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  1. AshPrince

    Superhero PbP v2a

    So I still think I'd be neat to have a DG-style Superhero PbP Role Playing Game. But! This time I've decided to just steal from Mutants & Masterminds +Dark Gate rather than try and do work. So; I ask if you're interested? This is what the character sheet will look like More or less...
  2. TentanariX

    Lightning Warrior Raidy PBP

    THis will be run more akin to Colony or DG rather then a whole blown RP. It is going to be a dungeon crawl sort of game. I think Phoenix has gone poof as we havent seen him on or around the forum much at all for a good time. I think, if I'm not mistaken it was run with either d20 or d6 dice...
  3. Twisted1

    Alduris: The Unveiling

    New material mentioned in posts will be highlighted until the next time when new things are added. How the game works: (Non-combat scenes are pretty straightforward, I think, but feel free to ask any questions you have.) Combat System List of actions available in combat: Heavy Attack - 6 AP...
  4. the_taken

    Interest and OCC Thread

    Got a question? Comment? Death threat? Don't clog up a game thread. Post it here or drop me a PM based on your relative shyness.