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  1. M

    We're building game and would like to ask for references...

    Hi guys! I just found out that this is the biggest place to talk about Hentai games related, and would like to ask you guys for any references or any recommends. I personally enjoy playing hentai games (not that many like I've seen you guys talking about!). The thing is, I (and the team) we are...
  2. X

    The Stop of the World ~時よ止まれ、お前は美しい~

    Sorry it's my first time to write a thread so don't expect much ._. Do anyone here have an English Patch Data for this game ? The Stop of the World ~時よ止まれ、お前は美しい~ I tried to see older thread, but all the link there already dead, so I don't know what should I do ==', Sorry for troubling you...
  3. RealKorra

    Ask Korra a Question!

    i figured it was time that i make a post to answer your questions! feel free to ask any question you want to ask me. you never know what my answer is gonna be. but it'll be good answer from me.