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A Meeting of Evil (Event)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Event: A Meeting of Evil

(I wrote this while resting in my hotel.)

Due to recent events, a meeting was called within Hell. Even greater demons trembled as the strongest figures of Hell assembled all to one location. They need not arrange for privacy, as any demons lesser than they fled from the terrible forces gathering all in one location. None dare intrude on such a frightening meeting of the most powerful creatures of the wicked lands. Despite the lack of need for any privacy, however, such arrangements were prepared so that those attending the meeting would be comfortable. Purple leather, made from the flesh of the corrupted tentacles in the Forest of Descent, was what lined the seating and back of the eight chairs. The leather was filled with enchanted organs to give the seating the quite grim appeal of feeling as if you were using a corpse as a seat. Such did not irk nor bother their kind, who delighted in such things that would disturb most human beings. The chairs themselves were centered all around what was nothing more than a simple table in the shape of the occult symbol, the favored symbol of Baphomet, the great beast of Hell, who was sent an invitation as well to attend the meeting.

It was there that the Cardinal Sins attended, with Baphomet following shortly after. All but one of the Seven Deadly Sins showed their wretched and cursed faces, and Avarice was the first to comment on her lack of appearance after they had all arrived and seated themselves around the pentagram. "I never bet without knowing that I will win the argument, and Envy's disappearance was something that I easily forsaw when she was sent on her mission." said the demon of greed, as she leaned onto the table with her elbows, folding her fingers between each other while her eyes looked at the others, as if constantly adjusting for the worth of those around her. In her eyes, all of the demons around her carried price tags, and nothing more. Even now, she plotted and thought of possible ways to use them for currency. None of the demons at the table considered one another an ally, nor would they likely ever do so, so long as they were bound by their sin.

In response to Avarice's comment, a rather lewd giggle resonated through the evil chamber. With a constant blush on her face, and sexual allure ever present, Jezebel, the cardinal sin of lust, gave her laugh towards the money hungry demon. "It was a good bet, indeed~" the demon replied with a pleased voice that was filled with enough sexuality to make even the powerful demons around her feel excited. "You even discovered one of the souls who carry Fate's fragment, a cute little boy named Grave Cynder." The sin moaned and put a finger to her lips, before moving that finger down along her purple flesh. Her finger trailed between her supple and plush breasts, before trailing down below to play with her ever lustful womanhood. "He's a deliciously arrogant little boy~" she giggled. "I love to break boys like him, but such is not the only treat I enjoy. Was this meeting not about the recent appearances of many fragments of Fate?" she inquired, reaching her hands out to seek answers from the others.

"Yes," Pride answered Jezebel, who sat proudly across from her. Pride never appeared without her arrogant aura. In every motion she made, and with every stance, she appeared as if she thought herself better than all those who surrounded her. At the mention of Grave Cynder, who she had heard to be arrogant, a term associated with herself, Pride had taken an interest in crushing his resolve as well. That is, until she found more fragments like him. "By happenstance, I felt the presence of another fragment near a town I had captured from Pandora. What was interesting was how it managed to avoid me. The presence vanished the moment I began my assault. One can assume that this fragment is cowardly and weak." she said with an angry huff. A being powerful enough to house a fragmant, and yet running away from a Cardinal Sin was something that Pride viewed as disgraceful.

"Or... Maybe... They are... Just... Tactical..." replied Sloth, who was leaning forward on the table as if trying to sleep. Her voice carried out weakly, as if such was what she were doing. The demon herself showed absolutely no signs of energy, as if she were wasting away. However, her presence was of a power that was only outmatched by one other at the table, so despite how pathetic she looked, everyone showed her no disrespect. Sloth was a force that could be as equally feared as any other. She was merely bound by her sin, and nothing more.

"Not just those two, oh-no-no~" Baphomet spoke up, waving a single claw back and forth to discourage the others. "I've already met with three other chosen... And captured one of them as well, A fool who wanted to go to Heaven. There's even reports brought to me that there are even more that none of us have seen yet, still appearing. One reported meeting with Cynthia the Tengu, who arrived on shore along with another near the amazon. One with an odd group in the slime fields, and a rather powerful and unique fragment who recently left Undine's temple... A diamond slime." Baphomet announced the identity, and it had great impact on the others, who all looked at each other and spoke without words as to what that meant. "Long story short... Our prey had begun to move, and it's time we snatched them up before someone else does." With that announcement, the demon picked up her long scythe, and her eyes glowed red with bloodlust. "I will claim the slime-" she announced, but was immediately cut off.

Her hands slammed on the table in an absolute fury. Her sudden motion caused even those almighty demons to quiver in the wake of her power, even Baphomet, who was silenced by the savage demon. "THE STRONGEST IS MINE!" she screamed with no room for argument. The moment after it was clear that she would be given what she wished, in the form of silence from the others, Wrath, the Sin of Total Destruction, laughed with grim glee. "Do not touch her... Do not dare steal Kala away from me... I want to eat her diamond heart." the demon said with a sick grin.

The tension was broken from a loud burp that echoed through the chamber. Gluttony sat in the biggest chair, allowing the giant woman to attend the meeting without crushing the normal sized chairs available. "Kala sounds delicious... But too spicy," she groaned with complaint, leaving Wrath to have her wish with the diamond slime Kala. "I want Glenn... I heard he looked simple and easy to swallow, very easy to eat... He-he-he~" Gluttony laughed deeply while leaning back in her chair and rubbing her belly.

"Ladies, let us not get ahead of ourselves," advised Avarice, who took to trying to lead the instinctual monsters on a more tactical path. "As of yet, Baphomet still lacks the power to allow us into their world. Due to recent developments, and the rise of the fragments, the plans to have her obtain the required power is no longer an option." she said simply. "Surely, Cynthia will direct them to Baphomet, and the portal will be destroyed. Instead, we must focus our efforts into making them come to us."

All of the demons didn't look pleased that they couldn't invade the neutral lands. However, Avarice's idea brought forth skepticism and excitement. They all said nothing, before Avarice announced their names. "Kala, Demeter, Aiden, Glenn, and Grave. These are the fragments I have discovered so far. Demeter was a tough one to find, but I was surprised to find witches, a sahuagin, and a human in an elf's company. Once captured, it was easy to make one of the little witches squeal out the answers I desired. Due to your experience with her, as limited as it was, I will leave her to you," she said to Pride. "Kala will come to you, Wrath, I am sure of that much. Not immediately, but she will make her way to you, so long as you follow orders." Avarice's words seemed to bring some direction and control to the savage monster, who looked trusting in Avarice's promise. "Jezebel, you shall monitor Grave... Gluttony shall play with Glenn... And I shall research the one named Aiden a little more."

"Our time is coming soon. Have a little patience, and the fragments of Fate will be in our hands."
Re: A Meeting of Evil (Event)

Protecting this thread by posting in it. Original idea, do not steal.