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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 65, PP = 42, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Uhhh.... Jezebel? No, no I don't think I know anyone by that name.... We're a scholarly organization, not a militant order! I'm not... Really sure how much help we could be really, we certainly weren't of much use when those things attacked... Though, I guess our suits were kind of useful against the slime that many of the creatures seem to exude. Aaanyway, I guess it's no surprise if Hafstead only has the one alchemist, it's a pretty small place. You can ask the others to go and help, but I'm not really sure what they'll say about it, that's a long walk!"

The figure seemed at once both flustered and relaxed, and after messing around with the concoction they'd been working on for a moment they lifted their mask slightly - exposing a slightly pale but finely sculpted chin - and taking a small swig of the thick brown fluid from a ladle. "Mmmm.... Needs more salt next time," they said in a decidedly feminine voice before pouring some of it into a bowl, revealing it to be a small portion of some sort of stew. "Hold on, lemme just change out of this, I'll show you around a bit," they said, and then walked over to the side of the room and pulled off their hood and mask, hanging both up.

A short bob of bright pink hair, obviously dyed given the brown roots, was swung loose. Then she unzipped her outfit from behind, revealing that she didn't have a whole lot on underneath it. In fact, as she slid the outfit down to let it pool on the floor, she ended up being naked beneath it save for a pair of tight, lacy black panties that left very little to the imagination... And as lithe as the figure was, her widened hips and shapely backside certainly drew the eye. Arthur blushed and stammered, unsure if he ought to look away, while Clarissa whistled suggestively and made no effort to make it seem like she was looking anywhere but at the alchemist's bottom. "Like what you see?" the alchemist asked playfully, wiggling her rump, before bending over to hang up her outfit and hanging it up. "Definitely~" Clarissa replied. The girl grabbed a white coat and put it on, though it didn't quite go down far enough to stop a hint of her shapely posterior from showing at the bottom edge of it.

"I'm Himi by the way! Lemme just grab my lunch and I'll show you around," she said, not bothering to close her coat and thus showing off some very minor cleavage as she walked over, picked up her soup bowl and a spoon, and then led them out of the lab she'd been working in. "Mmm, come on, I think most of the others are over in the lab!" she said as she headed for the door, leading them out and ultimately down the hall, to the left, up some stairs, back down a different hall in the opposite direction, and then on the left on the far end of the building. She ate soup the entire time. There were six others there, all in the same outfit that Himi had been wearing but sans the masks and hoods.

Four humans there were, all of amazonian complexion and of varying ages and sexes, as well as two night elves, both women and older. The closest to the door was an old man with a serious face, covered in wrinkles that seemed to crinkle intensely as he turned a disapproving scowl on Himi, whose hair had seemingly long turned a snowy white and receded from the top of his head. Beside him, at the same desk where they were seemingly grinding up some wasps, was a woman with lustrous black hair and dazzling brown eyes that was framed by an exceptionally pretty face. She smiled crookedly at Himi, eyes sweeping down over the half naked woman and then giving an overdone roll. The next two, an elf and a human man, were both short and had short dark hair, but seemed fairly neutral expressions regarding Himi, their flat looks suggesting that it wasn't much of a surprise, and the human man didn't even look their way for long before returning to their work at a desk slowly mixing something in a big pot. On the next table over was the other night elf, looking more mature than the first and with much longer blue hair, who smirked at Himi before looking curiously at Ione, and beside her was a younger looking human man with a paler complexion than the others.

"Hey everybody!" Himi said, "we've got visitors!" She gestured, once more letting Ione introduce them and explain their purpose here, as Arthur was still flustered and Clarissa was still staring at her butt.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"I see..." Ione said, a small sigh escaping from her. She figured they might not have anything to spare really, considering how the the sentries at the entrance to town had reacted. It still left her feeling sad to hear it though. And to hear that she didn't happen to know of Jezebel either. She was hoping the night elf's self described nature as having many friends might have extended to outside of Hafstead. With the recent occurrence that reputation certainly was devalued, grim a thought as it was. Hell for all the alraune knew she and Mandra might be the last two friends she had now. She rather wished not to dwell on such thinking, lest it infect all of her own.

