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  1. Seryuu

    VN/TEXT Localization Guro [Black Cyc / JAST USA] SaDistic BlooD

    Link to source of information: Buy at JAST USA VNDB Description of Gameplay: Visual Novel ADV, read through the story and select all choices to unlock the H scenes. The endings depend on how much blood each vampire drinks. Controls: Common point and click Visual Novel controls. Description...
  2. G

    [RenPy]My Strange Sister 1.0

    "My Strange Sis" final version This is story about a guy who ran away from his family in order to study in a different city. However, the real reason he ran away from home is that he was fleeing his sister, for whom he has carnal feelings. While it may seem like this is just another B/S...
  3. Sinfulwolf

    Beautiful Desecration

    Just a quick oneshot I felt the inspiration for. Beautiful Desecration The moon was full tonight, it’s light illuminating the world beneath, though the village on the coast still had torches out. The flames flickered in the night around the edges, hoping to hold the evil spirits of the...
  4. Sinfulwolf

    Distorted Fire

    An experiment more than anything else. More may come of it, but no promises. Please leave comments here in case I do add more to this cyberpunkish tale. Distorted Fire 01 June 3rd, 2032 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Looking down at the city passing beneath her, feet dangling out into the open...
  5. Sinfulwolf

    Temptation Night

    Carley glanced down at the dashboard, checking once again that she had over a half tank of gas. The client, a Ms. Holding, had been insistent on her coming all the way out here to sign the papers now sitting in the passenger seat, nestled beneath the laptop that held the rest of the information...
  6. Sinfulwolf

    Secrets Under Sun

    The following is a quick one shot piece I did for a contest. The contest itself was rather open. Write two stories, both of them linked together in some fashion, but the first one could be only 20 words. I decided to do my pieces as a lead up into my War of the Damned story. I ended up winning...
  7. dmronny

    The Long Nights (vampire: the masquerade fiction)

    So the other day I randomly got the urge to try writing a story, something I've never done except for grade school assignments. Too many influences on the story to name, but it's mainly based in the World of Darkness. Specifically vampire: the masquerade though some of the other creatures will...
  8. Sinfulwolf

    War of the Damned

    This is a prequel of sorts to that other vampire story I had, Blood of the Damned. I'm having more fun with this one, and its much more vampire centric. Hope you all enjoy. For those wishing to comment my old 'Tales from Sin' thread: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=286 War of the...
  9. Sinfulwolf

    Blood of the Damned

    So shortly after Twilight became a huge phenomenon I had this urge to write something where vampires weren't... well everything that's wrong with them in that series. As I started getting into it, I actually fell into a fascination with these undead creatures. The result is this little tale I've...