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Artists needed!!!

Re: Artists needed!!!

I'm guessing super kitty is standing in his super litter box.

ho-hum... I'm getting tempted to whipeth up my own set of sprites.
Re: Artists needed!!!

That's Megawhiskers damnit! Su-Purr Kitty is an entirely different drawing of mine altogether.
Re: Artists needed!!!

seriously, toxic, you can draw better than me... lol
Re: Artists needed!!!

Well the fail buggy I drew shitty on purpose, but the only reason that cat is good is because I can KINDA do good cats.

I have a pretty good sized album of just little sketch-doodles I would do in the middle of boring classes.
My friend was just looking at me one day and there was an awkward silence so he goes "Draw me something" (not knowing if I drew or not) so I asked what. "A kitty with a cape" So i did two cats with capes in my class, then drew like 4 other things. And since then, I would go to class, draw the entire time on my notes, then go back home and take pictures of my lined paper.

I especially remember one in Poisonous and Venomous animals where I drew a jellyfish and wrote it's characteristics (fringed bell, etc etc), then I drew a hydromedusa and wrote it's characteristics (gonads on epidermis), cuz we had to know the difference. Then I freeze for a little bit. Then I draw right under it, a metroid and it's characteristics (Three nuclei, two sets of fangs, etc etc) Stayed in my notes the entire year
Re: Artists needed!!!

maybe you CAN help us after all... can you do a jellyfish? with tentacles? O_O
Re: Artists needed!!!

my biggest prob is the only visual item I can do drawings into is a camera off a laptop. Not the best medium to work with. Other then that, I can do decent artwork.
Re: Artists needed!!!

I have never EVER taken the time to actually do a drawing like I think an artist would. I trace things from memory, don't do any shading, overdraw lines, and scribble where I think something should be dark, and I do it all in pen. It's kinda like singing out loud to a song, without lessons, in front of your friends. You kind of want to sing, but you don't want to try to hard, in case it's not that good, even though it's obvious you're trying to be good.

...did that make sense?
And no, I'm shit with jellyfish tentacles, I've tried.
Re: Artists needed!!!

lurker, can you show us a little bit of your "artist skills"? it doesnt matter the way you stuff things in the pc, thats why photoshop was invented... you make the borders and I'll fix them, hehe

toxic, well, the only thing that I can say is that you have talent, maybe a little, but you have... have you tried to copy a model of a tentacle monster? even a simple one? believe me, it may work!
Re: Artists needed!!!

I'm just gonna comment on Toxic, 'cause I discovered that drawing by hand and drawing on a PC can not be compared at all.

Toxic: Sounds like you have great lessons!
Re: Artists needed!!!

I'm just gonna comment on Toxic, 'cause I discovered that drawing by hand and drawing on a PC can not be compared at all.

Haha I know. I can do some basic designs and shit on the computer, but I don't have steady hands on their computer.
Toxic: Sounds like you have great lessons!
Are we talking about drawing or singing? Cuz I do sing well :p
Re: Artists needed!!!

you do it on hand and I'll retouch it on the pc, waddaya say? LOL
Re: Artists needed!!!

What type of drawn stuff is excatly needed? What scale? And info like that could be nice to have.

Yes, I know how to draw quite well but I'm a rather slow worker.
I might be able to help with this.
Re: Artists needed!!!

anything will be apreciated, but to be specific... tentacles, LOL
or some kind of girls... scale? mmm idk... use your imagination to create simple sketches...
Re: Artists needed!!!

v_v I posted a template sheet on a previous page. Please go take a look at it.
Re: Artists needed!!!

I might give drawing some tentacles a go, though they wont be in sprite form, Im shit doing sprites.
Re: Artists needed!!!

dont worry, anything will be apreciated!
Re: Artists needed!!!

Lemme find my DA link, one sec. Should note that it's Old stuff though, from like, 5 years ago...

Found it!
Re: Artists needed!!!

mmm interesting drawings... i like them, hehe... mmm... tentacles... *drools*
Re: Artists needed!!!

mmm interesting drawings... i like them, hehe... mmm... tentacles... *drools*

LOL. And to think that was before I stated on doodling hentai. Might have to update it when I can lol.
Re: Artists needed!!!

update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update XD