She quirked an eyebrow up at the feminine voice that escaped from underneath the mask, and when asked to wait she stood idle with the others as the woman put away her equipment. The pink hair, dyed as it happened to be, was a pleasant surprise for the plant girl. As was her lithe form and curvy bottom, the ample hips giving her quite a lot to take in eyefuls of. Her companions were obviously just as pleased with the sight from their reactions. Ione almost swore Arthur light on fire from how red he was getting. And Clarissa aired her own thoughts about how nice of a butt the alchemist had with no reservation. When the woman matched Clarissa, the alraune chuckled her cheeky behavior and shaking rump that was just asking for trouble.

Sadly her coat put an end to the shapely display, and once she had gathered the lunch she had apparently been cooking when they had wandered in Ione followed behind with the others in tow. Crossing through a number of halls as they traveled to this lab where the rest of the alchemists were currently gathered. The building was much of the same stained brick as far as the plant girl could tell, occasionally lit up by the light of windows more or less the same. It was a large building inside that was very apparent, and though Himi didn't say very much about here or there on account of stuffing her face full of soup Ione got the impression that it could easily be a packed place under other circumstances.

Arriving at this lab Ione regard each of the people there in turn, flicking her gaze among them before flicking to Himi and back to them once more. "Greetings, I hope we're not bothering you with our being here... we just got into town after arriving from Hafstead. As you might imagine we don't really have good news." She broke to them while rolling her own eyes at Arthur and Clarissa when she noticed they were still out of it from Kimi's butt. "We've come to invest in some ingredients and potions if you have any to spare. For ourselves or for Hafstead's sake. The town was nary 20-ish blooms or so when we left it, without even a guard to speak of save some rather noble soldiers. And another who was not as much..." She commented under her breath briefly before continuing. "Jezebel spoke of this guild before we left. Please, if there is anything you can spare for us, let alone something for Hafstead it would be a welcome sort of good news for once. I hate to think it, but if Hafstead was attacked, and Candria was attacked... I fear the news that comes from that Celesis place..."
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 65, PP = 42, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Hafstead? Jezebel's town?" the oldest looking man interrupted when Ione dropped the name of the village, "did they get attacked by those... Things too?" After Ione explained what she'd intended to, the man sighed and shook his head. "Well... At least she's alright. I'm Sokdae... I'm afraid we don't have much to offer in the way of help. We lost more than half of our staff when those monsters showed up, and after the last few days worth of experiments and making a few things to help the city guard a lot of our stocks are low. We've had no news from Celesis either, so I fear you might be right about what's going on there."

One of the night elves, the more mature looking one with longer hair, suddenly said; "Actually... You two could help us with the latter issue, if you're willing!" She looked to Ione and Clarissa, leaving the demoness surprised... And for some reason Himi started giggling.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"Oh?" The alraune breathed with a sound, turning her gaze over to the mature night elf from Sokdae's after giving Clarissa a quick glance. "If your stocks are as low as you say we wouldn't wish to burden you or this town. I mean, if it's too straining to spare. We're certainly willing to help work out something for help though if you have any ideas, uh... right sweet Clarissa?" She asked of the Demoness, looking to her with expectant eyes before raising one of them at the giggling Himi briefly. Uncertain as to what the Night elf had on her mind. If Himi's giggling was any indication, with what her first impressions have told her, it probably was something the older alchemist might disapprove of. The plant girl didn't know if that was going to be a bad thing or a potentially really gooood thing. She certainly hoped the later.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 65, PP = 42, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Sure," Clarissa said, to which the night elf grinned, Himi giggled a little louder, and Sokdae sighed. "Excellent! Himi, why don't you come and give us a hand? It's right this way," she said, before she and Himi started leading them out of the room. "Wait... What... Where are you going?" Arthur asked, flabbergasted and briefly moving to follow them before Himi held up a hand in front of his face. "No worries, but you stay here! We wouldn't want anyone getting embarrassed~" she said, leaving Arthur stunned and confused before Ione and Clarissa were led out of the room by the two alchemists.

