviews, the higher chances for a lower score. PSO has waay more reviews and still knocks PSU's score out of the water.

And you really should. Start with PSOBB, why not. See sig.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

why do you guys care what game reviewers think?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I don't really care about the reviews, I just didn't care enough to keep arguing. This needs to get back on topic anyway.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, my main questions about it would have to be:
1) How bad does the grinding get,
2) How in-depth and structured are the powers/skills/techs/ w/e they call them,
3) How in-depth and structured are the weapons/armor and items, or w/e they use, and
4) How good/bad/annoying is the player base for the server you're on.

I forgot earlier, but I've also played RF Online and Risk Your Life (RYL) 1&2. Personally, I like RYL because it didn't take too long for me to get to where i could dick around and just craft the best rank of each weapon and Armor (the better the rank, the better the stats, i.e., a C-ranked armor might have 20 def, whereas an A-rank of the Exact Same Armor would have 40 def). I also liked how they did the classes. The Only problem was the fact that people massed the one faction (Akkan), leaving the other faction (Human) with practically nobody to fight during wars :(

RF Online was fun when I had my friends on and playing with me, but it got to the point where nobody played it anymore (damn you, WoW) and I had put too much time into my character to want to bother starting over with a soloing one.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Okay, I'll break it down.

1) Pretty bad, but the game plays well enough so that grinding is.. *gasp* FUN! BB isn't anything like "omg clik on teh monstah an ull taek turns hitin eechudder ololol", it's real time, so it's got an actual action feeling going for it. You're not just watching a bunch of pixels duking it out.

2) Hard to say because I've never been fond of techs, but I'll try explaining it to my knowledge. There are offensive spells, healing spells, and support spells. Offensive ones hurt enemies. There's fire, ice, and thunder (Foie, Barta, and Zonde). There are 3 (or maybe more, I have no idea) levels of them, each with different names. Eventually, you get versions of the spells which are multi-target, which have the prefix "ra-" in front of them (I think). Healing is self explanatory. As you get higher leveled, levels of the healing spell "Resta" increases. You also get a Resta for online play, which heals people within a certain radius instead of just yourself. Support spells do the usual attack and defense raising for allies and attack and defense dropping for enemies.

3) Pretty in-depth. There are "rare drops" which can be turned into weapons, for one. Aside from that, you have several different variations of the melee and ranged weapons, and there are also canes for the "wizards" of the game. There are things called "grinders" which you use on a weapon to increase its power (if a weapon says "Saber +1" and you use a monogrinder, it would become a more powerful "Saber +2") and I think the grinders go up to 3 or 4. And there are extra effects on some weapons like chance to freeze, chance to paralyze, chance to kill in one hit, etc.

4) I've been playing in Single Player rooms, but from the forums, I think the community is pretty good.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


People with Steam can play Team Fortress 2 for F.R.E.E. from the 21st to the 25.

I plan on joining them.

This will NOT be the last time you see me!
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'll stick to PSU. and to answer the questions:

1) The grinding is extremely boring after around level 70, but most people tend to just go to White Beast which gives about a level a mission in the later levels and ranks. All in all, Grinding is boring as shit. And as for how the game plays, it's also Real-Time, so at least you're seeing what's happening while you're killing an enemy.

2a) The techs are a bit more advanced than PSO:BB. The three spells and elements now play an important role in the game. There are six elements, Fire and Ice, Lightning and Ground, Dark and Light. Each set opposes each other, so an ice monster takes more damage from a Fire spell and vice-versa. Each element has a multitude of spells. the standard are like PSO, but then there's the "Ra-" spells, which are projected ahead of you and strike a small area, the "Gi-" spells, which project themselves around you to a certain radius to do damage, then there are the "Dam-" spells, which are "Streams" of an element, that do damage with multiple hits. the most powerful are known as "Nos-" spells, which vary from spell to spell. so far, there are only 3 of them, two of which are a ball of the element, the third releases multiple "lines" which snake across the ground. Each of the Nos- spells home in on targets, and the two ball-like attacks can home in on flying targets. There are healing spells such as Resta and Giresta, The latter being able to heal, revive fallen allies, and cast a spell which gradually heals them over time. There is also a spell to remove very bad status effects, as well as the standard buffs and debuffs. The best thing about spells, though, in my opinion, is that they change appearance and get larger and more powerful as you use them more. [/end rant]

2b) skills are a much different story from techs. Skills start out with only one combo, but as you level them up higher, they gain more and more combos. Example: Rising Strike, for the Saber, starts only doing 2 hits. Level it high enough, and another two hits are unlocked.

3) Synthesis in PSU isn't all too spectacular, but finding the items can get a bit boring. But, there are hundreds of different armor and weapon designs, all of which can be sold through your own player shop if you don't need them. This has either made PSU more boring, or less boring, I for one can't tell. All I do know is, more people play it because they don't have to work their asses off on a boring mission trying to find items.

4) It tends to get annoying if you stay in a populated server for too long, but I always shift to the unpopulated servers for peace and quiet and some solo farming. 60% of people on PSU either: a) try to force their worthless shit they're trying to sell on you, b) troll you for playing this game (WoWfags are always vandalizing my Room.) c) Try to get you to give them money because they are lazy bastards, or d) Just hang around and goof off. (Fourth floor of the Guardians colony is where you'll find these people.)

Sorry for the rant, but that's all the info I've gathered on PSU for people who might be interested.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I swear to god there's no one in the entire fucking world that I know that has a goddamn Playstation 3.

I realize they're 600 dollars! Shut the fuck up and buy one!
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

They're not 600 anymore, they just suck ololol

Up until now, you could get DLC for Fallout 3 on any system is was on except the PS3, making it obsolete and gay. Now Bethesda is being lame and letting PS3fags download content.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Damn my bad video card. DAMN IT ALL TO HELLLLLL!!!!

/straitens tie

Ah hem....

it seems I cannot go to TF2 as I planned. Everytime I started loading the map, I got bluescreened.

I did all I could!


anyway, as for current online games...

Perfect World
Second Life
Warcraft 3
Unreal Tournament
Dungeon Runner
Manga Fighter
Dawn of War (Up to Dark Crusade)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I got TF2 a few days ago. I'm already in the ULMF group and added a few people. Main class is Scout.