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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

After pressing the epilogue, nothing really seems to change, as the party contently sits in the hot spring for a while, chatting and having a good time, happy to be together and sharing this time. The party finishes, leaving, Alyssa staying behind a moment to ponder the future.

The future was filled with many happy days, the group living in their shared house, Jeff finding a job nearby to help cover day to day expenses, leaving the two girls to do what they wished each day, helping them with some of their fun each night. Though it wasn't all about that, there were lots of things to do in town, festivals every so often throughout the year, Alyssa watching as the years passed, filled with such a happy contentment at the state of affairs.

And she laid to bed one evening, next to Mary and Jeff, finding herself wake up back in the egg. A small tear down her cheek the only sign that she had experienced all that.

Good+ End

A small screen gave her a bit of info as the world fully faded. Scenario complete. Game world may be loaded up in the future.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa sat back as she wiped tears of joy from her eyes. Damn it, this game is too good. She sat back in the dark EGG for a moment and collected herself before she opened it and stepped out into the room, with the thought that she should probably limit the amount of time she spent in the EGG; she could easily see getting addicted to it.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa finds herself stepping outside the egg, and looking at the skylight, finds that day is fading. It's probably time to head home for the day, though if she looks around, she sees people still around the building.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa realizes sheepishly that it's been about 3 hours since she'd eaten last, and that she was really quite hungry. Still, she went to try and find one of the game staff, wanting to ask if it would be possible to transfer save files to a personal copy once they came out...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa manages to find Matt when she stops by the cafe, who is able to tell her yes, at least as far as he knew. "Though, I don't think we'll be ready for release for a while yet." he finished, a sort of frown on his face.

"Anyways, any other questions before we close up for the day?" he said.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oh, uh... Not really. Thank you, this has been great Alyssa said, shaking the man's hand a little bit sheepishly and then walking with purpose towards the exit. She decided that it would be best to limit her play-time for a bit, in part to focus on school, and in part because she felt that it would be somehow unwholesome to spend as much time as she was tempted to in a virtual world. Especially a virtual world whose sole purpose seemed to be to get fucked. Still, she knew she would come back to that save file often enough when she wanted to relax, or perhaps just to see Mary and Jeff again...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa returned to her studies, focusing on college and letting her lewd mind return to its normal self as the stress from daily college life set it, though she still kept the happy memories of the time she had, and that was certainly enough for now. Her story told and done.

Well, for now, anyways.

Normal End
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

When the EGG finally came out for personal use, Alyssa eagerly bought one, having been saving her money preemptively for some time to do so. She often came back to her first file, with Mary and Jeff, living out her life with the two of them peacefully in the town. The townspeople eventually accepted the three former adventurers and their... unorthodox living arrangements. Jeff got a steady job, and Mary and Alyssa themselves traded off between a part-time job in Tom's bar and keeping the home, to avoid any monotony there might be in cooking and cleaning. Alyssa came to love it all very much, especially the time she got to spend with Mary and Jeff, and especially their alone time at night... A few years after the end of their journeying, Alyssa became pregnant and bore Jeff a son, who the three of them called James. A year after that, it was Mary's turn to bear Jeff a son, who they called Nicholas. Two years after that she had a daughter, who they named Kathleen. Of course, they also had many, many little tentacle monsters for the mimic...

Raising the children proved to be quite the job for the three of them, but it was surprisingly fun, considering that it was virtually raising children. But there was a great sense of satisfaction in it, especially at the accelerated pace of life in the EGG. They grew up as curious youngsters, wanting to be adventurers just like their parents. And when they asked their parents how they met, they would always get the answer "don't worry about it."

~Good End~