They were led back through the dingy, smelly corridors of the alchemist guild's hallway, but once the foursome were out of the main room - leaving Arthur behind - the sway in both women's hips took a noticeable increase. Himi slowly lifted the lip of her coat too, exposing her underwear and the pleasantly rounded ass that it had briefly hidden from view. It was almost hypnotic in the way that it bounced back and forth, her steps causing tiny ripples to pulse through the soft flesh that she seemed so eager to put on display. The night elf seemed to have plenty of meat on her as well, enough that the thick rubbery substance of her outfit stretched at the apex of each swaying step.

Fortunately or unfortunately, they only had to follow the two for a few minutes before entering a different lab, and with a quick spin the elven woman leaned against a counter. "So.... I'll be your doctor today~ Doctor Tariyos... And while Himi gets things ready for me I'll explain what we'll be doing today!" she said, grinning while slowing drawing down the zipper of her coat. Himi strolled over to a dressed and slowly bent over, once more exposing her plump rear while she dug around and starting putting a few pieces on a desk. Tariyos seemed just as comfortable partially exposing herself as her companion, the slow descent of that zipper exposing first some very impressive cleavage before descending all the way down past her belly button.

"As you can imagine, we've been trying to find ways to deal with those.... Creatures that attacked us," she began, "and what Himi and I are concentrating on is a way to neutralize their advantages. Specifically we're looking for a way to make it so that their slime isn't so... Debilitating. We managed to find a way to make out suits proof against it, at least until they start worming their way underneath, but unfortunately we've run out of samples. Luckily there are a few substances around that have similar effects on our bodies... Like the pollen and syrup that your kin produce," she nodded at Ione, "and we know that demon cum can have a similar effect. We'd like to... Take some samples~"

She patted a machine sitting next to her, one with a half dozen holes in the top, a section that was completely opaque, followed by an empty tank. Himi came up and set down a handful of objects, including a few rubbery looking rings and a pair of odd looking tubes with smaller tanks on the ends. "If you like we could provide some eye candy," she purred, and Himi leaned over, exposing her panties once more, and kissed the side of the doctor's breast slowly, prompting the night elf to let out a soft moan. "Or we could... Help you directly~"

Clarissa had watched and listened without interrupting, but after the lewd display from the pair she chuckled and said; "So... What ~exactly~ do you have in mind, hrm?" It was Himi who answered, following a soft giggle and another brief kiss against the side of doctor Tariyos' breast; "We wanna milk you both dry... Every drop of cum you've got and all of your pollen too! Please?" The demoness sighed and looked at Ione, but was already reaching for the straps to her top. "Well... She did say please. What shall we do, my pretty flower, if not... Give them exactly what they want?"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione giggled lightly at Arthur's expense, waving at the man with assurance. "See you in a bit~. Be sure to mingle won't you? Learn a few things." She cooed out, following the two alchemists out along with sweet Clarissa to wherever they would be going. Another set of dingy hallways greeted them as they left the lab, the same dirty smell coming from them as seemed to permeate the whole place. If it weren't for the two sets of nice swaying hips presented in front of both her and Clarissa she might have been overwhelmed. As it were she found the two women's shapeliness much more so, especially when Himi lifted her hem, letting her round booty share nice ripples for the alraune's eyes to see.

That wasn't to say that the Night Elf's body wasn't nice as well however. Even through the suit she wore enough of it was filled out to let Ione's mind run with imaginative thoughts at what lay beneath. Teases of nice blue flesh appearing in her thoughts, and ponderings of how nice it could feel to smooth against it. She sighed quietly at the thought, and then glanced at Clarrisa only to see her similarly fixated on the sight just as she had been. A smile tugging on her face. The lovely parade lasted only a few minutes before their destination was reached. Another lab by the looks of things, albeit perhaps a deal smaller than the one they had just left from.

The elven woman's antics garnered the plant girl's attention, as did her unzipping of her top and Himi's exposing lean while she fetched things, and when she explained how they wanted to 'take some samples' from Clarissa and her, Ione's tint grew a few shades brighter. As did her smile a few heights bigger. "What a noble cause you have! I've the fortunate luck to say I know how uneasy some of those thing's touches can be. Fortunate only that it helped dull pain in the process but still not something I'd recommend." She stated, watching with interest at the lewd display the both of them put on from behind her helmet. Already feeling her toes curling slightly underneath her.

