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Another DragonAge PWP, this time F!Queen Cousland


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Miralena wants a baaaaby.

So, if you’ve beaten the game and become queen, then you know the bit of dialogue where Alistair talks about not being able to have children yes? And one of the responses is, “It won’t be for lack of trying?” Well that threw this little pwp into my head.

See? I can write het too. xD prolly not quite as good, but shush. xD)

Miralena hurried down the hall to where her husband was currently “entertaining” the Banns with a meeting about how the darkspawn were still tearing apart the countryside. She seemed a bit flustered. With her hair falling out of place, her dress rather rumpled, and a bright flush to her cheeks, one might have thought she was feverish.

Taking a deep breath once she reached the door, she composed herself and knocked. A moment later the door opened and she swept inside. “Gentlemen, ladies.” She inclined her head at the guests and then turned to Alistair, “Unfortunately Majesty, there is a matter that requires your immediate attention. If you’ll follow me?”

Alistair took in his wife’s appearance with a single glance, and decided that whatever had flustered her this much must be serious. He quirked an apologetic smile at the Banns, and followed her out of the room. “Now, my love, what’s this all about?”

She turned to face him, and her lips parted adorably as she spoke, “I need you.” It was a hissed confession and he was rather startled. When his hesitation proved too much, she grabbed his elbow and pulled him down the hall to their bedroom. Once safely inside she locked the door and advanced on him until the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat heavily.

Alistair was slightly afraid of his Queen at this moment, she’d never been this aggressive before.

Miralena took a deep breath and seemed to calm herself a little. “I just got a letter and a package from Zev.” She grinned, “It seems our friend is the leader of the Crows now, and refuses to take marks on us. But that’s beside the point…” she worried her lower lip in her teeth before speaking again, “I spoke to him about our difficulties in conceiving a child, and he said he would look into it when he returned to Antiva.”

Alistair stared, opened mouthed at her, “I’m glad to hear he’s risen so far in the world, but I can’t believe you…”

She cut him off with a gesture, “A package arrived today with his seal, and a letter.” She pulled the letter out from a pocket somewhere and Alistair could barely contain a grin, his wife was still a rogue to the core. “He tells me that he found a solution to the problem.

‘Dear friends. I have included a package with this letter that may be of some interest to you. You see, since I am insanely rich now I commissioned some mages and herbalists to finding a cure to this Grey Warden fertility problem. After months of work they managed to use a simple compound of aphrodisiacs and infused them with healing magic. They tell me you are supposed to make a small scoop into a cup of tea and drink it, leaves and all. I can only hope it works for you. If it does not work write to me and I will take care of it and find someone else to help. If it does work, I expect to be invited to see the baby.

--- Zev’”

She arched an eyebrow over the parchment at him and waited, the effects of the tea clouding her sea green eyes.

Alistair listened with his brows furrowed in thought. And then understanding dawned on him, “Aphrode…” was all he got out before his wife tossed the paper aside and practically pounced on him.

He returned the kiss enthusiastically, burying his hands into her red hair and loving the feel of her soft curves pressed against him. She writhed against him with the same intensity she had after he and Morrigan… No. He pushed the thought of the witch from his mind and focused on his happily ever after, the woman currently on top of him.

He rolled them over onto their sides and began to undress her, cursing when he started fumbling with the buttons. She laughed at him and pulled a small dagger from her bodice and handed it to him with a small smile.

He stared at the small weapon in his hand before shrugging and slicing through the seams. If his wife was in such a hurry that she didn’t care about destroying one of her dresses, then that was fine by him. As he watched the purple satin peel away to reveal inch after inch of his wife’s creamy pale skin he thanked the Maker yet again for giving him this gift.

Miralena buried her slightly upturned nose into his shoulder and inhaled the glorious scent of her husband and moaned as the feeling of his hands on her added fuel to her already burning fire. She neatly divested him of his clothes at the same time, eager to feel him inside her.

She shuffled around on the bed, finally pulling him on top of her and cupping his erection with her delicate hands. She grinned at his sharp intake of breath and then her eyes fluttered closed when she felt his hands teasing her, driving her wild.

Alistair shuffled to a good position and when he saw his wife’s eyes flutter shut, he lowered his head and started teasing her breasts. He’d gotten better at this over the last year. He knew exactly how hard she liked this and gently caught the nipple in his teeth and rolled it around a bit. She arched against him as best she could and when he found her knot of pleasure with his thumb, pressed hard and rubbed it, she stiffened against him.

“Dear, Maker Alistair, do that again!” she said, her voice weak and fluttery. He grinned and did it again in answer. She wailed this time, and he left her breast to cover her mouth with his and muffled her cry with a kiss.

Miralena kissed him back with as much fervor as she could manage. She wanted this, wanted her husband inside of her and she writhed her hips to let him know this. When he broke the kiss and smiled at her, she glared a challenge at him, because she knew he’d never back down from one anymore.

Alistair saw the look in his wife’s eyes and his smile turned into a smirk, “Tell me you want this.” Oh, this was a new game, he challenged her right back.

She gaped up at him for a moment before tugging on his erection and whispering, “Dear Maker Alistair, do you want a signed confession? ‘I want my husband to pound me into the mattress please.’ Is that what…” then he was kissing her again and all thoughts of challenge fled from her as he pushed inside her and she nearly wept with relief.

Pulling her up to meet him, he set a rhythm that had her crying out with each thrust. She tried to cling on, to make this last, but the aphrodisiac in her system swamped her senses and threw her over the edge. She felt her muscles spasming and she clenched down on Alistair, determined to make him follow.

The combination of his wife’s orgasm and the deliberate force she exerted on him drove him over right after her. He shuddered inside of her a moment, before he drew back and handed her a part of the dress he’d cut away from her.

She waved it aside and pulled him wordlessly back into the bed. He curled up gratefully behind her and never saw the wicked grin on her face. I’ll have to make him some of this tea as well… and soon…


Zevran was lounging around in his “office” when a letter was slid under the door. Picking it up carefully, he sliced the ribbon off and read it quickly. Letting out a whoop of excitement when finished, he called for his personal assistant.

The mousy little thing took in his appearance at a glance and said, “Shall I make the arrangements?”

He grinned, “You know me too well, yes. Make the arrangements. I have a royal birth to oversee!”
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Re: Another DragonAge PWP, this time F!Queen Cousland

Nice very nice, though it seemed a bit more hurried than the non-hetero one, still just as good though. The part I wonder about most is the reaction they got when they finished up and returned to the Banns. Since they didn't seem all that quiet about it. Actually come to think of it they probably didn't return any time soon did they. More like anytime that month probably.
Re: Another DragonAge PWP, this time F!Queen Cousland

Nice very nice, though it seemed a bit more hurried than the non-hetero one, still just as good though. The part I wonder about most is the reaction they got when they finished up and returned to the Banns. Since they didn't seem all that quiet about it. Actually come to think of it they probably didn't return any time soon did they. More like anytime that month probably.

I had more ideas for my Tabris fic. This was a spur of the moment, "OHGODFUNNY" kind of thing.

xD and you're right. Alistair effectively suspened all meetings for a little while. They had to keep practising. You know... just to make sure. *serious face*
Re: Another DragonAge PWP, this time F!Queen Cousland

Ah I see, I hope poor Alistair had plenty of fluids handy.