Regarding Clarissa she glanced at her a moment, before giving Himi and Tariyos a long look before glancing at the strange machine next to them, her smile lessening only slightly. Compared to the sulty sight, the strange thing was much less appealing a partner, if that was even what the two were expecting out of her. "I say if they want to milk us dry then we're gonna need some... personal attention. It just won't do otherwise you know?" She commented to Clarissa, slipping of her helmet and exposing her own pink hair to it's fullest, before setting it down and working on her armor straps. Unfastening them before gathering them up with a spare tendril and setting them aside as well, joining Clarissa by baring it all in front of their two hosts.

She giggled and wrapped herself around the demoness, sliding herself into a pleasant hold with her while staring straight into her eyes. Warmth spreading through her as she delighted herself in being so close to her in that moment, her blood rushing as a result. "You take... Himi?" She quirked knowingly at the demoness. "I mean... get serviced by Himi. And I shall be serviced by the good Doctor here. Which shall be a good thing. I seem to be coming down with quite the fever!" A fake palm of drama raised against the alraune's face as she said this, before looking at the Night Elf and sticking a tongue and smile at her. Giving her eyes that screamed come hither as she parted from Clarissa with unconscious reluctance.

Sashaying her own hips as she approached the night elf, Ione stopped to give her an exaggerated stretch and twirl of her hair before presenting herself proper, smiling at Tariyos and helping the top of her coat to dangle off her shoulders and get a first feel of her flesh with her fingertips. "So what do you want first? You're a bit lucky, I've not needed to spray pollen for awhile now. Heresy, I know. But for a special occasion I can make an exception..." She grinned widely, her tendrils coming out to curl without grabbing around the night elf's legs, and brushing against Himi and Clarissa as well. "We should probably do it now in all honestly. Unless you'd like to live a little dangerously?" She asked, pushing more of Tariyo's coat off of her and moving herself closer, as she all but made to wrap herself around the girl, waiting with far more patience than what one might expect of her, anxious to taste the night elf's lips on her own, and her cascading touch.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 65, PP = 42, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Oh most definitely," Clarissa agreed wryly to Ione's suggestion, "how else will we be able to... Give our all?" Clarissa was generally not thoroughly covered, and what little clothing she had was on the floor within a matter of seconds, leaving the demon's statuesque figure fully exposed for the room's viewing pleasure. She met Ione halfway once the alraune was equally nude and moved to embrace her, coiling arms around her lower back and settling her hands just below Ione's hips while their breasts pressed together.

"Mmmmm, I won't argue with that arrangement~" she purred into Ione's ear as the alraune divied out their partners, "though maybe we can sample each other's... Assistant... At some point~" As Ione tried to pull away, however, she would find Clarissa holding her just a little bit longer, the demoness clutching to Ione and leaning in to nip her once lightly on the neck before whispering in a sensual purr into her ear; "And when we're done with them... It's your turn~" The golden skinned alraune would feel something long, thick, and hard resting against her belly for that final embrace, but even as Clarissa offered one final nip on the tip of her pointed ear she felt the demon's shaft split, leaving her sporting a pair of impressively sized members as she strutted over to a quite thoroughly hypnotized Himi.

Doctor Tariyos seemed no less pleased to watch Ione give her dramatic stretch in the meantime, and while the demoness and her human "helper" wandered off to the side a bit she let Ione stroll up and slide the edges of her suit a little further down her shoulders. She let out a light gasp as it slid across the tips of her breasts, only revealing the edges of her areolas for now but promising to bare all if Ione tugged just a little bit more. "Oh my... So you'll give me quite a sample then I hope?" the night elf said with playful authority, her palms sliding delicately up Ione's sides.

While her tendrils spread out, sliding both over Tariyos and over to Himi and Clarissa as they embraced, her appendages would find the pair already quite entangled with each other. They were most thoroughly entangled at the lips, Himi mewling with pleasure and Clarissa growling while stripping off the woman's coat. Her perky, modest breasts spilled free, and Clarissa palmed one of them immediately and began to massage it roughly while her other hand started dragging Himi's panties down. With her own hands free, the human went to work daintily stroking the demon's twin cocks, her hands running softly over the two pulsating fleshy rods in a manner that had Clarissa pulsing with arousal. Just as she was aiming one of her cocks towards the human's soaking flower while the other pressed into the small triangle of trimmed hair sitting over it, however, Himi pushed Clarissa back.

Clarissa seemed surprised, but only for a moment as Himi slipped off the table she'd been sitting on and dropped to her knees on the floor. "Time to start collecting some samples~" she purred, and then lifted her head to start lapping at the twin shafts one at a time while grabbing for the devices she'd left on the table. One was a thick transparent tube that was open on one end attached to a device, as well as another larger transparent tube, and the other was similar but larger and with a much larger tank on the bottom. The larger went on the lower of Clarissa's two shafts, covering it completely and causing the demoness to gasp in surprise as it began to buzz softly. "Lets see if you can fill that one up~" she cooed as she applied the other, but only partially. The fore half of Clarissa's shaft was covered, leaving the bottom half bare, and Himi grinned and began to jerk the demon's rod, "once that tank is full... I'll make sure you're empty with my special tank!"

Tariyos, in the meantime, giggled and then moaned as her coat was pulled aside a little more, just enough to leave her large breasts spilling out for Ione's viewing - and tactile - pleasure. She stroked up Ione's side and cupped one of the alraune's breasts lightly from below, her smile wider than ever, and purred; "Well, if you could give me... A little sample... Just to test the quality of course! We need to know your pollen is still... Potent... After being dormant so long~" Her legs were already parting as Ione's tendrils brushed across them, but the alraune would have to peal off the rest of her suit if she wanted to get to the grand prize lying between them, at least without worrying about the zipper running down the center. It was all one piece, but it seemed easy enough pull away with a bit of dedicated effort, and she already had the soft mounds of the elven doctor's full bosom and their crinkled, hardened tips to play with.

"Either way, we'll still need to harvest lots of your seed~" she continued, "but your kin can certainly provide plenty, no? There are... A few containers I'm sure you wouldn't mind filling~ In addition to the one we'll be taking your sample in of course!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Coos are what rewarded the demoness when she imparted herself upon the alraune's neck, nibbling it lightly as she clutched Ione close and refused to let her part so easily. The purring into her ear exciting her as did Clarissa's suggestion. It was the sudden thickness pressing against her stomach that caught her attention the most, as she felt it grow and settle itself against her. She embraced Clarissa eagerly then, grinding herself against that pleasant surprise just ever so. Her lips passing a breath when the demoness took a nip from her pointed ear, and then an intake of breath as a gasp when she felt only briefly that length become two impressive copies of itself smooshed up against her belly before she would part towards Himi and hypnotize her from the sight of them.

"Mmhmm~" Ione answered in the affirmative to Tariyos. There certainly were a number of containers she wouldn't mind filling in the room! The night elf and her assistant chief among them. With that display by Clarissa and Himi, along with her earlier embrace the alraune had trouble not imagining her own self in a filling role as well. Thoughts of that suggestion and where those twin pricks could land themselves tickling bubbles in her mind. She almost wanted to skip straight to it but the allure of the night elf and her assistant was far to strong to say no to. Especially not now that she was half undressed and within the alraune's grasp.

She thought better than to simply skunk herself out in the room. While it might have made for a hilarious scene, everyone convulsing from the overwhelming urge of pleasure to pleasure, she was almost certain there would be far too much of a mess. "This will work for pollen too?" The alraune asked, reaching out one of her tendrils around one of the devices and bringing it forward, before she let another tendril set itself up threading it through the open end of the machine's tube. She fiddled with positioning it until that tendril was completely in and sealed. And assuming that the machine was turned on Ione would twist her lips at the strange sensation at first, before letting herself relax as the let the reflex to shoot her pollen take it's course through that one tendril.

Now Ione didn't know how it felt for other alraune, having her own experience to draw from, but shooting pollen was almost like a kind of orgasm in itself. Fun, but nearly as satisfying as pumping someone full of that thick blue cum could be. It didn't stop her from sighing in pleasure as the tube quickly filled with a golden mist. Nor did it stop her from letting her hands wander towards the last little stitching of Tariyo's clothing, one hand working to finish the zipper's trail and the other to gently pull the clothing apart as it did so. That one hand high and tugging on the part beneath the night elf's breast, occasionally reaching up and smoothing down and across her tips before they did so.

"One tube of pollen for you doctor!" The alraune answered sweetly, helping the woman secure it and remove her tendril from it if that was necessary. A small dusting of pollen still clung to the end of her tendril, and seeing this Ione lifted the thing up to Tariyo's eye level with a grin. "You did say you wanted a sample... care for a deep breath?" She asked before pressing the tendril up to the Night Elf's nose and letting the little leftover flakes drift in. It wouldn't be enough to make her go crazy but if she wasn't already eager she would be now. Ione would capture Tariyo's reaction quickly with a kiss, slinking an arm around her neck as she caressed her lips with the night elf's own.

Her tendrils would finish the job of removing Tariyo's clothing where her hands had left off. Only the last little rung kept the thing together, the zipper barely closed save for one little piece. With every one of her tendrils now slipping and pressing onto a part of the suit, some hooking around into it, she'd will the thing to fall off and reveal Tariyo's body in full display. "Such a beautiful color for a bloom. I do say purple is becoming quite a favored color of mine these days." She giggled as she parted her lips from Tariyos and eyed her body from an embrace of stretched arm length distance. Pointing her tendrils solely on the night elf now, all hovering dangerously except for one that had poked out from her groin and twitched in mimicry.

"I'm guessing you want me to use this machine first huh?" She asked sounding a little disappointed, pulling on the one machine that had a half dozen holes at the top, clearly meant to be filled from many sources somehow. So she began to fill them with her tendrils, save the crotch one, slipping them into the holes as Tariyos would direct her to. And when they were sealed in however they were supposed to, Ione would gasp lightly as the machine came on with a buzz of it's own. Her own appendages being suckled by the device, leaving her feeling amazed and uneasy at the artificially made feeling from them. Her eagerness slightly twisted with a look of uncertainty even as the unmistakable pulse of pleasure began to take hold. Spreading out from the tips of her tendrils and making their way back and up her body.

The vibration slowly did have the effect it was aiming for, and as her senses dipped into excitement the plant girl's breathing quickened, as did her the pressure she felt deepen within her. She moaned silently with the night elf in clutch, her groin tendril bumping with it's own rhythm as she explored the night elf's body. A very real desire to do as Clarissa had tried but been denied by Himi; to settle herself upon Tariyos and sample her depths. To this she teased at the night elf, bringing the tip of her shaft near her, letting it glance ever so slightly before pulling off. Then lowering her head from the woman's face, gripping one of her breasts while she brought her lips to the other, suckling and kissing it while letting her hand dip low and jerk her own plant cock with ever growing need.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Tassadar said:
Ione: HP = 65, PP = 42, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Clarissa: HP = 72, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Arthur: HP = 51, PP = 66, EP = 67, Status = Fine
Sivi: HP = 35, PP = 50, EP = 55, Status = Fine

"Yes," the elf confirmed as Ione asked whether the machine could be used to collect her pollen sample, "just fill one of the smaller ones~" The device was rather simple, a tube that any of her vines could easily slip into with only a little wiggling and a firm push. It wasn't active yet, and Tariyos would grasp the tendril that she pushed toward it and guide it into one of the secondary tubes, two of which connected to smaller secondary containers rather than the main reservoir.

Then she hit a switch, and the soft lining of the hole that Ione had slipped her tendril into expanded to form a tight but soft seal around her appendage. Then it began to vibrate softly, encouraging her to empty herself, though the tube she had pushed her tendril into wasn't for the fluid that she was to use to fill the main reservoir. The burst of pollen puffed out, exploding into the glass tube but quickly settling into a gleaming golden mass, and Ione found that it was easy enough to pull her appendage free and offer it to the elven doctor. It was hard to tell if she inhaled reflexively or on purpose, but one deep breath later had her eyes going wide, her pupils dilating as her already clearly aroused form seemed to briefly surge with need.

What little her tight clothing concealed was soon fully revealed as Ione insistently pulled them away, and if she persisted Tariyos would deliberately twist and squirm, at once making it harder and easier to strip away her garments entirely. As she reacted to the influx of pollen, however, and Ione took the opportunity to capture her surge of lust in a kiss that prompted the elven scientist to send her tongue swirling into the lewd dance that Ione had initiated. In the process her tendrils finished what her hands had started, pulling her suit away to reveal full curves, a hairless pussy already damp with need, and a tattoo resembling a detailed rose vine in emerald and ruby running around her hips, lower back, and down her outer thighs. She moaned as her outfit hit the floor, grasping Ione by the shoulders and tugging her in closer.

The golden skinned alraune would be released to deliver her appraisal of the elf's bare form, however, and when she did Tariyos groaned aloud and shuddered against her as she was surrounded not only by the alraune's normal tendrils but a particular one that pressed insistently against her taught stomach... Though how long her belly would remain flat could likely be measured in hours given her present circumstances. As Ione lamented her need to fill the machine first, however, Tariyos grinned and reached down, leaving the alraune the one shivering with pleasure as her fingers offered Ione's shaft a tantalizingly slow stroke, her fingers just barely gliding over Ione's skin.

"Mmmm, yes, those go in the holes there... But wait!" she answered as Ione made to slide her tentacles into the slots in the machine. "They need to be... Lubricated... First~" she purred, grasping one and bringing it to her lips. She gave the plant tendril a languid kiss, right on the tip, and then flicked her tongue across its surface. Then she tilted her head, coming at it from a slightly off angle, and did the same, only this time her tongue rolled out across Ione's sensitive flesh for several seconds that saw the whole thing coated in a thin sheen of elven saliva. Only then would Tariyos aim into one of the softly vibrating slots, which it could fit into with ease.

Each and every tendril received such loving treatment before it could be put to its proper purpose, but not each was tended to in the same way. Some she lapped at like a candy treat, preparing them strip by strip with only her tongue. Some she kissed all over, giving only the occasional teasing lick. The last couple, however, she offered the most enthusiastic preparation, slowly parting her lips and taking them into the warm confines of her mouth, her lips tightening and her cheeks sinking inwards as soon as the tip touched the back of her throat and then pulling back slightly only to descend again, each getting about a dozen bobs all told before they were released from between the elf's lips and allowed to take their place with their siblings. All the while Tariyos was giving Ione's conjured cock those slow, teasing strokes, never maintaining full contact for any one tug but instead making sure to explore the alraune's sensitive rod in a new way with each and every one.

"Oh my..." she purred once the last of Ione's tentacles was safely tucked into the machine, which was slowly but surely tempting her towards orgasm with its soft touch and constant vibrations. "You... Seem to have an extra here~" Suddenly she gripped Ione's cock tightly, her fore and middle finger forming a tight seal with her thumb, and began to give the alraune's shaft quick, steady jerks.

Ione wasn't fully out of control of her own body just yet, however, and so was free to keep Tariyos from doing exactly what she wanted and pointing her conjured member at the elf's folds. It would mean that she didn't need to jerk herself, but as she caressed one breast and suckled on the other the elf leaned back and moaned, eyes closing as she obviously reveled in the pleasurable sensation. Her strokes slowed but did not return to her earlier teasing, her sensitive nips proving quite receptive to any variety of touch.

Clarissa, in the meantime, was having her own fun. The double handjob was obviously nearing its completion, the demoness panting as she prepared to fill the two smaller devices that Himi had affixed to her twin rods with her seed. The kneeling human woman was licking her licks like she expected the substance that was soon to be spilled to be coating her, but even if that fantasy was to be yet unfulfilled she was still quite effectively working to extract the demon's fresh cream. Tariyos, in the meantime, seemed to be waiting no longer, a hand on Ione's hip drawing her in closer as she purred; "Well... That's quite alright~ I can use this to test the sample you give... To ensure its... Potency!" Scooting over to the edge of the counter and wrapping her legs around Ione's sides, it was fairly obvious what she meant, but whether or not Ione would give in to the elf's lusts - and her own - was still entirely up to her, as was the specific how if she didn't desire to pollinate the elven alchemist's needy flower.